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15818969 No.15818969[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I’m on day 12 of noweed and nofap. Life has never been shitter or more boring.

>> No.15818995

ill smoke one for ya bro

>> No.15819021

I had the same issue quitting weed. It's really fucking boring. It'll get better after about half a year-year. I've quit weed now for a couple of years and I really don't miss it anymore. I don't feel that boredom anymore either. Try to find some productive things to get into. Maybe coding, day-trading or excersising. It will get better.

>> No.15819031

you will get used to it and it will become less shitty the longer you can keep it up. if its porn you are trying to avoid, try fapping with something called only your imagination, which people existed long ago in the days before ubiquitous porn. Trust me, when your brain is doing the work, although it is less quick and easy it is actually satisfying

>> No.15819034

>Life has never been shitter or more boring.

>> No.15819068

and i agree with >>15818969. put that sex drive into searching for fullfillment with an actual human. GET OUT OF YOUR ROOM!

>> No.15819073

oops got the refs mixed up

>> No.15819085
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you can only make it if your brain is at constant post nut clarity. fap more and then after cumming immediately force your attention to something productive. the first moment a tit or ass comes to your mind you start fapping, then you cum and then you force your post clarity nut attention towards making money.

it also has financial advantages:
>fapping to porn is cheaper and more entertaining than holding a 5/10 3DPD and their mediocre sex
>porn can be easily pirated which makes it FREE
>no risk of getting babby (babby very expensive)
>dont need to pay for STD medication
>dont need to pay for roasties in any way
>can retire faster and invest more
>more money = more chances to make it

or listen to the nofap discord shills that want to drag you into the wagecuck ponzi for life while chaining you to some 3D pig. its your choice

>> No.15819109
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>> No.15819144

>post nut clarity

The Jews are so mad at the COOMing meme they came up with this weak response.

>> No.15819148

fucked my wife
fapped twice alone
smoked a joint

>> No.15819161

More kike pilpul
Fuck you kike
You idiots are so fucking stupid and lazy with this retarded shit.

>> No.15819167

The real question is how did you make it 12 days
I need to stop the weed, it’s fucking killing me

>> No.15819183

its weed, i had problems with porn until i stopped smoking weed, its like one dopamine rush activates other one.

>> No.15819184
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Unless your sex drive is completely dead you won‘t make it with nofap.
Only Post Nut Clarity gives you the ability to make good financial decisions.
Here on /biz/ we all want to make it so this is the best advice there is for us /biz/raelis.
>maximum post nut clarity for maximum gains
Just try it out, any man with a functional penis can confirm it works.

>> No.15819194
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Why would you do nofap, /biz/, when there are pure, loyal and cute 2d princesses who, too, are in need of bodily warmth and sensual touches? There's no shame in wanting to make an emotionally and physically sensitive girl feel good and give her a loving (first) experience. What are you waiting for?

Don't forget that you !will! have to marry her, be it monogamous or polygamous, after taking her v-card.

This isn't a loli.

>> No.15819199

Just focus elsewhere. I quit weed for a while, but I really do enjoy it, so I just moderate myself to only on weekends or after I finish my studies. I was smoking about an ounce every week. Weed makes me less degenerate though

>> No.15819280

Life isn't boring, YOU are.

>> No.15819291

What could be more boring than sitting on couch smoking weed and touching your pecker
Face it maybe you're just gay and boring

>> No.15819297

you guys must not be married bc I cannot be in the same house with that cunt without being high

>> No.15819298

Boring? Shit you arent high enough. Its goldly at times.

>> No.15819312

you're hitting the 14 day mark, which is when it's gonna be insanely difficult. get through this part and you're set.

>> No.15819336
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Fuck off coomers. Consuming porn is bad because it trains your brain to think about these things more in an effort to get you to release dopamine. Ditching porn is one of the basic things you should do if you want to get your shit together.

>> No.15819366
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>day 42 of /nofap/
>day 0 of /nosex/
This is the life boys

>> No.15819380

This, I am not even on no fap and I only wank 2-3 times a week because I literally do not have the time to do so. Holding it for a bit makes it better as well

>> No.15819381

Fake science

>> No.15819433
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t. doesnt understand post nut clarity and will never make it

>> No.15819442

Cringe, cope, seethe etc. Go back to your no fap reddit cult

>> No.15819740

Kek I'm on day 40
Stay strong brother

>> No.15819844

Because I needed to make a change in my life. I was a daily smoker for 8 years. Enough is enough.

>> No.15819864

that's why there are jews and paid shills on here pushing it and dropping cutie pics 24/7.
some of the highest intelligentsia are focused on these boards, including a high number of INTJ/INTP sub-types, are you surprised?

>> No.15819906

This. Fuck off coomers that shit destroys your brain.

>> No.15819917

Jesus you fucking losers. Weed MAKES you boring. Toking here and there is alright but when you become one of those fags that smokes errrday and is stoned all day you become a boring fucking piece of shit.

>> No.15819936

quitting weed literally takes months like >>15819021 said. once every last ounce of canibanoids leave your system (fat) will you be finally free from the "haze" as i call it. if you're not, start working out to speed up the process

>> No.15820007

PREACH fuck coomers, fuck trannies, fuck reddit, and fuck discordreddittrannies

>> No.15820037

That shit has been around much longer then you have newfag

>> No.15820041

You keep using that word and I really won't think toy know what it means.

>> No.15820051

The White Man's Spirit Shower.
Git sum, lads!

>> No.15820055

Going to laugh my ass off when you faggots come back complaining you can't get it up anymore like all those faggots on reddit

>> No.15820063

Porn = sexual intercourse

Images of beautiful women is not porn it is a natural sexual arosal. I see what most of you nofappers are just christian assholes trying to get men to submit to the feminist doctrine of the time.

>> No.15820066
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>> No.15820073

Fake news. DYOR and get off reddit you fucking twerp

>> No.15820078

Kikes are the ones pushing the nofap meme. They want you impotent and frustrated like some 40 y/o boomer who can't get it up anymore.

>> No.15820081

I mean i fap, have sex with my gf, and go to church so idk but if i dont fap i have difficulty sleeping and it just generally keeps me very diatracted if i get very horny

>> No.15820085

Oh no, another retard fell for the nofap meme! B-but they told me I'd become a chad if I just stopped touching my peepee!

>> No.15820086

>coomer threads are discord gaslighting
>depression threads are glow in the dark gaslighting
>the reiko scandal on /r9k/ from a few years ago

I really need to find a different site for /biz/ shit if the propaganda efforts on this site are so extreme

>> No.15820093

Look dork nofap came from reddit and the ED shit started to come after just startpage it fuxkhead Jew worshiper

>> No.15820107

That shit is made up by faggots mad the coomer meme is hilaious. It's a false flag like all the other discord images to create a fake image of shilling. The only real shilling is from paid groups like ctr and jidf

>> No.15820112

>not being dat 30y old coomer
why even live

>> No.15820133

take the post nut clarity pill

>> No.15820155 [DELETED] 

It's impossible to know for sure because everyone is anonymous.
All we know is that one person can use multiple proxies to push an agenda, so it's reasonable to estimate that 25% to 50% of posts on this site are shills pushing an agenda.

>> No.15820159

the post-nut clarity pill = "why the fuck did I do that? I wish i hadn't have done that".

>> No.15820160

It's impossible to know for sure because everyone is anonymous.
All we know is that one person can use multiple proxies to push an agenda, so it's reasonable to estimate that 25% to 50% of posts on this site are shills.

>> No.15820175

just look up habituation and then apply it to your brain.
You got used to a new normal and you'll take some time to go back to a baseline.
Then you'll have lower highs and flatter lows.
Otherwise smoke some weed and jerk off. The worst thing that can happen is you'll smoke some unknown pesticides for years until people figure out that you shouldn't put shit in your lungs, or get a repetitive strain injury.

>> No.15820188

Wanking is the equivalent of crying for women. Its a necessary basic need that needs to be fulfilled.
Not doing so creates angst which leads to behavioural irrationality.

>> No.15820190

>the post-nut clarity pill = make better decisions because your brain is not clouded with sexual thoughts = make more money

>> No.15820206

Its not even just making more money, its not acting like a spastic, sleeping well at night, and not constantly thinking about sex because of how horny you have let yourself get

>> No.15820221
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Thank me later