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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 288 KB, 1434x877, QNT-dev-portal2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15535921 No.15535921 [Reply] [Original]

Log in to their Developer Portal

>> No.15536008

ofc it's scam.

devs pumped price with ico funds (all moneys went to market making and to that bitmax pajeet succesfull scam, team is retarded asf)

>> No.15536144

It could be a scam, but I've got a suicide stack because if it turns out to be legit ill be richer than I ever thought possible

>> No.15536199

It's important to buy into every scam just in case

>> No.15536208

Weak FUD.

This is the community portal which isn't fully released yet. You won't be able to see the enterprise version which SIA will be using

>> No.15536222
File: 75 KB, 250x250, 148237642786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

music in my ears sirs

>> No.15536527
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So why the Gilbert claiming there are 300 companies including banks using the portal if there are only 3 pajeets with a handful of unanswered questions and a couple of other posts that say things are broken and nothing is working?

>> No.15536645

For the exact reason I stated above. That's the community version which is as of yet unfinished, to be released later in the year. The enterprise version is private so the enterprises that are using it are not present in that portal.

Why would banks, who's entire business relies on privacy and confidentially, publically post their activities

>> No.15536847
File: 6 KB, 250x240, shitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you a fucking moron? Developers use anonymous handles on any developer forum for countless software platforms. They ask questions that could be relevant to countless other users who have similar questions and issues. That is the whole point of developer portals. The fact that the portal has zero activity when the scammer CEO says 300 companies including banks use is shows it's a fucking scam or at the very best the the CEO hypes and exaggerates something that is pure vaporware at this point.

>> No.15537239


Obvious scam but very profitable pump and dump. Hyped this shit and got out at $11.15

>> No.15537280

Gilbert is your typical armenian scammer

>> No.15537327

I hate scammers,
I got scammed with SAFEX and now with this pajeet Shitcoin

>> No.15537339
File: 460 KB, 1080x1051, Screenshot_20190909-180404_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try harder

>> No.15537345

It's mostly that shithole of a telegram pumping this coin. Cobra larps to pump from quant and ocean. It's all a manipulative scheme.

>> No.15537352

t. Never worked in finance
I work in one of the largest banks in north America, when we use a third party system and have a question we reach out to the company directly, we don't post in the community question section
But no you're right, the project invited to Sibos successfully scammed their way in

>> No.15537359

>Admins named after a video game character
>not a scam

>> No.15537369

Theranos was a successful scam

>> No.15537376

Every day there are more fud threads than shill threads for Quant
It's always the same baseless fud with no proof behind it. Half these threads are the same guy talking to himself
Why fud when nobody on /biz/ cares?

>> No.15538360
File: 72 KB, 640x360, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Worked @ BOA faggot. Dev Portals are your #1 source of information and help any platform you use. Quant Developer Portal claimed by scam CEO to be used by 300 companies and banks is complete ghost town. Quant does not have enough money to have fictitious premium support help line you scamming shill