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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15747143 No.15747143 [Reply] [Original]

Truth be told, I have tried working and investing, and seemingly there isnt a single easy and fast thing to get rich.

Nothing has worked for me, do you guys have any tips or ideas on how could I make like +80k usd in a day(in cryptos) of just doing one simply action over and over again.
I tried those "buy X coin at this small time exchange at a low price and sell it high on another exchange", none of those have worked for longer than 2-4 repeats and then the profit of 0.1-0.4% of investment stops.

Give me ideas on getting rich without any real education or time requirement for a single cycle of it(meaning that I should be able to repeat the process atleast 100 times in a day),
ps. I dont care if its illegal or immoral tho.

And the idea should pay in crypto near instantly so that I am able to cash-out at any moment if it turns unprofitable, as in that I can do it without the eyes of the govt/banks seeing it.

I have like $1k to use.

>> No.15747192

I am at a loss, I have no ambition other than greed for money.

Enough money would solve all my issues, I dont want moral fags opinions about this, because I would rather be rich and depressed than poor and depressed.

>> No.15747432


>> No.15747444
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>he doesn't know

>> No.15747454


>> No.15747467

Buy chainlink, seriously now just research it if you think I am a shill.

>> No.15747491

did you even fucking read? I want daily profits from repeatable actions.
Not investing anything on that bearish fuck

>> No.15747533
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>> No.15747538

and I am looking for daily profits so that I can invest into link within 2 years because I know the price isnt going to rise past 5usd in the timeframe before adaptation hits in 2021

>> No.15747545

What you want doesn’t exist. Sorry you’re too dumb to realize that.

>> No.15747557

Not gonna lie this is very good bait OP

>> No.15747563
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well I guess I am going to kill myself then.
Never had a father, friends, people who loved me.
So there isnt any great loss in dying a meaningless death at the end of a meaningless life.

>> No.15747565

If there was an easy way nobody would be posting here, anon

>> No.15747570

well 99% of the coins that were shilled here in 2017 did the 100-1000x promised.
So I HOPED that there was some possibility of doing the same but at a daily level

>> No.15747580
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So you want to make 80kUSD a day?


Suck 11 Cocks per minute charging 5$ for each coomer. Then you should be making 80grants a day

Taxfree also cuz its in cash.

>> No.15747587

The best i can recommend is doing day trading or something. If you get very experienced doing that you might see exponential growth in profits. Don't put your money in all at once, instead put in like 5 dollars and see where that gets you

>> No.15747592

>Enough money would solve all my issues
probably wouldn't, you'll be just as unhappy after the initial euphoria wears off.
Trust me, I was always going to be happy when I got my own place, after that the better job, after I got that I needed my investments to moon and I would be content and could finally breathe, after I got more $ than I expected getting a few years earlier, quitting my job to buy property became the only thing I needed to finally make it. After I quit this year I found myself stressing about my small % in shitcoins, thinking I just need a big pump to stack BTC i spent on property. I realized, I'll never be happy unless I find a way to just make myself happy internally, not from any achievement. Drive is great but it didn't get me anywhere until I discovered BTC.
The truth is you have to do your research and spend the time and energy understanding the different aspects of the crypto market. I can tell you a moon but you won't understand when to sell and the moves in the market if you don't study it.

Get a passion for it, it's fucking exciting. New computer money that trades 24/7 all over the world. How could you not love this shit?
Here's your BTC guide. medium.com/@100trillionUSD/modeling-bitcoins-value-with-scarcity-91fa0fc03e25
and one free moon mission here, but your $1000 would be too much, I would put 1/10 of that in it. This isn't the season to hunt moons, go with BTC or BNB right now. The two crypto's with the highest market scarcity and they've been top performers the last 2 years

>> No.15747593

>without any real education
which translates directly into "without any real experience"

<do day trading and gain experience
bro no.

>> No.15747617

like I said, no moralfag opinions.

If I wanted moralistic views on money I would use /biz/...oh wait fuck.

And like I fucking said, daily fucking profits, your other tips are useless to me when I have already said that I only needed tips or ideas on HOW TO MAKE MONEY DAILY.
not about investing into something and waiting months to get 1-10% return.

>> No.15747638

You are hopeless. I don't believe you will ever be able to make any money.

>> No.15747655

yeah no shit, thats what my mother always told me.
Maybe I should just kill myself and hope that I get better chances next life.

>> No.15747656
File: 276 KB, 2800x1704, BTCcycle gains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty based
>What you want doesn’t exist
he just wants a slot machine that always pays out, and in untraceable crypto. >>15747570
>well 99% of the coins that were shilled here in 2017 did the 100-1000x promised
then they crashed 98%, some peaked only for a day or 3. BTC is the safe bet for the next 2 years, supply and demand son

>> No.15747669

>he just wants a slot machine that always pays out, and in untraceable crypto
yes, and if you have no answer; idea/tip on how to make such a thing work, than dont say anything.

I dont want shitty long-term options, I want to get rich, now.

>> No.15747681

There are fast ways to get rich, but you need to find them. Some of these ways are linked to crypto trading

>> No.15747690

Yeah, that would be the most rational decision to take in your situation desu.

>> No.15747698

ty for the first good tip/idea, the rest of these fuckheads are trying to sell me some long-term thing, fuck that, suicide now is better for short-term

>> No.15747723

>suicide now is better for short-term
what a whiny little bitch
you sound like the reason why al qaeda hates us
Life must be so hard with only $1k, grow up

>> No.15747734

nigger I am not even in US.
>Life must be so hard with only $1k, grow up
it is hard and I have tried to grow up, and only thing I have realized is that 99% of humanity are fuckheads who cant be reasoned with and are only there to annoy you and stop you from succeeding the rest 1% you never meet.

>> No.15747795

Legit...there is no short term with strong gain potential that is not insane risk. Like toss it all on red level. Even illegal stuff carries the risk of incarceration or good old plain violence. Either grow a pair or expand your short term to about 40, it isn't that hard to get good results from 20's till then even with grandpa invesments.

>> No.15747826

>Are there any easy ways of getting rich?

this is your issue. there is no easy way. get busy working on something you enjoy. if it makes you a "rich" - awesome. if it helps you live a happier, more fulfilling life and still provides a lifestyle that fits you - even more awesome. stop being a lazy bitch and earn it

>> No.15747831

>Even illegal stuff carries the risk of incarceration or good old plain violence
dont care about the risk of doing illegal things, life is boring

And if I can do it first for like couple days without getting caught by other illegal no-gooders than I am all for it. EVEN if its high risk.

>> No.15747847

I have nobody, no friends,no family, no hobbies other than computers and /biz/.
I only want money, what ever the price, I dont give about laws or morals, the only thing I care about is making money, getting filthy rich and being able to enjoy that money.

>> No.15747856


>> No.15747863

That is part of the issue, there is no grace period. You are caught you get fucked up, and often in a very real and physical way. Most people have never even been in a real fight and can talk but aren't prepared to be beat half to fucking death. If you are too weak to live you may be too weak for illegal activity. Better off just pure legal gambling and praying for luck.

>> No.15747864

when you get money, you'll still feel the same. find some meaning. go outside, find a hobby, get a gf, get outside of your narcissistic little prison. you're a toxic little shit but i hope you find what youre actually looking for. and i dont think its actually money

>> No.15747872
File: 79 KB, 800x600, 1525572438265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright you FUCKING FAGGOT im going to tell you how to make money but it takes RISK. MAKING MONEY TAKES RISK YOU FUCKER but here it is:
1) get a GOOD VPN that will NEVER tell the authorities your personal info
2) buy credit cards (find sources on the deepweb or in telegram groups - I can send some reputable links if youre interested)
3)dropship AMAZON to EBAY using the fake credit card. for example: list a brand new iphone on ebay once it sells buy a brand new iphone on amazon and use the customer's address to have it sent directly to them.
4) connect the EBAY ACCOUNT TO A FAKE PAYPAL (again there are many sources online where you can buy fake paypals - i buy these with a VISA giftcard to protect my identity)
5) USE THE FUNDS IN THE FAKE PAYPAL TO BUY CRYPTO - your buy spread will be shit since you have to buy without identification but still this is the best way YOU FUCKING FAGGOT

boom once that crypto is in your own wallet do with it whatever you want. i woudl suggest not transferring into a bank. just wait - more and more retailers are adopting crypto payments so just hold out until them. ive accumulated a shit load so far and im chillin YOU DISGUSTING LAZY FUCK
ive been doing this method for MONTHS and I can make roughly 10k a month EASY and im making more every month as my methods get better. they will never catch me because everything is anonymous.

>> No.15747883

go on bitmex. 100x short BTC @ $8200
close @ $8025 - $8050
repeat for infinite moneys

>> No.15747887

no, fuck you.
Moralfags have never prospered and never will.
I want money because money in our society translated directly to power, if you have enough of it, you can buy ANYTHING.
Now shut the fuck up about vanity or some shit, make me rich or fuck off from my thread.

>> No.15747905

THANKS FAGGOT, I will try that idea.

>> No.15747910

Ok, Anon:
Here are some ideas:
* press Xanax and sell on the darknet
+ alorazolam is easy and cheap to source
+ presses are easy to source from China
+ profit margins are high
+ lots of demand
+ fast money
+ Xanax is super easy to press. The formula is online and it’s easy to make a solid clone that would make Pfizer jelous.
- risk
- you’ll need to invest in more equipment. At first get a top-6 press and some alp from China. Then as you grow invest in a good granulator

Invest in multi family homes and pyramid out until you have an $80k revenue stream
+ it’s legal
- you need a sizeable upfront investment which you don’t have (see above idea to generate more available cash)
- tenants can be a nuisance
But it’s relatively easy. Just search online for “pyramid real estate investing” all of involves is buying a home and renting it until you have earned enough equity to get a low interest HELOC against your property and use that to put a down payment on 2 more properties. Then repeat with 4x more than 8x more, etc hence the term “pyramid”.

Just use these two idea in conjunction so that you have an end goal to get out of the drug game before you get too greedy and get pinched.

>> No.15747912

just be careful and dont get caught because they prosecute fraudsters worse than fucking pedo rapists these days

>> No.15747930

If I get caught I am killing myself faster than they can kick down my door, because I know I am not gonna be able to keep my money and I will not go to jail

>> No.15747933

kneepads and grip strength training

>> No.15747942

well drug trade is always profitable because its illegal.

Could try but getting access to the raw materials is going to be harder in my country which I will not name for obvious reasons

>> No.15747994

On that note I highly recommend the /fit/ route as well. Let's of people think they are gonna kys if they go to prison but most don't. You are probably a coward, and that is fine most people are. Having a baseline of fitness is your survival tool and a great asset in illegal activity. The nice thing about illegal activity is that prison just opens up opportunity. The last thing you want is to go in as a ninety pound weakling or land whale. Above all else drive out laziness, you will never make it one way or another if you are not constantly hungry and growing yourself (not with food you fat fuck).

>> No.15748032

If I get caught doing illegal shit, I have nothing to live for left, because even now, I have no reason to live other than the small chance of getting rich through advice from you fuckers, which only 2 have given some real advice.

>> No.15748040

ok real advice no memeing:


either get them of the darkweb or contact someone you know and buy from them. Sell them to rich kids in clubs or house parties or raves wherever people gather to consume drugs.

NOTE: quality is important and you cant be a complete loser geek otherwise you willl get robbed/scammed/finessed/whatever.

>> No.15748081

>either get them of the darkweb or contact someone you know and buy from them.
>I dont know anyone, I dont friends or contacts that I know of who have drugs, drugs are near nonexistent here because of low crime rates

>Sell them to rich kids in clubs or house parties or raves wherever people gather to consume drugs.
>no clubs or rave culture and I wouldnt know how to behave in those other than the generic movie shit I have seen
I am a fucking social outcast without socializing experience, I bet I cant convince others that my drugs are even cornflour aka a scam even if i told that to them

>> No.15748095

I mean, I don't know you nor do I really care to. But you are coming off as autistic, but not the good kind. You haven't made the leap to illegal activity yet and haven't kys yet from your admitted economic failures so you are probably a coward. I could be wrong, just saying you should prep for the moment when you puss out and can't do it.

>> No.15748096

name good VPN, also how you buy Credit card in the first place

>> No.15748105

so I would only be able to get the drugs through darkweb which I know how to use but finding a reputable site/seller and even getting pure/high quality product is hard.

To get them delivered to my country would be hard because of hard anti-drug laws, and that every goddamn package outside of the country is screened for drugs in customs.

The last problem is selling them, as in finding people who dont snitch and the act of selling it

>> No.15748120

I tried suicide twice, even being autistic I failed at maths; calculating the length of the rope and the first time I didnt tie it tight enough so it just unraveled.

>> No.15748137

selling drugs can get you easy money but then you ll have to launder money and that ain t easy

also you can get caught in the process

>> No.15748165

But you failed and didn't try again. Cowardice. Once again it is fine, suicide is harder to do than people realize. Takes some real resolve, which you seem to lack. Find some grit before you worry about making it.

>> No.15748166

>calculating the length of the rope
Yep that's autism alright

>> No.15748188

nigger if you havent realized I am stupid af, I tried to do it, and I fucking failed because I am bad at nearly everything I have ever done/tried.

I just fucking kicked the chair and fell to the floor like a dumbass

>> No.15748203

>needs others to tell him illegal activities are profitable
Are you 15 or just retarded
You will probably waste more money starting these adventures than you will make before you kys

>> No.15748214

well them paying in crypto would help
and of course I could get caught during the process, if the autistic guy from school turned up and tried to sell you drugs, of course you woulnt buy let alone believe that fucker

>> No.15748221

I am asking for what illegal activities are profitable fast without big investments

>> No.15748235

and I *might* be retarded, but that would be taking the easy route of just saying "I am retarded" and use it as an excuse

>> No.15748245

This can work for the guy though. If you are stupid to make it the investment route go illegal and go /fit/. A fat fuck has plenty to cut and size helps. Autism will work in your benefit since no guilt for hurting others. Basically your best bet may be to become a nigger. Play to your stengths, if you are a dumb fuck don't play at being smart it won't work.

>> No.15748268

take the savedpill atleast:

>> No.15748276

how about you grow your own weed/manifacture your own drugs?

>> No.15748314

like I said, raw materials are near impossible to get into the country that has no raw materials or climate habitable for weed/growing drug-infused plants, and having a set up wouldnt work.

also wtf, I dont need your morals or some bs guy in the clouds to make me feel better about myself,I believe in my own belief of reincarnation into a "heaven" a world of my choosing where I actually want and can live forever.
And to make you spin around for a while, why is your god the correct one? why isnt the other 2000 religions/gods the right one? why would your be any better since there are gods/religions here longer than yours and created afterwards from yours.

>> No.15748331

I kind of understand why people rather eat shit than being around you..

>> No.15748333

>>>15747143 (OP) #
>go on bitmex. 100x short BTC @ $8200
>close @ $8025 - $8050
>repeat for infinite moneys
since I am a burger and bitmex doesn’t allow trading for burgers can I just get an account with a vpn?

>> No.15748337

also "sin" is a concept created only by the christian/abrahamic religions, no other religion group has "sin" or punishment for earthly deeds.
So fuck off with your mass control mechanics you semite

>> No.15748360

no wonder you’re depressed

>> No.15748365

fucker answer my email already, sent it from the FUCKWITHMONEYPROBLEMS or something like that.

yeah no shit, ignorance is bliss, I fucking hope every day that I just lost all knowledge of these things, but nah I got to live with this shit.

>> No.15748374

Yea you can use a vpn. If you get caught Bitmex will give you a week to withdraw your funds, so there is no real risk.

>> No.15748380

>I just fucking kicked the chair and fell to the floor like a dumbass
Lmao include me in the screencap

>> No.15748393

what fucking screencap
this isnt screencapable material this is literal shit ramblings from an autistic fucker who just wants to get rich without doing anything

sounds better than it actually is.

>> No.15748403

I am white and i look like a slim jim but i made some money selling/making drugs before i got caught
there are drugs that are easy to concoct with ingredients that are easy to bring to any country and not very expensive

>> No.15748419

then how about you tell me those materials name and what drug can I synthesize from those ingredients or remove your post and leave this thread

>> No.15748513

ok thanks anon

>> No.15748531

you just have to look for a tutorial on how to extract DMT from a Mimosa hostilis bark
the process is very simple, in less than an hour you know how.

the material [glassware, mask etc] is worth less than 50
the powdered bark is cheap
the dose is 10 to 20 mg once you have the glassware, mask you just have to buy naphta caustic soda and Mimosa hostilis bark [30-60$ for ≈3g of final product] one dose is 10-20$

>> No.15748555

nigga I know how to extract DMT and I know its expensive af, but the userbase for it is fucking zero compared to other drugs because it causes no addiction and is basically a one-time use in your life.

>> No.15748571

Are you from Russia?

>> No.15748578

Yes, just paste your bitcoin address on your twitter ethot account and include such statements as "please guys, I'm a poor girl and I need as much help as you can give xxx" also have as your avatar picture of a cute chick, either an AI generated one or a modified version of a low google search result image.
Let us know how it goes.

>> No.15748579

not from russia, I said low crime rate and no drug scene.

>> No.15748601

thats actually a good idea, why not fake being a thot for money.

>> No.15748622

you retarded you don t sell it like heroin

listen I used to go to secret raves parties that I found on facebook groups
you give a dose to a junkie and all the others will come and buy your stock in 5 minutes then you come back home go to facebook and find another one

>> No.15748634

>severe punishment for drugs
>shit climate for growing weed
Russia fits perfectly

>> No.15748636

Lies. There is a drug scene in every city on the planet.

>> No.15748637

still not as profitable as heroin

>> No.15748645

then sell heroin loser

>> No.15748647

>low crime rate
pick one

>> No.15748662

sell me heroin for 1/10th the price and I will

>> No.15748664
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Probably best that someone like you doesnt have money.

>> No.15748683

Fentanyl since you're not in the US

>> No.15748685

Imagine giving up on all ideas and resorting to fraud to make it. You have 1k saved up. Save more and then get back to us. Faggot.

>> No.15748689

you know there is a huge advantage to not having regular customers but disposable customers

>> No.15748719

yeah, probably for the best.
Might be the reason why I will never succeed in life, as in my personality and being.

I have mental problems, like a lot, had panic attacks for as long as I can remember and more than likely bipolar, autistic and slightly aspie.

Dunno how I deserve these cards but I am gonna make best of them while I am still alive.
aka do whatever I do spontaneously because otherwise I will never do anything because of lack of motivation.

Life is meaningless and that is why I dont see reasons to follow laws someone else made.

Only thing that I truly desire and want is power, absolute power over everything, and money is the closest representation of power in the modern world. I dont give a shit if power corrupts, I want it.

yea dmt is better in that aspect

well arent you the cunning moralist. also fuck off and die, not because I dont like you, but because you literally didnt contribute in any meaningful way to this thread

>> No.15748800

Well you're an interesting character, to say the least. Thanks for the thought out response. I hope you can find some meaning in this life that doesn't detriment good people.

Why am I typing this gay shit.

>> No.15748858

can you go into more depth

>> No.15748868

>Why am I typing this gay shit.
dont know, people who have found me interesting are somewhat distressed over the fact. The best compliment I have ever gotten was "you are weird but in a good way" and that way like 7 years ago.

I kinda miss school, back then things were easy and not as worry-inducing

>I hope you can find some meaning in this life that doesn't detriment good people.
well I mean I dont wanna hurt/injure/cause harm to the "good" people, and I would be stupid and ignorant if I said that I didnt have my own set of rules and morals, because of course I have my own values that I uphold more than those set by others/society.

I am not malevolent. I want peace and prosperity for all, but not at the cost my misfortune and torture, and as long as I am not rich I feel like I am being tortured for not being able to do what i want, when I want. I do not feel free without money aka power. That is the motivation and reason why I want it, I want absolute freedom over myself, so much so that I could possess a power to topple any opponent that threw themselves at me, no matter if it is a corporation, private military, government, country, UN, anything. I want freedom over the system, and only money can grant that via creating a megacorporation that I am the leader and owner of.

>> No.15748878

its crazy that someone told you how to get rich and you decline because its not good enough, this is how i know you will be poor forever lazy faggot. Buy chainlink or stay poor.

-made it of ETH

>> No.15748927

its crazy that you people have some sort of fucking dyslexia since you CANNOT FUCKING READ



>> No.15748936


>> No.15748995

sorry for using caps unnecessarily

>> No.15749002

You are such a whiny faggot I am glad youre poor.

>> No.15749028

Chainlink will not go above $2 in the next two years

>> No.15749089

Bank drop filling, but it is hard and good bank drops in EU are getting ever more difficult to obtain I guess.

Fake shop -> bank drop (fake ID bank account) -> cash out (more or less very simplified).

>> No.15749351

I would love to see some reputable links, feels like its a good way to get scammed out of the little money I have trying to look for valid c ards all on my own.

>> No.15749381

adding to this; is there a reliable way of checking whether an offer to sell ca rds is a scam or not?

>> No.15749413

Do you have a FICO score above 700? If yes, reply. If no, ignore.

>> No.15749429

go yolo on your puts/calls on stocks

>> No.15750102

What is the ebay method? just putting cards on there is not going to work. there is a method ..

>> No.15750146
File: 262 KB, 1280x868, porschersr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy RSR and you'll make it. Its literally that easy.