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15586013 No.15586013[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do we live in a just world?

>> No.15586025

Fuck no. Take a look around, it's pretty fucking obvious.

>> No.15586031

No but this girl knows how to play the game

>> No.15586035

Fuck you do you know how much money I have lost in chainlink I hate Russians

>> No.15586038

she is very beautiful, almost all whores all ugly and poor so yes

>> No.15586039

Sergey is a half jewish in case you didn't know. Lurk his reddit posts.

>> No.15586042

Yes because her camwhoring leaves her dead inside

>> No.15586044


>> No.15586049

This is even worse news. It’s too late for me to sell. I can’t believe I held when biz told me to sell at $4

>> No.15586051

I dunno, I see lots of cucks on here shilling for capitalism, saying poor people deserve to be poor and what not.

>> No.15586054

There are people that wagecuck for 40 yrs and retire broke while others are teens or early 20s with over a mil because of luck. What do you think?

>> No.15586067
File: 28 KB, 405x205, 1AFF3758-8EE1-4F54-89A3-6C7F9B2474F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capitalism vs communism has nothing to do with the world being fair retard. You’re just trying to cope with the fact you are a failure in the aspects of life you can control

>> No.15586075

The wagecuck chose that because he's lazy. Why didn't he do self improvement and work harder?

>> No.15586085

And here come the cucks.

>> No.15586090

Neck yourself you communist nigger, the s&w retirement plan would be a good investment

>> No.15586106

Says the cuck on Friday night.
You will die alone and unloved, faggot.

>> No.15586122
File: 48 KB, 680x499, CF39FB51-AAF1-41CA-B7AD-BCAED6F82584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope poorfag sorry you’re a failure

>> No.15586146

kys commie

>> No.15586149

Capitalism is a good thing because it's the only thing that actually works.
The alternative to "no one starves" is "everyone starves."

>> No.15586162

So why are you poor and alone then?

>> No.15586172

Certainly not poor.
Alone because of autism, but it's not that bad.

>> No.15586175

she's not even that hot, she's just young and thin. thats literally all you need to be a good camwhore.

>> No.15586185

Cope harder nigger

>> No.15586186
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yes we do
everyone gets what they deserve
this is always the case, no matter what
if something good or bad happens to you, the one thing you can be absolutely sure of is that you deserve it, and it is fair

rarely does anyone get what they earn, though, other than in capitalism
if you don't get what you earn, you deserve that fate
if you do get what you earn, then you deserve to have earned it

are there still things that, as higher-functioning humans, we know are morally wrong? sad? tragic?
the question is, "why do they happen"
the answer is always "because you deserve it"
and if that bothers you >>15586051 at some primal level, then that's good

>> No.15586195

The wagecuck might not be as smart as you

>> No.15586204

Biz and poorfag/linkie is like Pol and nigger/jew. Why did they have to take 8 down this place is so boring.

>> No.15586205

most these fags are jealous they couldnt cop the bath water for the low low

seething niggers

>> No.15586681

So how do you cope with the fact that you deserve to be poor and alone on a friday night?

>> No.15586691

Did you know that one of the symptoms of autism is not being able to pick up on sarcasm?

>> No.15586698

She has done well for her game, she has it all figured out and knows how to win the game of life. What is the issue here?

>> No.15586703

Just plod through it until you change or die

>> No.15586739

she helps millions of zoomers coom around the world. what value do you bring to the world? yes we live in a just world, fuck off commie

>> No.15586745

we live in a privileged world

>> No.15586746

>literally does nothing except exist and takes some selfies along the way
>creates value
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15586758

>implying cooming isnt valuable
the same way comedians are valuable because they make others laugh, she is valuable because she makes people coom. what part do you not understand?

>> No.15586786

People have been cooming to online whores all the time. Nobody argues they "created value".

>> No.15586792

You aren't wrong but you know what fuck you, there are probably hundreds of thousands of hot women but only one figured out how to turn her above average looks into a bathwater salesman and actually capitalize on the ahegao craze.

Everyone calls her a stupid whore and I just feel like defending her this one time because Belle invented her entire look, her name, and her business and nobody pimped her out or helped her, Belle did it herself and you didn't sorry.

I am not defending the overall insta whoring though.

>> No.15586794

His name is sirgay and he scammed all of biz like some dumb faggots lmao the writing was all over the wall

I warned you all 100 times at least

Trannys gonna discord

- Uncle 42

>> No.15586795

Dont forget lots of make up and wigs and costumes etc

People who give money to these niggers are fucking kissless

Eat shit everyone

>> No.15587308

No, but Belle is not a good example of this. She is very skilled and influences a lot of people, she mostly deserves her money.

The symbol of injustice is people starving in Africa.

>> No.15587311

we live in a JUST world

>> No.15587321

>Belle invented her entire look, her name, and her business
her aesthetic already existed in other YouTubers, she just managed to flip it to something sexual

>nobody pimped her out or helped her, Belle did it herself
I always found this part EXTREMELY hard to believe

>> No.15587898
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This is what people want to spend on you stinky commie. just or not, kill the people, not the messanger ; )

>> No.15587923
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