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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15641225 No.15641225 [Reply] [Original]

Is college a scam?

>> No.15641253

Yep, but society leaves you no choice

>> No.15641257

Go to take courses for skills instead of college, seriously. A certificate will be cheaper and can get you decent work

>> No.15641268

Yes but everyone else fell for the scam and since most people have the crab in a bucket mentality they won't allow you near any decent jobs without going through the ritual as well.

Maybe the "study what you love!!11!" meme is reality after all...? I want to study compsci but all these fucking math courses and I can't stay at mommy or daddys for much longer through college so fuck it bros I don't know what to do.

>> No.15641274

Are certifications as effective as a degree? I've been studying to take my A+ cert for a month or so and am pretty close to taking the test. I don't really give a shit what the job is I just don't want to make mediocre money and I'm willing to work for it.

>> No.15641277
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>> No.15641288

Certs arent flexible. They are useless outside the field you get them in.

>> No.15641305

Isn't it the same for degrees? I can't just get a degree in what I enjoy (geology) and apply it to other fields can I?

>> No.15641325
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This is close enough. Make sure to join a rec club or sport and drink heavily so you make more friends and get laid (I didn't and regret it). Much more importantly though, apply for EVERY internship you can, work summers so you get a job lined up. If you can't manage that you better do some interesting extracurricular projects related to your field.


>> No.15641337

You can take your degrees and use them for waigie points on interviews, most CEO’s don’t have business degrees either science or engineering

>> No.15641352

kys, how old are you, 18?

>> No.15641374
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I'm 26 and I make $130k. Not great but OP is looking for opinions and I have one from experience.

>> No.15641380

>I can't just get a degree in what I enjoy (geology) and apply it to other fields can I?

You actually can pretty easily. If you didn't major in STEM or a get a professional degree like education, business, finance, or something like that your degree basically is the slip saying you're certified to push paper in an office.

Most people enter college hoping to get a job in their field, but most just end up working regular ass dead end jobs. If you're young and willing to work hard, a degree can help you can quickly get into management at some manual labor type jobs where most of peers won't have that background.

>> No.15641382

f l a t

>> No.15641417

OP the math courses are what increase your value.

Used to have a community college president as a client. We talked a good deal about the difference between CC and 4year education. He showed me a chart I'll never forget: the top 90% of CC earners have the same average pay as the bottom 90% 4yr earners.

>"What sets the top 10% of 4yr degree earners apart?" I asked
>"At least 2 college-level (calculus-required) math courses"

>> No.15641448

If you have to pay for it, yes.

Anons here are going to talk about Bill Gates dropping out of college or whatever, but that's because they love high risk high reward activities. Not everyone will be in the right place at the right time and have the same opportunities in front of them.
Most professions require a baseline of knowledge that you won't easily find in one place online or in books.
The more important thing about college, especially in America, is that it's a social event. And not merely for drinking beer and boning chicks, but also for future professional connections. Your school will have insider internship programs and your classmates will hear about good job openings before anyone else.

College is inherently a hedge and backwards looking and stable. If you think you're going to have a career in something that they don't offer degrees in yet, like Instagram influencer or something, skip it. College is low risk medium reward.
Which is actually a pretty good bet in my book.

>> No.15641449

I don't want a job, why do you think I'm here

>> No.15641495
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OP isn't even here. Time to post more hot toon sluts boiz

>> No.15641513

I want Shuten Douji to make fun of my dick

>> No.15641515
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Nice reasonable and helpful answer you gayass faggot.

>> No.15641530
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I also want this for you. Youve earned it pal

>> No.15641559
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>> No.15641562

>OP the math courses are what increase your value
Mostly accurate. If you look at degrees ranked by average salary, you'll notice that the harder the math is in the degree, the more it gets paid. There are some outliers like Computer Information Systems, which is basically comp sci but instead of taking math classes you take business classes.

>> No.15641571
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>> No.15641605
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What's the deal too many jeets on tonight? I have extremely refined taste in pornographic cartoons and I'm not going to waste any more time posting alone. I bid you adieu, it's coomtime now.

>> No.15641644
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Going to teach myself valuable skills without college that are so rare and desirable that I can easily find work without needing a d*gree. Try and stop me from climbing my way to the top, fuckers.

>> No.15642368

How do I get a wife like this?

>> No.15642442

Bang 12 year olds.

>> No.15642461

Hey kid, computer science is an offshoot of mathematics. Don't be a fucking zoomer tard who hates math, but claims to love computer science since they like writing fairly simple programs in c++ (or worse, want to "develop video games")
Nut up and work at the math classes because computer science has been overrun with buttfuck retards who conflate software engineering with computer science.
If you can, try and get work at a lab. It will open your eyes to how necessary high level math is.

>> No.15642563

Where? Yemen?

>> No.15642680

>Be young low status male
>Can only get jobs through temp agencies doing manual labor at places like factories and warehouses for $9-$12 a hour
>Get sick of it and figure being a NEET is better
>NEET money starts drying up
>Go to school for a year and a half
>Now get a job working in an air conditioned office for $25 a hour

4chan told me college is a scam but I feel like I was scammed out of most of my 20s because I didn't go sooner.

>> No.15642709

College is only a scam if you get a retarded meme degree and end up working at Starbucks after. It also a scam if you go to an excessively priced university instead of a moderately priced one instead.

>> No.15642906
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How much is excessively priced?

>> No.15643366

If it's more than $10k/yr you're probably getting viciously jewed. Some places cost $40+k/yr which is insanity. Literally graduate with $160,000 of debt.

>> No.15643723

Tell me in good faith how a person needs a degree to read CVs and send email.

>> No.15643727

Unless it's law school, then graduating with 200k debt is the norm..

>> No.15643795

>graduate law school with $200,000 debt, salary is $90k
>some other guy gets an associates degree in a STEM field from community college, graduates with $10k debt and his salary is $70k
Really thoughts your big thinks.

>> No.15643829

>getting a 70k position out of college with an associate's degree
What world are you living in my dude

>> No.15643835

Pick your field better.

>> No.15643864

Men you guys in USA have it good. My same DevOps eng would make about 20x more in the USA.

>> No.15643914

No. I learned so much in the University. And I made so many connections and true friends. And it was the best 5 years of my life really. Parties every week. Hot bitches left and right. Alcohol. Sport. I was in the best physical shape of my life. Every week I could go to the gym and meet up and brochat with my fellow students. Guild rooms were always there for me if I ever needed company. And when I graduated, all I needed to do was say that where I studied and all my employers were like "Oh man you too, hey did you participate in that beer draft?? Haha bro come on in let me show you the places". Damn.

God I miss university.

>> No.15643926

why would you say your income is "not great" even though you are perfectly aware that 95% of Americans and probably 99% of your audience earn less than you?

>> No.15643929


>> No.15643943


>> No.15643949


>> No.15643970


>> No.15643976


Welcome to the real world kiddo. It's all downhill from here until the day you die.

>> No.15644024


>> No.15644052


>> No.15644225


>> No.15644249

Yes, but I legally need to do it to get certified.

>> No.15644923

You need to change your perspective. Life is fucking awesome.

I'm midlife and am here to tell you that things only get better if you open yourself up to opportunities. When you are older, you actually have money to start enjoying. Take up hobbies. Go out and do shit. Hell, start a family and have kids. They are great fun and nothing is more rewarding.

But most of all, stop thinking things have to suck, else they will continue to suck harder until the noose is around your neck.

>> No.15644952

t. pedophile coomers
have sex

>> No.15645202
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>Is college a scam?

Not a scam. It's just something you must do in order to get ahead of the average joe. Back in the day all you need it was a High School diploma; and that was your ticket into a nice paying job. Today, your ticket is a bachelors degree, and some occupations already upped their game and require a masters just to get your foot in the door.

Also, with a bachelors degree you can apply for all sorts of government jobs (Federal, state, local). They usually pay well and with nice benefits. Some still have pensions. CRAZY! I know. The private sector usually pays more, but the quality of life is horrible. You are pretty much a glorified slave working for big corporate. And pensions are now gone in the private sector as well.

>> No.15645323

What are you on about? Private companies are known for their excellent pension plans.

>> No.15645349

Yes. You spend tens of thousands of dollars to attend, and they get all sorts of government funding
But I was walking around campus trying to figure out where all that funding goes, and there were just tons of fag pride rainbow flag booths and events, and stupid fucking diversity shit all over the place.
There is even just this big fucking office called "the diversity center" where they write a question on the glass wall of their office and people will respond with how oppressed they are. Fucking gay lmao. Huge waste of money.

>> No.15645368

Nobody with a comp sci degree who actually has a job uses calculus, AT ALL, not even once in their lives, unless they decide to become a professor at the uni and perpetuate the cycle.

>> No.15645511

Damn you're stupid. Software engineering != computer science.

>> No.15646299

>Private companies are known for their excellent pension plans.

40 years ago they were. Only 6% of employees have a pension offered to them now

>> No.15646595

No, it is not a scam if you get a useful degree. The truth of the matter is that you need to be smart in order to get a useful degree along with connections to get a job. Anyone who advocates for trades is a brainlet who will have health problems by age 40. Trades are basically glorified manual labor jobs.

>> No.15646658


>> No.15646668

Yes of course

>> No.15646723
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computer scientist here (separating complexity classes, proving lower bounds, etc). never use calculus at all. actually, you toss it in the trash along with shit like the law of excluded middle when doing actual math. calculus is a toy that children use to cope with the fact that infinity contradicts itself, and no real men use it.

inb4 some Reddit teir faggot in some calc class says "cringe" as if that invalidates my argument

>> No.15646732


Unless you intend to go engineering masters/phd, law, or phd in medicine, go to trade school and specialize in something that is not easily automated.

>> No.15646931
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>Do you have a personality, are you attractive? If yes go to the best school you can get into (not public) and make as many friends as possible, chances are one of them will get you a job where you can rise on the back of whatever bullshit degree you have, useful or not.
>Are you ugly/no personality but smart?
Get a vocational degree, a vocational degree could be anything from education (becoming a teacher) to CS to a hard science so long as you will excel at a good and cheap public research university (Top 25 only). You will make smart, ugly friends too and your professors will help you out because they are spergs too.
>Are you an just an ugly dumbfuck/sperg?
Well, it depends on whether mommy and daddy will pay for you to go. Even ugly spergs have fun at college once they find their level and if you have mommy/daddy $$$ you might even get a GF or make some friends who will make you feel good in order to sponge off you.
>Are you a poorfag, stupid dumbfuck?
Yes, it is a scam. Don't borrow money to sit in a shitty dorm room and play WOW or mine Bitcoin or whatever you zoomers do now when you have no brains, social life or possibilities in life. Just get Neetbux, live at home and/or resign yourself to wage slavery that will be much easier when you don't have to worry about 30K+ in non dischargeable student debt.

>> No.15647049


Literally just get a well fabricated fake diploma, you dumb insecure suckers.

>> No.15647061

Damn, you're stupid. Software engineering != all jobs that a comp sci major can get, and probably not what anon was even referring to.
So unless you become a prof, you're literally NEVER going to use calculus. $40,000+ well spent, for sure :)

>> No.15647081

I guarantee not a single person in this thread has ever used calculus outside of their classroom. Inb4 larp.

>> No.15647300

I'm a computer scientist too, when I did research in google's computer vision department, we used lots of calculus (among other things).
Thankfully now I work in computer security and it seems to be the "ugh when are we gonna use math" types that create security vulnerabilities and keep me in demand.

>> No.15647315

See my other post, I did research in computer vision and there was lots of math. You're just being petulant.

>> No.15647330

nice larp

>> No.15647363

the people most eager to give advice are the least qualified

>> No.15647385

how do I have sex with anime girls?

>> No.15647414

Okay have fun being a code monkey.

>> No.15647423

okay have fun being a larping faggot nothing person

>> No.15647442

I actually am gay, funny enough.

>> No.15647469

you are also larping and a nothing person

>> No.15647528

I came to this thread only for the anime whores, pls moar

>> No.15647584

nice larp, when the fuck would you use an integral when doing machine learning

>> No.15648283


>> No.15648337
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good goy. do what it takes to make your jewish boss more profit.