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File: 153 KB, 662x670, ppnuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15934963 No.15934963 [Reply] [Original]

Im pannicking about my Youtube channel being flagged as "kids content". I make animations similar to Alan Becker, I spend like a month or more per video. The CPM is low as it is, the new rules will basically drop it 90%, and remove comments and notifications for subscribers, leaving me or anyone hit by this with 0 motivation to continue.

The fat bitch from the COPPA worshop looked exactly the type of over protective helicopter mom, they don't seem that they want a middle ground, and the cucks on Youtube, instead of fighting the case of how anyone over age 13 can't use Youtube by definiton, have accepted this insanity.

I wonder, what the fuck Is Youtube going to do when they lose like 50% of their ad revenue? since 50% or more is stuff that appeals to kids. And no kids go ever into Youtube Kids, at least not above 8, since they are already playing Fortnite and don't want to watch Peppa Pig or whatever the fuck they put in Youtube Kids. They want more edgy, independent stuff that corporations can never deliver, since they are out of touch with memes and stuff.

>> No.15934967


Holy shit, I finally was doing something positive, out of depression for the first time in ages, and there's always SOMETHING that fucks up your money making scheme. Everything I've tried failed, this was my only success, and not even doing fucking animations which never hurt nobody you are safe anymore. Fuck I was ready to show my hard work to my family for christmas (haven't said anything yet) and now im getting depressed again. I avoided being a cummuting cuck for peanuts doing this, and I want to kms at the thought of having to work a shitty job being another cuckold. Im considering changing my content a bit however, you risk falling into "targeted to kids, but with adult content = demonetised" category. This is insanity. Of course, Pewdiepie, DanTDM and co will be inmune from this, even if their stuff is watched mostly by 9yos. Do I really have to turn my channel into another gameplay channel? My voice sucks and I could only do it when my mom is away since it's too cringe if im not alone. I hate this, I liked doing animation, I dont want to do this just to try to save my channel. They said "its how you communicate with your audience, not the game you play". So I guess if you act an adult while playing, you are saved? But they will kill my animation videos which are the ones ranked getting views. FUCK.

>> No.15935036

let me guess.
you thought you gonna have a side gig where you make $$$ and dont have to work for a living.

well here now you are working and stressing harder than any programmer/designer job and you are hoping you get 200$ from patreon/shaving companies. ahahahahahhahahahahah

hows the sidegig working out for ya?
you realized they will screw you over and make you produce videos without giving you anything?
did you realize the giant hole in youir employment history retard?

you are working like a slave, harder than me, and youtube is finding new ways to not give you even 100$ a month.

>> No.15935045

find some animator job, or a job that doesnt depress you too much, and invest 20% of your paycheck into good stuff.
thats it.

>> No.15935056

Fuck you, you disgusting wagecuck. There are loopholes in every system and we will continue to improve while you wander in circles

>> No.15935080
File: 92 KB, 777x652, 1570119545972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, these loopholes are called being a designer working 3 days from home per week, and having access to shutterstock assets for free.

the other loophole? i guess you could have bought bitcoin when it was 1$ or you can rob people.

or dick? you can suck dick?

is it too hard to realize there are jobs that arent so bad and that by luck you can land one of those? where you sit in a fucking office all day like you sit now, but you get paid?

is that too much for your lazy millenial ass?
you want to play games and masturbate all day AND get paid too?

>> No.15935100
File: 3.11 MB, 4208x3120, P91016-162002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hows finding a woman and having a child coming along?
you gonna impress some quality woman with your NEET bux and how you pretend to be retarded to cheat the system?

maybe you ca be like jason blaha and pretend you have vertigo while you make informative videos?

youre not jealous of a wage cuck like me are ya?

>> No.15935121

get a job you lazy entitled millenial starbux drinking avocado having piece of shit.
no one is making you work in mcdonalds.
become a gardener, play with plants all day.

>> No.15935488
File: 371 KB, 1200x864, waggggggggggggggggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have saved $200k doing this without commuting a single day in my life lmao

and im still making money until this goes in place, and im still not sure if they will type this type of content

if not i'll go all in on BTC and retire when it goes to 100k

meanwhile you are still paying college's debt lmao

>> No.15935532

>I’m barely gonna make it by youtubes fucking over ahhhhhh
>jk I have 200k saved up ez money lol ;)
Which one is it anon?

>> No.15935545
File: 410 KB, 500x710, IGGER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm the fuck down, pops. You're overcompensating. No one believes you love your epic life now after that desperate sperg.
You're a fucking joke, and we all know it You're literally jealous that a young creative man is making money from home, and rather than stand by him, you side with the commie tech overlords who have lost their stranglehold on the narrative and our culture, and have resorted to censorship and silencing their superior opposition.
Do you happen to work for youtube, or something, you retarded commie shit smear?

>> No.15935563

nice 3k EUR stack fucking looser, I make that a week

>> No.15935574

They don’t care about actually making money. It’s about control. Google owns YT because they make enough off their search to run it on a deficit. This is why no one else can compete, it’s too expensive to run all the servers, etc. since no one can compete they abuse their power. In turn this control they enact makes it seem as though their advertisers are more valuable than they are in reality. The same problem that Facebook is having with ads, I’m almost certain YT/Google is guilty of as well.

>> No.15935602

If you rely on google as the means of giving yourself income, you will be fucked at some point

>> No.15935610

fuck boomers but also fuck retards who think jewtube ads is a legitimate way to make a living
if you need a specific platform to succeed then you're not that good as a creative, it's just that platform being good at monetizing your averageness

>> No.15936166
File: 772 KB, 1080x1920, 90234498b54ac0243316fc1a457d283689fb2e6f05ec590498a6314095629cf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! People are making money!
You fucking commie shit stains glow on the fucking sun.
Why aren't you more pissed at Google and youtube for being such commie shit stains, instead of kicking those who are targeted for censorship while they're down?
Yeah, you don't belong here, nigger.
Never post on this board again, faggot.

>> No.15936184

It's not censorship if it's a private entity, commie. They get to pick who to allow on their platform.

>> No.15936291

So is that "Ryan toys review" channel, who was YouTube's top earner, earning $22 million in a year, now screwed?

Well not really screwed, he already has tens of millions of dollars, but the gig is basically up for them and similar channels?

>> No.15936393
File: 387 KB, 888x499, DFWU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so you're cool with bringing back, "No Niggers Allowed!" signs then? Are you too fucking retarded to recognize that this is EXACTLY what you flaccid fucksticks are doing? How "tolerant" of you, slug.
You commie fucks are so locked in your blind ideology of 'authority', that you fail to grasp that our Constitution and Bill of Rights is a SOCIAL CONTRACT! This has nothing to do with "law". This is how our ENTIRE SOCIETY is established with this agreement BETWEEN THE PEOPLE, you fucking moron! You are such a fucking slave, you don't even understand Liberty, Sovereignty, and Freedom. You're a frightened house pet who requires a State monopoly on violent force to wipe your ass for you, and authorize your thought and speech for you, all while crushing anyone who pops your pathetic bubble with facts, and rational arguments.
We respect and defend the beliefs and speech of our countrymen, even when we don't agree. Up until now. You simply refuse to halt your assaults and threats on your fellow Americans, and so we, well within our Rights, shall defend our Liberty, and just eliminate this constant communist threat.
These anti American tech companies are violating the founding tenets of this Republic because they actually believe silencing their SUPERIOR OPPOSITION in the face of DAMNING LOGIC, AND EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE, is a winning strategy. How's that working out so far, you dumb faggot?
You're a fucking commie shit smear, and you're all going to die if you keep pushing your bullshit, you fucking useless nigger.
Personally, I hope you idiots never figure this shit out.
I want your blood to fertilize my fields.
Keep poking. PLEASE!
You've been warned.
It's very simple, you douche nozzle.
"Don't Tread on Me"

>> No.15937156
File: 44 KB, 492x368, 2980135266_b570dfa6df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm you got me there. i didnt know you were working.
i retract my insults.
what can i tell ya, i guess try to make an animator portfolio, can land you some entry animator gig for a casino website.

>> No.15937165

you forgot to pay your london rent wagie, and live in fear of niggers and muslims on the street while you cant even carry a knife.
im better off than you.

>> No.15937177

wait a minute...you made 200k from youtube videos?
yeah bullshit. fucking larping kids you should hang

>> No.15937182


>> No.15937187

I know rite. OP fell for the "be ur own boss" meme. Well enjoy being youTube's bitch, mr. Boss kek

>> No.15938264
File: 15 KB, 394x383, wag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurry up waggie go to sleep only 3 days to go!

>> No.15938350
File: 31 KB, 1052x446, 11k adsense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

years ago i was making A KILLING

cpm now is shit, but still enough to not have to work a retarded cuckold commuting job, so i cant take it going any lower, and i cant take lossing subs and comments, cause that would leave me with no motivation

i have never worked a day in my life, i have been living off this, my hobby

anything that isnt uploading content, any content you like, having your own schelude etc, sucks, im not willing to be bossed around for peanuts

back then it was so cool with relaxed rules, right now:

youtube: ups, your content is kids oriented, you lose the best ads, comments and subs so you get no views

also youtube: ups, your content is adult oriented, demonetised

and they dont even give you guidance if your stuff will fall under this category or not

but what i expect is anyone having doubts will stop creating content that could appeal to kids, as a result, there will be a shortage for kids content, which means kids will end up watching inappropiate content. i hope the kids of the US government retards passing these laws end up watching inappropiate content that fucks their mind up for trying to solve a problem by launching a nuke on innocent creators. they want to create their own curated kids content, but they are insane if they think any kid above age 8 will ever go into Youtube Kids app, by age 8 they want to play Fortnite not watch fucking Peppa Pig and their sjw nonsense.

>> No.15938386

ehh, the only realistic way to make money is to rank your content within google's algorithm

the people that actually have followings are the untalented e-celeb retards like jake paul which have seas of kids following them on every platform, but they produce nothing of value, same for dantm, pewdiepie, and all those guys making millions being a clown on their bedroom. at least i do something somewhat creative even if its simple and fun/derpy

yes, the question is, will only those channels go down, or pretty much all gaming stuff/animated stuff too? if yes, then what the fuck will be left for kids to watch?

my conclusion is that they just want to brainwash kids by having on youtube only "youtube produced" content, of course, kids by age 8 will not watch any of that, and due this law applying to kids until age 13, there will be this massive void of lack of content for 8-13 years olds which can notice its not being produced by an independent person which is in touch with memes and all the stuff they like, and will thus gravitate towards whoever is left standing like pewdiepie and any other content which will be inappropiate but still being produced because the big guys get away with anything. even danTDM was told he is out of danger zone even if only its mostly 9-12 year olds wathing their fucking vids.

>> No.15938504

You guys are attacking me because you are too out of touch of what is going on. The COPPA retards are a bunch of helicopter parents that basically have been pushing their backwards shit and are approaching the first ammendment with their latest ourtages and cries.

Youtube has been forced to do this, it's their fault. But of course, Youtube are a bunch of idiots too by "solving" it this way. They could pursue the fact that their site requires you to be age 13, and if you aren't and you are using it, it's not Youtube's fucking fault but their parents.

As a result, they are wiping EVERYONE that could be making content that appeals to people under 13.

The end result is: They will get rid of ALL independent creators, which means, all that your kids will be exposed on the internet, will be "Youtube Originals" SFW crap.

Of course, since they are out of touch with reality, they dont realize no one above 8 will ever use Youtube Kids app, and since there will be a lack of that 8-13 yo content regular Youtube, they will end up watching inappropiate stuff anyway. Oh and guess what, the new algorithm will treat anyone watching content that could be considered for kids as a kid. What does this mean:

1) if you are an adult and you like to watch anime, cartoons, minecraft, or anything else that could be triggered by this algorithm, you will be considered as a kid and you will not be able to comment or get notifications.


so the net result is:

1) creators making fun content for 8+ years old get screwed

2) adults that like to comment on content that could be considered as to be for kids get screwed

3) kids that want to watch content in that 8-13yo range cannot find it anymore because no one is producing it, end up watching 13yo+ stuff anyway.

>> No.15939040
File: 505 KB, 500x608, cringe'tard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's all you got?
THAT is cringe, bruh