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16222380 No.16222380 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any future for the gun market in the US?

How can I profit off it?

>> No.16222388

You can short gun manufacturers.

>> No.16222512

really captured the essence of goblina there

>> No.16222634

The autistic screeching of the anti gun activists is the squeaky wheel. It might make a lot of noise, but it is the minority. Any attempt to confiscate guns will have pockets of heavily armed "protestors" in even the most liberal states. Gun owners usually don't advertise. It'll go from pockets to outright Waco USA in other states. Any rumblings of gun bans or otherwise drastically increases gun sales. Most are unregistered and they are too easy to bury by fanaticals. Any form of actual regulation would be in ammunition production, the outlawing of loading equipment and supplies

>> No.16222731

Actual gun regulation won't even be upheld by law enforcement. For any bad stigma the coppers may have, most are undoubtedly patriot-minded. In washington something like half of the sheriff departments outright refused to comply or enforce gun regulation laws. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/feb/22/washington-state-county-sheriffs-refuse-to-enforce-gun-laws

And that's Washington. Not some massively pro gun state. Ammo has to be stored properly to keep it viable, but if shit hits the fan, ammo will skyrocket in value. It's the easiest way to regulate large population gun ownership. It's like shutting down refineries over trying to crush the entire nation's cars. I think ammo is where the money will be.

>> No.16222745

Why should I do your work for you?

>> No.16222762

Serious question: why do people care of assault rifles are taken away if you can still have pistols which is fine enough to blow a hole in any person who would do you harm

>> No.16222859

1. theyre fun
2. you can kill a gang of niggers quickly

>> No.16222899

Okay cool just checking. No but I mean in regard to the constitution they were talking about muzzle loaders and pistols now are far superior to those so why do people feel as if it is their right to own military grade weapons

>> No.16222940

Beause that's the current standard for warfare now. The people are supposed to able to defend themselves against tyranny and foreign invaders, so access to the current standard of weaponry is pretty much a necessity.

>> No.16222942

Why does it matter what kind of gun it is? You want the most efficient one for killing and automatic will help you in that department

>> No.16222950

No, the constitution specifically mentions militias, i.e. groups of citizens armed with mikitary weapons, as a means of keeping the government in check. Get your facts straight.

>> No.16222961

Fair enough I don’t live near niggers so I don’t have any guns. Okay one more question why do gun advocates see a problem with requiring certification to own guns

>> No.16223015

The anti-gun people will do everything in their power to restrict access to guns. Once they pass a certain law restricting some access, they'll start proposing another one. Also they can use certification etc. to decide who has access to guns i.e. blacklisting people etc.

Also it's not just niggers, the founding fathers were clear that they wanted the people to be able to defend against tyrannical government.

>> No.16223038

Agreed. Nothing to do with hunting. There werent Walmarts or grocery stores, everyone had to hunt. It would literally be inconcieveable at the time to protect what was a basic necessity, like protecting farming or boiling water. It keeps the corrupt thoughts at Bay when those in their ivory towers know the population can defend themselves.

And to the guy above, assault weapons is a fallacy. Automatic weapons, as in fully automatic weapons, have been illegal for decades. It's just a scary term your brainwashing media channels use to scare you. They're all talking about a basic semi automatic rifle, fires the same way as any non-revolver pistol or basic hunting rifle, with scary bits of black plastic molded around it. That's why the pushback. It's an attempt to start erosion of gun ownership amongst the sheep by vilifying something that is no more or less dangerous than a basic hunting rifle. That sets the precedent, and it's all downhill from there. Like saying green assault Legos are outlawed for reasons. The rest are okay because they're not green. For now.

Next up, red assault Legos are outlawed!

>> No.16223049 [DELETED] 

stfu commie

>> No.16223171

>why do people care of assault rifles are taken away
It's not just self defense against a criminal intruder. It's also the people's right to self defense against the police.
Therefore, if the police have it, the people should have it.

>> No.16223189

>so why do people feel as if it is their right to own military grade weapons
The Revolution was largely fought with private arms on the American side. Military grade weaponry was held by the private citizen. Muzzle loaders were top of the line military grade death machines.

>> No.16223199

>why do gun advocates see a problem with requiring certification to own guns
Same reason civil rights activists oppose any type of voter ID restriction - it's subject to abuse.

>> No.16223213

You could never defend against the police, we live in a post apocalyptic society it just looks nicer than you’d expect. Imagine if you killed a cop whether he deserved it or not it’d be like a 5 star wanted level in gta and no escape possible

>> No.16223236

Firearms should be illegal to possess worldwide
Only law enforcement and military should have access to firearms
I pray this happens in my lifetime

>> No.16223280

I pray you die to a nigger with a glock in your lifetime

>> No.16223363
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>only the institutions which have nearly always degenerated into industial scale murderers should have access to tools of mass murder

>> No.16223692

yes, the all dangerous, all evil producing firearm. and knives, and bombs, and cars, and planes, and alcohols, and drugs, and faulty engineering, and gasoline, and propane, and all flammables, and wood, and rocks, and sticks, and tanning beds, and anything but water based paint, and mercury, and lead, and cell phone radiation, and electricity, and fire, and water (people drown in that shit), and wild animals, and well... people.

you're so dense light bends around you.

>> No.16224835

hmm so a cert to own a gun
> 1 moa at 500 yards iron sights
> 80 years old
> written approval by state senator (who happens to be a democrat)
> cop / LE / government employee
see the issue ?

>> No.16225158

You're such a sad person.

Also, just admit...you don't actually pray.

>> No.16225169
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>> No.16225200

>so why do people feel as if it is their right to own military grade weapons

The founding fathers had personally owned cannons dude.

>> No.16225212

betting against guns is as stupid as betting against pussy and drugs

>> No.16225224

the american constitution sucks and you are pants on head retarded for using it as an argument

change my mind burgers

>> No.16225264
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>> No.16225318

>waaah waaah they took my toys
the state of american repubs

your country is going down the shitter because you hate liberals and the identity that goes with it

you are actual fucking morons

>> No.16225510
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>> No.16225553

your argument for having guns is that you need them for a civil war against your government?

you are living in a western democracy in 2019, this is not going to happen

>> No.16225585

you're trying so hard lol

>> No.16225593

thats the us

>> No.16225595
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>> No.16225613

what are you going to do about it?

>> No.16225626

>your argument for having guns is that you need them for a civil war against your government?
Actually that was the argument put forth by the founding fathers.

>> No.16225630
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>> No.16225648

and you are a cuck to what some dudes put together 250 years ago?

>> No.16225661

>and you are a cuck to what some dudes put together 250 years ago?
Those dudes laid the foundation for what was soon to become the most successful and innovative country in the world.
And this is coming from a Euro.

>> No.16225669


>> No.16225677

after seeing AUG-bros cop last night I am also considering taking out a stupid loan to get one.

>> No.16225679

The NPC move here would be "nooooooooo you can't just take pride in and perpetuate accomplishments and values put forth by your ancestors!! Everyone is literally the same and different cultures don't exist, only the Marxist-Leninist worker drone basline!!!!"

>> No.16225694

nice strawman

you can take pride in your heritage without being a slave to logic that applied 250 years ago

>> No.16225714

Checked. That’s dumb fren your dubs are suggesting you take a loan out and put it on LINK

>> No.16225713

Why would the same logic not apply today?

Also, try actually looking up what a strawman is.

>> No.16225749

because we have stability now; look at european countries without guns - we aren't even having the discussion about whether or not to adopt the american system because there simply isn't a need to

you think a strawman is some complex concept that I am misunderstanding? you are desperate

>> No.16225764

>because we have stability now
lmao no you don't.
And even if you did, instability is always right around the corner.

>look at european countries without guns - we aren't even having the discussion about whether or not to adopt the american system because there simply isn't a need to
There is absolutely a need to.
A large part of our immigrant population is extremely violent and they have access to illegal guns all the same.

>> No.16225786
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>> No.16225789

>A large part of our immigrant population is extremely violent and they have access to illegal guns all the same.
so now you want guns to fight immigrants?

and it's such horse shit to say they have "access" - access is not binary you dimwit, it can be easy or it can be hard

>> No.16225810

>so now you want guns to fight immigrants?
I want guns to protect myself from any violent attacker.

>and it's such horse shit to say they have "access"
No it's not.
Immigrant gangs in our cities are using literal military grenades to terrorize our streets, underaged criminals use pistols and semi-auto rifles to hold up stores, terrorists use literal full-auto AKs, etc.

>> No.16225851

>I want guns to protect myself from any violent attacker.
easier to defend yourself against a violent attacker that doesn't have a gun buddy

and now you are not even addressing the constitutional argument anymore?

>Immigrant gangs in our cities are using literal military grenades to terrorize our streets, underaged criminals use pistols and semi-auto rifles to hold up stores, terrorists use literal full-auto AKs, etc.
you didn't address my argument; I didn't say it was impossible, I said it's harder

100% sure what you are saying is hyperbole anyway; the statistics speak for themselves when you compare the US to EU on gun violence

>> No.16225858

>easier to defend yourself against a violent attacker that doesn't have a gun buddy
But even here in Europe they DO have guns.

>you didn't address my argument; I didn't say it was impossible, I said it's harder
It's very easy for them.
Even if they get caught, they're back on the street in maybe a few months tops.

>> No.16225865

>100% sure what you are saying is hyperbole anyway; the statistics speak for themselves when you compare the US to EU on gun violence

>> No.16225866
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>> No.16225896

"Gun murder" in the US is unironically majority suicides, followed by black-on-black gangbangers.

>> No.16225909

>A study by the Harvard School of Public Health of all 50 U.S. states reveals a powerful link between rates of firearm ownership and suicides

>> No.16225913

Japan and Korea have almost no guns, and they're topping the suicide rankings.

>> No.16225921

>“Studies show that most attempters act on impulse, in moments of panic or despair. Once the acute feelings ease, 90 percent do not go on to die by suicide.”
gl surviving that attempt when you shot yourself in the face with a shotgun

>> No.16225931

gl continuing to live on with brain damage from unsuccessful suicide attempts by asphyxiation or pills.

>> No.16225940
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>> No.16225944

w8ing for you to provide me some statistics on brain damage after suicide attempts

>> No.16225945


>> No.16225947

Guns are bad mkay
t. commies

>> No.16225954

nothing? thought so

>> No.16225965

>prove that unsuccessful drug overdoses and near-death asphyxiation cause brain damage

>> No.16225975
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You can build a gun in a day in your garage, because it's just a machined piece of steel and the technology hasn't changed much in 200 years. It's not like you can't have guns if you can't buy them legally.
Then there are warzone imports, many guns "go missing" in a warzone and find their way back to the streets.
As a criminal I would always have guns.

>> No.16225978

no I want you to tell me how many people who fail suicide attempts live on with brain damage

1%? 5%? vs ~100% from gunshots to the head?

>> No.16225981

>no I want you to tell me how many people who fail suicide attempts live on with brain damage
If they got close enough to death, all of them.

>> No.16226005

your point being what exactly? I don't get it

shot yourself with a gun?

some other method?
likely lived, now I'm asking you to tell me how many of these survivors are brain damaged, because it doesn't seem to me like that is the norm

so you're comparing an unknown subset of suicide by "some other method" to 100% dead by gun shot

are you dense?

>> No.16226006
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>> No.16226029

>your point being what exactly? I don't get it
Right back at you.

The simple fact is the vast majority (60%) of "gun deaths" in the US are suicides.

>> No.16226036

which is an argument for guns being illegal? my entire point? hello?

>> No.16226048

I'm not giving up the best means of protection against violent attackers just to keep people who want to die alive.

>> No.16226067

you are just irrational then, what can I say

you produce a hypothetical situation that is statistically insignificant against the harm that guns otherwise create

>> No.16226085

I'm not giving up guns to make sure suicidal fucks live on.
Japan and Korea have almost no guns, and they top the suicide charts.

>> No.16226105

The second amendment is written to allow citizenry access to the same weapons as the military as a check/balance for the government

If we truly abided by the constitution and not this pussy 0 calorie modern version, we could buy M240's off amazon prime and use them to slaughter the pedophiles in Epsteins little book.

And it would be legal and encouraged.

>> No.16226126

how many people die by suicide is a completely separate issue, what matters is that guns increase their likelihood

>I'm not giving up guns to make sure suicidal fucks live on.
whatever, glad you're not a politician

>> No.16226149
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>> No.16226152

>what matters is that guns increase their likelihood
They're trying to kill themselves, and some of them have legit mental or physical issues meaning their lives are a living hell anyway.
Without guns, people have to go through a lengthy process to get approved for euthanasia, with the chance that they won't get it.

I want to be safe, which means having access to guns because criminals will have guns regardless.

And even if violent attackers don't have guns, I don't want to have to get in a physical fight to the death with someone. And I certainly don't want my wife or kids to.

>> No.16226182

I mean I'm not even hellbent on the suicide argument anyway, you say 60% of gun deaths are suicide, are the other 40% irrelevant then? what about mass shootings?

I honestly feel pretty safe knowing that guns are virtually non-existent in my country, much more so than if I had to worry about every single person potentially carrying one - and I am more safe, the statistics say so

>> No.16226191

>you say 60% of gun deaths are suicide, are the other 40% irrelevant then?
Of course not, but the vast majority of those 40% are black-on-black gang violence.

>what about mass shootings?
They represent an absolutely tiny fraction of gun violence.
They just get tons of news coverage.

>I honestly feel pretty safe knowing that guns are virtually non-existent in my country
I don't.
I live in Belgium, and things are getting pretty gnarly even in my rural area.

>> No.16226193

I have the right to eat my own shit.

>> No.16226234
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>> No.16226609

Lack of guns isn't making you safe, you're just in a demographically safe area....for now.

>> No.16226766

This is the stupidest argument for gun control ever.