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File: 459 KB, 2560x1600, tcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16117185 No.16117185 [Reply] [Original]

TCF is the next 10000x play

>> No.16117377

What coin is this?

>> No.16117431

Not sure which one. Either Enigma, Link or RLC. They all use TEE. Enigma is the market leader in terms of tech. They do smart contracts that are private.

>> No.16118311
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Why is Enigma so overlooked ?
It seems the team is way more ahead /code & tech wise than both Iexec RLC & Chainlink ..

>> No.16118472

>market leader in tech
source: my diseased asshole

>> No.16118552

>gay alien skull

>> No.16119081

what do they mean by that?

>Gay alien skull

>> No.16119094

Their tech works, today.
What more do I have to say? Check it out yourself you lazy boy
They have built a permissionless network that does private computation. It’s is way ahead whatever chainlink and rocky is doing.

>> No.16119103

> RLC, not rocky

>> No.16119125

> Threshold signatures allow you to split a key into N shares, such that M out of them are required to construct a valid signature. Essentially, these signatures are like multi-sig, but there’s only a single key (that’s split) and therefore each threshold-signed transaction only produces a single signature (as opposed to N).

> To sign a transaction, M of these shares are used in an MPC protocol that ensures that each party only ever sees a single share. Similarly, the shares are generated in a distributed fashion. Both of these ensure that the key never lives in a single location, where it can be attacked.

> Why is this important?

> Cheaper gas costs - N parties can now produce a single signature off-chain instead of sending N separate ones. This is huge reduction is gas costs.
>Added privacy - the signed transaction looks like it was produced by a single party. Not incidentally, this idea can be used as a building block to building mixers as well.

> The first reason is especially appealing for Enigma. In our network, after a task is completed, a signed payload, signaling a proof of correct execution, is sent alongside other meta data to the Enigma Contract on Ethereum, which verifies that signature comes from a proper TEE. Currently, a single worker is sampled per computation, but in the future, the idea is to have multiple workers jointly work on a single task (this adds an additional layer of security beyond the TEE, and also ensures higher availability).

> The problem is that by doing so the number of txs that needs to be sent and verified on-chain increase from 1 --> N. Threshold signatures solve that problem, and make increasing the number of workers as cheap (on-chain) as a single worker is.

>> No.16119135

> Threshold signatures have been extremely practical for the past couple of years, but one problem that was critical to our network and somewhat limited their applicability was the lack of cheater identification. Essentially, if someone in the quorum cheats, the signature generation fails and either everyone needs to lose money (unfairly) or no one will. This is a big problem in tBTC proposal as well - which I commented on a while ago (https://twitter.com/GuyZys/status/1162736363730558976 5).

> Yesterday, in a presentation by Goldfeder (same researcher that built a previous state of the art threshold signature system) they claim to solve that problem efficiently. It’s important to note that we’ve known how to solve it before - even in my thesis I had to deal with cheater identification for the general MPC case. That said, cheater identification is EXTREMELY expensive for general computations, so that was by far the most prohibitive part of my work, but Goldfeder claims that for the specific case of threshold signatures, they have a very efficient scheme (which makes perfect sense!).

> The details are still nebulous, but this is an exciting development that makes TSS practical for Enigma.

> Another added benefit for this scheme is that signing can be done non-interactively. This is the second proposal in 2019 to enable this. Why is non-interactivity important? Well, for the most part, this is why a lot of proposals opted to use threshold Schnorr signatures in Bitcoin and Ethereum (e.g., ChainLink 2 instead of threshold ECDSA. With this new advancement, there’s no longer a material reason to use Schnorr, since validating ECDSA sigs is much cheaper, and I’d argue that this benefit outweighs any added off-chain complexity.


>> No.16119174

French ppl r the ultimate cucks

>> No.16119190

Mixicles makes this dogshit obsolete

>> No.16119210

mixicles uses this you fuckign dumshit.
you just invest in all three and one of them wins out. they arent all doing exactly the same thing either. essentially its a part of the decentralised stack that isnt a saturated market yet but is essential if this space is going to succeed. Its a much better investment strategy than investing at the protocol layer where there is the most saturation in shit coins and all of them claim higher tps than the rest.

>> No.16119212

This shit is already built. It works today dumbass.

Mixicles is just a pipe dream, by a company that has 50x greater market cap. Totally overvalued vaporware.

This shit works today and still it is valued 50 times less? You want to know why? Because of the chainlink shill army and fake SWIFT partnerships, fake google partnership

Enigma is fucking partnered with Intel but they just don't brag about it.

>> No.16119220

I hold Link, ENG, RLC. will also buy oasis labs if they do an ico

>> No.16119229

Here is your totally decentralized mixicle you fag:
See, it works beautifully.

>> No.16119234

No one is using eng tokens. Enigma and RLC were let in the project to provide coders and as sympathy for wasting years on projects chainlink makes redundant

>> No.16119274


Keep crying bitch ;^)

>> No.16119299

>muh tech
Tech is irrelevant if nobody uses it. Its about leadearship and team behind the project.
Chainlink has Sergey, enigma doesn't.

>> No.16119313

you guys realise you are gambling right? you should just buy both and win either way. (obviously can weight each investment differently

>> No.16119318
File: 41 KB, 396x382, B2FFBE82-087F-4D74-89B1-C6C08382F418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus FUCK you are ignorant AS FUCK.

>> No.16119322

> Cultists. Do not respond to facts. Do not think for themselves.
Ever since assblaster came here the board has gone to shit. Sibos17 was fine, but now it seems lobotomized /pol/fags who do no understand the concept of market cap are the only people who still hold link

>> No.16119325

Shut the fuck up retard


>> No.16119328

It has not been released yet. Just wait a few months.

>> No.16119348

link and eng are seperate beasts and do not overlap. anons think eng impinges on link because ignorant dumbfucks were shilling eng that way back in 2017 2018 and anons are completely ignorant of eng. both are great projects and they are very different applications

>> No.16119357
File: 6 KB, 226x250, 7DDF60C6-E4E1-4F7F-A141-76C046F89A57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.16119369

The main point is to invest in all projects using TC API because it isnt a saturated market in the space atm. so when dapps actually do become a thing they will rely on technology that only a few project can provide. If we are lucky they will all be needed and they will all go up %. but to just bet on 1 project is gambling. especially as one of any of these project can easily pivot in to the others use case and take their share of the market. Link being the best bet out of all of these for the moment.