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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16223970 No.16223970[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sitting here after a 2 hour adderall fueled jerk off sesh as a 22 year old NEET I realize I have to turn things around. What's the lowest depths you stooped to thus far?

>> No.16223990

Just 2 hours? I've smoke meth and masturbated for literally 24 hours once. Only stopped because I couldn't feel my dick anymore.

>> No.16223993
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>> No.16224000

>that gun

>> No.16224001

fucking crossdressers because of porn addiction

>> No.16224010

just laughed for a solid minute thanks

>> No.16224011

how was it tho compared to women

>> No.16224030


I spent an entire year on a gamefaqs spinoff forum (LUElinks).

No, like the actual hours spent totaled a fucking year.

>> No.16224038

how you doing now?

>> No.16224051

jesus christ. I don't care how fat and ugly you are, no human should go through this

>> No.16224089


A lot better lol. This was in a year and a half period around when Snakes on a Plane came out (18-19.5 my age) . But actually living still feels like slowly learning shit that should've been practiced in my teenage years. Military, homelessness, cutting my family off, and just some ridiculous tragic shit around people close to me. And then mix in a couple hundred psychedelic trips (not exaggerating). Current self would not recognize that 18-19.5 self. Especially after losing 120 lbs (320 down to 200-210ish)

>> No.16224105
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i listened to really music loud for a few hours, then cut myself, then jerked off, then shitposted, then did it all over again the next day

>> No.16224132
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ive spent 16 hours a day on /biz/ for the last 2 years
i like it here though

>> No.16224140

you make some good money in that time?

>> No.16224141 [DELETED] 
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I fell for the brap meme and smelled my gfs asshole

>> No.16224149
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I fell for the brap meme and sniffed my gf's asshole

>> No.16224152


Did it smell like shit?

Because that's what come out of there. Baka.

>> No.16224162

That was the high point of my life

>> No.16224170

Those 2 hour adderall jerk sessions are a stress event your spine was never meant to handle, unironically.

You will fuck yourself up in the long term if you keep them up. It's really, really bad for you.

>> No.16224178

I'm in my early twenties and I have a chronic masturbation issue that has led to ED and I'm too weak to last longer than 3 days on no fap

>> No.16224182

Pretty much the same although it's been 3 years and I bounce back and forth with /pol/.

>> No.16224185

to be honest browsing here makes you spend money on investments rather than expenditures like food and entertainment so even if you get nickel and dimed 5% you're still probably better off than you'd have otherwise been

>> No.16224186
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kek no i dont even trade and stopped investing years ago
ive been holding crypto since before /biz/ existed so im doing ok but im just a neet that enjoys the memes and company here
/biz/ most reminds me of /b/ like 13 years ago before the cancer, faggots, and trannies

>> No.16224190


The ED stops when you stop jerking off so much lol. If you take antidepressants, they can exacerbate the ED issue.

>> No.16224192

how does this affect your spine?

>> No.16224194

argued with some retard for hours on this shit forum

>> No.16224195

me on my death bed

>> No.16224200

yeah that's actually fair, /biz/ does kind of read like old school /b/.
needs more anime posting and edgelords though
curious how you're not a millionaire if you held crypto since before /biz/ existed

>> No.16224205

not if she's a fat bitch

>> No.16224210

what did you expect? lol

>> No.16224213

Unironically I’m the lowest I’ve ever been. I have chronic fatigue and it’s utterly debilitating and it feels like I’ll never amount to anything. I’ve had to drop all things in my life and it’s not getting any better.

>> No.16224218

honestly quit jerking off and watching porn, it literally damages your brain and genitals. Once you get off it for like a month you realize how damaging it is to your psyche and also women like you better

>> No.16224221

I know, after like day 3 I'll wake up with an erection that turns me on so much I end up fapping. My lowest point specifically is when I was in bed with the biggest crush of my life and I couldn't get hard.

>> No.16224225

You sit and fatigue your lower back / hip flexors until you either begin slouching or your abdomen humps forward under the ribcage, meanwhile you're tensing your entire chest and shoulders (your frame) by moving your arm up and down jerking your dick

the combined action is gonna cause all kinds of unfortunate contortions. sitting alone is really bad for you, sitting and repeating inactive stress on the stabilizing muscles is so much worse. but hey, i don't really give two shits if you want to give yourself nervous system damage.

>> No.16224227

I got myself into a findom sort of deal with a woman I used to see. She allegedly needed some kinda surgery and I was sending money to help for a long time. I was working 80 hours a week for less than minimum wage and I'd just started having lung problems which still haven't been diagnosed. It went on too long and she refused to see me, eventually she'd even said she had the surgery and was doing better but she still wasn't ready to see me and wanted me to keep helping her with rent while she found a job, which she obviously was just complacent not finding one. To this day, she apparently hates me. We've talked a couple times since then and it quickly devolves to her asking for more money lol. I'm still at my garbage-tier job but I'm only working about 50 hours now.

One time I met a girl on craigslist. We met up at a party and did 2c-b together, then we went back to her place with a couple of her friends and did a ton of molly. I threw up on her bed and she had her friends flip the mattress over. We fucked on the mattress w/ no condom while her friends were sleeping on the floor. Her pussy stank

I did some heavy cough syrup doses for like 5 years straight and that was also a pretty low point for me

>> No.16224232

Probably when I was 23.
It was my 3rd year straight as a NEET and it was hitting me hard that my youth was over and there was no salvation coming for me. I was a friendless virgin and hadn't had a real conversation with someone in years. I had like $150 in my savings and I had totally let myself go, I lost a bunch of weight and my hair was down to my shoulders like someone had poured crude oil over my head. I'd lie in bed and feel so bad mentally that I would get physically ill.

Now I'm 30 and I just go to work and go to the gym to pick things up.
You can't feel bad if you're distracting yourself by picking up pieces of metal 6 nights a week, right?

>> No.16224233
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>I'm in my early twenties and I have a chronic masturbation issue that has led to ED and I'm too weak to last longer than 3 days on no fap
your literally a zoomer coomer

>> No.16224236


You probably get this sort of advice all the time but...

weight lifting, low carb/high fat diet, and fasting dude. Sugar, seed oils, and muscle wastage are literally killing you over time.

>> No.16224238

go on a low carb diet

>> No.16224248

22yr old 3000hrs CSGO KHV college dropout reporting in.

>> No.16224249

low carb diet, strong lifts 5x5

don't be a pussy and do the lifts, they take like 20 minutes to start and you do them in like 45 second bursts, its really not as bad as you might fear

>> No.16224258
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My worst is this very moment. Share it with me pls.

>> No.16224267

I am trying to clean up diet now it’s the last thing I can do. I used to be very physically active when this started I was in top tier shape. Lifting and martial arts 3-5 times a week. My stomach is fucked up so yes it is probably diet related I used to be a big drinker too. I’m working on it thanks anons

>> No.16224277

It's all up from here buddy

>> No.16224280

Ah so you're the acid peddling merchant. Not everyone needs drugs to better themselves or gain cosmic insight. I've done acid. Never again.

>> No.16224287
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Low point was getting back together with my ex who had cheated on me. Meanwhile I was a Tinder addicted coomer degenerate and binge drinking on weekends, was struggling to finish law school and hated my life.

Luckily I moved and got my shit together, but it took physically removing myself from my environment to change things. I'm so fucking grateful I had the balls to pack things up and just move away, it changed my life's entire course for the better. FUCK big cities and their degeneracy. I'm never looking back.

>> No.16224288

I'm at my lowest point right now
>20 years old
>Worked part time from 16 to 18yo and then eventually got fired
>19, Got in a bad motorcycle wreck that I got a 10K settlement out of, Wishing every day that I should have died but for some reason I'm still alive
>Living with my dad as a NEET
>Don't have any plans for the future other than crypto, Literally no safety net at all
>My chainlink combined with my networth is around 50k USD
>I will refuse to wageslave ever again
>I either become crypto rich or homeless for the rest of my life, I see no other alternatives

Although I am poor, I could be worse off. The way I see it, I had a very slim chance of living from my accident, So I kind of think of it as the universe telling me there is more for my life to come. Either that or I got really lucky.

>> No.16224290

can't get any worse than it is now, well actually it can, and it very well might

if i were i'd just give up, a million people have it worse and feel better, you're probably just irreparably damaged

>> No.16224302

Also from my motorcycle wreck, I only got a 10k settlement because 40k went to medical bills. I broke my leg, All the bones in my left arm, Fractured most of my ribs and broke my collar bone.

>> No.16224303

>no safety net

son you need a better imagination, $50k is enough to start a revenue engine that does just about anything short of manufacturing

>> No.16224317

50kg 24yo Japanese girl. Not perfect every time, I only ate her ass if she was fresh out the shower

To answer OP, I remember crying at the job agency I had to go to to get neetbux. They try to make it hard as possible and it really wore me down. Pathetic

>> No.16224319

Combined, Most of it is in chainlink I only really have around 10k disposable fiat and that's in at&t stock rn, I bought at 32$ so I'm doing okay in that.

>> No.16224332


I'm an INTP type. Mental space is second nature to me so I just have fun. And for a melancholic, it gives an incredible sense of..."nobility". The suppression of every autonomous critical thought and viewing the coming day with childish joy.

Not a dealer but usually end up being the "stable ground" when tripping with other people and they don't know how to deal with the effects.

PS: If you ever get some DOC, it's the best drug for fucking. Imagine being able to cum shitloads of clear non-nasty tasting liquid over and over again. Only downsides are 16-20 hour duration (you can fall asleep and wake up still tripping) and the low effective dosage (5-15 mg) means you have to actually weigh it.

>> No.16224335

they really do treat unemployment like some kind of soul grinder made to drive you completely out of the job market forever and into the streets

>> No.16224350

>revenue engine


>> No.16224398

Oh fuck me I just laughed my ass off. The gun is the kicker, like yeah it's bad, I thought about it but there's this chick shitting on my screen. I got shit to do.

But seriously dui. I was drinking 2-3 nights a week, usually anywhere from 8-15+ drinks, both beer and liquor. I was fucking anything that had a tight body and a halfway decent face, nothing that id take home to mom. I definitely fucked a few chicks that were batshit crazy too, I'm lucky I didn't end up with my dick falling off. Good money job, partying too much and not realizing I had a problem until I sat in a cell. Kept the job, still drink but it was a hell of a time regulating down into "healthy drinking" which really means I stop at 3 beers if I go out and if I'm still feeling wily, bringing a 6 pack home and finishing another 1-3 beers. Still find myself drinking into a stupor about once every couple months. After being to hell and (almost) back and watching my friends drink I realize that it's true, everyone really is just at different stages of alcohol abuse/addiction.

>> No.16224401

to clarify I have 14k chainlink and 320 shares of at&t stock rn.

>> No.16224403

im feeling restless, im gonna go outside and think about stuff while i finish off this bottle of glenlivet

i fukken miss her im not gonna lie, i mean ive never had a female that i could talk to like i could with her

but it's fine, at least i'm getting pretty rich now

>> No.16224475

I once spent 8-12 hours a day for an entire decade playing Warcraft III custom games.

Basically almost every moment I was awake, I was playing Angel arenas, tank wars, Uther parties, protect the girl, the massive amount of TDs (counterstrike TD, element TD, X TD, etc.), Protect the Girl, Vampirism, battleships, DotA when it was still new, Hero Line Wars, X Hero Siege, Enfo's....

Then I got a girlfriend, and I spent an entire decade paying attention to her, dealing with her starting shit regularly for no reason at all, fending off any fights she wants to start, being financially and emotionally drained constantly due to all the attention and material things she had to have to stay happy, being constantly stressed, and having to deal with her chatting with chads who are "just friends", and all sorts of bullshit.

Guess which decade was the high point of my life and I'd gladly do again, and which one was the worst point, which I'll regret for the rest of my life as I'm never getting that decade back.

If I only knew about asian massage parlors back when I was a neet playing games all day, I could've had it all (sex and blowjobs, AND playing games all day).

>> No.16224496

Stop fapping to porn for several weeks, things will adjust.
If you need help I recommend cialis, avoid viagra or levitra.

>> No.16224507

If you hold past the first two weeks it gets easier even though you have to avoid thinking about anything arousing.
Giving up on cooming saves so much time and energy to do actual fulfilling things.

>> No.16224525
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You sure this is the place to turn your life around?

>> No.16224528


3000 - 6000 mg L-Citruline if you need a poor man's Viagra.

>> No.16224547

That kind of obsessiveness is an autism symptom

>> No.16224554

So liquidate and start a business you mongoloid.

>go to your local college campus
>take pics of design
>pay design student "experience" or whatever short bill you have to foot to get a decent redesign patterned for merch
>create the merch
>patent new design
>sell to college kids outside stadium or class at cost
>hire students via craigslist or the uni job board for "sales" positions, have them cold call and cold sell merch to local stores and outside games, now for a profit

there, i did it for you. now you have no fucking excuses.

revenue engines are anything you put money into that spits more money out, that's literally the only point of a business. that's what silicon valley realized and the financial secret to the booming tech sector -- that's why they're raising ridiculous capital and spitting out insaner valuations over and over.

all that matters is lowering the cost of customer acquisition and maximizing the margin on units sold. isn't this fucking /biz/. goddamn.

>> No.16224562

I have spent 15/hrs a day on 4chan for the past 10 years. I am NEET and live with my mom. The government provides me NEETbux, and I go outside once a month for groceries.

No I will not get an education
No I will not work
No I will never marry or have a gf
Yes I will continue bleed the government dry
Yes I am fully capable of working but choose not to
Yes my "disabilities" are austism, aspergers, and agoraphobia
Yes I will continue to make fun of wageslaves

>> No.16224573

people like you were executed in ancient times

>> No.16224584

ragie wagie, get back to work

>> No.16224586

If it makes you feel any better, he's legitimately ill and just convinced himself it was an act while he was getting sicker, like most mentally ill people with egosyntonic disorders.

>> No.16224590

same, and you know what? i want to go around town and make fun of wageslaves while they work. ,i want to call them wagies, and ask them if they took a break yet

they think they are better than us, when in fact theyy are more miserable then we can ever be.

>> No.16224598

>What was the lowest point of your life so far?
i cooomed today


>> No.16224614

These people are giving advice on biz.
As for lowest point.. Probably now or this time last year/two years ago. If link hasn't freed me within 5 years I'm topping myself I think.

>> No.16224630

Unironically learn to code
Salesforce admins are in high demand right now.
The course is easy as well
You can work from home and earn anywhere in between 70-120k

>> No.16224633


>> No.16224642

Oh I see. No idea myself even though I have money to invest since that one looks questionable if you use college campus logos for your merch.

>> No.16224643
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>curious how you're not a millionaire if you held crypto since before /biz/ existed
you asked if ive made good money in my time on /biz/ (last 2 years) and i said no but im still doing ok. because i haven't made any trades or bought any cypto since coming on /biz/ but im still holding crypto
im pretty well off. i quit my job and ill never have to work again. ill say that much.
i used to live in one of my parents house while working a minimum wage job and spending all my paychecks on bitcoin.
i went from minimum wage job to retired for life kek
i can afford to go out and do activities but i have high functioning autism and really enjoy browsing the web and /biz/

>> No.16224650

More details please. Already know some coding but mainly for for 1 purpose.

>> No.16224660

Figured you were rich from the way you typed it out. Here I am trying to make back my stock market losses playing risky with options.

>> No.16224681

Go to trailhead and start learning
Find out what you're interested in and get certified. Only about 200 bucks per certification.
Update your LinkedIn and you'll get job offers.
You can learn data structures, algorithms etc etc but it takes time and can make you give up if you're not disciplined enough
Get a Salesforce job for money because it's so easy to learn and do whatever you like with the rest of your life
I know a lot of students from my University who are earning around 40k USD by working part time (4 hours per day) as Salesforce admins

>> No.16224689

>strong lifts 5x5
Not him but what are those?

>> No.16224690

Getting a good job, girlfriend etc

Realised I am way more miserable now than when I was a NEET stoner fapping and playing vidya daily in my parents basement

Work and normalfags kill your soul

Having a gf to cuddle with and fuck is nice though :3

>> No.16224707

My God good for you. I'm glad to hear someone made it out of the crypto snake pit ahead of the game. So far it's all regret here, just shut down my mining farm. I guess we'll see if it goes anywhere in the next few years

>> No.16224708

im not really rich. poor people would consider me rich but rich people wouldnt. its subjective though.
i live a frugal life. if i had children (got vasectomy), wasted money like normies, or if i wasnt autistically good with finances and at budgeting then id for sure run out of money.
i grew up with a single parent on the poorer side of middle class so i know the value of a dollar.

good luck with your investments anon

>> No.16224712

She 4/10?

>> No.16224723
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This year has been the lowest point for me. I've been put into an extreme frugal lifestyle due to some serious debts. When I go to the mall, I would go to the food court and eat discarded food as a meal for the day. I would jump into dumpster bins to take discarded computers, speakers, steel or leftover kitchenware and sell them for scrap or rarely at a pawnshop. Most of the money went towards my living expenses but I would put it into etfs with whatever was leftover.

I would get free coffee from banks, car dealerships, soda from free-refills at Costco, Cookies and snacks from niche Hardware stores, free food from art galleries when they were doing an open show. Clothes came from people dumping it out their homes or trash bins. Its a miracle what sort of things people threw out. I've been able to sustain myself through these handouts. The library surprisingly is a haven when it comes to resources of all kinds. From just being able to stay somewhere for a couple hours away from the cold rain and being able to log onto the internet to browse 4chan /biz/, or join a program for personal finance or some quasi self-improvement with no charge is astounding. I wouldn't trade anything for it.

I can't really see any family members or friends with how I am now. Some of my closest friends do know but most others don't right now. I've left all forms of social media just to avoid the constant barrage of messages from friends about my situation. I'm very ashamed to tell them what I'm going through right now. I don't know how long it will take. Maybe a few years or even a decade as long as I don't incur any financial problems in the future. All of these things have really warped my mind and changed me for better or for worst. The grind from going to my day job and just relying on those methods above is taking a toll on my body and my mental state. Treading through it feels like going through mud and deep shit. I just hope there is light at the end of the tunnel.

>> No.16224738


>> No.16224740

How'd you fuck up in the first place? Also mad props for keeping on trucking regardless. You're gona make it.

>> No.16224746

bruh, what happened

>> No.16224759

But I'm into chubby ex emo girls with glasses soo...

>> No.16224772

I fall into funks that last a month or more where I wake up late, go to bed late and do absolutely nothing. but game and sleep. It's most likely depression, but I don't want to take medication. I've managed to pull myself up multiple times, it's a godsend my family has been supportive and patient (I've lost count of how many times my dad has threatened to kick me out). Almost done grad school school despite this, so I'm hoping work / financial freedom gives me the final kick I need.

On a side note surrounding myself with driven people has helped me a lot too.

>> No.16224776

you win

>> No.16224777
File: 102 KB, 1280x1280, 3FC3AA26-AF4C-4F16-A0B5-C78B10A2A322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% it has been reading this post. Kys zoomer

>> No.16224792

it's all good bro, I'm doing OK here. I get a little restless sometimes and I don't really have anyone to talk to so I vent on here a little bit. When I went outside I realized it's a full moon tonight. Full moons make me restless. I'll be aight. I had a good productive day today and tomorrow I'll do it again

>> No.16224804

If my gf broke up with me I'd 100% kill myself

>> No.16224806

>my day job
What the fuck man you shouldn't have to live like this with a job. I respect the hustle tho.

>> No.16224821

Same shit happened to me a few years ago. Also my lowpoint. I'm happily married now with no problems. Talk to your doctor. They have Viagra generics now so it's super cheap. Or go to formen dot com. You can talk to an online doctor, so it's less embarrassing. I think they even deliver. Use the Viagra until you feel you don't need it anymore. Stop watching porn, you can fap as much as you want but stop the porn.

>> No.16224833

Yep, thats the lesson to learn. There is no salvation coming for you, the happily ever after stories and songs lied.
If you want something you have to work for it yourself. Gf is not going to understand you fully. Mummy isn't coming.

>> No.16224859

do you still use viagra? how did you go about curing this addiction?
I'm not addicted to porn, so much as I am addicted to the dopamine hit of the orgasm. I can go without porn, I'll just end up fapping with imagination. although I do notice if I dont watch porn for a while then relapse I end up fapping like 4 more times in a row.

>> No.16224868

What did you learn about choosing to ride motorcycles?
Also you could, I don't know, learn to code while you are at home? Join an open source project

>> No.16224898

I’ve spent over 200 days real time playing WoW. Those days are long over though.

I do this now except with actual decent maps. It’s a shame a lot of them can’t be updated because of blizzard’s shitty patches though.

>> No.16224900

not him but its a workout routine for beginners:
basically workout every other day, squats each time, alternate deadlift+overhead press with bench + rows

>> No.16224910

BASED. i fucking loved those.

But yeah. holy shit what a waste of life and a timesuck.

>> No.16224922

Nah I don't use it anymore. Living with the wife helps with not watching too much porn, because id rather have the sex than jerk off. I do even watch porn from time to time, just in moderation.

It sounds like you're fine, and maybe you just have some performance anxiety. The problem is most likely all mental. Probably once you use the Viagra once or twice, you're psychology will realize all is okay and the problem will go away.

>> No.16225028

you will never, ever, ever, ever make it

both of the last unicorn startups i worked at had to schedule multiple red eye flights day after day to get their license to continue operating because they had never obtained one, after they were already series C size (100-200 employees)

ask for forgiveness, not permission. if you have a pie, all they'll want is a slice.

>> No.16225120

Was a 23 year old NEET who dropped out of university who couldn't find a job for about a year.
Was just playing pointless games, hanging around some degenerate political extremists and masturbating the whole time.

>> No.16225125

my lowest point of my life has been these past 2 years. I've just been doing the bare minimum in everything i do, be it uni, work, fitness. It fucking sucks and ive tried countless times to get back on my feet but i always come back to where i started.

Even today:
> woke up 9am
> decided to skip compulsory uni class
> slept till 2pm
> stayed in bed watching jewtube till 730pm
> i literally just got out of bed, hopped on my computer and am now mindlessly browing 4chan

I can honestly say i really feel my time is limited and one of these days ill end my life.

>> No.16225255


My father passed away a few years ago from a stroke. I had to put a halt on all my plans I had at the time and come back home to take on my his food business. There was some serious problems from both the business side and the family side of things. Most of the business-related problems were cut down significantly like bad business ventures from a food court stall to an ice cream shop, paying for storage to house unused equipment for decades, unpaid balances that were due 90 days. Those got tackled on first and thankfully things have turned for the better. Things from my family side involved more with the house mortgage, car loans, credit card loans and some very poor investments on home renovations. Some of these things at the time seemed very normal to me since I knew everyone any their mother borrowed to pay for these things. But I realized just how much in interest that it was eating even just making above minimum payments. After coming back home and just looking at the invoices for the home. I just couldn't believe it. All that money earned and spent onto more things, more credit, and more bills. I'm still resentful to both my deceased father and my mother. But I couldn't afford to lose any more. The whole situation was in jeopardy if I hadn't come back. So far we've managed to keep the business afloat, pay down and paid off some outstanding debts on car loans, credit, sold off any cars in the garage, storage lots, unused equipment, and ran on a very bare-bones company. We're able to have a positive cashflow and we're making money for once. Even though things have turned out okay after what seemed like years of endless slavery, with most of my wage pay going towards debt payments instead. This year was the most difficult because I had gone through most of my savings to pay for both my living expenses and some unexpected ones (Car collision with a guy rear ending me. insurance covered repairs but not rental). My head's above water so far.

>> No.16225273

absolutely BASED

>> No.16225324

dude same here. i bought a farm but am still come back here constantly

>> No.16225356

stop drinking, start lifting, go to a doctor and get one of these tests done https://genesight.com/product/
saved my life srs

>> No.16225373

they save your genetic makeup all on a database for the government to use you realize that right anon?

>> No.16225599

for me it's a serious porn adiction for about 15 years or so. It's been 4h yesterday and that's nothing unusual desu. my best streak of Nofap was like 9 days or something. holy shit; I've spent years (!) in total watching porn and I literally know thousands and thousands of clips etc. lowest point probably is me getting up in the night, when my baby daughter woke up and needed to be put back asleep, watching over my child while fapping to porn. also first thing to do in the morning was; get up give baby it's pacifier, watch porn while doing so :/

beside that I'm kind of an achiever. academics, job, wife, kids, athletic, hobbys etc. but damn that porn addiction sucks and it's only a matter of time, until it backfires massivly. That being said; I'm going for a new NoFap streak today. haven't watched andy P today, so it's a good start.

>> No.16225638
File: 1.26 MB, 400x400, asianeatsclam.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/gif/ is a great resource if you need entertainment since you can't see P

>> No.16225673

Now. I'm $700 in debt with no savings cause I need to help my stuffing family with rent. My mom can't work because she just had our latest sibling. I'm supposed to be living my life right now, I'm not even 21 yet. Going 20 this year. Rent is so much that I keep only $300 from $800 I make, but I don't even make $300 most of the time because I skip so much of the call center job I absolutely detest. This shit is a nightmare and I only see myself going into debt more and never getting out of this endless cycle.

>> No.16225911

>I fell for the brap meme and sniffed my gf's asshole
how did it smell? I wanna try this
Is it true that it boosts your sex drive?

>> No.16225937

>Those 2 hour adderall jerk sessions are a stress event
Is adderall (dopamine) a sex drive booster?

>I'm in my early twenties and I have a chronic masturbation issue that has led to ED
masturbation doesn't lead to ED.
Stop with this meme

>> No.16225985

which crypto do you hold?

>> No.16226046

>Go to trailhead and start learning
30 years old here no experience in IT but I always been a nerd.
Any chance?

>> No.16226076
File: 48 KB, 660x500, netmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm data mining all you faggots itt so i can target you with dragon dildo ads. Feels good

>> No.16226120

I was in hell for three days and I thought it would never end. Pure terror. Rolling around in bed speaking in tongues. Eating lit cigarettes drinking vomit.

>> No.16226167

>Get a Salesforce job for money because it's so easy to learn and do whatever you like with the rest of your life
no degree here. Any chance?

>> No.16226177

>Realised I am way more miserable now than when I was a NEET stoner fapping and playing vidya daily in my parents basement
>Work and normalfags kill your soul
>Having a gf to cuddle with and fuck is nice though :3
also This though

>> No.16226200

>Same shit happened to me a few years ago. Also my lowpoint. I'm happily married now with no problems. Talk to your doctor. They have Viagra generics now so it's super cheap. Or go to formen dot com. You can talk to an online doctor, so it's less embarrassing. I think they even deliver. Use the Viagra until you feel you don't need it anymore. Stop watching porn, you can fap as much as you want but stop the porn.
Viagra doesn't work dor me bro.
I have used Verdanafil (it's basically the same shit as viagra) but mine it's a psycological ED problem. What would you suggest?

>> No.16226201

I have reached a point where I have literally become the coomer. I still function in society, but cooming to ethots/instawhores is what my life revolves around. I can find no rest when girls are becoming bigger and bigger sluts on the internet.

I need to quit though, my relationship and working capacity are taking a toll as Im constantly drained

>> No.16226213
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>Lowest point
There are really a few in my life but low for different reasons of equal value

The time I actually did the math and came the the realization that I'd wasted two whole years of my life with nothing to show for it in college, while my friends were starting to graduate

The time my friends essentially told me I was too obnoxious and unlikable and basically up and left me from our lunch table in highschool
I felt like I was simply counting down the days I had left to be in HS at the time

The time my gf found out about how I was texting a girl online basically larping as her boyfriend and receiving her nudes
When she broke up with me violently I felt like I couldn't breath at various times throughout the following days
Luckily she forgave me

The time I realized my crypto investment was technically actually down in sats since when I first bought in 2016, meaning even though I had invested many more thousands since then, I could've had almost double by just holding or buying at 4k
Luckily I am now above that initial investment by about 1btc

>> No.16226236

Holy fucking based

>> No.16226253
File: 1.41 MB, 2560x1440, ddftz7b-4933550d-8d74-4658-b5c2-b9754342b877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 hours
>low point
little guy I'm 26 and 2 hours is just tuesday
next day migraines at 4+ hours, now that's pain, dick isn't supposed to stay hard for so long. Past that is a special kind of feeling, you haven't felt real coombrain or brainfog until you hit that. Spend all day jerking off. You'll want to eat a bullet the next. Or more realistically you'll just want to jerk off more. One day you'll snap out of it and genuinely want death. At some point your body simply can't keep going. When porn can't even lift your dick up anymore. Then you'll face true hopelessness. I have no boner but I want to coom. Now that's a tough cookie. Your mind starts racing where did all go so wrong, it clearly isn't about letting out an urge anymore, since there is no urge, your objectively pointless existence, you realize the only way out is to make up a purpose, but nothing feels like anything, nothing, nothing, other than the coom itself, and that's what you end up chasing. The coom. Then you embrace the coom, but, the coom was already there all along. You no longer need to coom.

You've reached acceptance.

>> No.16226280

Definitely not now, but I'm not too far off.

>> No.16226281

I eat my gfs ass

Youre a pussy

>> No.16226304

Literally the major reason why I miss my ex

>> No.16226308

I remember being in your state, OP, all the way until I was 24.

I started volunteering for references and stretched the truth a little with my CV, now I'm on £24,000 a year as a shift manager in retail.

Not the ideal position, but it's a lot better than what I was. I still live at home with my dad which allows me to focus on passive income with all my wages I can save up.

>> No.16226329

Why is it that 3 hours of cooming is considered hardcore? I go for 10-12 hours on a good hangover day, maybe have a short walk and snack in between but nonetheless, nothing short of half a day of constant cooming. Dick is usually good to go the next dat despite foreskin being swollen as a balloon. Is this not considered normal??

>> No.16226395

I'm describing more of a state of edging or remaining near coom for hours on end, not necessarily cooming many times. But I don't really know. Maybe you're a freak. Maybe I'm a freak. Maybe it depends on cooming technique.