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File: 80 KB, 760x507, 190208-stock-money-fanned-out-ew-317p_fa445b2f6f3e86a3ffa18707e6a8adcb.fit-760w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15744724 No.15744724 [Reply] [Original]

People are clueless about what actually controls the world and people's actions. It's money, and the people who create it. Yes, it sounds like a cliche, but it's true and not in the way that you think. Everything else is just theatre, to distract you from what is really destroying our society. Ask yourself... why do you get up in the morning and drag yourself to a job that you hate... It's money. It’s obvious right? You need the money to keep things afloat and maintain your lifestyle. But you're probably barely making ends meet. Most of that money is paying for shit you don't even want: bills, payment on debt, etc. Most of the debt that you have taken on has been against your better judgment too. You almost certainly took out a loan for college, to get a degree in some mind-numbing bullshit that you don't care about. You pay for a car to get you to the job that you don't care about, so that you can pay for the car to get you to the... you get the idea. Meanwhile, you're wracking up credit card debt. Because while your actual earnings are going toward your obligations, you need to justify the hell you put yourself through everyday to pay for the things you don't want. So, you buy some consumer quality shit that you'll use twice, get a small dopamine hit from, and then never touch again.

>> No.15744725

On top of this, you have a gubmint that believes they are obligated to a certain, often high, percentage of your earnings. Often, they pay for things that you don’t know about or that you don’t support. Think about our giant welfare state, the wars in the middle east that no one seems to be able to justify, and generous donations to Israel. For every 20% that you are taxed, that means you are essentially donating a day of the week (pick one)… every week… for the rest of your life… to your gubmint. How any of us are okay with this is beyond me. Yet every April, like the good goys that we are, we take time out of our busy lives and pay some emotionally dead, number crunching retard to tell us how much we “owe” the state. And if you don’t, they’ll lock you in a cage with the fine, would-be rocket scientists whom you deprived of their potential by not paying your taxes. Shame on you.

If you’ve stuck with me this long, that means that you probably see truth in this. But you’re also probably asking yourself “Well, doesn’t that mean that debt and taxes are the real issue? What’s that have to do with money?” The answer to those would be “YES! Kind of...” and “Everything.” These issues have only become issues because we live in a society with fiat currency. Fiat currencies are fictitious money. They are state-issued currencies. They don’t mean anything, and they don’t actually represent anything of true value. Typically, they are propped up by gubmints when they force people to pay taxes with that currency. And if you don’t… meet your new roomie, Jamaal. Whenever the Central Bank wants, for whatever reason they see fit, they can print as much as they want.

>> No.15744729

So this begs the question, have you really ever stopped and asked yourself, "Why do I want the money that I work so hard for?" I mean really, truly stopping to think about what the fuck gives that little green bill or those numbers in your bank account value. If you're like most people, then you probably haven’t given too much thought to it. You have not questioned why you sacrifice so much of your time (your only finite resource) and soul chasing something that you do not understand and therefore cannot properly value. Almost no one has. You can ask Zimbabwe, Weimar Germany, or John Law how their fiat experiments went.

By now I can hear the retards shouting “B-but all money is made up, it has value because we say it has value! It’s all subjective! Even gold!” Anyone who has taken the time to understand money and still believes this should not be allowed to leave the house without adult supervision. Commodities only become money when they are relatively scarce and hard to produce (among other properties). Anything can be a money, but it stops being a good, or hard, money as soon as someone can easily produce it. That’s why precious metals make good money. That’s why bitcoins could be the best money the world has ever seen (we’ll see). The existing stock of the currency cannot be diluted by more of the commodity flowing into the system, no matter how hard someone tries. And this is specifically why fiat money is bad. There’s nothing that stops the central bank from creating more.

>> No.15744735
File: 140 KB, 800x800, bernanke032way_sq-51c33d83cd47e8d5abfd93d5ef4857cc8879d929-s800-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With fiat currencies, the issue really comes down to the fact that Central Banks have the sole authority to print when they see fit, and to distribute that money wherever they think it’s going to “help” the economy. My main concern with this is that central banks are retarded, and don’t know how to fix problems in the economy. No one does. It’s a fools errand. But bless their hearts, they sure do try their hardest. More often than not, it comes down to the central bank pumping money into the system by buying assets (sometimes really shitty assetts, ie TARP) in order to add fuel to the dumpster fire that is the modern economy. This is especially egregious because that freshly printed money generally goes directly to banks. It does not go to the general populace. They don’t distribute it evenly among every adult in the US. They lend it to a bank at low interest rates, and tell them to make wise decisions with it. But if you’re a bank, you’re just looking to make some money, no matter how irresponsible your decision is. Do you lend to the guy looking to start a small business, or the gender studies major whose loan can’t be defaulted on? You take the blue-haired gender queer ten times out of ten. This is why you have a bubble in student loans. That money is guaranteed to banks. Yes, GUARANTEED. It doesn’t matter if it’s burdening generations of people with unpayable obligations, so long as the banks make money.

>> No.15744738

don't read this shit, in short fiat is garbage

>> No.15744741

good thread but this is very entry level stuff. newfags must read.

>> No.15744742
File: 56 KB, 688x918, keynes_vert-b496c6e9f20ef97ddbb4491927240bb38e458854-s800-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, this is where things get tricky, because some inflation isn’t inherently bad. But consistent, unbounded inflation is very, very bad. Inevitably, some mouth-breathing Keynesian (Keynes was a pedophile, just so you know) economist will say “Ackshually, consistent inflation is good for the economy! It makes it so that people keep spending! Otherwise those jerks will just hoard their money!” Yes, you read that right. Mainstream modern economic theory is based on the idea that you, dear goyim, need to keep spending your hard earned money in order to keep the economy afloat. They do not want you to park your money in valuable assets. It’s part of why the price of silver and gold have been so heavily manipulated to the downside for such a long time (DYOR). They actually believe that a constant SPENDING of money is necessary to have a healthy economy and keeps everything propped up. The velocity, or speed with which the money moves through the economy, is the main driver behind economic success in their eyes. It doesn’t matter if the money is going towards something valuable, so long as it’s going.

>> No.15744747
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So, the only way to preserve your wealth in this situation is to buy risky assets like stocks. Unfortunately, unlike boomers, you can’t buy gubmint bonds and make 15% returns. And yes, stocks are risky assets. The only reason they aren’t viewed as such currently is because everyone has to buy them to preserve their wealth, just like you. Our system necessitates that you park your money in something that hopefully outpaces inflation. The average person buys them believing that they can eventually sell them for a higher price to some other fool. Your schoolteacher mom doesn’t seek alpha in weed stocks because she’s a shrewd investor, she does it because she needs to eat when she retires. If that sounds like a ponzi scheme to you, it’s because you’re actually paying attention. To make matters worse, companies can easily manipulate the price of their stock to the upside by employing stock buybacks, or purchasing their own stocks and creating artificial demand. The stock market is hitting all time highs, and we are either in or about to head into a serious recession or possibly a crisis, depression, or full-blown collapse. Doesn’t that seem a bit suspicious to you?

>> No.15744754

The system you create in the end is a monstrosity. What you have is an economy that is based on finding ways to keep the populace spending their money, in hopes that the economy grows. The best way to do that is to devalue their currency through inflation, with all of the newly created money going to the banks. Every time new money is created, it decreases the purchasing power of the money that you own. The banks then loan it to anyone who they think they can make the most money on, creating bubbles in things like student loans and housing ( with a house as collateral). While banks are making a shit ton of money from loaning money to naive 18 year olds, you’re being forced into buying speculative assets hoping that you can outpace inflation and retain your purchasing power. As the price of everything rises, you are being forced to take on debt for things that debt was previously not necessary for (again housing and student loans).

In my opinion, the externalities of this have had a profound effect on our society. It has turned us into high time preference numbskulls who are unable to question anything. We are unable to think for the long-term, as we are caught in a constant cycle of our current concerns. We are all moving at a million miles per hour, working meaningless jobs to keep the economy going so our children have it worse than we do. This is a massive part of the reason our society is going to shit. It’s part of the reason so many people have become obese slobs. It contributes to having sky-high divorce rates. It’s why we have shitty modern art that has no meaning. We have lost ourselves in the now, and it’s by design. You are much easier to control when you don’t get to step back and relax. No. Instead, in your limited downtime, just play some video games and eat some cheetos. “You’ll start eating responsibly tomorrow! And you’ll start working out!” But it never happens. And so the cycle continues.

>> No.15744759


Money is the medium of exchange the free market chooses.
Currency is a receipt for said money used as a medium of exchange.
Fiat is a mandated medium of exchange by the government. Enforced by requiring taxes, fines, fees be paid with it.It also gives government a millions ways to rape its citizens.

>> No.15744761

Yeah, very few people truly realize what it means that money controls the world, i mean truly controlling it, that the will, the same will that makes a fucking worm move and twist around, is being completely supplied by money in the real world, money is literally the blood of the organs we use in the modern society, it's truly the sweat and blood of every "citizen".

It's fucking insane that people let some people control the blood and sweat of others through a printing machine, imagine some guy sucking the blood of pools of stupid people by clicking a button, that's the jews and their banks, they are just laughing out loud while everyone scrapes by by just catching a few cents

>> No.15744765
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, sn-hamster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fiat currency is why we are in the predicament we find ourselves in today. It’s the reason we live in a morally dead, consumerist culture that has to over-leverage itself with debt in order to get by. You are a hamster on a wheel. You can keep running and running, but eventually you’ll burn out and collapse. We are staring another potential economic crisis in the face as I type this post. If things get bad enough, keep what I have said in mind. Buy some silver, gold and bitcoins if you wish.

Buckle up.

>> No.15744780

Fiat isn't the problem, fractional reserve banking is.

Fiat is inevitable for any large human population - you just can't have fractional reserves and usury

>> No.15744783

tl;dr version?

>> No.15744789

You can't have fractional reserve banking with money. It's only possible with currency and fiat and especially fiat.

>> No.15744796

Sorry, but you have to read it all. TLDRs are a part of the problem

>In my opinion, the externalities of this have had a profound effect on our society. It has turned us into high time preference numbskulls who are unable to question anything. We are unable to think for the long-term, as we are caught in a constant cycle of our current concerns. We are all moving at a million miles per hour

>> No.15744802

I remember talking with some engineer graduate, he was 32 year old, and he believed the currency now was still backed by gold, lmfao some people literally don't know what the fuck they are living in, blessed souls by ignorance, maybe its better to die in the same day everything collapses rather than die a few decades earlier when you see it's unsustainable

>> No.15744814

the issue is government SPENDING
all spending is a tax, paid either directly through taxation, or borrowed and paid back to bondholders through future taxation

the problem is government OVERSPENDING
government overspending depends on the CENTRAL BANK to create currency
the central bank's ability to create currency depends on use of FIAT MONEY

if you knock out any of those 3, the system will fix itself

problem is, everyone votes in their own self interest and neither choice will change any of this.
very difficult to convince people that shrinking government and scrapping the central bank is good for them.
so things will never change.

>> No.15744819

>You can't have fractional reserve banking with money
Bingo. It's simply not possible. Fractional reserve banking only becomes an issue when promissory notes are used in place of of the actual thing that has value. And as bad as fractional reserve banking is, it can work when the underlying asset is an actual asset. If it's meme money (fiat), then reserves (base fiat money) can grow easily and devalue the promissory notes.

>> No.15744852

>the issue is government SPENDING
>government overspending depends on the CENTRAL BANK to create currency
Exactly. Take away the right of the government to produce money, and money becomes real. People as less likely accept high tax rates, and governments have to actually explain their spending habits. If they overspend, they simply fuck themselves over because they can't easily get out of the situation by obtaining more paper and ink.

>> No.15744865
File: 53 KB, 850x400, quote-let-me-issue-and-control-a-nation-s-money-and-i-care-not-who-writes-the-laws-mayer-amschel-rothschild-52-74-71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15745141

Just go innawoods and self sustain

>> No.15745151

Money chasing is for manlets/ugly people that can't get women with their looks/personality alone. Prove me wrong

>> No.15745191

Thomas Jefferson had it right with his ideal of a Yeoman Republic. Cities are cesspools

>> No.15745344
File: 3.87 MB, 8000x5583, 73827404-32B1-4977-92BC-6A3B230B1682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High energy post for that you get a bump
But this shit is for bottom barrel normies/newfags.
Banks have rigged it to keep filling up their coffers and buying physical metals and mining companies. They know the fiat paradigm is a ponzi.
Bitcoin is vaporware
Crypto is future
Metals backed crypto
Banks never lose, just copy the banks and let them moon your bags.
Pic related if you try to create your own currency you get literally shutdown

>> No.15745356

The search for meaning is difficult in life. It is easy to put blame on the society. In reality, the society is a very positive force in our life and responsible for most of the good things we have.

>> No.15745381

There is nothing a person, group or institution can do that can stop you using gold as the unit of value.

To escape central banking measure value in gold.

If you think anything more needs to be said you don't get it.

>> No.15745447


imagine being so filled with bullshit that you believe fiat is society

>> No.15745488
File: 165 KB, 500x322, 44-buff-nazi-pepe-by-grandmasterswaglord-on-deviantart-51866054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money is a mnemonic of that big dude with a big bat to hit your head if you try to get to food or shelter without giving him the casino chips first.
It's an army's tool to put you in your place.
Nobody here will ever make it because none will ever have an army bigger than your owners.
You'll lose the first amendment for never preserving the second.
Screencap this.

>> No.15745498

excellent post

>> No.15745554


>he doesn't understand basic concepts as liquidity

>> No.15745570

>very difficult to convince people that shrinking government and scrapping the central bank is good for them.
>so things will never change.
Zoomers unironically believe this without much convincing. We just need boomers, aka the largest dumbest voters to die off and then we can finally begin to correct society.

>> No.15745586

He measures value with an index of consumer experiences and wonders why he has to work his whole life

>> No.15745598

>gold shill outed as ledditor
I knew there was something wrong with you rockbag faggots

>> No.15745605

What are you even disagreeing with you fool

>> No.15745625
File: 25 KB, 399x322, 1526503741969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of that money is paying for shit you don't even want: bills, payment on debt, etc.
Stopped reading right there .
I want those things you fucking garbage low tier intelectual .
I dont need to read the rest cause youre a faggot .

>> No.15745629

Nah that was too long and you're a brainlet for using so many words. Not sure you even know where money comes from.

>> No.15745639

Eh the whole system is built to stop us killing each other, being a slave to debt and having a decent lifestyle is much better than actually being a slave.

>> No.15745669


>> No.15745690
File: 4 KB, 204x248, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>central banking is good for me, I should not be allowed political representation in the monetary policy that is dictated to me by an unelected private bank not obliged to follow the constitution.
>reducing my net worth by inflation and educating me to believe cpi is the definition of value is good for me because it means I will never be able to stop working
>There would be more people killing each other if they were wealthy enough to afford a home, a stay at home partner, debt free children and not sell out to survive