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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15828170 No.15828170 [Reply] [Original]

Before I found biz a week ago I was a happy retard but now I'm so confused and frustrated I don't know who to believe on this website, everyone is accused of being a shill or a pajeet. you say lots of words that I don't understand like kyc, nodes, and oracle, you turn every word that is longer than 4 letters into an acronym that I have to Google. I tried to read intelligent investor but since I'm not intelligent it just seems like a bunch of gibberish that I can't apply to anything

"The major change since 1964 has been the rise in interest rates on first-grade bonds to record high levels, although there has since been a considerable recovery from the lowest prices of 1970. The obtainable return on good corporate issues is now about 712% and even more against 412% in 1964. In the meantime the dividend
return on DJIA-type stocks had a fair advance also during the market decline of 1969–70, but as we write (with “the Dow” at 900) it is less than 3.5% against 3.2% at the end of 1964. The change in going interest rates produced a maximum decline of about 38% in the market price of medium-term (say 20-year) bonds during this period."

It's so frustrating why should I care about interest rates in the 60s it's unusable information that I have to dig through, like catshit, empty bottles and magazines in a hoarders house.

It feels like an endless Catch-22 where I have to read a book to understand a book in order to understand another book for me to understand biz

>> No.15828203
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>> No.15828214

Jammies please don't prune I really need help

>> No.15828370
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>> No.15828373


>> No.15828377
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Who knows.

>> No.15828385

just open a reddit thread, people will be more willing to help

>> No.15828397

Just think really hard about this set of equations

1 USD = 1 USDT
10K USDT = 1 BTC
0.0002 BTC = 1 LINK

>> No.15828407

Oh also just chant 1K EOY really loud and maybe it'll do something

>> No.15828415

Unironically this, I feel you OP those books can be hard to follow but seriously if you buy Chainlink and forget about it for 2 years you might get rich.

>> No.15828447

A lot of the things in the intelligent investor is outdated. Some of it is even straight up wrong.

If you want to have a solid understanding of economics and finance then just read some college textbooks on micro economics, macro economics and corporate finance (in that order). If you don't have time to read three textbooks then just read one about corporate finance. Most people on here don't have a very deep understanding of finance/ economics fwiw. They just know a few basic terms.

>> No.15828460

>micro economics, macro economics
How important is economics to stocks? Do most investors study these or only the very good ones?

>> No.15828525

Economics doesn't matter. Research the companies and funds you buy into. Also watch the news and make educated guess as to what will happen and how you can profit.

>> No.15828543

Go back

>> No.15828586
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>> No.15828609
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This is the only book you need to read.

>> No.15828721
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You wont find a good book to explain crypto. Those terms, kyc, node, oracle, arent even financial terms. Try to understand money, and just lurk for the crypto understanding. You could also try reddit as others suggested. This is a good series on money if interested. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE88E9ICdipidHkTehs1VbFzgwrq1jkUJ

>> No.15828754
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Here’s another cover. Anons go look at the aggregator.
List of covers that I can understand.
1. Cell with a clover
2. pic related
3. The blue hex, praise kek.
My depression is lifting

>> No.15829205

This all good stuff, where can I read about chainlink just facts and no fighting

>> No.15829216

Lurk Moar
Or just buy LINK and never come back

>> No.15829217


>> No.15829252

When I discovered /biz/ 2 years ago I put about $200 on bittrex and just lurked and daytraded with my babby stack until I understood what I was doing.

>> No.15829319
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buy bitcoin faggot

dont do leverage, dont short the marketn, just wait till the halvening and the reward drop and you'll make it.

If you want to make it more you can do a 2x leverage on the bottom of the fibonacci and 200 ma

Oh, and you will never become one of us. We are too smart.

>> No.15829355

millionaire fastlane
4 hour workweek
Carnegie's make friends & influence people (only if autistic)
scientific advertising
then stop reading until you make a sale of some sort

>> No.15829392

I just downloaded it and read the introduction and it sounds like the stuff I would bullshit on my essays in design school about how we need to give laptops to starving Africans and Pajeets. How does this help me learn how to invest in crypto.

Not reading a 600 page book about why we need send wifi drones to Mongolia

>> No.15829476

I downloaded Robin Hood and I saw how Bitcoin fluctuated so severely where it was up 35 one second and then down 29 does next. Couldn't I just Buy $5 worth when it's low and then wait till it jumps up ten minutes later to sell, then just rinse and repeat? I feel like a scheme like that is too simple and isn't being done for a reason but I'm too stupid to know why

>> No.15829497

>>15829355 I've been reading Dale Carnegie's Business book and I feel that in comparison a book on hypnosis is just as effective because many of the persuasion techniques of hypnosis are also used to make sales

>> No.15829499

If you live in the US you'd have to pay something like 40% tax on every trade.

>> No.15829503

Mein Kampf

>> No.15829517

I think this is what I'm going to end up doing trying to accumulate a massive amount of knowledge in a short amount of time through a book isn't as effective as just trying work through and figure out the things that you're immediately involved with

>> No.15829531


>> No.15829551

What kind of tax is that, the pump and dump tax?

>> No.15829645

> reading books to become a biztard
FUCK OFF back to LIT where stupid shit like books get read by nerds.
The only thing you need to do to be one of us is buy link and get out.

>> No.15829713

Ok where tho, I downloaded coinbase but they don't have link and have big fees

>> No.15829730

Stop being a newfag

>> No.15829737

just skip to the chapter about blockchain and dlt, you're fucking welcome

>> No.15829769

You dense fucking newfag, lurk moar, that's your answer

>> No.15829866

They literally do have link. Use coinbase pro. It's free and the fees are much much smaller. Coinbase charges a brainlet tax. If u are burger buy link directly on coinbase pro with dollars. If bong then buy eth then link.

>> No.15829931
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Was a quick read, can recommend.

>> No.15829983

do you guys remember when the unspoken rule was that you were supposed to lurk on a board for a few months before you post anything?

>> No.15830009
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>just wait till the halvening and the reward drop and you'll make it

>> No.15830201


>> No.15830479

>Chainlink logo
We're all going to make it, aren't we?

>> No.15830691

Okay good I was worried I spent 10 minutes downloading a book about how to save loos from getting pood using hax, must have wrote that intro to keep /pol/lacks from learning crypto secrets

>> No.15830706

To pol?

>> No.15830759

I got a regular Coinbase account a week ago, is it possible to transfer Link from that account to a Pro account?

>> No.15830945
