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15513503 No.15513503 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15513513

You can do it with $1000. One night at a time.

>> No.15513518

the most difficult thing as a millionaire is to actually not get a gf.

>> No.15513522

OP women are a scam, accumulate coins. citadel awaits us.

>> No.15513525
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I think I could pull it off.

>> No.15513734
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Most women are attracted to looks. Some women are attracted to money. And there is only a small number attracted to brains or some other feature. At least that's what I understand about women from reading on the internet.

>> No.15513752

They are attracted to power related stuff like money intelligence sharp jaw lines high social status not giving a fuck

>> No.15513760

Millionaires go for women with interesting features that no one else will fuck. They'll cheat on you with some other dude with good taste but they aren't going to leave you for him

>> No.15513883

Goddamit. How do we get women to stop cheating. Am I the only one around here, who doesn't like promiscuity? I'm not religious, I just don't like STDs.

>> No.15513957

Having a hot girlfriend will not make you happy. Better to have a 5/10 that you can related and share experiences with.

>> No.15513987

this is very VERY true
My last career made me a very wealthy man. In that time I fucked 10/10s..guess what? I instantly felt no happiness. No pleasure or joy. I thought of all the fucking years of self pity and ALL the anons who killed themselves over something that doesn't even feel better than your own hand.
In the end, I married a 6/10 who enjoys everything I do. collecting silver, listens to classical music, loves the same food, hates niggers....marry someone who is your female self and you will be very happy

>> No.15514134


EVERYONE is attracted to money. You're telling me if you had the chance to be some average-looking 50-year-old rich broad's boytoy you wouldn't take it in a second? It's all about the bennies, the trips, the gifts, the experiences. You get both girls AND friends with money. Does it mean they genuinely like you? Sheeeeiiit let's not ask the world here, unless you'd be willing to be best buds with a homeless guy that has a "great personality."

>> No.15514150

>You need to be religious to look down on cheating
What the fuck is wrong with your brain and the way it functions.

>> No.15514182
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>What the fuck is wrong with your brain and the way it functions.
lots of things