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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15559551 No.15559551 [Reply] [Original]

This place is absolutely useless now. Where did all the smart people go?

>> No.15559565

I think its due to the crypto market being over

>> No.15559568

Its not over faggot!

>> No.15559578

Anyone who has made it is probably balls deep in asian whore pussy right now

>> No.15559586

smart people talk here sometimes. the smartest guy i've ever met posts here sometimes. people will reply with empty declarations. they won't provide any arguments or evidence, they just state something as if stating it should be enough for other people to accept it. and there are like a hundred times as many people making noise as there are people making sense.

>> No.15559595

>Where did all the smart people go?
ask the jannies

>> No.15559605

chainlink is a scam, dumb motherfucker. that's what your going for, right? no more link content, etc. etc. well they ou have it. fucking retard kys

>> No.15559607

This is the /biz/ indicator, buy now

>> No.15559611

>Where did all the smart people go?
right now? they're on binance selling their LINK stacks, that's where.

>> No.15559659

Crypto market is shit but /biz/ is shit because far too many slide threads allowed to flood the board: "how many [shitcoin] to get this thot/tranny" being the most persistent and obviously off-topic.

>> No.15559682

they made it and gout out

>> No.15559791

eh, crypto is in its infancy. there are steals to be had everywhere. but they're probably not going to save you from working a normal job in 6 months or whatever it is you want.

>> No.15559808

>smart people

They're certainly no on 4chan, at least not as regular posters.

>> No.15559955

they sold at 4.50 and are now dining with 10/10 hoes in expensive restaurants all over the globe.

>> No.15559960

Waiting in line to fuck your mom.

>> No.15559971

We're holding quietly.

>> No.15560015

Chinks like twu killed this board

>> No.15560029
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we're still here. we just don't post often because when we do post /biz/ always calls us pajeets.

>> No.15560050

They're retired selling at the top of the bullrun.

All the people here trying to find new gems, all crypto influencers still trading shitcoins etc are all people that tryint to hard to cover the fact that they lost most of their money after the crash, where smarter people sold everything.

>> No.15560051

They went to redit

>> No.15560061

they made it in 17 and all went to Thailand and currently banging traps

>> No.15560484

Honestly I would take gout if it meant I’d make it. I hear it’s painful though