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15865320 No.15865320[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Here for a few years representing a company. Honestly nice place but fucking boring. The drug laws are tight as fuck, but so is Japan's, and I had no trouble buying in Kabukicho. Anyone know where to score in Seoul? Craigslist Nigerians are taking the piss.

>> No.15865601

Drugs are bad, mmkay

>> No.15865610

Why don’t you grow up faggot

>> No.15865641

>and I had no trouble buying in Kabukicho
Will need to remember this. As for your problem: my guess is you might want to go to an upscale club where kpop stars hangout.

>> No.15865650

Just go to a hip bar

I did a fuck ton of cocaine last night I always regret it the day after since I feel the toxic damage it does to my nose/mouth/teeth

>> No.15865661

Did your mother die from an overdose?

>> No.15865675

Just rinse your sinuses and apply some cream/balm inside your nose after. It's always regret after it ends though, but need to chase that feeling every now and then.

>> No.15865679

why the cunting fuck have we not had a revolution to dismiss this retarded war(t) on drugs? i mean it's not like it stops people fucking using, they just use poisonous stuff bought from a criminal. absolute fucking insanity, fuck you team america world police.

>> No.15865685
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This is your throat on cocaine

>> No.15865686

You are a fucking brainlet trying to buy weed in South Korea. You would get prison time if caught. Zero leniency you total prick.

>> No.15865709

Not that heavy of a user, long term consistent use will do that to you though.

>> No.15865732

Yeah I've been here in and out for 5 years now. There's a system for weed and LSD which is low risk, just don't act like a cock in public and you'll be fine. Key is also to not associate with others who are doing it.

>> No.15865783

Wow, does that shit literally melt your skull bones?

>> No.15865811

Restricts blood flow to the area, so consistent long term use will cause necrosis in the sinus, hence the hole in the roof of the mouth. You need to be a complete junkie for it to get to that stage though. I don't know anyone who has managed to go that far. If you use from time to time and flush your sinuses each time it won't happen.

>> No.15865830
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that's erosion
here's one without a septum nasi

>> No.15865853

that's insanely hardcore use though. i used heroin and crack for 4 years, have been an alcoholic for 24 years, and my health isn't too bad. won't go off on a mad rant here but it's because of diet. i eat immaculately always, haven't had a molecule of junk food for a quarter of a century. as such i'm in one piece.

>> No.15865895

How do you flush them? Honestly I think I'm starting to develop that at 24

>> No.15865924

yeah you're right I just felt like posting this. It's a little exagerrated.

>> No.15865934

Impressive crack head. High protein low carbs?

Mirin tho I spend $30 on junk food every Sunday kek

>> No.15865944
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snore some water drops

>> No.15865965

With one of those sinus pots, forget their exact name. You can also just cup a hand of water in the shower, place it over your nose and tilt your head back. Be sure to use cream in your nostrils after because your nose will be dry as fuck and will bleed if it's not moisturised correctly. If you have constant nosebleeds and scabs inside your nose from use, you should probably take a break honestly. Erosion of the sinus and septum is serious and you should let it heal before using again.

>> No.15866056

Most rich people do blow you clueless broke little cuck. Go back to church biz isn't for you.

>> No.15866065

>High protein low carbs?
zero complex carbs.

>> No.15866104

Kek this is so fucking retarded. Blow never even touches your septum except maybe a bit in the way back. This is literally some made up propaganda from your D.A.R.E. class are you in 6th grade by chance?

>> No.15866114

Yeah honestly I forgot all about how toxic this shit was kek thanks though fren I hope you find yourself some devil's dandruff in Korea I bet it's comfy

>> No.15866118

That's not propaganda man. That's real shit.

>> No.15866128

LSD is much easier to smuggle and you don't end up being a faggot

>> No.15866165

Deviated septum's and collapsed nasal bridges can be caused by blow. It's not that uncommon too, sorry.

>> No.15866180

I always snort water/saline if I stick drugs up my nose like 30min after

>> No.15866183

Yeah okay thanks, it's also one of the more common drugs available here so why would I smuggle it?

>> No.15866193

Yeah saline rinse is good. Water tends to dry your nostrils and sinus too much.

>> No.15866234

Cocaine is shit, Meth is unironically much better in every way. The only time I ever did coke was when my asian homie was addicted and would let me blow down grams with him for free every day. Not worth the cost and not worth the high though, especially if your not drinking. Drinking with coke is pretty fucking fun, still not worth it though and it leaves you wanting to fucking necc the next day.

>> No.15866237

Because this isn't the US, you'd get raped hard if you got caught. I just see LSD being way lower risk, it's pretty cheap these days. I get it for 2-300 a sheet and you could easily flip for $10 tab, maybe more since I hear even weed is ridiculously priced in Asia

>> No.15866243

This, amphs are superior to coke, effects, lower dosage, orally active

>> No.15866253

There are quite a few dealers for LSD in korea, although overpriced and the dealing process is a pain. $200 US a tab, I'm not joking lmao.

>> No.15866275
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Explain to me how sniffing powder, in any amount, could do this to your nasal bridge. Was he spraying it at the front of his nose with a sandblaster for a week straight? I'm not saying you can't damage your septum or nasal cavity but this photo is absolute bullshit.

>> No.15866277

>$200 US a tab, I'm not joking lmao.

>> No.15866286

So undercut them and sell at 50 a tab, you're still making a killing

>> No.15866295

It erodes your nasal bridge which leads to your nose structure collapsing. I haven't seen what that photo shows myself, but it's not something that I'd say is impossible. I've seen a lot of people with deviated septum's from medium use and lack of aftercare.

>> No.15866298

Dude coke is wayyyyy acidic. It literally eats your flesh. I've done about 5 grams paced over 3 weeks total in my life and i still can't smell things very well. He just blew and didnt rinse, and probably kept blowing when his nose was bleeding.

>> No.15866316
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>> No.15866349

Yeah, that's the going price these days in Korea, and they won't even deal with you if you seem too western or don't speak Korean. Korean drug laws are something else, and I come from a country where all drugs including weed is illegal. In my country you'll get warned for possession of a small amount of weed, even coke. In Korea, doesn't matter what you have on you; deportation if you're lucky and a foreigner, up to 5-10 years if you're local with a gram of weed. If I was dealing in this place I'd want some big money for what I'm putting on the line.

>> No.15866364

one time in itaewon this black english teacher gave me a gram of weed and i ended up smoking a blunt on teheran-ro right in front of the ritz carlton

the nigger clubs in itaewon are your best best for sure

>> No.15866380

i took meth once. one time. 500mg of chinese glass, then could not fucking sleep for five days and nights, despite getting drunk 3 times then sobering up in the process, taking valium by the sleeve and wishing to die. absolutely horrific, wasn't even a hint of euphoria like i get with fishscale/crack.

>> No.15866386

>Source: Jewlywood
t. brainlet

>> No.15866389

nonsense. it's on darknetmarkets in the u.s for like £5/100ug.

>> No.15866438

why hello, feds.
no, i would not like to buy any drugs. thank you.

>> No.15866444

Combine Korea's lack of drug scene and their harsh laws, and that's the price local dealers want.

>> No.15866452


>> No.15866469

Topkek that is where you fucked up right there. It sucks if you do too much yeah, not sleeping sucks too, it takes more thinking to use responsibly then coke. Lots of euphoria if it's good stuff though, it peaks about 4-6 hours in if taken orally. One of the best times in my life was waking up taking a fat .05 line at 8am and just playing dota geeked out of my fucking mind for 18 hours. Masturbating is also very pleasurable. After 1 day awake off the stuff though the comedown gets exponentially worse and your pretty much out of dopamine, so never redose after 8 hours in if you dont want to hate yourself.

>> No.15866508

absolute madness. politicians have to be in on it if it's commanding that kind of price. same shit is happening in the UK. the motherfucking drug minister, Victoria Atkins MP, who is massively anti-cannabis, is growing 45 cunting acres of the stuff to sell abroad where it's apparently not "lethal" like she says it is here where she grows it for millions of pounds of profit every year.


yeah i either go at 1000mph or just don't bother. i've literally overdosed more than 1 time in 1 day. OD'd on diazepam, alcohol, heroin, mdma... etc etc. feelsbadman.

>> No.15866520
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LSD is the easiest drug in the world to smuggle across borders. There is no way it is that expensive in Korea when a tab is like 5 bucks in the US

>> No.15866549

Kys druggie

>> No.15866593

if you went to a dentist in the 80's you've used cocaine. if you've been to hospital with a broken bone you've used heroin. if you have migraines and are prescribed painkillers you've used an analogue of magic mushrooms. if you're a human you produce dimethyltriptamine. if you're a human you have an endocannabinoid system built into you to receive cannabis. shoo, brat.

>> No.15866634

Altered states of consciousness can help you learn more about the world. Its about stepping outside of your mind for a second, burning those built up patterns to the ground for a fleeting minute so your not yourself, and get to observe yourself from the outside.

Of course knowing when to put them down and retaining that knowledge is the other half the battle that most druggies forget.

>> No.15866706

Go to Itaewon at 2am

>> No.15866725

Also OP, good luck trying to find someone that wants to deal with you. They'll most likely rip you off to begin with

>> No.15866803

>Doing blow
>One of the worst drugs and most expensive
>literally just feels like you took a really strong espresso
>No psychedlic effects
>Feel like shit for days after
>Can literally feel the strain on your heart when doing physical activity afterwarda
>Die in your sleep
You guys are fucking faggots

>inb4 you didnt do good blow!!!
I’ve done the good stuff and it last like fucking 20 minutes.

>> No.15866950

>go to shit area
>find any junkie
>offer him £5 more than the price of what you want
>instant 'in' to any manner of clandestine shit
hookers, drugs, weapons, things i won't even mention
nah dude.

>> No.15867023

yeah you've never had good cocaine. now try some peruvian fishscale, or this if you don't have any connections but have a phd and a bottomless wallet...


welcome to another level entirely. couple of grand per gram isn't unusual. i literally lose the ability to think on that stuff. i could see, hear, smell and sense, but not think... ALL i knew was euphoria. i felt like the motherfucking buddha. try a 99% purity and tell me again that cocaine is shit. street stuff is often like 1% actual coke.

>> No.15867057

Tried that before, no luck. Itaewon's also a ghost town on weekdays these last 2 years. The korean dealers don't sell anything apart from meth, lsd and weed. I'm either really unlucky or Seoul really just has hardly any coke around.

>> No.15867075

Couple of grand per gram kek

>> No.15867086

got to say coke isn't that good, and I've been through $1000's and $1000's of it just myself, really fuck off quality shit. I used to sell it, in fact.

It's got to be my worst bang-for-buck illegal drug, really does just feel like I've had wayyy too much caffeine, super talkative and energetic but:

1) have to redose, even if you do a massive slug of thick stuff and it takes hours to wear off, during a night out you need to go to the toilets and then prob get fucked by a bouncer

2) nose gets FUCKED, snotty, snivelling shit

3) doesn't make me able to pull. It's weird, I freeze up and am more anxious with girls when on coke. Compare with, say, nicotine (chain 10 cigs to feel it) where I'm much more of a slayer.

It's an interesting drug and I will use it again but I think mostly for practical purposes like getting work done or exerting some physical effort in an emergency. Keep some in a first aid kit.

Oh and keep some in case girls visit who want it, you can probably fuck them after that.

But, yea - such a shit social drug. I've done 'em all and honestly alcohol and cigarettes are the fucking best for 99% of situations. Psychedelics and low, careful (www.rollsafe.org) doses of mdma, for other situations.

>> No.15867114

or 90 quid if you get it GENUINELY uncut from peru... which frankly even if you say you have, you haven't. it is NOTHING like having a strong coffee, lol.
t. addict for 24 yrs. been threatened with dismemberment by county lines n'all on my quest for the best for a quarter of a century my dude.

>> No.15867133

>really fuck off quality shit.
how do you know? lol. because a dealer told you so? nah dude. the real shit is VERY fucking rare, but get it once and you'll never forget it.

>> No.15867153

>ALL i knew was euphoria. i felt like the motherfucking buddha.

Try 1/4 MDMA and 300+ug of LSD at a rave and get back to me about that cosmic euphoria, pal.

You will never have imagined it was possible to feel so good.

>> No.15867184

>how do you know? lol. because a dealer told you so?

I was the dealer, and I bought in pretty large amounts. Yea, yea - everyone says that "you must have had shit" but I've had shit, I've had good, I've had "the real fucking deal", I've done coke in fucking Peru and yes MAYBE I was scammed every time, but in practice it's more likely that I do know what cocaine is like, and it's not *that* fucking special. It's just a big stimulant.

Anyone buying from DNM these days is probably getting 85% + purity. There is essentially no difference between that and "muh 100% pure" which is fiction anyway. Just take a little bit more and it's the same. Purity doesn't magically make it more effective, total amount of cocaine in your blood is what matters, same as any drug.

If I do a huge slug of 86% coke and that ^^^ loser above does a careful line of his $1000 pure stuff, who's going to get more fucked?

>> No.15867224
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High quality amps are all you need.. vyvanse or adderall... best for studying, partying, fucking

All other drugs are degenerate trash for losers

Maybe lsd or dmt twice a piece per lifetime... in nature, not in front of your computer

>> No.15867237

>T. 22 year old college student

>> No.15867313

Honestly most of the stuff I've had is probably trash since I'm from Australia, and do business in asian countries. But this one time I managed to buy some really good stuff, and the biggest differences were just feeling cleaner and having less of a come down, was in Australia. Asian countries are really bad honestly, most of the time you get shit that is probably just speed, complain to the dealer in a subtle way and he gives you some slightly less cut stuff next time, but it's never good. Either there's really just no good coke in asian countries, or you need to have some deep ties to find it.

>> No.15867332

I’ve done everything except pcp. And I’m in my 30s, little boy

>> No.15867353
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psh, i've OD'd on mdma twice in one day, while on LSD, smack, booze, weed, diazepam and codeine iirc. ive done it all my anon friend, it's my life. you could probably confirm by googling me, lol.

>> No.15867365
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reminder that druggies get the rope first on the DOTR

>> No.15867368


Holy fuck who is seriously this stupid lmao

>> No.15867383

yeah that's £2,200 mang, so 2,686 USD per gram, and once you've tried it you realise why.

>> No.15867403

Literal retardation

Might ass well buy a Adderall script for a crisper high and comedown

>> No.15867419

it is absolutely not the same thing at all.
look i'm not really in the mood for an e-peen contest regarding how much of a junkie i am relative to you. you're going to lose, i've been smashed since i was 15, i'm 41 in 3 months.

>> No.15867456

Are you a coke addict or something

>> No.15867497



>> No.15867511

>And I’m in my 30s, little boy
coulda fooled me

>> No.15867543

DAMN. how the fuck do you neck one bottle solo? how many bottles a day? im pretty fucking glad i do my drugs in moderation.

>> No.15867547

Its ok, the plethora of braindead normies that partake will provide a moat large enough I can keep using until I'm dead. Keep coping, I'm gonna be roping degenerates alongside you high as a fucking kite

>> No.15867582

1.4L - 2.1L per day is the norm. i've got a vid on youtube somewhere of me necking 70cl and still appearing fairly sober. shoenice has nothing on me.

i spent 650 BTC on drugs and booze in 2011, thousands of XMR since then, and literally billions of other coins, as well as selling my house to pay for heroin. now i live in the shitty north of england, having been born in brighton and lived for 25 years in buckinghamshire. i've spent so fucking much on getting high it's incalculable. but... fuck man, at least i wasn't sober.

>> No.15867602

I've had sex with a lot of Korean girls who called me 오빠 while I stared into their ass cracks. I like it here, sorry.

>> No.15867611

Why not? You know they got the best shit.

>> No.15867627

I'm scared honestly. If I stayed in one country I'd probably be dead right now. Lowest point in my life was a 2 month coke binge and had it not been for my company deciding to send me overseas I probably would have never stopped.

>> No.15867645

Uk darkmarkets sell 90% plus for £35-50 last time I checked. You can rub it down into oil between your fingers. Coke makes you act like a prick thou