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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15491622 No.15491622 [Reply] [Original]

Months and months of retard mETH heads and their "negativity is a buy signal", "baseless FUD," ETH 2.0", etc. BS rhetoric. Meanwhile ratio has continued to absolutely crater. We'll be 0.015 by EOW, maybe even EOD, at this rate, which is another >50% drop from just three months ago. I guarantee you this is sub 0.01 in December, and probably sub 0.005 by spring.

Without a new wave of ICO scams (won't happen), ETH is fucking done. Just accept it already. Nobody fucking cares about staking, dApps that nobody uses or which don't even work, etc.

>> No.15491631

Well that sucks for LINK bagholders then LUL

>> No.15491632

Anon... a death cross is literally forming in ETH/USD right now.

>> No.15491642

Yes, which is bearish as fuck. It'll be confirmed tomorrow/Friday unless there's a MASSIVE bounce in the next 24 hours (like $220+ ETH, just LOL at that happening).

>> No.15491646

Possibly if BTC hits $20k in the next 24 hours then ETH could hit $220

>> No.15491688


>> No.15491710
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By the way, here's a pic of the death cross for any brainlets in the audience. What's REALLY bearish about this in particular is that ETH didn't even attempt to retest the THREE YEAR support line it broke a few weeks ago before continuing downward and confirming. This is seriously the absolute most bearish I've ever seen the ETH charts, and probably one of the most bearish crypto charts I've ever seen in general.

>> No.15491715

The most undervalued coin in top 100 right now.

>> No.15491717

You heard him. Get ready for some serious butt-blasting you fucking mETHeads lol

>> No.15491755

imagine unironically believing this

>> No.15491766

You're a fucking retard. I use dapps on eth every week with metamask. There are plenty of use cases and real applications using ethereum right now.

Only complete brainlets don't understand your maxi FUD or your attempt at 4d chess.

Buy ETH now. It will be 0.1 BTC or higher when ETH eventually flips Bitcoin. BTC cannot scale. ETH 2.0 is revolutionary with sharding and pos. 2000 tps is possible on the new platform. Operating systems can be built in ETH and deployed using your PC from your bios. This really is going to change the world. Don't listen to the FUD. If eth dies, all of this does.

>> No.15491786

Definitely headed back to double digits

>> No.15491790

>Buy ETH now. It will be 0.1 BTC or higher when ETH eventually flips Bitcoin.
Imagine believing in the flippening right now. Absolutely no hope for you.

>> No.15491905
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Whoever posted pic related back in late 2018 was spot on.

>> No.15491971

your dogshit scamcoin will NEVER flip bitcoin.

>> No.15491995

>even if I sold all my ETH I could only get 0.7BTC

Either ETH violently moons again or I'm going down with the ship. I made my choice in March of 2017 and I'm going to stick with it.

>> No.15492019

Nice job hodler I'm impressed... very impressed... only a "special" kind of person could hodl ETH like you.

>> No.15492084

samefag. OP outed himself in a different thread as a mexican that spams anti-eth shit all over the board every day. get a job wetback

>> No.15492092

Whatever happens happens.

>> No.15492096

>samefag. OP outed himself in a different thread as a mexican that spams anti-eth shit all over the board every day. get a job wetback
Imagine being so JUST'd that you have to make up some theory about samefagging mexicans just to have so damage control. Sad that the cult of ethereum is failing?

>> No.15492102


>> No.15492106

Whats next? you going to call us migger migger migger?

>> No.15492126

t. Mexican bagholder

>> No.15492178
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That's not me but I also made a accurate prediction.

>> No.15492207

This guy is right, ETH is better than BTC.

>> No.15492209
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>Nobody fucking cares about staking, dApps that nobody uses or which don't even work, etc.
Imagine actually believing this. What an idiot. stick with your SoV argument literal brainlet

>> No.15492223
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based. people are clearly fearful of the fact its the only actual platform with smart contracts that work.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win

>> No.15492240

>First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win
First they ignore you
then they laugh at you
then they fight you
then they laugh at you

>> No.15492256


>> No.15492269


>> No.15492286

>no matter how shit ETH is it is still miles ahead of corecoin
>ratio is 0.016
makes me think

>> No.15492340

Future of ethereum has never been better. Things that were only theoretical are actually coming to life right now. Layer2 solutions with hundreds of tps, fast dexes, anonymity, PoS. Even tether itself has mostly moved to ethereum. "Ethereum killers" are a joke. There's an actual banking system for dollars on-chain with high interest rates, something that would have sounded like absolute delusion just two years ago. Network effect was never that strong and obvious.

I feel sad for some buying bitcoin right now. Not the ones that post shit, but random people that buy it just because it went up. Losses are a virtual guarantee, it's a zero-sum game with constant outflows to mining, no new bagholder demographics on the horizon. Stripped of bullshit narratives, what's actually happening is that many honest working people are sending their entire savings, sometimes going into debt, just to fund Chinese miners.

Those that sell eth for btc are going to have it the worst. Imagine looking at cmc in 202x, seeing ethereum in the first place with a five-digit price. Remembering you sold literally months before staking started just because you couldn't stand social pressure.

>> No.15492350

You're just envious bro

>> No.15492358

it's going to happen unironically
ETH borrowers are upping their interest to short the fuck out of it
this started at the beginning of september and should be the final nail in the ICO scam chain's coffin

>> No.15492383
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yep, this is going in the cringe folder

>> No.15492471

Bitmex lets you short ETHBTC using its Futures contract ETHU19. However, it has some bullish divergence on the 1d chart. It might get a dead cat bounce, so be careful shorting it now.

>> No.15492475
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You had me until:
>Operating systems can be built in ETH and deployed using your PC from your bios.
Just imagine burning 100 ETH per day in gas fees just to run "your" OS. Not even Bill Gates would do that.

>> No.15492505
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just think of all the gas you'll save by sharting

>> No.15492533


Audible kek.

>> No.15492554

Imagine actually shorting near 2.5 YEAR LOWS.

>> No.15492579

Imagine actually hodling when 0.02 support broke

>> No.15492581

I bought in at 14 bucks and still haven't sold. Suck my cock you poor sons of whores.

>> No.15492609

Ah.. the old "I bought X at Y price so..." argument as a last defense tactic by bagholders. Even what you said was true and not a larp, you're still an absolute retard from hodling from 0.12+ ETH/BTC until 0.016

>> No.15492620

You won't have to use The EVM/Parity anymore since developers can make their own operating system. Theoretically one could run an OS with no gas cost with different node mechanics and sharding.

Lol you guys can't even FUD this anymore. You know this is revolutionary. Microsoft is spying on us everyday by relaying what you look at in windows media player. Chrome relays ever piece of data back to Google. Centralized methods of technology will not exist in the future due to clear bias of information being interpreted and fed back to you by Centralized code.

>> No.15492647

>Lol you guys can't even FUD this anymore.
We are literally running out of FUD since ETH has been dumping consistently in the ratio for months.

>> No.15492708

How is current price even semi related to future price or future use in the future? It means absolutely nothing now. Your only FUD is "price" because the actual development and dapp usage is calculatable and growing everyday.

You maxis just don't get it. You never will. Enjoy giving the Chinese more of your money by buying BTC. See you at the flippening because only useful things with utility can be a store of value forever.

>> No.15492765
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Why am I retarded? I bought with the intention of holding long term, I don't need to money, my income is more than enough for me.


>> No.15492786

there are countless uncertainties in this slapdash project
nobody knows how many tokens there will be
nobody knows if the new project will work
nobody knows if they can successfully migrate
nobody knows the future of rollbacks or token distribution changes
devs are already looking at other blockchains to store their data on because ETH is a maxed out bloat chain

the price is reflecting this
it's currently a terrible chain that keeps promising more and more ridiculous shit and people aren't buying it anymore

>> No.15492826
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>nobody knows how many tokens there will be
false (see attached)
>nobody knows if the new project will work
frozen spec with finalization working and multiple clients en route
>nobody knows if they can successfully migrate
its not required to migrate
>nobody knows the future of rollbacks or token distribution changes
this could go for any chain
>devs are already looking at other blockchains to store their data on because ETH is a maxed out bloat chain
cross chain data storage is next level genius but it wont be required for eth2

>> No.15492835

This is false. Developers are actually praising about how eth is the "standard" of smart contracts if you look out countless new projects on twitter. Also the "endless supply" FUD is false as there is a EIP with a lot of backers that will mostly go through that has emissions rate at 0 in 2022. PoS will eliminate the emissions rate. Also the blockchain has been "almost full" for years. It's the oldest FUD in the book. The mempool is very large and the reason why it USB full is because people don't want to pay higher gas.

Keep them coming boys. You liars (to pump your own projects) deserve nothing but generational poverty.

>> No.15492858
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>a countdown to when ETH gives its security to early devs and ICO scammers
there are just so many problems with how this chain was launched, where it went, and where it's going

>> No.15492871

>The mempool is very large
because miners set the gas throughput
then you lie and say you have full nodes when they're only downloading block headers
b...but archival nodes keep the records for us trust me

>> No.15492898
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dude you post this same bullshit tweet storm from literally who in every argument. Are you the mEth guy too? Did you hit your head? Literally why FUD something thats so damn legit? You can create a currency in 15 seconds it costs you pennies never in the history of man has anyone had that power yet you INSIST on posting here day in and out the worst fucking fud ive ever read. i mean its not even articulated like a human being. stop writing shit posts on the toilet. get off the crapper and write something worth reading like a real man god damit

>> No.15492915

lets say PoS is implemented on ETH
what's going to stop the biggest corporations from colluding?
at least in PoW there are consequences and a separation of service providers and security providers
the biggest dapps will eventually control the future and good luck forking that because you can't at that point

look at S2X, the service providers tried to collude and raise blocksize and replace who controls the github repo
they were threatened with the UASF and backed down
ETH does not have these options

>> No.15492920

Lmao even r/ethtrader is dying. This marks the last moan of a dying bitch.

>> No.15492951
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ETH took bitcoin for 60 million tokens issued and issued themselves 12 million more
this "literal who" ran the ethereum launch and has a large stake of these tokens
he also doesn't believe ETH is a free market platform

>> No.15492980

Why the FUCK would I want my computer's operating system to be on the ethereum network? Lmao


>> No.15492985

ETH users will never have a say in the future of their chain
BTC users control theirs
nobody wants a communist run shitcoin

>> No.15493041

>hi I'm vinay gupta
>I hate white people and I am a communist
>I will now control the distribution of 72,000,000 ETH
>in a couple years these holders will control the chain in PoS

>> No.15493054

I literally just explained it in the other post. Privacy. If you are too much of a brainlet to understand your 5th amendment rights donnot exist anymore, you're already too far gone. I think you might be anyway at this point.


Ethereum users control their blockchain through EIPs dumbfuck. You people have absolutely no understanding of how Ethereum works and you want to talk shit daily. Unreal.

>> No.15493067

This is bait right?

>> No.15493098

>Ethereum users control their blockchain through EIPs dumbfuck
as a user what options do you have to stop a controversial EIP
cry on reddit?

ETH would never survive a situation like S2X
the onions can't bootstrap the project and fire the security providers

>> No.15493140

>Ethereum users control their blockchain through EIPs dumbfuck

Who the fuck approves EIPs? Answer it you fucking faggot. Its the devs

>> No.15493178


Right, not the Chinese miners. You're literally saying a UASF is better since the Chinese miners control it rather than a series of developers with real experience other than buying Asics. You maxis are deluded.

>> No.15493219

Except anyone can be a miner. Lets say some rich dude in the USA decides he wants to mine BTC with more hashpower than the chinese then he can.

Meanwhile, people voting on EIPs will always be ETH devs. Unless you get hired by the dev team good luck having a say.

>> No.15493275

Peak delusion. Some rich guy wouldn't mine without it being profitable and Bitmain/the other Chinese racketeers wouldn't sell them enough asics to even matter. Bitcoin actually is a giant scam and is more centralized by foreign actors than ethereum by exponential factors. I guess everyone forgot after the fork? Or maybe you're all deluded?

>> No.15493283

In theory with BTC you can. But with ETH's EIPs? Not even in theory. Absolutely disgusting

>> No.15493309

Precisely why you should be buying Cruzbit.

ETH was ONE DOLLAR a few years ago. Why you faggots love buying other people's 1,000 bags I will never understand.