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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15720272 No.15720272 [Reply] [Original]

How do we finance this /biz/?

>> No.15720292
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ill stick to the citadel thanks, not a fan of water colonies

>> No.15720323

Form an LLC, get 20 or 30 /biz/inessmen and apply for a loan. Use a personal guarentee against our collective credit scores and we will be able to get the money we need to built it.

>> No.15720330

unironically bitcoin

>> No.15720346


Top level must be geoengineered for sustainable year round crop harvesting. Can sail through hemispheres to maintain adequate sunlight and atmospheric conditions.

>> No.15720355

/b/ sinks the ship.

>> No.15720364

If BTC hits 100k, and LINK hits 1k, we could pool resources to get that built, no problem. Fuck those /r9k/ virgins though, we don't need incels shooting up the place.

>> No.15720365

How are we going to repay the loan? Or aren't we?

>> No.15720383

If the venture actually ends profitability we will be able to repay but due to the nature of this venture it is unlikely to happen.

>> No.15720440

If link hits $1k /biz/ will literally unironically almost certainly start their own country. BTC going to only $100k won't be enough tho.

>> No.15720452

you incels could never achieve anything collectively
maybe ask reddit

>> No.15720469

We can get them hookers

>> No.15720473

itll be a sausage fest

>> No.15720488

If link hits $1k imagine what bitcoin will be

>> No.15720526

/g/ implements the free wifi

>> No.15720572
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I don’t think funding is the issue. If it was just about funding I am certain Thiel would have found the money for it already, he is a staunch supporter of this. I think the main issues are legality and defense from foreign invasion.

>> No.15720591

Probably the easiest way is to make a high tech home security company market it to boomers on tucker carlsons show. we’ll displace the my pillow guy. Get VC money and pivot to a border security company to secure the US border. Take the money and buy an private incel island in the phillipines. Host weekly smash melee tournaments on the island and wait for the mexican invasion to blow over.

>> No.15720605

Nothing against the law to build the ship and get it placed temporarily under a flag of convenience. When it finally is fully operational and running it wouldn't be too hard to declare an independent state. Pay a country like Nauru to recognize you in the UN.
Stay away from the Middle East & Africa. Otherwise just buy a few patrol vessels and train some onboard security. There are only a handful of navies in the world that have the ability to attack something like this. The main question would be why would they attack a ship full of thousands of civilians?

>> No.15720631

It sounds like you already have a location in mind?

>> No.15720679

Build the thing in Japan
>Access to advanced shipyards in Korea, Japan, Singapore, and China.
>Easy access to primary materials like steel
>Protected bays large enough to build a vessel of this size as it couldn't be built on land.
>Japanese government loves these types of high profile mega projects for national pride
>Their economy is desperate for investment opportunities as its so leveraged and stagnated.

>> No.15720680

>Fuck those /r9k/ virgins though, we don't need incels shooting up the place

>> No.15720735

For every 200 people, maybe 10 would actually do shit. The rest would be sitting around whining about how there are no gfs on the ship and saying "get back to work wagie" until their unbridled edgy faggotry makes the productive side snap and all of /pol/'s tirades about ethnic cleansing bleed out and lead to unparalleled violence and carnage.
Afterwards, a small handful of indoor chicken farm, /diy/, /fit/ and /k/ autists will emerge from hiding. All 10 of them will have the bloodied ship to themselves.

>> No.15720749
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>> No.15720752

If you want a memetic boost for recruiting muscle & brainpower, plus the whole political angle, I would DM the proposal to BAP on twitter

>> No.15720778


>> No.15720784
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>> No.15720791


>> No.15720804

Fuck you, /r9k/ is cool

>> No.15720817

Kek, I do think making it a nudist community could increase its economic potential by reducing the need for wasted laundry services.

>> No.15720955

If link hits 1k it's honestly more likely that btc will be at 0 than 10,000,000. Not saying either is likely.

On topic: /cgl/ can provide the prostitutes.

>> No.15720996

Have sex

>> No.15721106
File: 133 KB, 990x1257, SeabedMining_Figure1_990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fund a thing by making it really good at doing something nothing else can do.

I suggest giving it a tube that can drop to the seafloor and suck up the blow-off from thermal vents. The amount of rare metals those things send off is astronomical. Dedicate a significant portion of our workforce to refining the slag, and bam - we're turning a profit in no time.

It isn't about the initial cost of building, it's about maintaining our place in the global economy after it's built.

>> No.15721126

Lol at /pol/ convincing anyone of anything. They can't even convince the general population that blacks are a perpetual burden on western civilization even though it's clearly obvious

>> No.15721146

Believe me when I say that no one is better poised to meme this than BAP or one of his disciples. We both know this type of venture isn't going to be greenlit by legacy institutions or governments, who want us overpopulated in an expensive cityscape and eating bugs for breakfast. BAP has single-handedly launched a powerful right-wing youth bodybuilding movement after self-publishing his book hardly a year ago. He has a direct line to Moldbug, a backdoor into the Whitehouse, and God knows what else. And even if that is all just a LARP, honestly, the fucking spectacle matters more than reality does anyway. Getting a BAP cosign, even ironically, would lay the groundwork for an unprecedented memetic effect in the future. This would give the idea time to take hold in the collective unconscious of powerful individuals while we work on developing a viable business plan, as well as securing investments and technology via crypto.

>> No.15721231
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Subsea mining never took off because of the Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). There is a provision if I remember correctly in it that basically forces anyone who engages in mining to turn over the technology to the UN after a certain amount of time. Along with imposing royalties on the extraction outside economic zones. It's my understanding it was one of the reason the US has never joined it.

You wouldn't want to build a city size vessel to do subsea mining. You'd just build a fleet of semi-submersible, deep sea drill ships, and all the logistics vessels to handle that kind of extraction.

I agree though fully with the statement.
>It isn't about the initial cost of building, it's about maintaining our place in the global economy after it's built.

>> No.15721262

Didnt Cripple/pol/ once try to do this by buying a chunk of Namibia and recreating Suid-West-Afrika or some shit and they set a whole fund and website up and shit but then some guy sent a email about it to the Namibian government about it and they flat out refused?

>> No.15721417

>How do we finance this /biz/?
Are you lost? The question here is 'how do we profit from' and the answer 'buy high sell low'

>> No.15721501
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That's honestly what /k/ is for.

I think the politics of seasteading need a forerunner that basically says "we aren't boats, we are nation-states." Obviously the powers-that-be will try and subvert the initiative - that's just the nature of power. (To maintain the status quo.) But giving the world something to empathize over would matter a ton, and the fallout from an armed invasion by the U.N. to extract tax-dollars from an international community would *absolutely* be something the world would find controversial.

>> No.15721566

>the fallout from an armed invasion by the U.N. to extract tax-dollars from an international community would *absolutely* be something the world would find controversial.
I wouldn't be so sure. Look at the shit over the last 10 years about taxing the rich. How the media has portrayed people who leave places like France to avoid wealth taxes.

The commies are barely being restrained as it is from breaking out the guillotines on who they define as "Rich".

>> No.15722622

This. And all the media-controlled smear campaigns. Most people still consume directly or indirectly the official narratives. Support would come mostly from fringe groups.

>> No.15722672

*Stinks, because they are going to be fertilizer

>> No.15722682

Fuck off robot incel

>> No.15722908


Fuck that, the /cgl/ userbase is batshit-insane, even by 4chan standards

>> No.15723386


Discord tranny

>> No.15723394

>/pol/ gasses biz after labeling them as dirty kikes after receiving financing from them

>> No.15723405


we dont

>> No.15723427

Wouldn't a fleet of cruise ships make more sense than that monstrosity?

>> No.15723468

>attained their knowledge, philosophy, wealth and power through various boards.

no one is actually knowledgeable here, everyone spouts half assed superficial 'knowledge' copypasta with maybe 0.001% doing their own dilligence

edgy nihilistic 'its da jooz' attitude, not able to coherently lay done a single argument, explaining himself

wealth: biz never made money, everyone buys high and sells low

power: mastered to win disputes with other neckbeards online also visiting this chilean vintage lawnmower restoration forum

>> No.15723494

>convincing governments about anything
The only thing they've convinced is themselves, thinking their autistic shitposting has any bearing on the world.

>> No.15723497

rapture vibes incoming. count me in frens. economist reporting in for duty

>> No.15723498

>Implying we can't just take the stable r9kers and have pet humans.

>> No.15723507

/biz/ is gonna be the central bank of the 4th Reich

>> No.15723704


>> No.15723829

I will work if a decent fraction of the profit stays in my hands.
But, yes, nothing prevents robbery, and there is nothing to do at sea. The only thing I can imagine is to gather money and retire this way, so if there would be a global war, we would be chilling in our ship drinking old whiskey (or water). Bunch of 70 year-old dudes.

>> No.15723897

based and bizpilled

>> No.15724215
File: 2.54 MB, 450x315, 035819bbcd702950fec91daabb945b39.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This wouldn't be as expensive as you might think, all we'd need to do is buy a run-down old cruise ship or a Soviet-era warship and renovate it to be self-sufficient, we wouldn't need to build it from scratch. Once established if we implemented a gold-standard currency and truly free-market economy we'd end up being the richest country in the world