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15820734 No.15820734 [Reply] [Original]

>be me yesterday
>go to supermarket for a junk food binge after 5 days without binging
>go to gym after 9 pm, high volume lifting goes well
>had to walk past normies enjoying themselves; felt so demoralising
>be me today
>wake up feeling not fat at all
>alarm woke me up at 9 am but I didn't go to the fastfoodcuck job interview
>browse internet, drink coffee, do chores
>go outside to do a chore
>was so embarrassed to go to a bank in a rich area and ask for my statement
>saw so many Staceys and QTs (think I may be starting to see 20 year old girls as young, rather than my peers)
>decided to skip exercise because yesterday's lifting went so well and I have a gym routine
>go for my usual walk while listening to CumTown
>browse library a bit
>walk a lot more
>and more, and I've walked around 8 miles today

I was so embarrassed to go to the bank as a poorfag in London. The printer literally ran out of paper midway through printing my statement because of my endless McDonald's and Starbucks purchases lol. If I had even £5k in savings in the bank, I'd feel safe and happy.

I saw a shop on Oxford Street that had large sale signs but inside there were just two guys preaching to an audience. I thought for a second they were Muslim preachers but I heard the word "democracy" so I think they were just leftists.

Even Oxford Street and a luxury shopping street nearby had vacant shop fronts.

I saw a news story about an old woman with her own house being "over charged" by insurance companies and my faith in humanity was strengthened.

The weather was so mundane this morning. I immediately thought back to my university experience and how I had no female attention or social experiences. Sunny or cold weather reminds me of youthful fantasies. But mundane weather reminds me of my boring and failed reality, and past.

At this point some stupid person will say "the past is the past, bro, it dun matter!" No, you idiot. It matters a fucking lot more than the future.

>> No.15820748

Get on appetite suppressants.

>> No.15820749

thanks for your personal blog, 10/10

>> No.15820801
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y-you okay uk anon

>> No.15821063


>> No.15821070

Kys dude everyone sees your threads and no one gives a fuck

>> No.15821099

I missed you London anon

>> No.15821116

>printing out bank statement
wtf we have 2019 the last time I did that was 2006 open an online bank account

>> No.15821134

What works? I was using kratom to suppress appetite for a bit but it was really chewing up my stomach lining and I had to stop.

>> No.15821137

I remember you and always enjoyed your material. You’re a good guy. You’ll grow out of this shit for sure.

>> No.15821164

What an amazing story. Where do I subscribe to your blog? Retard.

>> No.15821174

Woah anon you should totally not kys for wasting a thread for your blogpost that wouldn't be nice and we would all miss your gay ramblings

>> No.15822040

Watch joker incel

>> No.15822135

>>had to walk past normies enjoying themselves; felt so demoralising

iktfb, even worse when they're really handsome Chads

"Haha we're so attractive we'll never have problems with girls or finding a good job or life in general. We were born into wealth with good families and will never have any problems whatsoever, and neither will our children. Feels good man!"

I bet it does man, I bet it does

>> No.15822165
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hang in there londonanon