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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16165124 No.16165124 [Reply] [Original]

So a lot of us are poor as shit working at $8 /hour jobs, how the fuck do we make it??

>> No.16165136

stop living in 1999 and come to the current year

>> No.16165137
File: 61 KB, 600x600, 1572158393689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Haircomb? You may be wondering, but this little gem is like no other.
It does not even use ECDSA which is quantum prone and replaces it with what?
A pure SHA256 that secures Bitcoin mining for more than 10 years. The results
are promising. Remember mimblewimble? It uses pedersen commitments for anonymity
but Natasha invented that pure hashlocks again are sufficient for this purpose.
Did you enjoy learning more about haircombs in today's Wonder of the Day?

What's the price? 10 million sats? Haha, no, we're giving it away nearly for
free to early adopters. Only 546 sats per claim. Mining fees apply....

>> No.16165144

Those thighs...

>> No.16165146

What do you mean? I'm making $8/hour right now.

>> No.16165151

Isn't minimum wage $11-15 everywhere in the us?

>> No.16165155
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Start doing positive affirmations in the mirror and also watch Eric Bugenhagens YouTube channel when he puts up chats or golden tidbits. And execute your goals.

>> No.16165157

i make $25/hr now but i used to work shit $9 hr jobs and i still managed to stack paper. the secret is, you have to live cheap and hodl every dime. no movies, no eating out, go to starbucks and buy the cheapest covfefe they have and then raep their free wifi for ten hours, etc. there is literally NO excuse not to have a money stack no matter how poor you are. and then when you have a few grand saved, you can gamble it on crypto with us

>> No.16165167

>Isn't minimum wage $11-15 everywhere in the us?
based retard

>> No.16165183

No, it's $7.25/hour here in Texas. So at least I'm doing better than some people.
You know despite my shit situation I'm still optimistic about my future.
The only "fun" stuff I do is lurk 4chan and write articles for a future evergreen blog I'm planning to buy soon. There is nothing else I can cut on with my budget.

>> No.16165193

Where tf do u live? I was making $8.30/hr in Walmart out in bumblefuck upstate NY back in 2013

>> No.16165196

Imagine her bent over for some doggy style, and you take your place at the cockpit. Erect and ready to operate the Thot machinery. You rub her thighs, softly whispering “There, there girl. Daddy’s back.” You insert your key into the ignition. The plane starts to hum. The ground around you starts shaking. You thrust the key in and out in a gently, then forceful motion. The plane is roaring. You start to get worried it may be coming down, “May day! May Day!”

>> No.16165210

Texas. I've applied at Walmart several times throughout the year and while they confirm they got my application they always say they're full

>> No.16165217

>The only "fun" stuff I do is lurk 4chan and write articles for a future evergreen blog I'm planning to buy soon. There is nothing else I can cut on with my budget.
keep it up. even if you only save $100 a month, it will add up

also, nobody on 4chan ever wants to hear this but you should start going to church. doesnt matter which one. religion is the ULTIMATE networking tool. when people find out you're a poorfag you'll start getting job offers "my cousin does ____ and he's hiring," etc

>> No.16165240

>religion is the ULTIMATE networking tool. when people find out you're a poorfag you'll start getting job offers "my cousin does ____ and he's hiring," etc
It's absolutely infuriating but this is actually true. My wife and I are caterers and like 40% of our business comes from little church ladies offering to hire us to cater their reunion parties or their granddaughter's weddings or some other nonsense.

We're not even fucking Catholic, we literally just go to gain clientele.

>> No.16165249


>> No.16165253

stack silver and buy guns and vote Democrat. Voting Democrat is important because they will fasten the collapse of the us dollar. Wait 6 months or so after the collapse and buy land

>> No.16165257

quit your fucking job

>> No.16165261

its a queer with a dick in girl clothes.fuck op for queer posting

>> No.16165264

See if there's an Amazon warehouse near you. They pay $15.

>> No.16165267

there's a reason jews hate christianity so much - they want us separate and isolated individualist snowflakes so we stay poor. dont fall for the america meme - nobody can make it on their own. theres strength in community

>> No.16165276

or this

or move

>> No.16165277
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>those feet

>> No.16165278

If you can't figure out how to make
$ without waging you deserve to wage for $8/hour t.self employed

>> No.16165300

Amazon FC looks like the best option, I hope they can hire me.

I think we all move at our own pace. I want to make it but these obstacles in the way are challenging to move.

What do you do anyway as a self employed guy?

>> No.16165315

go to cc for something if you need a better job should get you a 20 hr job + skills

do a cert or associates

t. tmmx employee making 27/hr

>> No.16165341

>tmmx employee making 27/hr
Holy shit fucking how??? That's over 3 times what I make. I thought Toyota only paid people $12 an hour starting?

>> No.16165356

skilled labor

idk about assembly

>> No.16165401

I trade and invest. Identify undervalued assets, buy them for cheap, and sell them at a profit. Occasionally leaving some equity in the investment if I see long term value growth, but diversifying the profits into the next undervalued market. It is patrician work

>> No.16165407

That's a man isn't it? Look at the face anons and the jaw.

>> No.16165440

>not wanting to lick and smell her feet
This is the path to not making it, OP

>> No.16165447
File: 129 KB, 1256x716, toyota jobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skilled labor
Ok, it seems it probably took you a while to get to that point.

I'm hopeless when it comes to trading. But I get what you mean in that trading is one way out for those smart enough to figure that out.

>> No.16165486

the red pill is that you already make it, you are richer than people from third world countries

>> No.16165502

In your shoes OP. I'm seriously considering saving up a stack ASAP and gambling w/ crypto so I can be /comfy/

Need more materials to learn from and to lurk moar tho. I think it just takes time. Like learning a skill, kinda like practice

>> No.16165573

I've been on /biz/ for a while now, always lurking, and to me it just sounds like people buy a chunk of alt coins and try to hold on to for a long time. I want to be comfy but I'm not sure if I can spend $100 a week on crypto only to see it lose in value. I'm not trying to dismiss the trading game, but that's where I'm at right now (basically at 0)

>> No.16165640

>NO excuse not to have a money stack no matter how poor you are

>> No.16165645

I make 25-35 an hour serving because California still pays the state minimum wage of 12 instead of being allowed to go below minimum like other cuck states

>> No.16165667

thats a supplier you brainlet, not toyota. no wonder you are making no money

toyota themselves should pay between 18 starting to 28 just for assembly

>> No.16165763
File: 34 KB, 1199x273, toyota 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough, I found this one then.

If I do this then I should be making close to $3K a month right? Say the word and I will apply ASAP

>> No.16165915

It took 2 years trading for me to become profitable, this game requires time to be able to recognize opportunities and the rest of it is having the balls to do it without pissing away capital on stupid bets

>> No.16166061

Just do some readings on how to make investments lol. Everything comes with a price/risk. I suggest you start reading about CENNZ, 6x since October, raised 100 million, and the top 50 in cmc

>> No.16166078

>patrician work

>> No.16166125

Sounds shit desu. Imagine hoarding money when you're poor. Invest in yourself and get a better job that lets you save and live a little.

>> No.16166136

>>NO excuse not to have a money stack no matter how poor you are
its true. if you're not stacking you have no self discipline. if you're "running on a treadmill" its because you cant give up the dumb nigger shit like snacks and cigarettes that you waste money on

>> No.16166451

invest in 0xBitcoin.

>> No.16166671

That looks like a very unstable coin man.

>> No.16166706
File: 1.77 MB, 1334x750, EC692D8B-C818-43A2-BA7D-C1AC45FBEE1D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too plucks butthair

>> No.16166827


>> No.16166860

Just got promoted to $15 an hour :)

>> No.16166869

Nice anon. What do you do?

>> No.16166912

socialism is unironically the only way everyone makes it. the ultra rich need to be taxed. we need socialised healthcare. and we need some form of UBI.

>> No.16166929
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 403812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vote Sanders

>> No.16166943

> the only way everyone makes it
Wealth is relative so if everyone has the same amount then effectively no one makes it.

>> No.16166951

I dunno but I just damage people's shit who don't tip and /biz/ whines about it.

>> No.16166965

Back to plebbit you cock sucking faggot

>> No.16167167

sirs, we cannot easily reach to $8/hour here

>> No.16167174

Get a higher paying job. You can get $30 an hour for shoveling shit and removing lice from people's hair. That will help you get on your feet.

Once you've done that, go to trade school if you're not very smart. Plumbing, electrician, HVAC, etc. Plumbing honestly seems the most enjoyable from what I know.

If you're smart and if you're young, go to college. Go for computer science if you have poor social skills.
Study something business related if you have decent social skills.

Go into sales if you have a lot of charisma.

In the meantime, while you're doing all of this, work on starting an online business of some sort.

If you're too old to go back to school, National Guard isn't a bad option.

>> No.16167187

Oh and go into finance if you can, but if you're reading this post you probably have no shot of breaking in.

>> No.16167194

>Get a higher paying job
Yeah I'm working on that brother.
>work on starting an online business of some sort.
I'm working on this too, currently writing a lot of content for the launch soon.
>National Guard isn't a bad option.
You have any experience with this? I'm 30.

>> No.16167204 [DELETED] 

I make about ten bucks an hour but I live in Japan which has had next to no inflation of most things since the 80s so it feels like I'm earning 25 an hour. It's amazing living in a country that isn't hell-bent on packing eveey square inch with niggers and spics.

>> No.16167304

You're the angriest Japanese I've ever encountered. I lived there for a few years

>> No.16167310

No personal experience with the Guard but I have some family members who've done it and they were very happy they did.

There's a lot of benefits worth looking into. It's not going to make you rich but will provide a stable financial framework for the rest of your life and help out a lot in retirement.

It's 2 days a month, with one 2 week bootcamp a year so pretty low commitment.

>> No.16167325

>go to trade school
That’s 4 years in a college round here

>> No.16167327


>> No.16167330

You figured that out fast!

>> No.16167348


>> No.16167351

Assuming that's a joke?

>> No.16167598

that face has been bogged

>> No.16167625

Dude that body is bangin' but what the fuck is wrong with her face.

>> No.16167629

fuck yeah, bump for buges. one of my favourite lifters.

>> No.16167666

Whats your blog going to be about?

>> No.16167932

Honestly save alot. Your mates will say come to the bar for the burger beer deal...for 13 dollers/ w tip $15 -$17... then you meet people who do things, build things for a dream of theirs. Give the capital in order to acquire stock in their start up, when they get big collect huge dividends

>> No.16168168

I would take in it in the ass from a man like this. Kek.

>> No.16168337

Learn to code and make 130k a year. Learn cyber security or full stack dev. Computer jobs are comfy. U sit chill lurk 4chan get payed, and all the roasties ask u for help to archive their emails

>> No.16168372
File: 642 KB, 717x2260, 03C144D0-1C98-4E63-B10F-E66559A1FCFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone give me a quick rundown on real estate/rel school? A few near me (AZ) offer the whole shebang pic related.

>> No.16168390

stop saturating the field with retards from this board

>> No.16168395

Not gonna lie I tried that but I failed miserably in learning coding. Actually I made 3 different attempts throughout the years.
Fuck I think I could do home inspections but that course is so expensive in my state.

>> No.16168433
File: 86 KB, 506x716, 4d6f8038ebb0c2214a7fbe0a7f08b180a60a690cd50120eb56fe0ba40f340e49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazon wagie $15/h
where i work it's pretty laid back unlike other buildings.

>> No.16168445

What state do you work in, if you don't mind sharing

>> No.16168485

>real estate is bs dont do it. there are thousands of realtors and no one sells a home.

>> No.16168511


>> No.16168529

Men can't get thighs that big

>> No.16168541

women can't get chins that big.

>> No.16168542

Hormones mate, they change the way your body stores fat

>> No.16168569
File: 32 KB, 327x316, 3fb7069252983d0cd785cdaf461cf90b7a36591faa31cd2a1f072fb39e0c775a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he was jerking it to a man

>> No.16168570

>real estate agent

Thanks for showing everyone you’re clueless anon

>> No.16168594

FUCK, you're making me reconsider my earlier position.

>> No.16168600

I don't care enough to know the difference, from what i've seen any dipshit can become one but you basically work for free as an intern and never actually sell any homes and all you do is shill to your friends and family about buying a home.

>> No.16168604

I didn't fap to the OP pic because of the bad face. I'm a face person.

>> No.16168628

I honestly think many slaves in history got better compensation than that

>> No.16168646
File: 11 KB, 228x221, a79dd8e44386ebbd5c8aadecc5c0dd185a96e65e342b11798bfc3b25c484ed88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's trying to cover up by claiming he's a face person

>> No.16168653


>> No.16168757

You seem really well versed on the topic, anon. Tell me more, I’m listening.

>> No.16168772

Buy a yruck. Teash bauling

>> No.16168974

Socialism isn't taxing the rich, its removing the rich.

Like with FDR, if you just raise the taxes, they will use their wealth and power to purge the people pushing for it and lower the taxes again. That's how we got to the present. To fix the problem, the rich need to be removed from power and the wealth that empowers them put towards the common good under democratic control of the people.

Look at the climate thing for example, its been a highly publicized problem for fifty fucking years. Damn near no respectable effort has been put toward fixing it as destroying the planet is more profitable for the rich, efforts to resist this have been met by billions in propaganda from the rich to protect their trillions in profit.

>> No.16169181

>he fell for the man made climate change meme
Anon, please

>> No.16169249

>he fell for the propaganda
Well cant really blame you, they put more money into mind fucking you than keeping you alive.

Thats kind of the crux of the problem

>> No.16169342

How do you identify undervalued assets?

>> No.16169461

whos this guy?

>> No.16169468

Research. I spend all of my free time looking for the most solid roi. My Tesla gains will carry me until my next profit.
I profited enough from Tesla's earnings call to keep some invested, buy a shit ton of ETH, and pay my bills for the next couple of months. It ended being like $2k in straight prof- bruh just come to my YouTube desu. https://youtu.be/Te2GlJ1HKCw

>> No.16169757
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>> No.16169770

I make 23 an hour and still feel poor

>> No.16169775

consume less?

>> No.16169790

I live on the road but pay for food, rent, car insurance, my phone bill and still saving the little bit of money I have left after this

>> No.16169944

You're not. Unless you're high IQ, Extroverted, Disagreeable and lucky.

>> No.16170055


Dude what. We're you trying to suggest hauling trash with a truck?

>> No.16170170

God I wish that were me. Hoping to make it off crypto so I can afford all the surgery I'll need to be beautiful.

>> No.16170204

43,000lbs of meat travelling g from liberal Kansas to NJ is worth about 5k net, if it was going to new York it'd be worth more because it's so hard trying to find someone to get it delivered
You can buy a good truck for under 20k and make 4x your investment within a year

>> No.16170210

buy link desu

>> No.16170304

That image straight gives me /feel/s man. Ffs why no loveable object near me.