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File: 136 KB, 750x620, 9E46DAC6-2568-4E94-B7EC-E5403AD2B0F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16259462 No.16259462 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is my current school debt. I still have 1 more semester of med school, which will push the debt to ~220K by the time I graduate. I will start making about 50K/year in mid-2020, for 3-4 years, followed by 250-500K/year, depending on what specialty I match into and how hard I work. My wife makes about 55K/year but may stop working altogether in the foreseeable future to get pregnant and raise babies. We have about $35K in savings (crypto and silver). I’m 27 and would love to retire before I’m 40. Possible? Should I pursue Public Service Loan Forgiveness by working at a hospital and making only minimum payments towards the debt for 10 years, after which the remainder is forgiven by the government? I don’t see why this isn’t the correct option, especially when the crypto markets and other investments are currently presenting potential for 100X returns.

>> No.16259479


Pay debts nigger

>> No.16259502

Paying off debt is for suckers, glow nigger. We can all just load up on crypto and file for bankruptcy. The house of cards is about to fall, and crypto and metals will rocket as a hedge against hyperinflation. Go suck Dave Ramsey’s cock, kike-kid

>> No.16259518
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Ugh sure dude

>> No.16259550
File: 32 KB, 451x541, AD6146BF-B0B4-4C9B-8D11-962DBA6122D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do kids keep falling for this shit?

>> No.16259580

the system is totally fucked, but you did sign on the dotted line

>> No.16259624

>the government is going to forgive the loans of someone making $250k/yr
i thought doctors were supposed to be smart

>> No.16259641

>falling for the biggest scam known to man

Leave the country. That shit is gonna haunt you for the next 20 years.

>> No.16259664

Also your only going to make 50K? When I was 19 I made 45k after taxes doing some bullshit union job. Shouldve of taken your student loan and shoved it into some investments.

>> No.16259668

How the fuck do you spend 200k on an education and not become a doctor or lawyer?

>> No.16259709


Holy shit, really eye opening knowing a low iq nigger is 1 semester away from being a doctor. Yeah, go ahead and make the minimum payments and fuck your credit up so bad you can’t get a loan big enough for a used corolla. I’m sure your plan to be retired in 13 years will go great. Fucking shitbrains.

>> No.16259877

wait to have kids, live on shit all for 5 years, pay it off

>> No.16259894

he is becoming a doctor

>> No.16259910

Get a financial advisor and get insane tax deductions from your pay while working towards loan forgiveness and legally sheltered investments. There should be no problem if you wish to retire right after your loan forgiveness.

>> No.16259963

First off, congratulations and nice work on your degree. That’s some serious dedication a for a much-needed service.

That’s a big debt, but great education. My buddies wife is working in the public sector for debt forgiveness and that seems like a pretty great deal. She still makes good money and if you consider them paying off your loan, that’s a pay raise right there.

Ultimately, this is up for you to decide, but it seems like you’ve made pretty good decisions in life so far. Nice work and good luck!

>> No.16259999
File: 111 KB, 1200x675, honkster-1200x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> trusting the government will still forgive debt in 10 years from now

There wont be any pensions where we're heading anon, let alone debt forgiveness. Especially in 10 years from now. All in Link, comfy.

>> No.16260056

>my current school debt
That's unfortunate. You should have done what my brother did - join the military after completing undergraduate and become an officer in the reserves. The reserves then paid all of his medical school expenses at any med school of his choice.

>retire before I’m 40. Possible?
With having kids and your wife not working? Lol. You'll be middle class if that happens. I'm 99% positive you will be working until you are 70-75.

>> No.16260121

“Resident” physicians are paid minimum wage and are 100% supervised by senior physicians in the United States, even though the residents have graduated medical from medical school and earned the title MD. That is the final price you must pay before you make “the big bucks” , a.k.a. Attending physican salary $440K/year. In about 34 US states , you are only required to do 1 year of this minimum wage residency indentured servitude before you can legally take the state licensing exam and open up shop as a general practitioner. The catch is you won’t have hospital privileges and will have to accept cash and buy your own insurance and such.

>> No.16260545


Yah a lot of people don't know this.

>4 year bachelor
>4 year MD
>2 year residency

AND sometimes there is a specialization period after that. And the entire time you're racking up debt at 7% interest.

It's not a sacrifice I would make. I'd rather have good money in my 30's by starting a good trade at 18.

>> No.16260554

Can’t escape school debt with bankruptcy that shit will follow you until it’s paid or you die.

Sorry anon.

>> No.16260718

Just make the standard payments for 10 years. You'll have plenty of money left over after the monthly payments to live very comfortably and invest. Why risk cucking yourself with some PSLF institution for 10 years?
I went hard and paid back $180k in pharmacy school loans in just 24 months. I kinda regret it because that's money I could've put into crypto and stocks from 2015 to 2018.

>> No.16260742

>If you have principles
Pay off your debt

>If you're like me and you think it's morally right to keep as much money as you can to improve the life of yourself, your family, and those around you on an immediate basis.
Then you owe it to yourself to seek forgiveness.


>> No.16260754

just try it? whats the worst that happens? they say no?

>> No.16260762


To add. Everyone CAN get their student debts forgiven on a income based repayment plan and qualifying payments. (this includes qualifying payments of $0)