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File: 620 KB, 1678x920, c02jf0qmc-932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15584064 No.15584064 [Reply] [Original]

This new archetype is the only hope for preserving our way of life.

Take a stand, anons. Become something more. The money will follow.

>> No.15584258

this is precisely what I'm attempting to become.

>Been lifting since early high school but now lift to be a powerful figure in my future familie's life
>Genetics major entrepreneurship minor, working in a lab for the past year on my campus doing CRISPR research.
>Write down any ideas for potential business because I know that the only way I can improve society on a large scale.

Now: I need to join my colleges karate club, get better at working on schoolwork for the pleasure of doing so, and learn basic firearm combat.
t. 19 years, those who think NEETing is an acceptable way of life are leeches on this world

>> No.15584291


you're off to a great start.

>I need to join my colleges karate club

i guess its better than nothing but bjj or wrestling is better

>> No.15584299

1. Karate is a meme
2. Neets are the new aristocrats and philosophers
3. Being proud of being a work horse is cringe and pathetic

>> No.15584363 [DELETED] 

I agree with all of this but I’m bipolar so all my relationships are honked from the start

>> No.15584365
File: 241 KB, 427x336, BA840BAA-F869-4291-BCE2-922AE3E310C1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this u

>> No.15584369

Your views are shit nigger tier. And even if karate is lame af, no bad can come from practicing it. Trains your body trains your mind. Muh muh muh but it's a meme. Shut up. Wipe those cheeto crumbs off your face you disgusting incel neet.

>> No.15584374

When is OP not a faggot?
Has their ever been such a sighting?

>> No.15584375


> 1. Karate is a meme


> 2. Neets are the new aristocrats and philosophers

so they think

> 3. Being proud of being a work horse is cringe and pathetic

yes if one is proud at being a workhorse for the sake of being a workhorse, no if one is proud at being a workhorse towards their dream because their dream is important to them

>> No.15584398
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just the 30-year-old boomer.
the only archetype that has the potential to reroute humanity towards a higher destination is the LARPing zoomer. your boomer dreams are nothing but the incessant drone of a lawnmower at 7AM.

>> No.15584441

You're good, except for karate. Don't be a wanna be Bruce Lee faggot.

Do BJJ or Muay Thai instead.

>> No.15584451

You must read BAP book faggot.

>> No.15584463
File: 41 KB, 500x345, the-boomer-2056-hey-son-wanna-look-at-my-old-57538281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the archetypal boomer possesses stagnant tendencies (i.e., no dreams or ambitions) and no defense against the changing of times

>> No.15584476
File: 96 KB, 443x455, 1539512554866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't you dare talk down to anyone while you're involved in anything related to CRISPR you fucking hypocrite. you wanna play God and be a virtuous family man at the same time? you wanna feed the beast thats destroying humanity so you can get your own little slice of happiness? disgusting.

>> No.15584505

Yeah but it’s cheaper dues than the Muay Thai and bin gym that the bjj club goes to :( thoughts on taekwondo?

>> No.15584529
File: 142 KB, 406x397, AB1C8FAA-E932-4997-A41B-5CA263FA8DE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Yes I do. Given the pace of technology being implemented I think the only concern are engineered bioweapons but by the time that’s a mainstream threat there should be a vast safety net for it, and if not I’ll be the one who helps to make it

>> No.15584531

Zoomers are trash

>> No.15584584
File: 224 KB, 1000x1000, 1541783805861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you are my enemy and i will not hesitate to grief you in minecraft

>> No.15584839

no anon. from here we diverge. you've chosen wisely.

>> No.15584884

pol trash image

>> No.15585018
File: 16 KB, 480x318, 5bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Hahahaha anyways, that image is pretty awesome. Not trash at all unless ur a degenerate