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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 86 KB, 538x523, shitting on god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15869302 No.15869302 [Reply] [Original]

Is it weird that my political views are entirely tied to my economic views?
Like, I don't know where to talk about this other than /biz/, because even /pol/ doesn't seem like the right place.
I just think that everything should be deregulated and corporations should rule over us as authoritarian regimes.
You live for Walmart, you die for Walmart. That sort of thing.
That way our identities are tied to our jobs as well. Wagies finally have a way to socialize because everyone is a coworker.
Also, people with cushy finance jobs should be part of a separate hierarchy and just all live in the same area ruling over everything. Cityville or something.
Also also, individualism is a sham and only serves to hinder progress.
Also also, maybe we should keep Africans as pets.

Pic kinda related
t. post-ancap or something

>> No.15869325

>I just think that everything should be deregulated and corporations should rule over us as authoritarian regimes.
Sounds pretty retarded
>people with cushy finance jobs should be part of a separate hierarchy and just all live in the same area ruling over everything
they already do this though

>> No.15869329

You are braindamaged.

>> No.15869413
File: 296 KB, 800x695, 1453080142140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just think that everything should be deregulated and corporations should rule over us as authoritarian regimes.
I don't have a probably with this

but >>>/pol/

>> No.15870261

At the end of the day literally everything is economics and economics is the only thing that matters.
Imagine having access to the mostly uncensored world wide web and not figuring out that all politics is diluted dictatorial rule and you're an ubercuck for wasting a micro ounce of energy on discussing who you want to be your mind daddy as a grown man who should rather focus on building his own private empire.

>> No.15870269

Based and yellowpilled

>> No.15870281


>> No.15870356

>I just think that everything should be deregulated and corporations should rule over us as authoritarian regimes.
You don't even understand the ideology you pretend to espouse. Corporations can't "rule" over us like a state, then it would just be a fucking state.
Nice falseflag.

>> No.15870361

That's the point, dumb fuck. A corporate state.

>> No.15870485
File: 464 KB, 1202x745, Queequegs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pequod's or Queequegs, lads?

>> No.15870499

I dunno what either of those is, innit

>> No.15870554


Based af

>> No.15870558

Just looked it up, this is basically the extract essence of my political beliefs

>> No.15870729
File: 1.13 MB, 1800x1200, 1540441880307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had been thinking the exact same thing to myself for quite some time now; anarcho capitalism is pretty much the rejection of the idea of politics, or at least of being forcibly subjected to one single brand of politics
ideological enclaves amongst a larger anarcho capitalist society are inevitable, and essentially impenetrable to things like mass immigration being used as a weapon against a population; if the government of an enclave enforces a law that effectually destroys its people at their expense, then people who want nothing to do with this can easily move to or make their own enclave that's essentially a fork of the previous enclave, without the crap law (and accompanying higher tax rates)

tl;dr - fuck politics, economics are god
also, collectivism vs. individualism may be exactly the same thing, word-for-word, argument-for-argument, as politics vs. economics

>> No.15870743

I'm glad my thread could be the birthplace of such cultured economic belief

>> No.15870764

>I just think that everything should be deregulated and corporations should rule over us as authoritarian regimes.
You live for Walmart, you die for Walmart. That sort of thing.
You sound dangerously retarded. No wonder you feel so at home on biz.

>> No.15870778

Idiots believe they are smart because they have reframed their thoughts through an idiotic lens.

>> No.15870798

Ancaps are so fucking stupid

>> No.15870802

At least you admit it

>> No.15870815

I never said I wasn't smart, simply that idiots think differently from smart people.

>> No.15870964

Sounds shit. We'd live as slaves in a polluted hellhole


>> No.15871286

I too like cyberpunk

>> No.15871298
File: 140 KB, 364x408, DUDE JUST INVEST IN REAL ESTATE LAMO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine being this fucking stupid.

Welcome to /biz/ enjoy your stay

>> No.15871329

>Please don’t prune my oil thread jannies

>> No.15871471
File: 1.22 MB, 761x1014, dc41a0ea7555ec6fdc9b6244c1c53c11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stupid ancap is gonna make cheap boots that you'll buy, and eventually wind up eating behind the guards' backs in your commune
and then, when all the other commies are gossiping about how you're missing a boot and you didn't share it, you'll wind up waiting in a line for your body and your possessions to get distributed so that it can all be eaten while the commies mock you for being selfish by saying things like "get ate, richie"
get ate, richie

one of my teeth is rotting out of my mouth and i feel like death burning on a sideways cross
i think i'm gonna go to a dentist

>> No.15871549
File: 126 KB, 643x753, 1558578376135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with initial anarcho-capitalist thought faggot. Adding "post-" doesn't help you sound anymore fucking retarded. You either believe in the absolute freedom of the individual or you don't. Stop being an edgecore faggot.

>> No.15871563

Wrong. I believe in the free will of collective agencies. Only as a collective species can we achieve progress, and therefore a framework of government is necessary. I also believe that this framework would work better if it looked like a company, hence a corporate republic.

>> No.15871587

People like OP are why the soviets made gulags

>> No.15871604
File: 91 KB, 400x400, 1938575600296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're describing globalism, the extreme top-right, while as the same time talking about anarcho-capitalism, the extreme bottom-right. you are not smart

>> No.15871606
File: 19 KB, 300x250, zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just fascism you dumbfuck. Why even label it "post-ancap" other than to sound edgy. Go back to nationstates.net nerd

>> No.15871618

this thread may very well have just econopilled me

>> No.15871636

It's almost like political spectrums can't account for every belief system, what a shocker.
I'm an anarcho-capitalist that believes in accelerationism towards a capitalist state, and that all stems from my economic beliefs.

>> No.15871665

Anon you're just confused into believing you invented fascism.

>> No.15871666
File: 209 KB, 700x700, 1563907024922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm an anarcho-capitalist
>individualism is a sham
>people with cushy finance jobs should be part of a separate hierarchy and just all live in the same area ruling over everything
>we should keep Africans as pets

you're honestly just really, really dumb. that's your political ideology

>> No.15871673

It's not fascism because it's not fascism

>> No.15871681

Absolutely fucking bluepilled

>> No.15871687

you're just fudding my ideology, nerd

>> No.15871841

Why is every redditor and anti-capitalist nigger? Why did the redditors stay on /biz/

>> No.15872842

I don't know but I just fucking love to see where this thread goes. hillarious shit.

>> No.15873340
File: 53 KB, 402x780, 1486676858814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it's all coming back to me...

>> No.15873430

Your ideas are worthless to me.

>> No.15873448

It's all in the perspective of the less educated person when you're less educated, I understand.

>> No.15873541

I buy stock in companies, I profit when the profit. I pay taxes to government yet nothing they do improves my life. If the state allowed me to, I would pay private construction companies to fix the roads I travel on, I would pay a private security firm to protect me and uphold the law, and I'd consider them more honest than the police because they'd be answerable to me and not have a shitty fucking union protecting them from being fired when they murder and torture innocent people and deal drugs on the side. Fuck the state.

>> No.15873552

>corporations should rule over us as authoritarian regimes
very stupid. That’s a stupid idea and you are stupid

>> No.15873576

Dude unions are based it's the regulations that you hate. Regulations force big companies to crack down on their employees for smaller and smaller things, but unions prevent that. It's almost as if the government made regulations to shut market competition competition down.

>> No.15873588

Anon... we already live in that world.

>> No.15873633

Is it weird that LINK is going to be $1000 eoy?

>> No.15873656
File: 37 KB, 600x600, biztard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"o hey guise everything should be deregulated"

>t. retard who confused anarchocapitalism with neoliberalism

>> No.15873707

based stinker shitting up unrelated thread

>> No.15873724

Corporations are government constructs

>> No.15873730

I'd have to do more research on that;

>> No.15873762

thanks. but you forgot to “checked”

also because of you’re mistake LINK is now $2000 eoy

way to go...

>> No.15873873
File: 272 KB, 1772x1772, laissez faire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it weird that my political views are entirely tied to my economic views?
No. It is intelligent. Politics is the use of violence to determine what use is made of scarce resources. At their core, all political ideologies are about who and how should decide how these resources are used. All political ideologies are based on a school of economics that somehow try to give it legitimacy. It doesn't matter whether its economics have been disproved or not, as long as the power structure that uses it as a justification exists you'll keep hearing the same wrong points of view. That's why there are so many arguments in favor of government spending, even if every single one has been disproven long ago.

>government taxation & spending is good for the economy
>war is good for the economy
>inflation is good for the economy
>immigration is *always* good for the economy
>centralized control of currency is good, and also necessary

All of them are bullshit, yet almost everyone believes them because they don't know any better. Mises disproved every single one of them almost 100 years ago, and the answer why is in one or two books that are barely more than 100 pages, yet nobody reading this here will go and read it, and neither will most normal people.

>> No.15874083


>> No.15874137

certainly megacorps are

>> No.15874149

Thanks for bothering to take time on my thread, guys. It really made my night to know anons still care about rational thought.

>> No.15874180

>You live for Walmart, you die for Walmart. That sort of thing.
when SHART IN MART becomes serious business

>> No.15874185

is this a f*rry OC wtf dude

>> No.15874195

good thing the average persons opinion on economy and government is worthless Lmao

>> No.15874197

>individualism is a sham

Yet we ITT are supposed to listen to one (1) authority, you, ie and individual, on this matter, and YOUR individual opinion should count?

pmsl lol

>> No.15874201

Thinking of making /fg/ finance globalists but not sure if that would catch on. thoughts?

>> No.15874207

I never said I was right, I only said you are dumb. It's all about what you choose to believe, bud.

>> No.15874209

that is one fucking hard-hitting quote right there. I always thought that governments are fallible and just-as-human-as-the-rest-of-people. I'll freaking read Mises now, have only seen him meme'd by anti-anarchists online

>> No.15874238

k, but calling other people stupid can also be a way for you to camouflage your own weaknesses in thought/argument

I've seen my fair share of pro "melting pot"/immigration economics students (mindlessly saying that all immigration always boosts Country X's economy in the long term) putting others down for not having a formal degree

smarter people have their intellectual blind spots too btw

>> No.15875181

Terrible bait.

>> No.15875273

After reading it, try Rothbard(Mises student) and Hans-Hermann Hoppe(Rothbard student). They add a lot of depth to Mises work and have pretty based insights

>> No.15875332

Do the needful sirs

>> No.15875336

Bruv I got a chub rn

>> No.15875845
File: 293 KB, 1620x1196, evangelion ABE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which two books? I'm going to read them and educate myself.

>> No.15876478

What about industries that deliberately induce addictions (i.e. sugar, tobacco, guns). Don't they need to be counterbalanced by guberments?

>> No.15876580

>s it weird that my political views are entirely tied to my economic views?
No economics is heavily tied to politics.

>> No.15877233

terrible bait

>> No.15877343

Move to China. You'd like it there