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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 300x229, 1532885650701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15502645 No.15502645 [Reply] [Original]

Jews are intelligent, they have great ambition and business acumen, and they take care of their own through thick and thin.

Aren't they basically the ultimate /biz/nessmen? Why does everyone here hate them? Seems like they have discovered and refined an excellent strategy for getting ahead in business and in life and we'd all be better off looking up to them as role models rather than hating them because they're better at the game than us.

>> No.15502659

wtf i love jews now

>> No.15502672

Based and redpilled.

I'm a proud goyim now.

>> No.15502715

The Patriots are obviously the superior team, it makes sense that everyone should love them right? When the Patriots win, everyone wins right? America wins. You don't hate America do you?

>> No.15502724

I hated them until i found out im 10% jew and now i realize how based they are

>> No.15502738

Nobody hates the jews for their intelligence or denies their intelligence. Theyre hated because theyre invaders

>> No.15502746

The problem is they take it to the extreme where the death of the human species is a possible outcome.

A rational person knows some things are more important than money. Jews don't see it that way.

>> No.15502749

Jews kvetch about everything. And suck baby penis.

>> No.15503204
File: 392 KB, 693x770, 1567648534883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder

Kikes are in the upper tiers of society due to nepotism not iq. Pic related

>> No.15503213

You aren't wrong

>> No.15503241

Who was behind Communism? Bolshevik Jews.
The majority of Jews are Democrats. It's only a small number of Jews that are conservative.

>> No.15503243

unironically based and one of the best posts I've seen on this board

>> No.15503245

Their endgame is ruling over a mass of dumb brown serfs, they must be exterminated.

>> No.15503252

I'm calling bullshit on that chart how tf can they tell who's "white non-jewish" though college campus enrollment

fucking cite a source or kys faggot

>> No.15503258
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>I'll take nepotism for $500, alex

>> No.15503259
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Youre not entirely wrong but (1/3)

>> No.15503267
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>> No.15503274
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>> No.15503276
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I almost even respect the nepotism, but when you combine it with the anti-white agenda that's fairly prevalent it's no good. It's literally considered anti-Semitism to point out accurately that they have massive in group preference.

>> No.15503301

This. There's nothing inherently wrong with group preference. But when a group of people who are known for thinking they are God's supreme chosen ones, with an entire nation devoted to their well being, start lecturing other people about how racist group preference is, that starts to piss some people off.

>> No.15503326


>> No.15503336

>about 20 million jews total on the planet

Not a fan of jews, but come on...

>> No.15503392

Only /pol/fags hate Jews because they are fucking losers and need someone to blame their failures on. As an actual successful person nearly half my friends are Jewish because they all have their shit together and make money like I do. All incel pol smokers can suck my fat circumsized dick.

>> No.15503519

Because i'm a goy and jews are anti-goyims.
And as soon as a goy tries to use their tricks against them they call them anti-semite as if its something to be ashamed of or smth.
I'm a goy therefore i'm proudly pro-goyim and proudly anti-semite.

>> No.15503561
File: 73 KB, 741x568, 1566639105424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why they omitted blacks and Hispanics from the second chart.

Anyway, the chart could easily be shopped (just copy and paste the bars to elongate them). I'd like to see a sauce before I believe it

>> No.15503585

God bless cal tech. Legit meritocracy. Witness how different the mix is.

>> No.15503819

Have sex, shekelstein.

>> No.15505113

Fuck off jew

>> No.15505164

Oy vey, you gay gentiles need to let Tarqwanzeeus bang your wife at work so our company can win the "diversity in the asshole" award at the kindergarten ceremony!

>> No.15505177

>sportsball analogy
peak NPC

>> No.15505195

>Why does everyone here hate them?
Jealousy. They can't beat them so they just whine and ridicule.

>> No.15505196

>Why does everyone here hate them?
Jealousy. They can't beat them so they just whine and ridicule.

>> No.15505240
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