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15474151 No.15474151 [Reply] [Original]

What did Arhur mean by this?

>> No.15474167

It means he's blown so much of his liquidity that he absolutely needs BTC to 2x in the next two weeks or he's super fucked. He's been traveling so much and spending so much money his family just posted something on boomerbook a couple of days ago sounding super concerned

Arty if you're reading this please come home we can take care of this without anyone getting hurt

>> No.15474204
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>> No.15474217

Bullish for LINK.

>> No.15474221

I mean this in the nicest way possible but black people are hideous looking. Lucky for him he’s rich af so it shouldn’t be a huge set back

>> No.15474237

he looks better than you incel
just went long on bitmex

>> No.15474247

damn, what if he's wrong???

>> No.15474304

two big green dildos to 20k? sign me the fuck up

>> No.15474338

Niggers are sneaky as fuck. Counter trade.

>> No.15474475

he’s never been right about any of his predictions. he just likes to manipulate investors.

>> No.15474531

>Crashes to new mid 2019 lows
Calling it

>> No.15474556

cringey, arthur hayes might be a cocky sob but he's also fucking way hotter women than you literally ever will
he knows things, it's his job to know things. he gave the heads up about eth and he's giving the heads up about btc, day and general time frame included.

>> No.15474594

He's talking about LINK

>> No.15474603


Hey, I hiked to Machu Picchu last year too. Good times.

>> No.15474612
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>> No.15474841
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You cant blame anon for white women being race traitor whores. Unless you are talking about "hot black women he is fucking. In witch case..........AHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH "HOT black woman" ahahahah.


>> No.15474855

Arthur is honoraray for curb stomping that kike (((Roubini))).

>> No.15474872

"Zyzz retweeted "

>> No.15474886

this. the enemy of kikes is your friend

>> No.15474910

>unironically uses the term race traitor
never, ever gonna make it out of inceldom

>> No.15474932

That nigger is goin to jail.

>> No.15474940

fuck this nigger. i really hope the sec pounds his ass into oblivion

>> No.15474944

he was right about 11k at the start of he year

>> No.15474957
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>> No.15474961

Fuck the (((CFTC))) and the (((SEC))). America is turning into a ghetto due to jewish financial practices.

>> No.15474974

Are you a 21 year old girl?

>> No.15474975

Unironically bearish. Always do the opposite of what Arthur says.

>> No.15475063

he also said btc $50k eoy 2018. you believe this mfer? lol he makes money manipulating dumb dumbs like yourself.

>> No.15475171

THIS, stupid nigger didn't even renounce his burger citizenship, what a fucking dumb mutt he is! No point in setting up off shore if you retain your Burgerness! This Mutt & Bitmex is under burger jurisdiction.
Tards will refute this.

>> No.15475208

But who was separate legal entity and corporate veil?

>> No.15475305


>> No.15475326

Based Arthur , we are all going to make it , god bless him.

>> No.15475334

never doubt this nigger, he said winter is not over winter was not over. He said 20k is two steps, it will. Start longing bois this is not your typical goldman sacks jews.

>> No.15475350
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when will you retard cvck understand this nigger is not the CEO of bitmex?

>> No.15475522

>zyzz Retweeted

>> No.15475527

Are you saying he doesn't own or control bitmex?

>> No.15475670

die he really make predictions about the market that ended up being correct ?

>> No.15475674

of course no he is just the nigger puppet of his masters

>> No.15475692

i agree just look at this boat lipped coon I mean whtat the fuck. makes me question evolution when you look at these hideous creatures.

>> No.15475931

Oh well, I still see Bitmex as under Burger Jurisdiction. Arthur is touted as the CEO, up to Bitmex to prove its not. He at least appears to control it.

>> No.15475998

>uses incel non ironically
Nigger faggots go back to r*ddit

>> No.15476028

Not all of us look the same. Travel sometime when you make it.

>> No.15476057

just saying, you never know when he's lying

>> No.15476086

It's true a lot of you have white/asian/arabic DNA it's just not going to show much unless you're under 25% percent African

>> No.15476177
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>> No.15476197

>doesn't know the correct English term is "unironically"
price is pumping, uggo.
it's better that mouthbreathers like that don't travel, they're horrible representatives of civilization and genetics. it's better that they think their shitholes are paradise than to discover the truths they are unready for.

>> No.15476203

I'm not saying I hate arthur, I'm just saying that he would look so good with a 9mm bullet in his head.

>> No.15476223

>Yes whities, long BTC to 20k so I can liquidate your ass

Fuck this nigger.

>> No.15476479


This. Its bearish. There is no reason he would just announce something like that unless he needed it to go 20k. Not to mention 7% up today. dump incoming

>> No.15477115

I'd be careful around 11k to 11.2k. The risk of dumping around there is pretty high. If it breaks up from there though, the massive descending triangle gets invalidated and up we go.

>> No.15477116

>did ya'll miss me