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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15837116 No.15837116 [Reply] [Original]

Hyperledger avalon collab proving to be very beneficial since it's causing Devcon hype for them

Honestly I have no idea why chainlink is even attached to the project. Maybe their Oracle (the company) connection. Chainlinks trusted nodes hardly constitute a decentralized oracle network when you consider you have to aggregate the results from multiple nodes onchain if you want to prove consensus. Plus their sgx/tee implementation seems nonexistant at this point.

They surf on this hype very well..

>Iexec RLC is what it's all about tho

Chainlink MC $776.601.574
Iexec RLC MC $18.785.297 USD

Seems like an absolute nobrainer to me

>> No.15837128

>absolute nobrainer
Thats how i describe frenchies too, anon

>> No.15837129

>still FUDing Link

>> No.15837145

Based and escargotpilled

>> No.15837172
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Then don't buy.
Stay in your circlejerk cult getting 700k dumped on your enlightened ass being every once in couple months, i don't care.

Figured i'd just give you some food for thought

>> No.15837190

Other failing RLC threads currently running by the same sub 50 IQ campaign group as per usual.
Try eating something other than your own shit off of the designated shitting streets and your brain might function well enough to shake a weak hand or two. Don't bother making more threads until then.
It goes in all fields.

>> No.15837193

>RLC MC $18.785.297 USD
Imagine holding down to this lmao. THEY'VE STOLEN YOUR MONEY. BAGUETTE'D ONCE MORE!

>> No.15837199

>Chainlink MC $776.601.574
team has proved their willingness to sell, not sure why the tokens are not considered as on the market. Chainlink MC is 2 $billion... what a state of absolute delusion.

>> No.15837206
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>centralized side-project piece of shit
nuff said

>> No.15837229

i remember this retard from older threads.
anyone can set up scheduler.
>blockchain aws machines
>centralised doracle
unlike shitstink centralised kyc oracles doracles are decentralised.

>> No.15837238

having hundreds of centralized shedulers doesn't make you decentralized nigger

>> No.15837241

Nice blog post faggit

>> No.15837244
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>> No.15837247

you cant be that stupid.

>> No.15837259

You iexecucks need to bend the knee and accept your fate just like the team did when they accepted the cuck task of writing the smart contracts while chad link is the oracle data provider

>> No.15837272
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link is not the oracle provider. they paid millions to get their name up there

>> No.15837276

lmao, you fell for a retarded frenchy scam muhh decentralized computing
Kek, no one needs that shit, just use chainlink, and request google AWS, as simple as that

>> No.15837292

KYC oracles are literally better because you can actually trust the info you're getting is correct. Imagine if your bank was "decentralized" no one would use that shit.

>> No.15837401

> >>/biz/thread/S2125854

It's over Gilles, you need to go back with your indonesian trannies.

>> No.15837406

cope harder retard

>> No.15837421

So if you trust an organization for the data feeds, why not use a simple API request instead of all this "decentralized" oracle bullshit?

>> No.15837531

Gonna keep accumulating until RLC is AT LEAST $1.50

This is pure retardation.

>> No.15837563

It's over Gilles

>> No.15837601

It's over Gilles

>> No.15837613

iEXec is literally the best coin. Stinky linkers will be btfo on devcon. Gilles is preparing an annoucnement that will instantly dump stinkies to the grounds of hell as they relealize they hve been scammeed by their cuckmaster sergey. You still have a few days to live your delusions stinkers, after that "its over Sergey!".

>> No.15837627

"I don't know if Chainlink has a working implementation for oracle using SGX"

Jesus fuck, we are so early.

>> No.15837628
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> Gilles is preparing
I'm worried

>> No.15837639
File: 197 KB, 541x589, linkers_btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OHHH LINKERS.. OH STINKIES... I see Microsoft, I see Intel, I see iExec .. but I don't see Chainlink in the talk. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA chainlink got dropped, Microsoft chose iExec, you retards got duped again.

>> No.15837640

chainlink cant make towncrier work

>> No.15837646

Prepare your feminine benis

>> No.15837657

Got a source for that?

>> No.15837665
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that is the reason why a nodes are currently kyc

>> No.15837668

This is an iExec thread, nothing in this thread is based in truth or logic

>> No.15837686

>not dated
>not showing anything or anyone

So...got a source for that?

Is this how it is in every thread? This is just kinda sad.

>> No.15837701

The war between iEXEC and Chainlink is pretty lame.
Both coins are gay as fucked and vaporware.
>Muh Link marines muh RLC warlords
Bunch of basement dwelling faggots

>> No.15837717

>Is this how it is in every thread?
It is

its been one of the most obvious shill campaigns of late, along with one other

Bsv and iExec are a cancer

>> No.15837722

With 12 BTC volume it’s going nowhere

>> No.15837730

it is message from Hadrien in iexec team. go try ask this question shitstink slack without getting banned. cope all you want but it is truth

>> No.15837741

It's getting late in Mumbai, Ranjesh.

>> No.15837742

>it is message
>it is truth

Like i said , paid shills, and obviously not the well paid ones

>> No.15837753


>> No.15837770

>relealize they hve been scammeed
There's no way whoever wrote this isn't Indian

>> No.15837803
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I just realized that it is mid afternoon in India right now and most of you are pajeets just getting off your call centre

>> No.15837810

sorry, I'm out. I got Linux running...I can install software...I was able to get starting Gridcoin with Boinc...but iExec is too complicated today. It have to be much more easier to use. If there is no change it still stay at a no-offense-"nerd"-friendly distributed computing thing. My personal view...bye

>> No.15837821

nice pasta retard. end user wont know that iexec was used while anyone with half a brain can set up the worker

>> No.15837823

It's not meant for pajeets. iExec is a B2B company, they don't care about normies.

>> No.15837905
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>> No.15837977
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>> No.15837991

1D chart
1W chart

Never gonna make it

>> No.15838144

rlc looks way better

>> No.15838185

iExec it look best, what you talking bout ?

>> No.15839017
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Anyone not accumulating towards their 4k IExec make it stack right now may as well fucking an hero, no point in being on this globe when you're that narrow-minded and deluded. A fool some might even call you