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File: 16 KB, 774x386, 35 years young.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15732169 No.15732169 [Reply] [Original]

For those of us age 20 - 35, just how fucked are we?

What I mean is, the impending collapse of the US economy and world economy, just how badly are we all gonna get assraped?

>> No.15732185

i plan to profit on it and hope it happens sooner than later

>> No.15732198

my gold and corns are rdy

>> No.15732200

Buy oil stocks. Peak oil is real

>> No.15732207

>What I mean is, the impending collapse of the US economy and world economy, just how badly are we all gonna get assraped?

The assrape already happened when they stole our youth with money printing in 2008


The housing bubble preventing milenials from starting a family was caused by this , worldwide milenials been rekt because every other government devaluated even more than the usd relative to it.

So for example india economy has collapsed this year and the government is blaming milenials too.
Housing is a bubble where boomers instintually realized they could protect their wealth from inflation but they are not using it as houses they use them as anti inflationary bags.

So we have been fucked and we will be fucked again , the few milenials and zoomers in crypto will be spared and will even prosper in this climate but the world will go full retard to the point we will see things like communist revolutions appearing again.

>> No.15732212

long guns toilet paper and lighters

>> No.15732218

Peak oil is rea but in the context of an economic slowdown oil usage will decrease , in fact many oil reserves used in the start of the decade are now shut down due to the low oil price.

Oil will collapse in price massively as absurd as it sounds.

>> No.15732225

were already fucked now. Were gonna become homeless
Merica is a 3rd world country posing as a first world one

>> No.15732233

Rising oil price will cause the slowdown, as transportation costs make everything rise in price for basic goods

>> No.15732350

Oil prices are rising due to taxation on it since governments are starved for cash , so they are creating "carbon taxes" aka taxes on fuel.

But overall world usage of oil is not growing as much as the production , oil will go bellow 25 next year if things continue as they are.

>> No.15732399


But that's the point I'm making.

32 here and things are struggle. I can't even imagine where I'm headed if the US economy tanks like 2008.

And I honestly believe the upcoming crash is gonna be worse than 2008. So I'm just looking at life like "well guess I'm fucked"

>> No.15732413

you're on biz

buy bitcoin


it's that easy.

>> No.15732421

im already fucked

>> No.15732431


I did.

It's my only hope Obi Wan

>> No.15732434

What a fucking pussy. Are you an over-extended contractor with 370 houses on construction loan trying to develop an entire neighborhood? You'll be fine.

>> No.15732450


What state you in?

>> No.15732455
File: 143 KB, 700x788, sarevok_anchev_fragment_by_cg_zander-d4k1nhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are only raped if you sell

>> No.15732467

why am I so isolated

>> No.15732780

Just buy bitcoin and wait , it's not a meme , bitcoin is the generational revolution against boomers.

>> No.15732788

Bitcoin is black market currency & nothing more

>> No.15732797

Too many redpills

>> No.15732803

The black markets use monero not bitcoin , bitcoin is a international p2p wire system being used to bypass illegal capital controls created by governmetns or retarded regulations.

Try to do an international wire as a personal individual ods are it get's blocked for no reason or it takes 5 weeks.

>> No.15732812

Also bitcoin is working behind the scenes in places like africa doing international wires ,companies simply use it behind the scenes and offer african normies a service fullfiled with btc.

>> No.15732822

Go get an online meme degree and take out all the loans that they'll give you. Put it all on crypto. Go live in the Phillipines for a few years until the Fed either inflates your debt away or some meme democrat forces student loan forgiveness through. Sell your bags when the monetaryh system fails.

>> No.15732825

if you aren't prepping your mind for ascetic living on UBI and living vicariously through escapism I don't know what you're doing. only normalfags are gonna feel the real pain

>> No.15732836

>10 transactions per second
>global currency
haha fucking retards
lightning network flopped
Down over 60% from all time high
Can’t reach new all time high in over 2 years
BAAKT had a volume of literally 3 bitcoins, completely flopped, no institutional money.
Sub 8k and still dropping
Not even a 150 billion MCAP
Get out of this vaporware while its still above a grand

all you need is 1 oz of silver to make it.

>> No.15732838
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, 1468222264314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're males in their prime years, the apex of our species, if anyone if going to assrape everyone else in conditions of societal collapse it'll be us. If the blood of boomers is necessary to water the fields of the future, so be it.

>> No.15732862

>lightning network flopped

oh no how terrible

>Down over 60% from all time high

As it happened between the halvenings

>Can’t reach new all time high in over 2 years

We pass the ath next year.

>BAAKT had a volume of literally 3 bitcoins, completely flopped, no institutional money.

Bakkt has been growing exponentially it already has 150 atm.

>Sub 8k and still dropping

Miners are upgrading asics , let them sell good for the network.

>Not even a 150 billion MCAP

oh no how terrible , meanwhile it's easier to transact than PMs

>Get out of this vaporware while its still above a grand


>all you need is 1 oz of silver to make it.

Too bad where i live i can't buy it and neither 90% of humanity , only burgers living in a bubble can buy pms easily.

>> No.15732893

>delusional cope
you’ll be wishes you headed my advice soon to come, trump made one tweet and dropped this shit a few grand. Imagine when he says holding this vaporware is unpatriotic

>> No.15732901
File: 209 KB, 698x809, dbpx146-9368c542-8913-4a36-a795-dfc0e52173ef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitfinex is having trouble propping up Bitcoin with USD Tethers, so now they're going to start farting out Chinese yuan tethers to keep the ponzi going

>> No.15732940

As with every other "collapse of the economy", markets at worst will correct -40% then fully recover in 3 years or so.
Quit being a pussy.

>> No.15732961

There was no talk at all about a "global crash" until the news media started shilling it about a month ago.
They need to convince retards like you people that Trump somehow is causing economic disaster.

>> No.15732995

Bitcoin ban in us and then allied countries is imminent, holding bitcoin will be absolute treason one day and the price will be a fucking joke, Its not too late to buy the new world order coin yet.

>> No.15733004

Came here to post this. I’m trying to buy a house.

>> No.15733017

Delusion, the post

>> No.15733024
File: 191 KB, 671x1004, BLOCKSYOURPATH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer cuck

>> No.15733078

The amount of bitcoin jumpers... “its going to be HUGE”
Keep bleeding out idiots. I’ll see you guys at sub 1k. NSA already dumped, only china are bagholding still.
You guys actually think you be millionaires by throwing 1/2 of your minimum wage every week into thin air pixels. Absolute state of this board.

>> No.15733081

Bitcoin cannot be declared illegal. It would violate your first amendment rights.

>> No.15733094

Nobody complied
Nobody cared

They're more likely to ban BTC than Au

>> No.15733109

lmao this cuck still the government cares about people's rights.

And how the fuck is bitcoin considered speech?

>> No.15733131

If you're in a first world country, you're going to be alright. They've been talking about a global collapse the past 40 years. It's all just banter to distract - similar to politics, sports, everything. If the US collapsed the world would collapse. If the world collapsed, the US would be fine. The US is key to ushering in the NWO. They've been planning this since WW2 and can't afford to have their precious NWO dreams come true. The NWO will be from 'dark to light'. Ring any bells?


>> No.15733143

High IQ
And when they declare BTC it wont go up like gold did. They’ll declare it a china scam and it will drop off a cliff, as there will be no more fiat offramps

>> No.15733155

Bitcoin is just packets between individuals on a peer to peer network. It's speech. Banning bitcoin would be like trying to ban calling somebody a nigger on the internet, a gross violation of your civil rights.

>> No.15733167


> Ring any bells?

yes your post sounds exactly like a junkie, or some schizo off their meds.

stop reading zerohedge, go to rehab or therapy

>> No.15733173

I wonder what will happen socially after the next crash, there's a lot more tension between rich/poor than there was during the 2008 one, I reckon some countries will be quick to pick up the guns after it happens

>> No.15733174

2 globalist groups
Money team = big banks/israel/trump/hedge funds/royal bloodlines

Media team = silicon valley/chicoms/hollywood/news/tv

I’ll side with the money team because they always win

>> No.15733181

Fuck off boomer

>> No.15733186

I heard some good news that we are a good age for such an event. As those very old and those younger will probably be poorly positioned, mentally and physically. If you really feel this way the best way to alleviate your anxiety is to prepare. Freeze dried food, water, water filter, seeds, ammo etc. Etc etc

>> No.15733198
File: 3.87 MB, 8000x5583, 3D868C7D-598D-4568-B784-FD7AE65259E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very Low Energy

>> No.15733230
File: 280 KB, 1010x908, boomerfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the few milenials and zoomers in crypto will be spared and will even prosper
>you're on biz
>buy bitcoin
>Just buy bitcoin and wait , it's not a meme , bitcoin is the generational revolution against boomers.
>We're males in their prime years, the apex of our species, if anyone if going to assrape everyone else in conditions of societal collapse it'll be us

>> No.15733245
File: 369 KB, 1008x955, namefags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15733249

You still think the gov cares about your civil rights?
They only care about the rights of niggers, faggots, shemales, illegal beaners and muslims.
I'm sure the Limeys were sitting around saying "they'll never make it illegal to say nigger on the internet!"
Anyway BTC isnt speech no matter what some youtube faggot told you, kid.

>> No.15733264

Bitcoin is not digital cash. What are you going to do if fiat is hyperinflated and all you have is Bitcoin, but the places you go to buy food aren't accepting Bitcoin for groceries? You're not buying food from a farmer's market with Bitcoin. You'd be lucky to have a few mates that will exchange food for Bitcoin p2p. You might get lucky and know some people worldwide that will accept Bitcoin for international shipping of goods.

The banks have Bitcoin locked down through centralized exchanged like Coinbase. They'll stop banks from allowing deposits and withdrawals. Bitcoin can't even scale past 20k. That hasn't been tested again.

>> No.15733267

Yes yes sirs very new to 4channel sirs. I've been here since you were sucking on your mum's tits.

>> No.15733269

This. Its over. Sorry, we didnt fix it. They duped us hard. Give up.
>t. Gen x

>> No.15733277

>just how fucked are we?
proper fucked

>> No.15733290

All the coins had a straight line down and Tether went way up. No doubt USDT is propping Bitcoin up. It's intrinsic value is below $1,000. We're talking about a different Bitcoin today than what Hal Finney was programming in 2008.

>> No.15733297

Mother fuck I'm going to bed.

>> No.15733300


>> No.15733381
File: 16 KB, 923x713, 1569377616915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working 70 hours a week and getting no where really, the only reason i havent necked myself is so i can witness the mass death when the real collapse happends.

>> No.15733435

That last line was the cringiest thing I read all day. Idk if its because of the spacing or because that was a really boomer like thing to say

>> No.15733446

1 Bitcoin will eventually buy a mansion. I’m just waiting for this.

>> No.15733447

you're the only trip worth trippin

>> No.15733465

You sound Jewish, but how do you plan on profiting. Crypto and metals?

>> No.15733495

How do you get a loan large enough to build 370 houses.

>> No.15733506

Wow you're really in for dome disappointment.
One thing you zoomers don't understand is that the "coming collapse" meme has been going on for 60 years and the collapse is always right around the corner.
And every time you point out all the failed predictions, they always say "its different this time!"
And then nothing happens. Again.
If the we didn't collapse in chaos in 2009 when obama was actively trying to destroy the country, military stretched all over the globe, banks failing every week, etc nothing is going to happen now with Trump in charge because of some lame tariffs or whatever they are trying to say is gonna ruin us all.
Get a grip, faggots and plan for your future like a normal person.

>> No.15733507

some plan on trading their good savings in for dividend paying stocks. others farm land or rentals. you gotta flip it to income generating assets

>> No.15733517

They are gonna use Bitcoin to bail out the boomers’ 200 trillion in unfunded pension liabilities. This is so obvious. Get yourself a few corns and just wait.

>> No.15733518

This. If you aren't with us in this boat OP, you've been slacking. I'm 30 and comfy waiting for the crash.

>> No.15733521
File: 102 KB, 674x674, planehaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been here for over 20 years. still dont know how this place works
congratulations! you're mentally retarded

>> No.15733554

And it's more relevant then ever asshat. We're in a bubble and we're having a liquidity crisis. What does that mean Lil Jimmy? Inflation out the wazoo. that's right.

>> No.15733589

It's not that easy for working class or even middle class folk to buy 1 whole bitcoin even if it goes to 100k or more a piece. Dishing out 8 g's for a digital commodity is crazy. If you didn't buy Bitcoin in 2012-2015, you may have missed out. Such is life. That said, it's good to have some hands in the crypto world. Maybe those stinky linkies will be a moonshot when the oracles everyone keeps cheering for are reality.

>> No.15733598


>> No.15733606

We both know you're <18 because anyone who can browse the board legally doesn't give a shite. Now go donate some money to your favourite twitch streamer.

>> No.15733641

>>all you need is 1 oz of silver to make it.
>Too bad where i live i can't buy it and neither 90% of humanity , only burgers living in a bubble can buy pms easily.

I live in Mexico and I acn buy silver, any city shitter can too just save about 20 bucks. I am not implying its enough to maek it, thats as retarded as ur excuse.

>> No.15733642

That's exactly what they said in the 2008 crash, 2004 housing bubble, market drop after 9/11, dotcom bust.
And the liquidity crisis was far worse in 2009 that it was today.

>> No.15733859

that's why people won't stop blabbing about stores of value, don't you get it?

>> No.15733874

I hope soon. I'm up to my ass in debt with no real way to pay it off in the near future.

>> No.15733920

i keep 90% of my networth in crypto and im counting on the USD to fail at 100% in my lifetime so yeah, i think with the bets ive made so far that i'll eventually be a millionaire

>> No.15733933


Why do the poor think their debt will be wiped after some economic collapse?
You really think all records of your debt will be lost?
You think your debt won't be adjusted for inflation or revalued into bitcoins?
You really thinks the big banks are that dumb to overlook that little point?

>> No.15733939

>You really thinks the big banks are that dumb to overlook that little point?
you made a good until this

>> No.15733945

Someone's gonna be buying the bottom when the boomers all panic sell their properties, stocks, and general assets. I plan to accumulate crypto for ~5 years which is how long I predict we got before the SHTF, maybe a bit sooner tho.

>> No.15733957

it's real but we're nowhere near it, conventional oil deposits represent maybe 20% of total recoverable oil on the planet. the last hundred years have been the appetizer.

>> No.15733959


ok, honestly now

how many of you fags have actually bought guns and ammo.....honestly now. your precious metal isn't going to save you when I put one right between your eyes for food

>> No.15733972

>I'm just gonna run up my debt and wait for the economy to collapse

Can't wait to see faggots in 20 years still schlepping mob bucks around in Walmart for minimum wage wait for the economy to collapse so can finally hit it big when the dollar collapses.
I mean that's why you'll be HODLing those those 10k chainlink @ $0.0000368 each

>> No.15734066

this guy fucks

>> No.15734137


Buy silver. Bitcoin is a speculative ponzi without any tangible value and will tank enormously.

>> No.15734172

im guessing anon plans on shorting the market. but to profit you have to bet that it will drop enough to profit but it wont completely shit the bed and never recover.

>> No.15734209

pic related, replace every instance of bitcoin with _____. Bitcoin is done but the money teams crypto is just getting started.
All silver divided equally between global pop everyone gets 1/4 of an ounce.
Bitcoin lower than gold ounce soon.
Based and High IQ
Typical late adoption cope bitcoin was DOA, literally just a “test” post.Still not too late all you need is a brain to figure it out.
>apocalypse doomsday
will never happen
High IQ

>> No.15734217
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>> No.15734300
File: 56 KB, 300x261, bad_triforce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didnt even triforce newb go back to plebbit u need to practice more on r/wsb. . ▲
▲ ▲

>> No.15734315

>its sustainable cause its been sustained for X years

>> No.15735310

Speak for yourself. I'm a 25 year old male, 6'2, 18% bodyfat, and every day is a struggle not to blow my own brains out. My spirit = broken, my resolve = spent, my will to live = all time low.

>> No.15735366
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>my will to live = all time low
time for a healthy correction then

>> No.15735375

>The black markets use monero not bitcoin

>> No.15735380


▲ ▲

>> No.15735411

There won't be any huge recession. If you're talking about it before it happens that means it's nothing severe.
2008 was so fucked exactly because no one believed or knew it will happen, not even big institutions. When you and your grandma are already talking about prepping for the coming recession, that means the big institutions are already ahead it way before you even started thinking about it.

The only thing that will happen is a long ass crab market

>> No.15735416

a lot

>> No.15735447
File: 34 KB, 865x454, hockey stick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for fun, let's see the venezuelan monetary base... oh no no no

>> No.15736125

If things really go down the drain, you'll be surprised about how much strength and willpower you'll have just because of your age and hormones kicking in

>> No.15736163

look at this waste of digits... good to see you bought the public school bullshit like all the other fat worthless millens. You keep staying on the losing side of that trade and have your 14 year old autistic daughter cry about rain on national TV.

Holy fuck this is all a fucking show and no one knows that they're acting out roles assigned to them, not of their own free will. Fuck me in the ass

>> No.15736248

29 year old guy here. We are fucked.

Nearly all of my peer group of same age live fake debt fuelled lives and work meaningless shit jobs. I have no motivation to work hard at work to make a boomer rich. The conditioning just somehow didn't click with me. I am not going to slave myself to death at a wagecage when we live in a developed nation where resource scarcity for the most part is a meme.

I have a roastie who just turned 25. She is also unhappy with the whole wagecage rat race. There is no purpose in trying to climb the ladder just to be an apex wagie. I look at the 60 year old guys in my office and I do not want to become them. I look at those that are on the rung of the ladder above me and I do not vibe with them at all. Everything is fake. Everyone is living out a Machiavellian political fantasy drama in their head when in reality they are just worthless fucking paper pushers that carry out meaningless tasks who have replaced God and family for wagecage good boy prestige points and some shekels dished out by Mr Greenblatt.

I have started my own business but it is just fucking absolutely and utterly impossible to scale a business while waging. But it is also impossible to live with no money. At this point I have resigned myself to just moving to Eastern Europe and living a farm subsistence lifestyle.

>> No.15736252
File: 437 KB, 750x1397, 1553839171740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Money Masters:

Money As Debt:

The Fall Of The US Dollar: Is The Return To A Gold Standard Inevitable?

Hidden Secrets Of Money:
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8 (crypto is NOT a solution though)

Part 9

Part 10

>> No.15736257
File: 8 KB, 300x210, vanguard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just how fucked are we?

I'm not fucked at all, actually

>> No.15736267

26 here. Married, 2 kids, no degree, working at target
fucked meter: GIGA FUCKED

>> No.15736288
File: 46 KB, 400x568, 1497643109686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id confirms

>> No.15736294

I'm 30 and I work in a pharmacy. Sick people, especially boomers, will always need meds so I'm gonna be comfy for a long time. I've got one of the easiest 6 figure salaries in the health field.

>> No.15736305

I think I'm just going to pick up a trade. My father has his HVAC despite being a computer programmer for 20 years.

Fuck college. It's a jewish waste of time now.

>> No.15736309

later, virgin.

>> No.15736317

What if we are approaching 1 BTC and have 70 oz. of silver? Will we make it?

>> No.15736326

I am more worried about climate change and its results on this planet

>> No.15736334

Will be enough to buy property and live a comfy life.

>> No.15736369

Millennials only really exist in the US. Look at demographic data from Europe and Asia, there haven't been any kids for the last 50years

>> No.15736413

It's an overall market index. If the market crashes it means you lose money

>> No.15736471

From a demographic small boom the us and a few other countries saw a population increase in the early 90s.

However what makes boomers and milenials unique generations is that the first saw a population bubble in the post world war 2 and the second where decimated by central banks post 2008.

Both generations have a strong cultural identity worldwide due to surfing incredibly similar economic trends worldwide.

It does not matter if you go to china , india , israel , the eu , the usa or brasil.
It's always the same thing the 60s generation own everything and those born between 1988 and 2000 where economically destroyed in 2008 by pumping every bubble while fixing nothing.

It's even worse outside the usa because they increased taxation to absurd levels.

The only few places where this boomer milenial generational thing is not happening is in africa or in some parts of western europe.

>> No.15736473 [DELETED] 

I didn't start buying bitcoin until last month so I don't even have 1 btc yet. Honestly I'm more worried about my young son than myself. I'm a single dad with full custody and I'm scared for what lies in store for him. I want to give him a good life.

>> No.15736722
File: 82 KB, 592x462, 7AE8F9D9-2C43-4050-8654-B2E40053656D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let’s just start an ethnostate in the Pacific Northwest

Based on trade, hunting and farming

Protect our borders with lethal force and expel any dissenters

Non degenerate Whites only, no Jews

Women will be in their natural place and have no say in politics

>> No.15736869

4chan disabling the triforce power was the signal bad times are ahead


>> No.15736917
File: 75 KB, 503x1024, 1568809300645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomers will have to work extra hard so boomers can retain their lifestyle in retirement

>> No.15736972

i bought a canik and 9mm rounds

>> No.15736987
File: 74 KB, 467x398, boomer dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to college, parents tell me they'll pay for it
>they have me take out a loan, say they'll pay it back for me
>finish college and grad school, loan amount is 100k
>ask if they'll start helping me pay it
>"Don't worry, anon. Even if it takes 10 years, you'll be able to pay it off easily once you get a job!"

>> No.15736993

>you think your debt won’t be revalued in bitcoins
stop I can only get so hard

>> No.15737007

I didn't even have the password for my loan account, so I didn't know the amount until I badgered them about it. They just would have let it keep growing without telling me. They also had """borrowed""" around 30k from me before this (basically all my savings).

>> No.15737038

you fell for the "you cant outperform the market"-meme
ever heard of George Soros or Ray Dalio? Vanguard ETFs are a boomer thing and will collapse just like the housing bubble

>> No.15737064

I bet their boat is really nice, though.

>> No.15737126

Yeah but 20 years means absolutely fuck-all in the big picture. We're in a frog boil.

>> No.15737148


this generation is fucked beyond redemption


swallow the energy pill

>> No.15737163

Well, they say when there's blood on the streets is when the money is made

You could view the post-boomer collapse with fear or you could see it as a prime opportunity to create generational wealth of your own. Boom/bust cycles are an inevitability in the modern economy, you can either ride the wave or drown.

>> No.15737177

This time is different , interest rate remain near 0 , all governments have increased taxation to the breaking point and inflation is collapsing fast.

>> No.15737192

>ETFs are a boomer thing and will collapse just like the housing bubble
I can't wait for this to happen and btfo all the boomers

>> No.15737206

And don't forget governments are continually expanding, not contracting.

>> No.15737250

the menendez brothers did nothing wrong

>> No.15737409

>a bunch of autistic incel retards establishing a sovereign territory
Fucking lol you couldn't start an ethnostate in your moms basement

>> No.15737467

I wanted to diagree and kind of still do, it’s not that bad yet.
But then i remember how our food and water are poisoned, are legal system is cucked, welfare state keeps growing, and the 2nd amendment will be dead in a few decades.

For these reasons I am longing $ROPE, $KNEE, and $PADS

>> No.15737474

unironically my nigga

>> No.15737482


>> No.15737491

>Also bitcoin is working behind the scenes in places like africa doing international wires ,companies simply use it behind the scenes and offer african normies a service fullfiled with btc.
This sounds promising, but before I invest I want to research the team and I can’t find anything. I might buy a few shares but I am worried that the ceo is still missing

>> No.15737547

Shut up Juan

>> No.15737599

Agreed. Middle East is a powder keg. Iran is going to retaliate once they’ve had enough and oil will never go below 100 again.

>> No.15737610


buy the bottom

>> No.15737613

its funny how different social groups can be. my friends and i are all around 28-30, yet we all make $110k+ in various fields and are debt free. we are all in the DC area though

i am trying to escape the wagecague through daytrading futures, i hate working for others while my friends are just fine with climbing the corporate ladder

>> No.15737635
File: 275 KB, 1029x1000, boomer artsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Depends on how you look at it, and how heavily you bought into the college/higher education/wait and see/live with your parents memes, primarily american problems.

Someone like me, just shy of 40, isn't gonna suffer at all. We got jobs and work experience, even if they're things you can't put on a CV, moved out, made mistakes, didn't buy into college memes, didn't spend 6+ years in higher education for diplomas, and generally lived our lives. Someone who did buy into all that shit, and has student debt, no worthwhile life experience, never got any hobbies or interests because they spent a third of their life in 'school,' never gained independence, and so on, is pretty fucked. Due to how incredibly fucked these people are, and how many of them there are, there will be some kind of bail-out, or aid programme eventually. 30~ year olds being taught the basics of economics, and put to work in soup kitchens for no pay, with the purpose being to teach them that routine, experience, and reliability is necessary, not a meme, and encouraged to actually pick up their old hobbies from before they got sucked into the system, so they can do things like I do, which is maintain ancient legacy hardware and software for big companies, who literally can't fire me, or do anything to me, or their whole operation grinds to a halt. I learned my 'trade' originally as a hobby, which later became a passion, and developed my people skills from being a drug dealer during my rebellious years. I was taught the value of me, myself, and my own opinions simply by observing that no one else in the world gives as much of a fuck about my well-being as I do, and those who pretend otherwise typically hide behind some kind of authority, which I've grown to distrust and despise. Every single time some retard CEO whines, and I tell him he either shuts up, or I walk, that's me getting confirmation that I'm worth far more than the CEO. No one can replace me in my field.

>> No.15737652

Try being 36
>it just goes downhill

>> No.15738733

I hate boomers.

>> No.15738952

i think it was m-pesa

>> No.15738964

>i think it was m-pesa


>> No.15739035
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>DC area
Parasite detected
Based. The new economy is about cultivating a niche skill set or starting your business, or preferably both.
Access to information and the ability to use it to your advantage is everything

>> No.15739065
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Invest in a good sword and start training with it, you'll need it for when the bullets run out

>> No.15739085

This. Should it crash soon I will not have to wagecuck.

>> No.15739153

How do you move to Eastern Europe legally and easily without already living.in Europe.

t. Guy who wants to move to Eastern or Northern Europe and likely renouce U.S.A. citizenship (taxing you while not even living in their country lol).

>> No.15739179

>upper 20's

Lol 10 years at that wage and i could retire.

>> No.15739225

>shitting on Bitcoin
>Shilling silver which has a lower stock to flow ratio than both gold and BTC

>> No.15739246

it's called boomer iq

>> No.15739585

>Implying you'll last that long
>Implying bullet production won't restart in no-time as a gang controlling a bullet factory would be incredibly valuable

>> No.15740616
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YOU are fucked not me.

i make 150k with no college degree. I have no student loans, no debt of any kind. SO dont lump me in with you.

now go back to cooming you fucking faggot COOMER



>> No.15740635

back to WSB fag

>> No.15740645

>The only thing that will happen is a long ass crab market

so basically the 70's

>> No.15740647

mid to late millenials and zoomers are going to either fight in ww3 or suffer the worst depression in human history. might be both

>> No.15740846

Both of these will replace oil soon.

Can be built easily, also cheap.

Much suitable if built on Mars since it's cold there (16 C).

>> No.15741130
File: 104 KB, 648x721, Dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna sound corny but I can't wait for this global depression. This is the natural order of things in action. Fire sale of prices to their true value, all the bullshit jobs go away, women are forced into traditional roles to survive, all the dumb asses living on credit hang themselves. china is going to get cucked when the U.S is forced to do something out of necessity. It's a blessing hidden by a curse. Hopefully through this we can't create a better society. All YOU need is to save money, buy a gun and keep valuable people around you.

>> No.15741285

I think/my personal strategy is to make as much money as possible now. Whether that be crypto trading or whatever.
Then when it crashes we can buy property.

>> No.15741456

But that could never happen here....

>> No.15742004

I feel the same way brother, I've slept in parks/my car and stolen food to survive before I'd do it again with a smile to purge the freeloaders.

>> No.15742046

Imagine falling for every single energy meme. I'm pretty sure nuclear is way safer per watt then every other energy source and can easily be built on earth. The others are memes and can't replace oil, except maybe solar in a very long and distant future

>> No.15742476
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Amen brother

>> No.15742595
File: 322 KB, 2440x1181, 90DBF334-A0BE-4549-8860-0E8F41E96774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For those of us age 20 - 35, just how fucked are we?
BAD! much worse than1930s
But you smart to recognize it.
I studied 1930s .the surprise outcome no one talks about during that time.
People started treating each other much better.
The spirit of community was reborn.
Everybody treated each other better.
Materialism died.
Shared adversity is a great thing for mankind
I’m looking forward to fucking implosion
Bing it on
Death to bankers

>> No.15742671

>~5 years which is how long I predict we got before the SHTF
2 years at most, there are already a lot of indicators that say next year will be a recession year

>> No.15742696
File: 39 KB, 1000x600, 1000px-Flag_of_Cascadia.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does it have to be in the Cascadia meme region?

>> No.15742726

yeah isolated myself when I took many red and black pills to quick.

>> No.15742813

>he doesn't know that oil is abiotic and incredibly abundant

>> No.15742818

Whenever you want to kill yourself just think of the people that want you to kill yourself and let that rage keep you going

>> No.15742833

>doesn't know about bsv

>> No.15742905

good post, but I disagree with one thing
>never got any hobbies or interests because they spent a third of their life in 'school,'
the real reason why millenials (and probably homelanders too in the distant future) don't have any real hobbies is because society actively encourages people to have addictions instead. Every single peer that I have is addicted to vidya, porn, drugs, or a combination of those three things. No one tries anymore because addicting vices are no longer stigmatized against so people just do the thing that feels good the most instead of trying to actually do something with their lives. These were all people with promising futures and they had hobbies too while they were still getting their education. And of course someone made money off of destroying society like this.

>> No.15742914

unless you predict the stock market and bond market will crash permanently, then you're wrong

>> No.15743161

Back to plebbit you go!

>> No.15743165

It's all diet related. Eat healthily and workout and you can see the light

>> No.15743221

I'm only 18 and still trying to save for a car, I'm so fucked bros

>> No.15743246


>> No.15743278

Buy Chainlink

>> No.15743659

The ones with the biggest advantage (other than having crypto/commodities, guns) are those who have realised a house isn't a necessity.

I have been homeless and see people who were homeless for over a decade - I've never seen anyone go without food, water or oxygen for a decade though...