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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15931932 No.15931932 [Reply] [Original]

He continues the delusion

>Continues to tank with nothing burger after nothing burger at conferences
>ETH Denver, Web3, Sibos, juicy nothing burgers on Sergey's grill
>Hamburglar Sergey stutters through speeches unable to create any interest
>LINK network consists of garage fags running heartbeats
>2017, 2018, 2019 all pass without $1000

Are you cooming retards ever going to stop spamming biz with your bullshit? It's over fags. No one is adopting Chainlink. We've been telling you for years

>> No.15932020

The more you talk, the more you make sense. Honestly, why did I think I’d get rich buying something from a startup setup in the Caribbean islands

>> No.15932030

linkies are delusion, they actually believe it was going to be a cup and handle. top kek

>> No.15932078


I think these faggots are finally starting to wake up around here.

>> No.15932079

Chain link is never supposed to be more expensive than a small cup of coffee from an independent Seattle coffee shop

Read the white paper. Because of this it's very easy to get rich swinging chain link. More expensive than a cup of coffee? Sell. Less expensive than a cup of coffee? Buy.

I cleared $100k this year following this very simple rule.

>> No.15932097


>> No.15932098

No you didn't you imbecile. You spend everyday masturbating to cam girls and playing overwatch you fucking retarded nigger lol.

>> No.15932112

UncleOldFag was right all along. It's over guys. You should have sold if you haven't already.

>> No.15932117

Stay poor Rajesh. I clear more in a month than you will in your entire life sweeping the streets of Calcutta.

>> No.15932147

>unironically, Chainlink

>> No.15932154
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>> No.15932161

> larping as one of the dumbest larpers on this board
> only shows up when there's a dip (even though a few weeks ago it was $1.60)
> i-i don't hold any link honest, i just have link memes, pay attention to the price, have copy pastas for it
> unironically linkposting
> m-muh trip got haxored guys it's not like i just forgot to take my trip off
> haha oh whoopsie pic related i forgot to take my schiff trip off while i was shilling my scam site as the quintissential pajeet way to try and get as much link as i can before i'm priced out even further
Is having an extra chromosome a prerequisite for using a trip nowadays? Really seems like it desu.

>> No.15932166
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Oh, also - pic related is the scam he was trying to pull

>> No.15932173

he literally told you to sell at the top, u're just nitpicking.

>> No.15932196

Chainlink is bad

>> No.15932208

I missed it when this FUD was spammed. Thanks for bringing it back.

>> No.15932217

> u-ur just nitpicking
He's a cockroach infesting this board - just like you ranjesh! Of course you'd support him and ask people to overlook his shit-for-brains behavior.

>> No.15932267
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It's not about being setup in the Islands mon, although that just advertises what a scam this whole thing is.

It's headed for the core of the earth. Whales had their fun swinging but the reality is apparent, no one is adopting this shit. Biz neets no longer get to grab $1 tokens and sell for $100. The HFT, whale groups, and banking cartel would never, ever allow LINK to explode in value. Those with small 12,000 stacks would be able to quit their wagecuck jobs, not allowed

I hope so. Biz needs to get back to being a hivemind for good investing. Not believing larps like pic related

>> No.15932283

Every time unclefaggot makes a thread I know its a good time to buy more link

>> No.15932312

You aren't smart money. You're going to be destroyed kiddo

>> No.15932330

will never address things like
he just pretends it doesn't exist because he's too stupid and he's been caught out too many times
> l-link will never be above .50c
he said for a solid year while claiming it was a scam that would never have a mainnet
RIP nigger. RIP

>> No.15932344

truly no board is safe from insufferable tripfags

>> No.15932352
File: 135 KB, 640x480, unc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>price furiously tanking
>still not top 10 despite this anon shilling nonstop
>thinks he will outsmart whales

you are a retarded fag and it's why you're subjected to poverty. grab my Porsche, valet

>> No.15932395

Absolutely based

>> No.15932411


>> No.15932460
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> m-my 0 proof porsche larp
ah that takes me back
> dom peragnon
I can't even begin to imagine how salty you would have to be after shorting link at .50c and watching the big pumps happen
That's why you're here anon. And that's why you'll never leave or stop larping or acting like a dip like this is even worth noting. You should try to make a new trip / try to run another scam site, it's your last resort before you end up with a sharpie in your pooper trying to get free links. Remember - you may want to take your trip off when you do it, or you'll have another embarrassing incident.

>> No.15932536
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>> No.15932561


Hey great post, one question though, I was confused where you said ‘continues to tank’ because i’m up 30,000$ on my LINK investment, but if it’s going up isn’t that the opposite of tanking? Srry if I’m confused, I’m a brainlet

>> No.15932587

Anyone that actually understands any of these networks knows Chinalink is a fake ass scam that does nothing, will never be adopted and definitely will never be used in any project that has any value. If you need a web scaper just use Python like everyone else. Link is a complete con game and Sergey and his accomplices fucking pwnt you faggots.

>> No.15932657

Based as fuck.

>> No.15932773

This thread reeks of oldfag samefagging himself
He's been a joke since the sub 1 dollar days. Surprised he's even tried to come back under this trip

>> No.15932888

It's not the same one he was using before - he got caught out trying to shill link when he took his trip off. When he wasn't doing shit like that he insisted before mainnet that link would never be worth anything and wrote like a poorfag pretending to be a richfag - surprise surprise he comes back after his schiff persona gets burned promoting scams.

>> No.15932986

But it 10xed. And biz was on it 2 years prior. Was that coincidence?

>> No.15933021

it 20x'd, really.

Move on.

put 50% of your Link gains into PNK while the Vitalik shills still go unnoticed.

>> No.15933057
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Just checking in on my fellow linkies
*Breathes in*
kek, you guys didn't get the memo yet?

>> No.15933402

top kek, based this unclefaggot have bezn around for 2 years and he always gave bad advice while acting all smug