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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15868386 No.15868386 [Reply] [Original]

Remember, when you’re rich, and you want only the finest of meats, there will be only one choice.

Here are some options fore the linklets:

#7 Sirloin and Strip Ends
#4 Porterhouse

Menu for the Meat on the Moon Event is chosen. Only those with a Steaking Node or that have been holding since 2017 are invited.

By this time next year, we’ll all be Wagyu Anons.

>> No.15868412

Are you worried about staking being a big nothingburger like wallstreet bonuses, Bakkt or ETFs?

Please, let's discuss.

>> No.15868420

>wagyu cucks

>> No.15868441

Hello boomer, give your children money or just kill yourself worthless cuck.

>> No.15868445

Highly suggest getting a salamander broiler. Used them in the restaurant biz and I can cook the same way at home now. Top down heat is the only way to go. Sous vide is next best.

>> No.15868456

>when you’re rich, and you want only the finest of meats, there will be only one choice.
Fully expected this to be a foreskin thread.

>> No.15868459

I know what I’m doing, thanks.

Steaking won’t be a nothingburger. If you knew the amount of developing happening, you’d have been buying Link as much as possible all year.

>> No.15868480

Friendly reminder that projects always dump after staking goes live

>> No.15868488

Webber grill is the only exeptable method of cooking a steak. >>15868456

>> No.15868517

>or that have been holding since 2017 are invited
No 2018 buyers? Come on, we're marines too. I bought in April 18.

Maybe a better way to filter would be by entry price. Anyone who accumleted below .40 or .50

>> No.15868524

Friendly reminder, no project ever has been 1/100th of what Link is.

Making that comparison is like comparing Google to your uncle’s shitty geocities site in 1997.

>> No.15868532
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imagine cooking your meat lol

>> No.15868542

Tenderloin is the only patrician choice

>> No.15868554
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hmm long time since the last time we had steak, currently nowhere to make it. moved into new place no stove. i could possibly eat it seared with a gas torch and microwaved warm.

>> No.15868565

it has the nicest texture, but the black angus ribeye has the most taste from everything i ever tried.

>> No.15868596

>i could possibly eat it seared with a gas torch and microwaved warm
What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.15868599


>> No.15868607

so this is when the roasties finally get involved

>> No.15868624

it's been too long...

>> No.15868632

Come to Idaho kids.
I eat grass fed free range wagyu a few times a week and it doesn't cost me any more than a traditional steak.

>> No.15868655

I’m poorfag, I only eat skirt steak

>> No.15868662
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You are here

>> No.15868678

>Menu for the Meat on the Moon Event is chosen. Only those with a Steaking Node or that have been holding since 2017 are invited.

I'm working on my node. I'm working on it damnit!

>> No.15868709

quick biz teach me how to stake

>> No.15868715

If LINK hits $10 I will get me some Wagyu. Got myself a celebratory Big Mac menu when LINK hit $1, so it seems appropriate.

>> No.15868750
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Been experimenting with grinding some Wagyu to make burgers. Was thinking of making Wagyu Big Macs for the gathering as a gag.

>> No.15868798
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Sounds nice. Maybe some premium mozzarella for cheese and Kaiser rolls for buns

>> No.15868864

>wasting money on overprized food

>> No.15868906

>Dude lmao just dont spend anything on enjoyable things just live like a monk for 80 years lmao

>> No.15868928

It isn’t a waste if you enjoy it and it is a hobby.

>> No.15868977

Is this ETH staking or LINK staking or are they the same thing? I know you need 32 ETH but do you need any LINK to stake?

>> No.15869048

>>grinds wagyu
Never gonna make it

>> No.15869112


Go through this and read every link from the knowledge bomb section.

>> No.15869154

Hard to make into burgers though anon? Would love to try some on the yacht.

>> No.15869345


>he grinds wagyu, eliminating the whole fucking point of the meat - the marbling
>he could just buy a $8.99 pack of 70/30 chopped meat and it'd be the same as his $200 steak he just ground up

oh no no no no

>> No.15869380

i eat beef very rarely.

maybe 3 times a year.

that shit is toxic

>> No.15869396

list some cities please

>> No.15869412

it's not actually toxic there is nothing in beef that harms you, it's your gut bacteria that poisons you if it gets a lot of carnitine.

>> No.15869420

>If you knew the amount of developing happening,
but you dont know. You're just some faggot who thinks he has taste in meat and tries to getg attention. Im pretty convinced all the larps are just one person. Im leaning towards that faggot link jesus

>> No.15869490

Based wagyu, any price target talks ?

>> No.15869537

Damn look at the color everything except the left side of the tbone looks awful

>> No.15869876

just eat it raw you pussy

>> No.15870801

aged meat is not raw you clueless faggit

>> No.15870852

Real men eat bugs or basedburgers

>> No.15870872

Skirt is solid. It's obviously not a filet or strip, but when cooked right, it's fucking kino. Argies are a prime example of a group of people who know how to cook skirt.

>> No.15870874

Expensive cuts are for cucks.

With your stinky linky money you can get a farm and raise your own cows and be a real man.

>> No.15870895

Imagine millions of link pulled off the market in one fell swoop, locked up in nodes and out of circulation. Along with maker dao, compound, microsoft, Intel, whatever based Nandolito, and Wally Walport have going on? It's called singularity.

You see how all those lending programs are lending the big boys and then link?
Activates the almonds

>> No.15870916
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>> No.15870924

Them boys got in a month or two ahead of '18. I bought Jan '18.
It's wtf ever though, I don't want to really meat any of you guys anyways. I just want to not have to worry about bills n shit no more.

>> No.15870934

I shut mine down once the free credits ran out. Too expensive to not be getting work on it

>> No.15870936

I'm not gonna make it bros pulled out earlier this year and have been burning through copious amounts of capital

So much ETH sold below $300....I'm gonna be sick

>> No.15870946
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After Adelyn failed the spelling bee she was disowned by her family for committing a grave Chinese sin. Her father told her that he no longer had a daughter and the entire family turned their back on her. Distraught with nowhere to turn she headed back to campus her place of shame. It began raining then, silver streaks that hid her tears as she struggled to stay warm.
Sergey found her there at the library clutching a wet dictionary just trying to keep warm while memorizing the words. Sergey spoke to her in soft words that warmed her heart. Although Adelyn didn't know Sergey very well. He didn't look like a scammer; he just looked like a thin nerd that meant no harm.
Sergey saved her that day and brought her to a place where spelling doesn't matter. A place where people do as they please without worrying about knowing anything about the problems of the world.
And that place, frens, is ChainlInk, a new land of opportunity where problems that really don't exist are being solved. Adelyn says Sergey is a modern day Wittgenstein and orcales are his problem. Adelyn is not sure what an oracle is or why it's needed or even if it's needed but she still keeps that same dictionary on her bookshelf to remind her of that faithful first encounter with Sergey. The dictionary is faded and torn and really isn't much help but it still brings her warmth and that's what's most important

>> No.15870982

priced in, youre intending they trade if staking isnt live

>> No.15870986
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>> No.15871001
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serve it up baby!

>> No.15871021

flavor is in the fat

>> No.15871056

I'll be honest. I got mine running, then I tried connecting to a posgres database and now I'm stuck. Haven't figured this one out as to why it's not connecting properly. Lemme see what I can do tonight...

>> No.15871066

Whats your serious and non meme price prediction?

>> No.15871808

I met a Linky at a ferry stop in Mykonos via airdrop (my phone is names ChainLink, he airdropped a stinky meme). Cool dude. Maybe we’re not all as bad as we think

>> No.15872122

Are you desensitized to this quality of meat by now? Is it just a normal thing? I’m worried I’ll get rich and be happy for a month and then feel the exact same as always.

>> No.15873079

>Non-fresh meat


>> No.15873253
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kek this pasta is aging very well

>> No.15873270

quality food isn't all about pleasure. You also eat it because it's primo fuel and makes you run well. Can't get desensitized to that but you will notice a difference if you eat the crap you used to.

>> No.15873271

kek you'll be lucky to afford hamburger helper once LINK is sent back to the depths of hell

>> No.15873823

Hi nulinker scumbag.

>> No.15873844


You stainstinkies can soon afford the shank only, so better start training that jaw, stinklet.

>> No.15874595

good steak is aged for many weeks retard. in fact just cooling down the animal properly after slaughter takes 3 days. so if you get fresh beef something is wrong.
during this period the meat dries out a bit increasing flavor intensity per pound and there are chemical changes that make it more tender and more readily digestible.

>> No.15874603

>it's primo fuel and makes you run well
that's bullshit tho, all your body needs to run well is sugar and some fats. it turns every fucking thing to sugar and amino acids pretty much. doesn't matter the source.

>> No.15874629

Literally bullish

>> No.15874945

This is a LARP. Wagyu Anon post much better quality cuts of meat. Your a poser.