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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 738 KB, 1080x2061, Screenshot_20191111_222935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16226905 No.16226905 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16226938
File: 48 KB, 800x729, 8nRqoXW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id say no but i am a brainlet so dont take my word for it

>> No.16226950

Pic related is 100% true

>> No.16226951

Easy scam. I don't know if they changed anything since I researched but when I did research it was easily a scam

>> No.16226954
File: 53 KB, 800x800, gobblegobble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is [insert any cryptocurrency] NOT a scam?

>> No.16227018

A group saw Fantom was popular

Fantom is a dag

scaled into shitcoin called DAG on illiquid exchanges

Studied the Quant telegram of shilling the shit out of tenious links to big institutions to gullible pajeets

Pumped Dag



>> No.16227644

Why do they have a partnership with link if its really a scam?

>> No.16227761


>> No.16227777

You got it wrong. They didnt study the shilling in QNT, it was the same pump and dump team. Satsgang was pumping QNT and now pumping DAG.
There will be losses for anyone holding any token being run by Satsgang. Right now their sweetheart of the month is DAG. They are so deep in DAG, they actually run their telegram channels and its not a secret.

>> No.16227800

I wonder when the schizo will show up

>> No.16227824

Checked and just sold my dag while 5 dollars in the green

>> No.16227851

This FUD is about as good as the JSON parser shit. Please DO NOT BUY this scam! Satsgang will rekt you!
Instead wait til DAG is $1, then you can buy from me personally.

>> No.16227912


>> No.16227959

Then defud it

>> No.16228434

>continuous 6-month growth
>pump and dump

>> No.16229244

They cant defud it. All they can do is spam over the FUD. Check every dag thread, its just spammed over fud.
$33M Lost, cant fucking explain it. You can see they clearly ran out of money and cant even afford to hire more than 4 people.
Shill dont even try, because its so embarrassing trying to defend such an obvious scam.

Steady manipulated growth. Check the etherscans you dumb faggot the bulk of it is all in a handful of wallets. Thats how pump and dumps work you brainlet fuck

>> No.16229278

Schizo is coming, just wait. That faggot is paid to be here specifically to spam over FUD. They told him not to even try to argue, just spam as much as possible so the fud will get lost.
This is the most obvious scam in all of crypto atm. When you work a deal with Satsgang to take over your community messaging and new investor outreach, you arent even trying to hide your intentions.

>> No.16229704

Yes it's a scam. I couldn't get out $20k with $2.5M. fake volume and manipulated trading. The community is just propoganda without intelligent discussion and nothing but bullshit to pump the price. I don't believe in the team or their ability to delivery anything. Overall unhealthy business and unethical practices. They have the nerve to call themselves transparent which is a joke. The autist that spams biz all day also spams their telegram groups which makes me want to puke

>> No.16230224

>Lost $33M confirmed
>committed some sort of fraud suspected but not 100% confirmed
>Team all quit confirmed
>CEO is a liar confirmed, he was caught on several occassions
>USAF contract actually meaningless small business grant confirmed.
>Satsgang running their community confirmed, several of them are admins now
>Marketing deal made with Satsgang to pump price is suspected but not confirmed. Looks obvious but no physical evidence besides giving them admin rights
>paid schitzo spamming biz confirmed, I actually saw the discussion in telegram
>Token price manipulation confirmed, this is also in telegram where they coordinate market buying and pumping the price during announcements
>Insider trading confirmed, Satsgang knew about the USAF announcement before the community and started driving the price up
>Former CEO day trading investor funds and losing millions, all but confirmed. Lawyers with hush orders, team pleads the 5th, price crashed, community abandoned, lots of sketchy announcements why they wont make a statement, former CEO stripped of tokens and fired
>Cofounder altif laid off and downgraded to advisor, no longer managing the community, his duties passed to Satsgang

This is a scam and it will be on the news some day. Now they are to small to matter

>> No.16230227

yeah DAG is currently the biggest scam in crypto. sell/dont buy

>> No.16231021

Are you stupid or was this a serious question? The word partnership is used far too loosely in crypto. Outside of promising Link their team of 4 would deliver some game changing vaporware, what are the business details of this "partnership"? Did money change hands? Are there exclusive rights? The answer is no, this is just an announcement using a vague buzzword.

>> No.16231207

It's not a partnership. Notice how the link team never uses partnership with any of these companies. They integrated with Chainlink but are trying to falsly advertise it as a partnership

>> No.16231437

The USAF bullshit is more of the same. Its an small business research grant issued by the SBIR which is nothing more than a jobs program from the USAF to explore new innovations. SBIR even tweeted about partnering with DAG, but this term is so vague and makes it look like a deal is imminent. In reality DAG is a billion miles from having a real world contract with the USAF. The outcome is 99% failure as it is for the other 400+ companies issued an SBIR contract.
Their dev work is done in Poland, the USAF couldnt use it even if they wanted to. But they will study whatever it is, make a report, and stick it in a pile.
Dag marketing on the other hand parades this shit around like they are being fully integrated with the DOD and all branches of the military by next year.
This is an outrageous lie and if the USAF knew DAG was using this bullshit grant to pump their failed business they would probably pull the grant and tell them to kindly fuck off.

>> No.16231493

Anyone notice how now that DAG has finished dumping all the shills ran away? Reason being there is only one shill and he's everywhere during the pumps and disappears during the dumps. That's how you know your in a pump and dump scam.

>> No.16231841

Sort of insider here. Own a stack of DAG and sold (which took months due to lack of liquidity despite the $2M+ volume). Alarm bells went off when I couldn't dump and had to use a bot to sell off in tiny increments. Know that this volume is totally manipulated, you can't just buy $50k and hold for a few weeks and sell it.
They are in this project and own the narrative. They clearly have the blessing of the Dag team.
>Denny Da Rocket
He is your spamming biz autist saying it's all 1-2 Pakistani fudders. He knows this isn't true, he's a troll and does it because he knows most biztards are too stupid to DYOR. He's also annoying af in TG and most people despise him. He works for Satsgang which is why he never gets banned since Satsgang are admins.
He publicly stated more than once he is paid by the team for "dealing with 4chan" and handles things "behind the scenes".

Overall it's a shit project and a really bad community. Their money troubles are so obvious and everyone knows it but are just trying to dump their bags so it isn't talked about. Actually you will be banned if you bring it up, they ban just about any discussion that isn't pro dag hysteria. In their trader chat they even ban people for predicting a pullback after a pump. It's a freakin trader chat and you aren't allowed to even suggest the price will go backwards without a full on attack from Denny and Satsgang.

>> No.16232248


All of this shit is so obvious. Only low IQ people buying biz and twitter shilling fall for this failed business turned pump and dump scam

Yes Denny does this every single time and is the only DAG supporter on biz. This thread has been up for 7 straight hours and not a single DAG supporter comments. When Denny arrives (if he even does since the dump is over) there will be 1000 comments all agreeing with himself. This is proof DAG is just a shilled shitcoin with one paid cheerleader spamming from india.

>> No.16232421
File: 4 KB, 308x164, dags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16232844

They're running a node, I have one too. It's not a fucking partnership. It's an admission that they NEED Chainlink.

Also they want to capitalize on this name association to pump

The airforce has probably not even given then any money yet. Like vet and bmw

>> No.16232879

If there was monetary value to the USAF partnership they would scream it from the rooftop. Just like they constantly call it a "commercial contract" which is a bunch of bullshit.
They are masters at wordsmithing announcements just for the pump. Not the sign of a healthy business

>> No.16233221
File: 113 KB, 928x523, dynamicduo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many BTC cucks about to get fingerbanged by Link and Dag, your time is over.

>> No.16233377
File: 2.34 MB, 3739x1320, Mentally Insane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. The mentally disturbed pakistani with his old crazy fud, vpn abuse and running away from questions regarding documenting his retarded claims. Pic related.

The idiot couldn't defend his fake fud at all here: >>16215179

>> No.16233391

>1 post from this ID

>> No.16233453

Man all this low quality FUD only encourages me to buy more DAG

>> No.16233584
File: 21 KB, 637x260, DAG 2018-11-22_00-12-03AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you two gay queenies always so nasty and hysterical when you fud and abuse your vpn? Pic related. Sucks to panic sell DAG and then "invest" in a bunch of shitcoins so you lose all your money. DId you two queenies find anyone to hire for 4chan fudding? The unfounded low IQ garbage here indicates that you did not. Sad.

>> No.16233590

her fist..

>> No.16234459

>Team visibly abandons company, none replaced, 4 people left
>Rockstar engineers replaced with polish outsourced devs because no money
>Team obviously out of cash and can't afford marketing or better exchanges, let alone proper staffing

Oh man this fud is so bullish it's sending me clear buy signals. I graduated with a degree in shitcoin investing, top of my class at University of Stupid Fuck State Online Tech

>> No.16234484

You mean Rasheesh State University of Bangladouche

The paid shills ITT might as well be wearing a neon sign