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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15757101 No.15757101 [Reply] [Original]

For me it was dropping out of college.
If i had never dropped out, i wouldn't have found LINK and invested into it to get a 70k stack.

I'm certain i would never have discovered LINK if not for that.

>> No.15757118

>Retarded question thread #978347
OP at most 2 posts (this post might force him to do three)
Lets see how many retards honestly answer. I say 40

>> No.15757126

was spending my usual night at lurking some image board when someone shilled link there and then i did my research and went all in

>> No.15757127





>> No.15757135

i coomed and bought

>> No.15757141

Some link marine commented on a youtube video.
I DMOR to see why the fuck is he so confident.

>> No.15757151

Yea dropping out of college and /pol/ going to shit after the election brought me here.

>> No.15757178

I watched Ethereum climb from 88 cents to $1400. I thought the tech was cool but truly I believed that there was no way possible I could be early on an investment like that. I unironically thought $24 was the peak for the next 10+ years.

What originally caught my eye with LINK in late 2017 was just how much the threads reminded me of early ETH fanboyism. The hardcore, dedicated, obnoxious and narcissistic behavior was a spitting image of early eth threads.

If I had not witnessed the insane climb Ethereum had, no way in hell would I ever have the confidence/experience to go all in on link. Missing the ETH train really was a blessing in disguise.

>> No.15757194

I didnt trust tether so I began hedging bitcoin with link and realized every single time bitcoin crashed link went up. Enough FUD made me do my own research and I bought in a bit late at 70 1.05 but I have finally past the 20k link/3.5 btc/32 eth mark

>> No.15757206

At 0.70 and then 1.05** (bought 1k for lulz and then fomo'd once I woke up and saw the price at 1.05)

>> No.15757226

it all started with a penis

>> No.15757271

I was a degenerate back in the day. So I bought BTC to pay for weed every now and then. Then I saw BTC moon in 2017 and realized I could have made a fortune if I had been investing in BTC instead of using it to buy shit.
This made me kinda obsessed in not missing the next big thing, and because of that I found this place and link.

Also I haven’t smoked weed since then and I obsessively buy Link every month and will most likely continue to as long as we are under 10$, then I will consider myself settled.

>> No.15757372

I was looking for profitable ways on how to become a freelance translator, I've always been into /pol/, /b/ and /fit/ so I came here looking for answers and I stayed here because of the memes. I came in January 2017 when everyone was talking about ETH and Bancor though... I missed the eth moonshoot because I was an ignorant piece of shit

>> No.15757453

A combination of my dad telling me to go teach him how to invest which got me learning. Then, seeing a girl I was half interested in walking home with some other dude, knowing I all had to do was say "No" to put an end to it, pushed me over the edge and made me jump to this board to which I read about people talking about Link and Sibos last year. Was hooked ever since.

>> No.15757596

A thot friendzoning me a few years ago. Made me discover /r9k/ before it turned to tranny shit and later /biz/.
I actually met my current gf on /r9k/ and discovered Link here around 2 years ago.

>> No.15757634

actually yes.

>my father loves building electronic stuff
>he teaches me when i was kid, was litte bit interested
>after high school try pc-building/electrtonic building studies
>classmate is nerd who show 4chan to me
>laugh at memes every day at school browsing 4chan
>someone shills bitcoin in /b/

rest is history. thanks to my dad that he cummed inside to my mum so i was born.

>> No.15757642

>Browsing youtube
>Find bizonacci
>haha funny videos about crypto memes
>/biz/ showed in his video
>What's /biz/?
>Browsing /biz/ now
>Bunch of different cryptos always shilled
>Someone starts shilling chainlink, Read up on it
>19 years old, 8K USD saved
>Almost a billion market cap and millions in volume but is worth .42 cents
>No advertising, no media coverage, completely silent
>Buy 2K at .42, Price rises to 1$,Buy another 3k
>Present day, No job, No plans other than getting rich off link
>If it doesn't work out i'll become homeless for a while

>> No.15757811

breaking up with my ex gave me too much free time i wandered back in to 4chan

>> No.15757835

I didn't find link.
Link found me!

>> No.15757851

Keep your chins up, you'll find yourself a nice young lady again one day.

>> No.15757878

Not being a normie.

>> No.15757900 [DELETED] 

My girlfriend wanted to make a bartering app. I thought bartering was dumb and no one would choose to do it so I figured they needed a token as a reward to incentivize bartering. Then I realized everyone was making tokens on ethereum but none of them had a good way to act on real world events (ie. A barter trade takes place). So I was serendipitously slapped in the face with the need for a chainlink type thing right around the time it ico’d

>> No.15757902

This , and also the natural progression from bodybuilding forums as a youth to over here. Really started paying attention after Eth proved that this asset class was more than money. Link was unironically what I have been looking for my whole life. Hidden value

>> No.15757906

Thought the memes here were really funny and threw 10k in at mainnet.

>> No.15757915

Taking acid and then seeing synchronous signs all around my city. Also holding vescam led me to realize that pretty much all blockchains are inadequate without something like LINK, so when I realized this I got determined to read as much as I could about LINK, and found out it's going to be the God protocol.

>> No.15757927
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That's my dumbed down version anyways. God shown me the 42 pill. It was easy finding LINK after that.

>> No.15757940

I read the Kybalion. It lead me to LINK.

>> No.15757962

how is 'missing the eth train' a blessing? you could have had more funds to drop into link? absolute state of biz.

>> No.15757988

im over it fren, that was in early 2018 bought link from .20 up to .50 averaging about .35
maybe climbing the social status ladder with wealth helps me find someone
>>15757902 i unironically started going to gym, and feeling a lot better about myself overall, getting /fit and wealthy soon

>> No.15758001

this basically

>> No.15758070
File: 331 KB, 2730x558, ChainlinkGoldenAgeProphecy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizzagate/Pedogate led me to 4chan, then eventually /biz after someone said to buy ETH on /pol. I didn't buy(Fuck me right?) but with LINK it made sense as the next decentralized step in the overall process, (BTC-ETH-LINK) not to mention the occult symbolism. Now I barely go to /pol anymore and basically am /fit, /out, /biz

>> No.15758115

free time at work/ gf ghosted me led me to reddit, then to the_donald, saw pepe memes and I started to investigate. That led me to /pol/ where I found a random post about LINK in a Q/pizzagate thread and now I'm here with LINK and LP

>> No.15758125

Also I bought as soon as I read about SmartContract.com by Klaus Schwab in The 4th Industrial Revolution

>> No.15758248

/pol/ anon told me to

/biz/ is now my home board, my life has gotten a lot better

>> No.15758259

your girlfriend ghosted you?

>> No.15758386

>playing Garry's Mod Trouble In Terrorist Town
>some guy says it's a really good time to invest into crypto
>have no money
>close family friend that is rich visits and gives me a small but nice amount of cash
>well isn't this a funny coincidence
>buy Bitcoin and Ethereum
>the just keep going up slowly
>notice that 4chan has a Business & Finance board
>maybe I will learn something here since I learn a lot from 4chan
>everyone is talking about ChainLink
>go all in Link at 0.8$

>> No.15758528

>I actually met my current gf on /r9k/
That's an actual story I want to read about. It's odd to meet someone normal in /r9k/

>> No.15758555

>implying they're sane

>> No.15758587

I had heard of litecoin early on, but didn't pay much attention, then saw in 2017 it went from $5 to $50 and finally decided to figure out how to buy crypto. I just bought random shitcoins on bittrex until I looked into LINK after the sibos crash and I realized LINK had the best future out of everything else I'd heard of, and was dirt cheap. I stopped buying crypto during the 2017 bullrun and focused on stack in silver instead, then went back to crypto after the crash, and focused solely on acquiring as much LINK at as low a price as possible.

>> No.15758614
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>Buy BTC at 5k on the huge bull run to 20k
>Start buying shit coins like VTC, ARK, and SUB
>Chainlink hit 15 cents and the memes are too good
>Start seeing my shit coins are starting to dump and I start taking profits
>Link is the only coin that is being stable and is really low
>Buy link and eventually all my money starts to make its way into link not because I believed in it but because it was the only coin that wasn't dumping
>Now I am 90 percent link 10 percent BTC
>Not fucking selling