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File: 47 KB, 1460x835, total-student-debt-by-age.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15790021 No.15790021 [Reply] [Original]

Am I missing something here? If you rent an apartment, all that money is just going into a black hole. You are never getting it back, you aren't building equity in something that you can eventually re-sell. You are just handing over a thousand dollars per month to some guy and he keeps it forever.

But if you buy a house, all those monthly payments that you make will eventually come back to you when you sell the house, assuming that the overall value stays roughly the same. And even if the house value goes down, you're still getting back some money. So basically you are living rent-free during that entire time, minus taxes and interest and shit but I doubt that's more costly than renting an apartment.

So what the fuck is the point in renting at all? I feel like the best thing to do would be to go hermit mode for a couple of years with your parents until you can buy a starter house with your savings, then just build and snowball equity for the rest of your life

>> No.15790039


>> No.15790058

Not everyone is allowed to think that way, then we wouldn't make any ez money.

>> No.15790086

> Every person can qualify for a mortgage
Are you legitimately retarded? I'm renting for at least 14 more months while I save for a down payment and hope for a housing crash.

>> No.15790091

You surely don't suggest buying property without renting it at least for a year before to gauge if permanently moving there is worth it, right?

>> No.15790093

Limited liability. Can pick up and leave. No debt.

>> No.15790102


When you account for inflation, maintenance costs, and the opportunity costs of being tied to a geographic location, you're lucky if you net 1-3% year over year on your "investment."

You're generally better off living in a low cost of living area, paying a lot less per month in rent, and rolling the difference into a low cost index fund.

>> No.15790105

Renting is cheaper long term than buying, you dont even own your property in a majority of places because they can take your land if you dont pay property taxes, why not have the mobility and lack of responsibility renting allows? Oh yeah, you are a faggot

>> No.15790106

In the long term it could make sense to buy. In the short term you may not be ready. Home ownership is more than just paying the mortgage.

>> No.15790115

>snowball equity for the rest of your life
you only hear about the winners in real estate
think about people who bought houses in detroit in the 1960s vs people who bought houses in new york city in the 1960s. everything looks obvious in hindsight. make sure you don't buy in a place that has peaked and 40 years from now will be a shell of its former self.

>> No.15790154

you can move if niggers invade your neighbourhood.

>> No.15790173
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bet some people think the 50-61 and 52+ year olds have paid off a lot of their debt but truth is most of them currently at that age didn't have student loans when they were in their 20s.

your debt will never go away for as long as you live.

>> No.15790182

This. All a motgage guarantees is 15+ years of wagecuck obligations

>> No.15790191

Imagine buying property in the south

>> No.15790206

I cant buy a house because bad credit. I already paid my debt, but I have to wait a bit

>> No.15790208

Boom, this. Set up an excel spreadsheet faggots. Houses are a liability, not an investment.

>> No.15790219

The rage and cope of rentcels in these threads is usually off the charts.
>people who buy houses are goy cucks!

Guess what rentcel? You're buying another man's house for him and you get nothing in return.

>> No.15790312

I rent and am pretty financially savvy.

1. Property taxes. 1/3 of my rent would have went to property taxes.

2. Interest. That's another big comment although less so now that interest rates are so low.

3. High prices. Boomers "know what they have" and want 400k for their shitboxes in bumfuck nowhere. For the people bashing rentcucks for paying someone's mortgage you are paying for a boomers retirement, giving them 10x what they paid for an asset they lived in for 50 years. Just as cucked.

4. Less work. No bullshit grass cutting, shrub trimming, replacing the roof, gutters, ect.

5. Flexibility. Can move when taxes get too high, niggers invade, your job sucks and doesn't give you a raise. If you own a job you are at your employer and local governments mercy.

>> No.15790369

In my area property tax is $2000 a year for every 100k. So a 200k house is $4000 a year in property tax. Factor in higher utility costs and maintenance, plus the opportunity cost of investing the house down payment and it makes no sense to own.

That said if housing crashes then it may be worth it, but not at record prices.

>> No.15790402

Here's another guy who thinks the landlord build the cost of property tax into the rent.
You just paid another man's property tax for him.

>> No.15790415

*doesnt think*

>> No.15790419
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>hermit mode for a couple of years with your parents until you can buy a starter house with your savings

>couple of years

>> No.15790434

So i can move whenever i want. I'm 23, fuck knows where I'd like to go in the future.

>> No.15790449

Exactly my plan

>> No.15790499

I make 80k and have take home about 50k. I saved 41k last year, my goal is to reach 100k by 2021 and then buy a 300k house with 33% down.

>> No.15790507

The landlord can demand the full cost of the house from every monthly rent payment if he wants to, doesn't mean anyone is gonna pay it. Prices are determined by supply and demand, and especially in Europe everyone has OPs mindset which drives rent prices down, regardless of what a landlord may want to demand.

>> No.15790534

Sure well enjoy your negative equity in the coming house price crash.

Imagine coming to this board and buying the top on a literal boomer asset. You fit right in.

>> No.15790546

Nice anon.

>> No.15790552

What part of 1/3 the rent didn't you understand? Once what I'd be paying in property taxes is considered, the savings would be minimal enough to not offset the benefits of renting.

But I'm obviously arguing with a brainlet. You're probably the same type of person that thinks credit cards are evil because you're too dumb to take advantage of them and stick to a budget.

>He's paying for a boomers retirement by buying a shitbox some old smelly Boomer lived in for 50 years for a 10-15x markup.

Look at this cuck. I have some underwear I've been wearing for 10 years, you can have them for $50.

Let's laugh at the cuck.

>> No.15790718

Redpilled. Inflation alone on a 20 year mortgage means after that 20 years your home value will have to inflated 50 - 55% just to keep up with inflation. That's only one thing, which is around 2.2% per year. And that's ONLY inflation. Good luck fuckers

>> No.15790831
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I live in Canada in one of the biggest housing bubbles in the history of the world. A piece of shit garbage house hours away from any good job is at least half a million. Rent is retardedly expensive too but I'm not shackling myself to a pile of wood and windows that might potentially leave me on the hook for hundreds of thousands just for muh building equity. Fuck off boomer you bought a house for 20k in your early 20's just because it was cheap and easy even though you were and still are a retard and you just happened to get lucky and it was hard to take profit because you'd have to get off your fat lethargic boomer ass and move out of your house. Despite making insane returns on such a huge asset for your entire life you probably still can't afford to retire you dumb sack of shit, you're probably getting one of those reverse mortgages off TV right now where you sell your house back to the bank to fund your boomie lifestyle until you die of obesity and leave absolutely nothing for your helpless gay offspring.

>> No.15790896

Didn't read your post because you're an idiot. Just wanted to chime in and say that buying a house to live in is not a wise financial decision for the vast majority of people.

>> No.15790938
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Here's a housing cost breakdown for all the mouthy faggots in here

>Buy home valued at $100k, 20 year mortgage, 3.5% rate
>Total home repairs after 20 years will be ~$40k ($1 per sq ft per yr)
>Insurance = $1200/yr = $24000
>Inflation after 20 years is around 55% = $55000
>property taxes (varies wildly) but we'll say $1000 per year, after 20 years is $20k
>Interest paid on loan = ~$35k

Add all this up after 20 years: 100k + 40k + 24k + 55k + 20k = $274k. After 20 years investments that are tied DIRECTLY to the property cost an additional $139k. This means your "investment" needs to appreciate by 5.15% EVERY YEAR, compounding, just to BREAK EVEN on your "investment". Keep in mind, a 7% return in the stock market is viewed as GOOD. And you need 5.15% just to fucking BREAK EVEN.

Now, if you just view it as a place to live and aren't looking at it as investment, then fuck it, buy it if you want to. Otherwise, houses are an investment liability. Fags like >>15790402 will never understand though because they have such a small cock that they think paying someone else's property tax is FUCKING KEKED MAN FUCKIN LIBTARDS LOL FUCK THEM. But if you're genuinely interested, don't fucking buy a home thinking you're going to make a lot of money.

Everyone hears of the success stories in NYC/SF, but what about the cucks in Detroit that bought in the 1960s? Like this anon said >>15790115

>> No.15790953

>After 20 years investments that are tied DIRECTLY to the property cost an additional $139k.

meant to say it will cost an additional $174k

>> No.15790993

Fucking this. I'm short the whole financial system, especially housing and stocks. Labor force participation is at ATL, all millenials are saddled with student debt burdens, housing is at ATH, and boomers are retiring.

The market is going to correct so hard everyone that paid real money for a house pre 2020 is going to fucking neck. We japan 2.0

>> No.15791076

because I was able to put the money i would've put on a down payment into crypto instead and now I can buy a house outright

>> No.15791084
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lots of caps and baby boomer napkin math, I see a bunch of all caps in there, for sure not reading
here's a breakdown of what will happen to anyone who buys this cock slobbering mongoloid boomer faglord's suburban chipboard bags:

>gay boomer convinces you to buy bags
>buy roach infested ghetto crackhouse for $750,000
>sign mortgage
>mortgage literally means death grip
>insanely massive housing bubble explodes spectacularly
>your house is now worth $50,000
>bank has you on the hook for $700,000
>in a death grip
>no crypto fag is as much of a pink wojak as you now

>> No.15791105

You worthless fucking retard, my post goes against buying a home. Typical lazy city cuck

>> No.15791106

No it doesn't. You can rent it out to another wagecuck.

Just buy something under market value and you make money on Day 1.

>> No.15791127

I know not to waste my brain juices reading miles of boomer brain slop

>> No.15791138

A literal white skin nigger, holy shit

>> No.15791139

The truth is that landlords use scare tactics so they can charge you more for rent.

A mortgage is almost always cheaper if you don't overpay on the property simply because of principal paydown, appreciation, mortgage interest deduction, fixed rates, etc..

>> No.15791159

>why doesn't everyone speculate with leverage on the housing market
I literally have no idea

>> No.15791161
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ass roasted boomer rn crying because I don't read your gay posts

literal mortgage broker detected, also crying while typing a response to my based truthposts

>> No.15791216
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>> No.15791237 [DELETED] 
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It's another "buy my bags" boomer post. Housing crash has got to happen soon, and you know it

>> No.15791254
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>> No.15791267

based post

>> No.15791282
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>all central banks around the world doubled down on the housing bubble when it popped
>we could have another crash around

>> No.15791310
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Delet this

>> No.15791313

also student debts are fucking usury
any debt you cannot default is basically just ransom

>> No.15791327

The house you live in is not an asset. Even if you buy it with cash upfront, it will still take money off your wallet every month, with stuff like repairs and such. So if you asked me if i would i rather be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt or pay some monthly payment that i can actually afford ill go with the second option. Im not saying dont buy houses, but you should only buy them to rent them.

>> No.15791339

Also its much more versatile, if you want to move you do it on the fly, no need to sell the house you were living in

>> No.15791345

Low class Canadians talking about the world is always fucking hilarious, the whole thinks you're fucking retarded

>> No.15791348

To live in an apartment I can either have $300k locked up in it with no returns or I can use that $300k to make enough money to cover my rent.

>> No.15791367
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at least I'm not a boomer chained to a worthless shit shack that costs your life savings tryna shill my bags on lil zoomsters

>> No.15791408

>Low class Canadian accent + nig vocabulary

Post Vocaroo of you talking so everyone can listen to how retarded you sound

>> No.15791419 [DELETED] 


>> No.15791424

>average rent cost increase every year with inflation
>can get kicked out
>money is lost
>most of the money not lost
>price mostly follows inflation
>liability is low if you're not buying a shit house
>mortgage gets easier with inflation, if ever strong inflation comes back you're golden

It's that simple.
The only true con of buying is less freedom to move which can affect career, but in most cases you can rent. 20 year loans are sub 1% rate in my country btw

>> No.15791428

I pay $800 cad for an appartment with 2 bedrooms. I considered buying a condo but what bothers me is I'd have to pay something like $400 a month on taxes, building maintenance fees and what not
I think I'm gonna try to rent one of the bedroom via airbnb for like $20-30 if it's popular that will mean my rent will be $300 or less

>> No.15791465


>> No.15791492

pretty retarded

>> No.15791520


you can move:
to a cheaper area
to a nigger free area
to better business/job area
rent increases only if you pay, if more is asked, destroy the place and move

(Buying) Loaning

you pay for 3 houses, you get one
the one thing you have is not movable or transferable, if you need to exit the system, you loose it, while if you have other investments you can move to another country

Do you want to buy at the top of the bubble just before socialism takes over ?

>> No.15791585

>Do you want to buy at the top of the bubble
Situational, not everyone is amerifat
In France for example prices didn't move much in the last 10 years except in Paris and few cities

>you can move:
>to a cheaper area
>to a nigger free area
>to better business/job area

>cheaper and jobs
>nigger free
Pick one

>> No.15791637

not everyone is french gay nigger either

if you have internet gig you could live anywhere, niggers are where the "social" is, or if you go into mining or farming

all office cuck jobs will be outsourced, ALL

>> No.15792185

and from where are people expected to raise the tens of thousands necessary for a deposit? you can't save for a deposit if you're paying rent, can't get a mortgage without one. impossible. what the absolute fuck housing will be like for the next few generations i do not know. people in london literally rent cupboards to live in.

>> No.15792308


You can sell it, pay off the mortgage and keep the difference.

>> No.15792342

This. Unless I intend to live in the area for 15+ years what's the point especially if I dont have a wife or kids? Id rather be able to pack up and leave on a whim just like quitting my previous job.

Imagine buying a house in a new area with a new job and you get let go on the first month due to busget cuts. Imagine not being able to find a job quickly either. At least with rent it's easier to pack up and leave.

>> No.15792373

Interest component of your mortgage payment plus maintenance costs plus taxes plus any condo/HOA fees are often higher than the rent.

The “rent = black hole” theory is boomer logic from when property taxes, fees and construction/renovation costs were negligible.

>> No.15792463

If you don't join the military for at least 4 years if you're American, you are literally retarded. 4 years for free school and access to the VA loan which is good for $450k with no need for a down payment.

>> No.15792473

Renting allows you to keep your liquid and you can dip into it whenever you want. You dont have to pay taxes, interest, broker fees 1% house maintence etc.

Your thought process is with the assumption that this individual has nothing else to invest in and the money is just sitting in the bank doing nothing. Then sure, that person should invest into a house property rather than renting.

But if you are someone that has information to obtain 5-10% a year with your liquid, why the fuck would you want to buy it into a house?

Say with 100k to your name, you can dump into an investment that nets you 10%, you will gain have 10k. that's literally like free rent for like 8 months while also having the ability to dip into it without needing to sell your physical hunky asset.

with the existence of the cryptocurrency market and these 500% possibilities, investing into a house is LOL

>> No.15792569

Bullshit. You're going to tell me theres no loss in opportunity costs to renting instead of buying? You didnt even factor in the equity you build in your home.

But yeah sure praise this as redpilled you fucking morons

>> No.15792594

lol how much of a down payment?

>> No.15792715
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homes = good long term. Shit short term and eats away at your capital making it even harder to invest which is why I still live at home. Real estate is overpriced on purpose to prevent everyday people from having enough capital to start a business that acts as competition against the ultra rich. Rich stat rich for a reason (not talking about lotto winners here. Talking about people with established sources of passive income).

you pose whether you take out a mortgage or rent so you have to live at home, save capital, invest, and get lucky. Im not moving out unless ive made it and never have to be someones bitch ever again. I loathe the idea of being OBLIGATED to work to pay off overpriced loans. Just extra stress I dont need. Mortgage traps you to be someones bitch even longer. I dont want to be a LITERAL slave so no thanks. Maybe it can still be okay if you rent out a room or 2. For example, living at home with your parents while still renting out the new place.

>> No.15792779

I've lived in the same apartment for about 4 years now and have not had my rent increased once. It's in a kind of a crappy area and I'm not a liability/potential hassle to the landlord. He therefore wants me to stay and doesn't jack up the rent on me.

So if you rent from a private individual and aren't a total asshole, rent increases can be avoided.

>> No.15792838

We live in clown world. Boomers and liberals have turned property ownership into a bad investment

>> No.15793018

real estate shouldnt even be for profit to begin with. Thats the biggest issue with this country. Its what traps people into the rat race

>> No.15793054

Guys i feel like a boomer, im 31 years old

Bought new house in 2013- 290k euro

Sell house for 456k euro (yup lol), split from my ex and live 1 year abroad for my company.

Buy old simple home but in good upcoming location start of 2018: 150k euro

Actual value of this home now in 2019: 210k euro

>Mfw: My interest on the 100k loan for this new house is 170 dollar per month. I will pay it of in a few years and rent it out to some zoomers for 1000 euro per month, while i will buy a palace during the next crisis for cheap

>> No.15793149
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you are an arrogant drooling retard who cant read, the guy you replied to was going over how a house is a bad investment.

>> No.15793301


>> No.15793314

The red pill is having other people pay your mortgage

>> No.15793324

>the financial environment will remain unchanged for 30 years of my mortgage
Anyone thinking this is an absolute retard

>> No.15793341

It will remain about the same.

>> No.15793344

Everyone like “But you can’t move if you buy your house!!”

Implying you can’t easily rent the house for enough to cover the mortgage lmao

>> No.15793389

By 2021 that 300k house will cost 600k, and you'll still be gay

>> No.15793398

>sub zero interest rates being instituted currently
>no precedence for this in history of humanity
>things will remain the same

>> No.15793423

God I hope so

>> No.15793438


Well that’s exactly what i did, the only mistake i made during those years was continually looking into and subsequently NOT mining bitcoin

>> No.15793630

>not spending rent money on crypto and shitcoins instead
>not living with parents rent free or living in a car
never gonna make it

>> No.15793646

15 years of payment obligations*

My tenants are covering the mortgage and basically paying the utilities. I live in a college town so haven't had any issues finding anyone. I've almost saved 8k this year. I mean it can't work for everyone but I am bootstrapping myself for financial independence in my 30s.

>> No.15793866

interest expense, depreciation, real estate fees and commissions, repairs and maintenance, advertising and tenants maintanence, council rates and water charges, land tax/stamp duty depending on your jurisdction, cleaning and pest control, gardening and lawn mowing and then you either have to get insurance or risk some tenant just fucking your place up

the biggest thing as well for a young person is freedom, if you rent you can bounce around the entire world getting new job offers, being free, seeing girls etc. - if you have a mortgage this isn't the case, doesn't apply as much if you have an investment property however very few people will recommend trying to manage an investment property outside of a driveable distance

the actual yield you get on property is like <3% in real terms over the long run, boomers are just too dumb to factor in expenses

>> No.15794413

I never see anyone talk about remodeling houses in these threads
>start paying down the mortgage
>after ten years take out a heloc for ~25% of home value
>use this money to remodel the house, make it better, more liveable, keep up with design trends, etc.
>multiplies house value by 1.5x or 2x on top fo whatever gains you already have from appreciating home value

ownership is truly superior because you can make the house yours all the way through, and make it better in any way you can think of

>> No.15794434

Because if you buy a house now you could owe 300k on an asset worth 180k. Congrats

>> No.15794551

is good. you like inflation as a homeowner because it beats down your mortgage payment.

varies wildly and is entirely dependent on the person living there. take care of your stuff and don't let shitty tenants rent

>tied to a geographic location
thats an insincere statement. you aren't supposed to buy a place in an area you don't like. location location location. more importantly, you don't have to stay there because you can rent it out and move somewhere else.

>you're lucky if you net 1-3% year over year on your "investment."

as opposed to getting nothing because you are a renter?

heres the thing, you have mortgage. you aren't making 1-3% off your money. you are making 1-3% off someone elses money. no brokerage in the world can match the leverage terms of a mortgage thats regulated and subsidized by the US government. and this entirely discounts the profit potential in landlording.

>> No.15794596
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thats not how remodeling works. the value add in a house flip is in tipping the condition across the financing threshold. once it goes from cash only to regular financing, thats when you get the 1.5x gain. you won't get that just by making it nicer and updating hardware. a good finish will net you maybe another %10. best upgrade is an additional conforming master suite.

>> No.15794730


NYC fag here. Let's say you own an apartment outright in a place like this. A friend just bought a place in a nice coop for a little over a million. You owe at least a thousand in building maintenance fees per month if it's not a total shithole, which is the cost of rent right there for me and most people I know. On top of that, most people do not own it free and clear and are making huge mortgage payments. Sure, it's toward equity as are building maintenance fees, ostensibly. But you also have to factor in the cost of your personal time that goes into maintaining your apartment--- having to do your own repairs, furnish it with appliances, get an exterminator every now and then, make repairs. That is a lot of money in addition to whatever you decide to do yourself to it in terms of work. There extensive legal fees, architectural costs if you are renovating, and red tape to cross if you want to get something approved to be done, both by the city and by the board of the building. If you live anywhere other than the city, you have to handle the landscaping, the roof repairs, and general upkeep that costs a LOT of money.

The appeal of renting is that you are essentially paying for the privilege of not being responsible for owning a property and not having to sink into it a huge amount of time and extra costs that are often hidden when you buy a property. I like the prospect of being able to leave without much more than letting my contract lapse. In a certain sense it offers high liquidity. It may take years to move an apartment and you are paying for it the whole time it sits on the market. With an apartment you can leave in less than year with no ado, or with a month's notice if you pay month to month. You are paying for the bare necessity: a place to live, with a high degree of freedom and little responsibility.

>> No.15794977

This is correct.

>> No.15795170
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This. If you buy one, use it as an investment property, get a management company to take care of it for a cut, and live in another area which is cheaper. If you do it right, you'll get your mortgage, property taxes and rent for your residence paid for while getting dat dere equity. Probably won't make a "profit" on it, but since the majority of your expenses are paid for, you can invest more of your net income in real estate, stocks, throw it in an index fund, or blow it by investing in crypto. If you get a couple of houses going, you'll probably be able to get some nicer properties which will likely have better renters. Or if the HOA isn't a problem, just list it for an Airbnb if it's in a popular city or near a tourist location.

The mindset of many people who buy fuckhuge houses kind of similar to that of people who go on vacation, drop a fuckton of money on a hotel, but then never spend any time there. They could have just gotten a mid-range hotel room or an Airbnb for half the price.

>> No.15795187

>Living in NYC
Found your mistake

>> No.15795259

Also meant to add that if the property's value skyrockets, consider selling that fucker depending on the volatility of the local economy.

>> No.15795275

And in 2022 itll be worth 225k. The housing market is tulip mania for boomers who thought that their house was always just going to keep going up, so they never saved a dime.

>> No.15795283

the US housing market isn't going to crash until people stop wanting to live in the US.

>> No.15795286

Every year, I pay roughly $5,000 in property taxes and $5,000 in repairs/maintenance.

It has been a very nice leveraged bet over the last few years, but I will be glad to sell the house and move into an apartment where I can call some other asshole to repair the toilet or worry about freezing pipes.

>> No.15795307

Chink millionaires only want city property as city property will always be valuable. They're not buying the boomer mcmansions in the suburbs.

>> No.15795322

plenty of brown people coming in who will take out loans to buy those mcmansions.

>> No.15795354

That's coming to an end as its unsustainable in the long run. Already people of all races are fleeing the areas where they just bring in immigrants and have high property prices.

>> No.15795419

I dont understand the inflation part. Why is inflation an expense and not something that raises your homes price?

>> No.15795465

This thread is retarded, this shit is simple.

Rent Vs. Buy is a calculation based on where you live, what you do, dependents you pay for, and non real estate investment opportunities.

The calculation is different for everyone based on your criteria. To make a general argument for or against home buying is 100% fucking retarded.

>> No.15795471

The USD inflating does not mean your home will appreciate in value alongside it. There is nothing in the real estate market that makes sure housing prices are tied directly to the USD. This means that every 20 years, when the dollar inflates by 50%, your home price will also have had to appreciate by 50% in order to JUST maintain the original value. A dollar saved yesterday is worth less today because inflation makes it so.

So if you bought that house at 100k, in 20 years it has to be worth $150k just to maintain it's original dollar value.

>> No.15795674

This is mostly true but it's why it makes for a good thread. Retards trolling retards about their personal lifestyle preferences.

>> No.15795676

Going by the current trends it will be worth way above that no?

>> No.15795691

Youre right. A better analysis would be investing in real estate as an income source rather than a living situation. That you can compare to dividend stocks or shitcoins or whatever

>> No.15795710
File: 29 KB, 290x290, 9442FBC4-517F-416E-A4E4-7215B1CCC0BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. New condos are $1000+/sqf, old ones are “only” $800ish/sqf, are usually leaky and mouldy and have monthly strata (hoa) fees staring at $300/month. We’ve been sold out.

>> No.15795821

Still it requires quite a bit of criteria to have any level of accuracy.
For example 3 nearly identical situations:
1. Small Business owner, no wife no kids, living in San Francisco, making $250k per year profit, business is growing 20% per year. Investing in real estate would be pointless. Whatever you buy won't be good enough for you in 5 years, the money you use for down payment takes away from your 20% growth business, and no need to lock into a geographic location.
2. Same guy but with wife and kids and living just outside SF. Buying makes sense for keeping kids in the same schools, stability, etc. Doesn't make economic sense but makes sense from if you want a happy family.

3. Same guy but isn't business owner but earning the same wage. No wife no kids. Might make sense to buy buy again depends on lots of other criteria.

These arguments for our against a general concept are retarded and people in this thread screaming about their position are just dumb zoomers with no life experience or dumb boomers that bought the home buyer meme.

Life is complicated, there is no one size fits all answer to most topics but you niggers gonna argue about it anyway.

>> No.15795861


buying has risk and upkeep. what if your heater breaks? who is going to mow the lawn? what if the neighborhood gets nogged and the property loses half its value?

> not throwing money away

that's funny anon. on a thirty year mortgage about 10 years is just paying interest. So unless you have been at it for 10 years you have just been paying mr sheklstein the privilege of paying more than rent with more risk.

there are only a few times buying real estate is smart:
1. you understand the market just like an analyst of any other investment
2. you can afford to pay cash, or get a 10-15 year loan and the price is right, and you plan to live there for a long time.
3. you manage the properties yourself, maintain them, and collect rent.

there is no free lunch in real estate. remember interest rates are almost 0%. that means capital is basically free and big investors cant find any good investments. if real estate was an easy win, they would all just buy up properties.

>> No.15795936

I can tell you have never managed a property before, let alone remotely. what if your renters stop paying? what if their heater breaks? what if they get injured and Sue you? what if they move out and you struggle to find renters.

you can come out a head, but you have to be smart about this

>> No.15795999

Youre paying for the opportunity to gtfo and not being tied down

>> No.15796443

How are you going to afford to rent your car if you have a mortgage?

>> No.15796457

>managing a property
i'll eat that %10 all day.

>> No.15796495

>government can take your land at will
>cucks think that they own anything
That is why China is going to rape every single burger and steal their monero.

>> No.15796504
File: 27 KB, 450x313, us-house-prices-vs-sp-500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yep. Despite what the insane current housing market bubble might suggest, the stock market has consistently performed better over time. Houses are not investments -- they're speculation, like Bitcoin or precious metals. If what you're buying doesn't produce jack squat, you'd better have a great reason for holding it long-term, a reason that will lead to it outperforming the S&P 500. Bitcoin has that reason, the average house does not.

>> No.15796525

im working 16 hours a day and sleeping in my truck because of this.
fuck rent
ill be homeless until i can buy

>> No.15796526

you don't get into real estate for the direct returns, you get into real estate for the generous leverage and tax incentives

>> No.15796529


Renting your place out is a different equation from just living there yourself. OP didn't mention becoming a landlord, that's something else altogether.

>> No.15796554

>im working 16 hours a day and sleeping in my truck because of this.

fuckin' grind it. van life is real life.

>> No.15796586

I want out of my overpriceed shithole city and want nothing to do with it when I'm gone. I've also heard some real horror stories from Gen X coworkers who are STILL underwater from 08-09. No thanks.

>> No.15797478

ok for once im 27 and didnt bother about inflation ever, such zoomer boomer yoomer buzz word is useless for me cuz its slow af and over years you gain such an amount of cash that it doesnt even matter as everything adapts

but can you throw me some ultimate golden pill on inflation? what the fuck is the ultimate topkek about it?

>> No.15797519

it's the ultimate mechanism for wageslave, NWO began with the gold standard removal, buy BTC and avoid fiat like the plague

>> No.15797610

I rent because I don't want to do anything associated with owning a house and the ROI on a home isn't that good compared to other vehicles for investment. Home's have increased around ~100% in value since 2009 but when you compare that to the 250% performance of the S&P it's a no-brainer where your money should be going.

>B-b-but what if you're Mortgage is equal to a rent payment, aren't you losing money in the long run since you have to spend that money anyway?

In my current neighborhood rental payments are 1/3 the cost of owning a mortgage, additionally the opportunity cost of making a down-payment on a house to actually get a rate on your mortgage that makes it a profitable venture relative to the % increase in housing value is significant. Property taxes, HOA fees, repairs, insurance, maintenance, and the amount of time/money you have to invest into all of these things just make a house unprofitable in the long run compared to renting and investing that bulk amount of money you would have spent on a down payment back into the market.

The only argument in favor of a mortgage/home is the fixed cost of payments since it allows you to avoid rental price gouging, however I've never found this to actually be an issue because there's always cheap places to live if you search hard enough.

TL;DR: You make more money investing in the market so locking that money up in a home is retarded.