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15995158 No.15995158 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15995178
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I loved my visit to LA. Of course, I did stay at a multi million dollar house in the hills while I hung out with a movie producer/magazine magistrates son... But getting a job there must be impossible and not to mention a job that pays enough to not be homeless..

>> No.15995219

I was born and raised in California. I fucking hate it so much but at the same time its home and there's no other place like it. If you just changed the sitting government, California would be paradise. I can think of no other state more suitable for a 4chan ethnostate.

>> No.15995304

yeah, the geographics and diverse nature is nice for sure , but the SJW infestation together with latinos everywhere sucks

>> No.15995340

What we call this is neoliberal Stockholm syndrome.
California sucks unless you bought a house in the 70s.

>> No.15995366

Stay there faggot. Stop coming to Texas and increasing our real estate. Making it hard for US to buy homes.

>> No.15995374

I live in california.

The MAIN issue is with real estate being overpriced and overvalued as FUCK. True corruption

>> No.15995385

honestly latina chicks are hot as fuckkk

>> No.15995411
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>> No.15995422

>If you just changed the sitting government, California would be paradise.
your state is fucked cause its 65% blacks and grabby mexicans.

>> No.15995432

>yea the state is suffering under the weight of a thousand obese spics and thats why its so terrible

>> No.15995456

real estate is the issue. You can argue that "its overpopulated and housing isnt keeping up" but I call bullshit. The real reason homes are overpriced is mostly due to demand. This is why I think making real estate for profit is fucking stupid as it is what causes most of the issues in not only california, but nationwide as well. A home should be small and cheap. That way, you can buy it fast and live the NEET dream faster. Real estate should be priced at the cost of material and labor, not on "ooh its on a fucking beach! lets price it at 3 mil!!!!!".

>> No.15995469

>confusing regular burgerwomen to spics
I also notice its white chicks out of this country that look hotter (i.e. germans).

>> No.15995482

disgusting spic nigger

>> No.15995492

hate facts :)?

>> No.15995519

also, stay focused you 30IQ monkey. The issue is OBVIOUSLY real estate, you dumbfucker. I hate retards that refuse to admit basic facts or are simply incapable of figuring it out.

>> No.15995531

keep spamming. you will always be brown and disgusting.

>> No.15995563

im not actually brown but whatever
>inb4 "trying to mimic the white man"
also, what I "spam" are facts. Real estate is why 50% of renters nationwide are cost burdened, you down syndrome pseudo intellect

>> No.15995588

hey also, since you want to go off topic and play that game, post a selfie :)
cmon chad. Dont pussy out. Post a sefie and I'll post one too

>> No.15996014

Your ideas of valuations are fucking retarded.
Everything is over priced because of a history of low density development, the tax code that benefits sitting on property, and because of anti development nimbies that will use spotty owls, or infrastructure capacities, or what have you to bolster their investment returns.

A house on the beach is sure damn worth 5 mil, but the thing is shouldn't have been built their in the first place, and what should have been built sure wasn't a single family residence.

>> No.15996044


>> No.15996466

Only the castizas/criollas; the rest are ugly mestizas/indias, with the body and height of a goblin/orc.

>> No.15996479
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>living in Massachusetts
Just as gay but cold too

>> No.15996488

point is homes are priced more than they should be, retard. And why the fuck SHOULD a home be worth 5mil just because its on the beach, retard? Dont just say it should. Explain WHY

>> No.15996495

and by "why" I mean show me the fucking math to explain why the costs would make sense and to show the price isnt some "arbitrary" bullshit

>> No.15996686
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when are you gonna be honest and admit that the obese mexicans crossing for free shit is the number 1 problem facing California and the Western world today?

>> No.15996727

I don't understand why people quote weather as being a plus of california. It's a fucking desert, and to make it worse you spend a quarter of the year covered in wildfire smoke while it chokes the life out of you. I went out west years ago during wildfire season and it was absolutely miserable across 3 states because of that.

>> No.15996947

because if you look everywhere else, people are struggling hard. Its not just california, retard.

44% of 22-27 yr old college grads are underemployed (inb4 just do computer science as if everyone is capable of that. Even they have like a 24ish% underemployment rate for 22-27 yr olds: https://www.newyorkfed.org/research/college-labor-market/college-labor-market_compare-majors.html
Think about that. NEARLY 1/4 cs graduates aged 22-27 will be underemployed (don't know how it evens out over time. Still not amazing though. It's around 34% when including all ages and all majors). Also 1/4 college grads make highschool wages.
7/10 graduate with 29k in debt.

78% of full time workers live paycheck to paycheck ( *LITERALLY one paycheck away from homelessness and that is basically poverty* ). *42% of americans will retire broke* (so you give up the best years of your life being someone's bitch just to retire with nothing), 57% of americans can't afford an unexpected 500 dollar bill, 50% of renters are cost burdened (spend over 30% of their income on rent. Half of those spend over 50% of their income on rent), 30% of metropolis city jobs (where most jobs are created) pay hardship wages (not enough to move out with) and 32% pay livable wages (basically poverty) which leaves 38% that are decent (I say decent because you also have to take into consideration the toxicity of work culture. Also, some jobs ONLY pay livable or up BECAUSE of the hours put in. For instance, the average american works 47 hours a week. 49% work 50 hours or more a week. Both of which inflate the wage stats into looking better than it actually is), etc.

dont fucking bullshit me that ALL of this is because of immigrants. Im not a fucking white knight, im just not a down syndrome retard that believes everything trump tells people.

>> No.15996966

can confirm. Its always hot here. I wake up in the night due to the heat and have to sleep with the AC on a lot of the time.

>> No.15997000

define "underemployed"

>> No.15997035


this retard doesnt even know what underemployed means. I would tell you to google it, but I can tell you are not the resourceful type so fine, I'll spoonfeed you.

In this case, it basically people with bachelors degrees working in jobs that dont ask for a bachelors degree so basically highschool level jobs and some associate degree level jobs.

>> No.15997069

>he thinks bachelors degree means SHIT in itself
one venti americano pls

>> No.15997089

All the blacks are just about gone from Cali as they moved to Texas and other parts of the south.

>> No.15997099

>retard tries to justify shit economy

>> No.15997122

you also missed the point lmfaooooo
The point is immigrants are like a pimple, not the grand issue. Holy fucking kek, you arent even capable of staying focused on a discussion.

>> No.15997176

California has a lot in common with Norway.

>State doesn't like guns.
>Reddit mindset widespread.
>Lots of immigrants leeching to the point of higher housing costs because state buys private housing for them.
>Climate environmentalist socialist niggers everywhere that thinks taxing everything is good for reasons.

So Norway is basically California except for a shittier weather.

>> No.15997184


I bought during the housing crash in 2013 and doubled my home value and make $140k a year in california, u jellie?

>> No.15997654

not OP but yes i am jelly. what do you do that nets you 140k/year? im finishing my AA this semester and i am lost and directionless on what to do from here. people like to say "do what you love" but fuck that id rather do what can net me financial security- that is what i would love

>> No.15997751

no you dont. Youve never been employed, have you? I used to think making decent money at a job you hate was no big deal "since all jobs suck". I was wrong. Dead dead wrong. No amount of money is worth doing grueling shit for 8hrs a day.

>> No.15997878

correct ive never had a job. i went from highschool to current college enrollment. how much do you make at your job? i feel like at a certain point the money would offset the negatives of a job that you are not particularly fond of

>> No.15997935

na, I was at a job that started at 20 with benefits and capped at over 40 an hr, but I couldnt take the stress (electrical trade). Being around unclutured angry swine was not worth it. I quit, found the easiest job I could think of (security guard) and just left it at that. I stopped at an AS. Im working on a TESOL cert to see if ai can teach english to chinese lids from home.

I learned the hard way more money =/= happiness. Nothing is worth working in a cut-throat environment.

>> No.15997945

also this security guard job pays shit. A little over 14 an hr. Way less stressful, but not enjoyable either. Some are tho.. Ive heard of nightshift jobs where people just watch movies their whole shift.

>> No.15997965

Easy if your name ends with -stein -stern -man etc.

>> No.15997966

interesting. i appreciate your advice. i still don't know what i should do once i get my AA. lately ive been thinking delivering packages through ups or some shit could be comfy. maybe ill try to look for a job before i pursue anything that i may regret later

>> No.15998002

Norway has better healthcare than shithole california.

>> No.15998022

I bought my house in 2015 in the Hancock park adjacent area. Paid $1.5Million.
Its worth $2.7Million today.
Real estate is a asset, not a problem.

The real fucking problem is the
Homeless fucking head cases and bums.

I had a home in Hollywood at vine and Santa Monica area about 1 block from a mental ward.
These dumb motherfuckers talk to them selves and smack there own face. Its fucking creepy as hell.
Its gotten way worst over the last 5 years. Its a epidemic.

>> No.15998040

Just left tx to the bay, its gay as fuck for sure but the weed is just too good

>> No.15998055

Hi sir,
So sorry to bother you my car broke down and my daughter is so sad. Could you please send me some money to buy gas and I'll just send it back when we get home...

>> No.15998081

all you poor and homeless california faggots need to stay the fuck out of Phoenix. we already have to deal with the boomers that come down for winter

>> No.15998086

Is the proper response to this "shut up you smelly spic" or is it "Sure thing. Stay right there while I go to an ATM. I'll be riiiight back"

>> No.15998120

Lucky you anon
Most of the fsggots that hate on it can’t afford to live there

>> No.15998131

I can afford to live in California and choose not to, because I live in a far superior state that also happens to have a lower cost of living. No I won't tell you which one, if everybody knew they'd move here.

>> No.15998152
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The problem with california is that it's filled with californians

present company excluded of course

>> No.15998204

Anon start donating plasma every week. It sounds gay but the income makes a difference. Join an employment agency (i suggest one called EXPRESS), find a good mon-fri job and wage slave away. With the money from plasma (approx +$100 per week) you can make it.

>> No.15998207

>Nigging in Niggerfornia

>> No.15998559
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I live in Canada. I promise you we have it worse than any burger. The few sane ones among us, anyway.

>> No.15998575

pic of your white wife right the fuck now

>> No.15998587

Has anyone in San Diego ever met and conversed with a non-liberal? Is that even legal?

>> No.15998642

because people are willing to pay for it retard. you wouldn't sell it to someone else for less either. stop being a bitch and go make your fucking money faggot.

>> No.15998645

I heard the rats and flees are now spreading diseases around due to all the square miles of homless encampments.

>> No.15998663

The housing market is about to collapse by ag least 30%.
Diont cry like a bitch when it does.
>cries like a bitch anyway

>> No.15998693


but they have all been gentrified out... the only reason Latinos are thriving are because those fuckers live 10+ a house making rent prices a joke.

>> No.15998697

why would I cry about it? I understand the situation, but don't expect the housing market to stay down for long. it never does in desirable areas. you salty bitches are the ones who are always crying about being priced out.

>> No.15998707

They all live in the boonies of Temecula-Murrieta. Or at least did, before I left cuckafaggotornia

>> No.15998763

There has be to a breaking point. Everytime I watch the news in SF, Veritas seems to be the only rental company thats FLEECING and outright kicking out their tenants by the thousands. There is no way in hell people will put up with this when you have an angry populace being kicked out by one single landlord.

>> No.15998774

You fags feel the need to taunt property owners are truly pathetic.
>hur dur enjoy the housing crash in the next few years
As if you’d be in a better position than someone like me to capitalize on it. You gonna finally be able to afford it that 600k house when it gets listed for 400k in the crash? Kek

>> No.15998997

retarded motherfucker. this is for you, dumbass >>15996947
EDUCATE yourself, retard

>> No.15999099

my point with the stats is Real Estate shouldnt even be FOR PROFIT since its NOT a LUXURY, it is a NECESSITY

It is WHY people are fucked anally in the u.s. and WHY wagecucking for 40+ hours a week is a thing. All overpriced real estate does is give employers more power as it makes people be at their mercy, brainlet. Learn to think

>> No.15999141

Posts like this confuse the fuck out of me. Bad economy? I got literally every job I ever applied to on the first attempt and I have a liberal arts degree. My current job, only the third job I've held, I started at intern-tier wages and now have a middle class salary in less than 3 years. This job enabled me to get out of debt, now debt free for nearly 2 years. I've been saving money like crazy, started a Roth IRA, started investing... all in the last couple years. I have no idea what anybody is complaining about, how the fuck can you fail to make money when a fucking English major like me can make it?

>> No.15999155

I live in California(La Area) but am getting tired of the expensive rent. What other based states are there?

>> No.15999166

>is Real Estate shouldnt even be FOR PROFIT since its NOT a LUXURY, it is a NECESSITY
Owning land is not a necessity you greedy socialist fuck.

>> No.15999210
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so true and they take up all the parking spots especially on holidays fuck them

>> No.15999232

Lmao, this family near me has about 5 cars in a 2 bedroom house, it’s actually pretty impressive

>> No.15999242


yes it is, faggot. This earth is free for all, but the government hates the idea of freedom

by your down syndrome logic, we arent entitled to gun rights or freedom of speech either, comie fucker

>> No.15999269

Sorry comrade, you have no right to steal property from others. Might makes right is not an enlightenment ideal either, it's barbarism.

>> No.15999295

libertarians are wrong about land. Private property in land is morally wrong, but the exclusive use of land is economically beneficial. The only tax that should exist should be the market rate for excluding everyone else from the land that you use. This makes good sense because all public spending increases land values, so those who pay the tax are the ones who benefit, and you no longer have to steal people's labor to fund public spending.

>> No.15999314

>born in California, parents lived in a shitty apartment
>Moved to flyover Midwest and bought a house for $90k in 1998
>Went to a nearby public school that was pretty damn good
>Despite never making good money my parents paid off their house in their 50s, both are going to retire at 66, and get $3k/month from social security and my dad's pension with like 100k in the bank

California is just for poor spics, rich Chinese, Jews, and faggots now. I can't imagine how much worse off my family would be we stayed.

>> No.15999321

California is cucked. Can't even own guns with plastic stuff on them.

>> No.15999613

is this true
I just want to live away from blacks desu
t. Atlantafag

>> No.15999648

It’s Idaho or Montana

>> No.15999660
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No blacks here just Mexicans, and rich Indians and asians at least in Silicon Valley
>TFW white boy who works in gym membership serving rich Indians all day

>> No.15999773

Indians are doing the same thing in the DC area. The buy a 5 bedroom house thats worth 800k-1.5 million and load the house up with a bunch of family that make $100k+.

>> No.15999789

I kekd. Im not saying that, dummy. Im saying people are entitled to a small piece of land so they can have a small home. Instead, we live in a dystopian society as the stats show

>> No.16000247

>This makes good sense because all public spending increases land values,
how is increasing land value a good thing? Its not. Overpriced housing is the issue.
>you no longer have to steal people's labor to fund public spending.
that doesnt even make any sense. How does giving people small pieces of land to live on "stealing people's labor"? makes no sense