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File: 45 KB, 736x828, 41B11BFC-1493-44D2-8A24-3D4200E0BF25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15950422 No.15950422 [Reply] [Original]

Whatever thing I think I want in the moment never makes me happy when I actually get it. I was desperate for a job, then I got it, now I’m just as miserable as before. I was desperate for sex, then I got it, then I realized it doesn’t make me happy. Then it was friendship, and like always, friends didn’t make me happy. I thought maybe some new gadget or video game or whatever would make me happy, they never did.

My brain is either fucked or everyone else is lying about their experiences, but I hate my fucking life. Life never gets better. There is nothing to live for.

>> No.15950445

happiness is internally, let it go young one.

>> No.15950450

It's because those things don't deliver you from your state as a wageslave. The only attainment that will ease your dissatisfaction is total financial freedom.

>> No.15950485
File: 79 KB, 436x399, absorutery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look! THIS pathetic "kill yourself" slide thread AGAIN!
I think it's the chinks who push this one. It's lazy, and very subtle, and soft. Not like the vile kikes.


>> No.15950490
File: 9 KB, 300x212, 1433825276551(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Value the good, the true, and the beautiful above all else.

Esteem strength. Be disgusted by weakness, especially in yourself.

Mock vice and extol virtue.

Be the father to your children that you always longed for. Be the son that you would want to have.

Do not waste your vital energy on hedonism rather than sustaining or creating life.

Do not pollute your mind and body with poison.

Do not fetishize the base, degenerative, dysgenic, brutal, and ugly. Guard your senses.

Love deeply enough to experience true hatred. Be extreme with your moderation in all things.

Do not confound the meanings of tolerance and acquiescence. Let your altruism be a manifestation of strength rather than pathology.

Pain is the penultimate didact, embrace it with stoicism. It is the furnace of the forge.

Give your best effort in everything no matter how menial the task. There are no menial tasks.

The fear of failure will stop you from ever succeeding. The ego is so terrified of embarrassment that it will sacrifice achievement.

Persistence after you fail is the true measure of your character. Undaunted persistence is the driver of success.

Be self-disciplined in mind, body, and spirit, interdependent disciplines.

Narcissism is the antithesis of self-respect. The ego is the seat of fear and must be broken to the will.

Recognize, own, and learn from your mistakes. Do not let the ego hinder self-improvement; a flaw is a flaw whether pointed out by friend or foe.

Attention to detail is most important for the tasks that you dislike.

Work diligently on self-improvement. Live outside of your comfort zone permanently.

Master yourself and overcome your limitations, overwhelmingly, merely perceptions, not reality.

Always set goals of increasing difficulty, but never have expectations.

Strive for transcendence. The ego is broken by the will; the will must submit to the sublime and ineffable order, becoming a vessel of the divine and a wellspring of happiness.

>> No.15950499


>> No.15950506

if you want to die so bad at least help everyone else and take some corrupt jews, judges, or niggers with you

>> No.15950509


im on acid and this pepe disturbed me and ruined my trip. fuck you OP

>> No.15950538

Fuck off with your depressing crap. If you want to feel sad, fine. Just don't spread it to others.

>> No.15950581

Accept Christ anon, his is the only way, the world is not enough for anyone.

We are all fucked without god anon, even Jeff bezos...

Especially Jeff bezos actually

>> No.15950617


the answer is that you have depression, congratulations. now go drink some Kefir, vitamins, exercise, meditate, and take some dmt/psilocybin so you stop bumming everyone out with these threads.

>There is nothing to live for
yeah, life is meaningless. its up to you to assign meaning.

>> No.15950636


>Browsing 4chan on acid

You're doing it wrong

>> No.15950680

did you try a sybian, it cured the depressions of so many already

>> No.15950974

Life is all the shit you do in between waiting for things that never happen.

>> No.15950998

>reddit spacing

>> No.15950999

I ended up getting the kind of gaming PC that I could never afford as a teenager. Now that I'm playing the games I wanted at 60fps, I'm not sure if I even care about it.

>> No.15951052

Wtf i feel the same

>> No.15951069

Read Ecclesiastes

>> No.15951076

Hedonic treadmill. The only way to get happier is to focus on improving the skill of being happy.

>> No.15951082


>> No.15951278

The only time I ever feel happy is when I’m drunk and either watching movies or playing video games /listening to music alone. What does this mean ?

>> No.15951364

>The only attainment that will ease your dissatisfaction is total financial freedom.
Tell that to those lottery winners that fucked themselves. Financial freedom does not exist. With more $$$ comes greater/heavier responsibility, and more stress for most, as they are unable to handle the burden of it and get caught up in a cycle of believing more will make it better.
True happiness is attaining a state of fuck-it-all in an unreckless manner, then holding it long term. Reflect on what really matters, and don't sweat the small things that are out of your control. Understand what you can control and command it.
All of that can unironically be acheived through challenging yourself doing something you enjoy, and I don't mean a vidya game challenge....I mean a real mental and/or physical challenge, or something that incorporates both.

>> No.15951374

It's society man. Ancient Romans never felt these feelings

>> No.15951407

yeah, they felt Marcus and Felix instead

>> No.15951454


it was a larp

>> No.15951520
File: 826 B, 120x160, whosbehindthispost.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stoicism is for redditors, goy.

>> No.15951533


>> No.15951574

Do you not know Marcus Aurelius? The whole philosophy of Stoicism revolves around the idea that life and people are shit.

>> No.15951637
File: 300 KB, 1365x1370, Interview-with-Eckhart-Tolle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dissolve your ego man. Live in the present.
Start by listening to some Eckhart Tolle interviews. The kaballah talks alot about relevant ego stuff too.

>> No.15952222

I feel the same way friend. I just wish to die honestly. I hate my fucking life despite having a good job and having decent amount of money.

>> No.15952328
File: 86 KB, 512x512, prod-1KILOGOLDBAR-SHIPIT-1-kilo-gold-bar-ship-650x650.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying gold with lottery winnings
they never stood a chance

>> No.15952732


Why not take a vow of poverty? It'd be like playing the game from level 1 with only a fraction of your former OP power.

>But life would get drastically hard

Hedonic treadmill bro. The bottleneck events that our ancestors endured informed them of these 2 things
1. Pain may be painful but it keeps you alive.
2. The luxury of consumptive pleasure is maladaptive to general survival

If you don't put your body and soul through pain, you'll never feel that grand distance between your lows and highs; Those exhilarating moments where the pleasure and contentment burst forth and a moment in eternity is recorded.

Your brain isn't fucked. It's meant to survive horrific shit, not rely on unstable.unsustainable fads. In geologic time, human history is a fucking 3rd rate boy band that MTV played only once back in 1997.

And how old are you? Life does get better. At least if you do deadlifts. You start to appreciate the seductive art of doing nothing but sitting in a park taking it all in. You realize how much mental noise you jammed your head with. You start to let your head play mental games instead of chasing an ever-more frustrating hedonic mill.

Internal voice isn't thought. It's the reflection of thought. As I said, instead of jamming your brain with noise, you can melt into the quiet situation with the understanding that cognition is happening regardless of whether the internal voice is present. Why not let the part that does the thinking focus on the thinking? Never understood sport fishing until recently. The freedom to do nothing. After a lifetime in a surreal media environment where man is torn between the call to "holy" actions and the call to a million other causes while being irritated with radioactive AIDS. Fuck that shit.

When I'm old, the most valuable possessions will be memories of my loved ones. It puts things in perspective. The Garden of Earthly Pleasures seems incredibly boring in comparison. You can drink those moments like wine.

>> No.15952745


irridiated with radioactive memetic AIDS

>> No.15952786
File: 105 KB, 301x301, 1570752200807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I spend some of your money with you?
On a serious note, have you ever tried serving others? Not because it's a nice thing to do inherently, but you really do get a sense of how good life is. Go volunteer at a ronald McDonald's house or something if you want to see reality.