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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16036673 No.16036673 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't you invest in bitcoin before 2014?

>> No.16036693

I did. Then sold it like a pussy, and also bought altcoins with it. Also, 10 BTC isn't quite that much when you factor in retarded kike taxes from withdrawing it.

Remember, BTC was still over $400 a piece from 2013-2016

>> No.16036696

Because I was like 14 then and thought bitcoins only function was to buy drugs. Lay off boomer

>> No.16036699

Your suppose to post attractive women faggot

>> No.16036752

i was the 9th person to find ethereum via bitcointalk and facebookpage, but i just did not understood the implications something like this would have longer term, and when it hit like 1$ i thought it was overvalued xD Silly me.

>> No.16036761

But I did anon

>> No.16036775

Her eyes are too dark. Trouble.

>> No.16036832

sold all my silver at the top in late 2011. It was when i first started getting into investing and with all the reading and research I "thought" i did, I am ashamed that i didn't discover bitcoin until 2016 and it's real value until 2018. Fucking ashamed. I could have made it already....like 8 figures made it. Fuck my life

>> No.16036850

What skin color is that?

>> No.16036852

Extremely sexy.

>> No.16036855

I bought $20 worth of dogecoin

>> No.16036865

cause I didn't actually think you could make money outside of a 9-5. I was under genjitsu. This country doesnt actually emphasize how to invest money to youths.

>> No.16036867

Vampires with multi-trillion dollar investments

What will they do?

>> No.16036869

once I get rich im going to pay her alot of money to walk her naked on all fours while she wears a dog collar and leash (her shoe uwu mock vid had her briefly in a collar and leash). dont care people think she's a joke or she's a mutt I wanna walk her like a dog and cum in her ass repeatedly

>> No.16036889

I was underage, had no bank account, and my parents wouldn't let me regardless of how much I asked

>> No.16036911

I thought it was a scam

>> No.16036923

I did but poorfag/bought the top so I bought 0.25 BTC when it was 1k late 2013. Yup. Then I watched it crash. Then criptsy exit scammed. Yeah fun times

>> No.16036973

I never heard of bitcoin until 2017

>> No.16037030

I looked up how to get BTC in 2011 and saw you had to "mine it," which for my 16-year-old brain was too much to understand.

>> No.16037054

It was overvalued.

>> No.16037237
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>El Goblino

>> No.16037247
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fucking KEK

>> No.16037264

they wanted my passport and license and shit
fuck that

>> No.16037271

big boobs mama

>> No.16037283

Those mutt milkers

>> No.16037530

nice mongrel

>> No.16037549

that's a ukranian bitch isn't it?

>> No.16038648

I did. I went to fucking CVS and fucking MoneyGram’d 500 dollars to BitInstant then bought $900 more worth from site called CampBX or something. Then traded it for early shitcoins like LTC on BTC-e. Lost most of it on the huge crash after the MtGox thing. Then I yolo’d 20k ina 2016, traded it for some ETH in 2017 and became a millionaire January 2018 and cashed out.

>> No.16038678

I did, but it was at the end of 2013 and I was a dumb college kid without a lot of money to invest

>> No.16038721


>> No.16038733

I did. I got in during the 2013 bubble. Bought about 8 BTC and some LTC, lost some on BTC-e and another exchange that went down. Left the remains in a desktop wallet for four years and completely ignored them until the next bubble.

>> No.16038737
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>tfw no big titty mutt gf
It's not fair, bros

>> No.16038739

it's brittany venti

>> No.16038749

Jesus, the milk trucks on this e-thot.

>> No.16038797

I did tho. and even earlier, although at first I just saw it like a paypal service not an investment, until 2013

>> No.16038809

taxes are 0% if you hold for over a year and cash out under $42k a year ur doin it wrong

>> No.16038815
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>> No.16038839

uhhhh because we weren't chosen by the machinelord?? lucky wankers.

>> No.16038853

gib khazar schwarze mischling gf

>> No.16039201

i read about it on biz in 2010, it was a meme. I thought it had potential and begged my folks to let me dump my savings account into it, to which they responded it was a pyramid scheme. I also had another opportunity about a year later when a friend had a bunch of money saved and was trying to make more money with it. He had 5000 dollars. I told him about it but in the end he didn't get it(at the time i was more focused on mining then just straight buying) and I didn't wanna take advantage of him in case it didn't work out. I saw the same happen with ETH, and I knew what would happen with LINK. Thank God I bought so early.

>> No.16039264
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want to know how I know you're street shitting pajeet?

>> No.16039272

that's a man retard

>> No.16039276

I was too busy trying to make money on my own to escape wageslavery
literally was flipping shit on ebay

>> No.16039278

so if you cash out over 42k you don't have to pay tax?

>> No.16039284

I did

>> No.16039306
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>> No.16039318

You paid taxes?

>> No.16039380


>> No.16039424

Nice nubian milkers but they're overrated, they're not that big. Her face is underrated, it's not that bad.

>> No.16039465


>> No.16039478

he said _women_

>> No.16039484

Because I'm fucking dumb, I remember reading about how btc reached parity with the dollar :( given I was about 13 or 14 so I probably would have spent it all on drugs anyways.

>> No.16039549

Money was tight and we were expecting our first child. I wanted to put in $100 worth when it was about $1.25. It was high risk and it was too much trouble to bother with a wallet. I also didn't want to worry about my CC info being sold on the black market.

>> No.16039778

How do I invest in Brittany Venti's thighs?

>> No.16039892
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Are there a lot of goblinas in America that look like her?

I know I'll never fuck her but I want to fuck something that looks like that when I make it

>> No.16039944
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>> No.16039950

there are some but not many with the confidence all the attention has given her, it made her much hotter

>> No.16040081

Yes, yes I did, fed. Hired a “crypto accountant” and everything. Had a lot of long term capital gains luckily.

>> No.16040436

More of him please. Lost my folder

>> No.16040444
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>> No.16040488

She looks like a black girl, especially her face, but has white skin.

>> No.16040596

natural born females only queer

>> No.16040608

natural born females only you stupid queers

>> No.16040612
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>> No.16040672
File: 121 KB, 1043x1304, 1567333479146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

natural born females only you dumb fucking queer. fags go around WE DEMAND TOLERANCE but show zero tolerance for anyone else. hypocritical faggots I love punching you homos in the face in public you never fight back just cower like a pussy ass bitch

>> No.16040707

youre the faggot. she has the best tits in the game

>> No.16040749

that is a natural born female though. and I'd probably stab you desu

>> No.16040803

>I knew what would happen with LINK
i have some news for you...

>> No.16040818
File: 236 KB, 1440x960, 1529008104797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldnt do shit queer you'd cower the like pink pussy queer bitch you are irl.

>> No.16040830


Im fucken dead - that picture is too fucken much X'D

>> No.16040837


>> No.16040880

my record says otherwise, you'll come across the wrong one someday don't worry :^)

>> No.16040920

Ketamine :(

>> No.16040961

nobody cares about your arrest record for groping children queer. And even if some dumbfuck wanna be hardass like you tries something i'll just shoot you in the face the moment you pull a gun (which a cowardly cuckqueer like yourself would) and I would shoot you in self defence. But sure your "record". lemme guess you're supposedly a big tough monster mma fighter with a 27-1 record and all knockouts. get fucked larper you'd get down just as quick as all the other queers ive knocked out for being gay

>> No.16040982

god shes literally perfect

>> No.16040988 [DELETED] 


>> No.16040998 [DELETED] 

that's what I fucking thought queer. back to >>>/lgbt/ with your bitch ass

>> No.16041042

imagine getting this triggered by a picture of a trans face lol. probably have been with far more females than you ever will nigger

>> No.16041087

She is a mutt streamer. kinda funny for a girl

>> No.16041094

I was piss poor back then

>> No.16041104
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can I touch them

>> No.16041137
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>> No.16041184

>attacking random people on the street because someone posted a picture of a trap on 4chan

>> No.16041296

I did. However, the only way to EASILY make it from just buying/hodling BTC was to buy in late 2012/early 2013.

Even a $10k investment (incredibly ballsy back then) at BTC $200-300 is not even close to making it.

>> No.16041615

Ayy lmao checked

>> No.16041660

she shilled chain link but I'm pretty sure she doesn't own any

>> No.16041669

also she's a pagan and hates Christianity

>> No.16041955

She does it for muh dick. (Checkd)

>> No.16042005
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>those legs

>> No.16042052


>> No.16042306

>t.brittany muttei

>> No.16042458

I mined 0.2 BTC worth of shitcoins then lost them all on cryptsy

>> No.16042509

This for me too, and how to keep them safely stored, was interested when trezors and ledgers came out but thought I would give it some time to make sure. storage is still too stressful, at the end of the day its too much value without any insurance.

>> No.16042558

Fairly certain shes is catholic

>> No.16042594

i dont care if its a man i wanna fuck it

>> No.16042790

Not in America. Don't listen to this faggot.

Your only options at cashing out crypto tax-free are direct cash transactions with random people, Puerto Rico residency, or create your own religion. All of which are actually done more often than you think.

>> No.16042847

>what are collateralized loans

>> No.16042884

Too bad you'll never be rich, just a fuckhead on 4chan -- and she'll never know your name, face, or enjoy your company. Sad fuckin loser, such strong desires, only an anon board to share them with, lol.

>> No.16042896

You're actually stupid

>> No.16042923

I'm all ears. Elaborate.

>> No.16043240
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I did.
Now in BCH and RSR.
Like the rest of the early bitcoiners.
Bought only 5 back in the day and I believed anti-ETH propaganda for a while, but caught Antshares and LINK and DNT while losing money in NEM and a few others.
Overall secured my next 10 years of live, but I'm not financially independently yet :< Was too much of a poorfag in 2013 to purchase more BTC

>> No.16043269

because i was busy experiencing teenage love

>> No.16043276

Bitch, mind yo own FUCKIN business.

>> No.16043488

im up over 800% im not complainin

>> No.16043518

I wana coom now

>> No.16043599

>2 3 4 and most def #1 wifey material mother of god

>> No.16044398

Imagine those tits wrapped around your cock, and your cum dripping from her wide eyed face

That could be you, if you buy FTM

>> No.16044633

Brittany stop worrying about random anons' fantasies and come up with a new stick before the betabux stop flowing in. I suggest getting fat transfers: double the bust double the bucks.

>> No.16045418

hey brittany, make sure to have many white babies and spread those amazing genes with a chad white

sincerely, humanity

>> No.16045442

cute projections virgin

>> No.16045502

why she is an ugly?

>> No.16045552
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>> No.16045573
File: 63 KB, 650x812, 49091419_1052815641570525_1115369673530015744_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natural born females only retarded group home queer

>> No.16045585


>> No.16045631
File: 125 KB, 648x648, 48378849_2121846231192352_3157043134290984960_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup natural meaning naturally born with a vagina.. seethe more about it on >>>/lgbt/

>> No.16045647
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>> No.16045662
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Again unbased retard it's natural born females only but sure keep posting queers on a non queer board. >>>/lgbt/ for your low IQ queer posting kind

>> No.16045714

All the better

>> No.16045718
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>> No.16045725


>> No.16045738

Because i was 13

>> No.16045756
File: 59 KB, 522x529, bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid queer poster

>> No.16045781

mommy told me not too and i was too young to know that not following your parents advise inst exactly dishonoring them

>> No.16046301

boys.. be honest...

>> No.16046348


>> No.16046499

I didn’t know what it was til late 17
I actually have a job and make decent money
I sometimes spend 5k at the casino
I would’ve easily put 5k into it
I could’ve easily been super rich