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15557061 No.15557061 [Reply] [Original]

I just joined the wet wipe toilet paper master race. I can't believe I used to smear my shit around with a dry piece of paper. How can I profit from this?

>> No.15557181

Just wait until you discover the pinnacle of civility by buying a bidet

>> No.15557198

Just wait until you experience when you use one wet wipe too many and they clog your pipes.

>> No.15557243

>I just joined the wet wipe toilet paper master race. I can't believe I used to smear my shit around with a dry piece of paper
Isn't that preferable to smearing it around with a wet piece of paper?

>How can I profit from this?
Invest in a company that unblock sewers

>> No.15557248

just spit on it?

>> No.15557314

what was the point of this post? Why waste your time?

>> No.15557364

>Just wait until you discover the pinnacle of civility by buying a bidet


Or timing your poor regimen to be at home with access to a shower.

One can never call it clean until it's rinsed out entirely with warm water and soap.

>> No.15557374

>Just wait until you experience when you use one wet wipe too many and they clog your pipes.

Imagine living in a Third World shithole with poor plumbing infrastructure...

>> No.15557424

If everybody were to use wet wipes, it would be utter chaos. We would literally have to rethink how we handle waste. That said, I keep my whistle nice and clean by finishing up with a dude wipe. This planet is fucked anyway with or without my dude wipes.

>> No.15557498
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>Not ripping the wipes in pieces before flushing
Never gonna make it

>> No.15557507

You use soap and water to wash your face and hands even though they don't colect that much dirt. But imagine the part of your body has shit on it and you just wipe it with a dry tissue. Imagine doing that of you had shit on your face.

Be civilized buy a fucking jap electric biden. Ffs.

>> No.15557509


>> No.15557518

> not swallowing the wipes so they clean as they go through then can be thrown in the bin

>> No.15557527

Based. You’re not a real weaboo unless you have a godly Japanese toilet

>> No.15557534

Anon that seems very third world-esque. Next you are going to tell me just to wipe with my hand because wet wipes are bad all together.

>> No.15557560

Wet wipes don't get dissolved in water.

>> No.15557561

So you are saying you have a bin filled to the brim with poop? That is actually disgusting. Toilet wet wipes are made to be flushed. I don't know, but I guess they dissolve or something when exposed to poop

>> No.15557621

you can't, i place it in the "utility expense" column and move on. Been a wet wiper since 2009, never looked back.

>> No.15557657
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>> No.15557670
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These are coated in limonene dimwit. Enjoy your arse cancer in a couple of years.

>> No.15557726
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>Flushing sounds intensifies
wat u gonna do soi boi?

>> No.15557738
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Jesus Christ dude, just pay your water bill, you favela-dwelling piece of shit.

>> No.15557757


>> No.15557805
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I live in a first world country so never heard about clogged drains or even knew it was a thing. If it does clogg however, I'll just sell a satoshi from my bsv stack and pay you to unclogg it

>*Flushing a box of unused wipes*

>> No.15557818

Just fold a square in half then spit on it for a makeshift wet wipe that is accessible anywhere and doesn't fuck up the pipes or give you ass cancer

>> No.15557833

Invest in a bidet you animal

>> No.15557943

>Invest in a company that unblock sewers

That's actually not a bad idea. More and more people are starting to use wet wipes and then flushing them, considering how old the plumbing infrastructure is in most places, you are guaranteed to make profits. I even read somewhere recently that this is a growing problem for the western world.

>> No.15558320
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Anyone tried those japanese style toilets? I don't have room for a bide and they look more practical

>> No.15558352

It doesnt matter how old the plumbing infrastructure is. No sewers can handle wet wipes because they dont break down. They get stuck somewhere and keep piling up until they clog the pipes entirely. It wont even be a problem in your house, it builds up and causes a massive problem for the city.

>> No.15558387

Ban all assault wet ones

>> No.15558395

>It wont even be a problem in your house
Then what's the problem?

>> No.15558419

>it builds up and causes a massive problem for the city.
Brb, moving to LA

>> No.15558428
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>> No.15558463

You're really making progress in becoming a civilized being. You may upgrade to using your sink (if low enough) or bathtub for properly cleaning your defecation valve, by utilizing natural soaps and water after each unloading of the waste material. It leaves a feeling of great relief once you begin to maintain your ass.

>> No.15558467
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adept penis honker....

>> No.15558478

they make attachments for regular toilets. Unless you're Indian you for sure have room for a bidet.

>> No.15558535

I also forgot to include here >>15558463, when cleaning with soap and water, be sure to place your finger inside your ass. We don't just want a superficial cleaning.

Warmest regards,
From the Kenneth Satchels LLC subsidiary

>> No.15558588
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>> No.15558611
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>> No.15559130

wipe your mothers face with it and your kids'.

>> No.15559206

Wait until you realize the power of not eating certain foods and proper digestion so you have clean shits that only require one wipe and that's just in case.

Been having nothing on the toilet paper for weeks man feels great

>> No.15559231

This. I would probably eat my own ass after I take a shit if I could. Clean as a whistle

>> No.15559303
File: 112 KB, 1500x1125, AF10712C-BF10-4182-83FE-8A9BD1A2EFDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, the simple solution that doesn't require spending money on a disposable wet wipe or risk clogging in the sewer/drain of your house is to invest in a bidet toilet seat. Literally only ten minutes to install, quiet closing, and a lever that allows you to angle the water spray on your nether region. This literally cuts your toilet paper usage in half also. It's an amazingly clean feeling you are left with, and you'll find that you don't want to use public toilets anymore.

I bought mine from Amazon earlier this year for under $100. If you want the same one I bought, search for Kohler Puretide. There are a few videos on YouTube if you want to see it in action. So much more cleanly than a veggie sprayer on the side of a tank. One slip, and that veggie sprayer's nozzles get dunked in the urine/excrement in the toilet.

>> No.15559352

Eat fiber, you degenerate