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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 766 KB, 1080x1968, thirstypajeets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15318352 No.15318352 [Reply] [Original]

how do we profit from this?

>> No.15318406

Bill gates mosquitoes

>> No.15318417

Long toilet paper

>> No.15318427

Sell them water at a price higher than what you paid to acquire it

>> No.15318434

>how do we profit from this?
short MSFT

>> No.15318437


>> No.15318439


Pretty sure they use their hands

>> No.15318448

With water

>> No.15318449
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Make a smart contract to pump them fresh water at first, but after a while swap it out for dirty/saltwater and dump on them.

>> No.15318451

asteroid mining

>> No.15318463

This anon understand economics.

>> No.15318466

Leh is my favorite spot in India. So many tourists tho

>> No.15318469
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>> No.15318491

Desalination plant on the Ganges except it's for corpse particles

>> No.15318503

Pipeline or reduce tourism. Whichever costs less.

>> No.15318516

1. Wait for monsoon
2. profit

>> No.15318517

Ah yes Rakesh has already tried this, he used his last gold particles he mined from the city drainage system outside of the goldsmith shops.

>> No.15318521

Donate bitcoin to help them get more water.

>> No.15318530

I said profit not lose retard

>> No.15318581

Poo in the water.

>> No.15318619

I will take all the cute Indian women. Emphasis on cute over all

>> No.15318623
File: 44 KB, 680x810, 404d15fa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got out of a 45 minutes shower
Thanks god for not making me a Pajeet

>> No.15318640


>> No.15318645

Maybe it would help them to eat less spicy food

>> No.15318650

Let’s fix the article first. Bullshit that a tourist boom caused the water issue. The tourist money will buy more water that they use up. Check the water rights by the agriculture industry nearby. Same deal in California where almond industry uses more water than humans

>> No.15318654
File: 8 KB, 249x203, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! How will they flush their toilets!?

>> No.15318656

Running my faucet for an hour straight in revenge for the shilling. Flags and this will stop.

>> No.15318659

>swap it out for dirty/saltwater and dump on them.
You think most pajeets actually get clean filtered water? Lmaoo

>> No.15318665

Short computer science and IT degrees

>> No.15318675

>running out of water
Last i checked, the sun is still orbiting the earth, retarded pajeet.

>> No.15318749

You're too poor to do it anyway.

>> No.15318770


>> No.15318802

>Last i checked, the sun is still orbiting the earth, retarded pajeet.

hurr durr, the sun doesn't orbit the earth you retard, the earth is flat so how can something orbit it?

>> No.15318845

The earth is actually convex http://www.terraconvexa.com.br/

>> No.15318862

We should probably solve this by eating bugs and taxing whites who have more than one child

>> No.15319001


>> No.15319003

Maybe if they stopped shitting in it.

>> No.15319027

Atleast he can poo in loo

>> No.15319940

Sterilize pajeets before it's too late.
You think they will stay in their shithole? No, they will come to us.

>> No.15320285

50% population drop
billions dead

>> No.15320327
File: 394 KB, 1080x1883, calipoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems more like burgers are turning into them

>> No.15320339

>45 minutes shower
Are you a woman?

>> No.15320421
File: 996 KB, 448x352, you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think a shower is a bath

>missed the point entirely of having a shower

>> No.15320461

Stopping people shit in the streets is toxic patriarchal western normativeness or something.
It's liberating to be a freeshitter!
Only NAZI's want to stop this
And then something fucking nasty will erupt with all the shit everywhere and it'll be "How did this happen!!!??!! must be white people, reeee"

>> No.15320796
File: 23 KB, 474x400, 153773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. Why don't they just take some of those ice caps (which is visible in op pic) and melt it to turn into tap water?

>how do we profit from this?
Buy a huge water pump machine that connects to the bedrock water, then sell it to the shitskins. Simple. Look at those modern cars though, it's obvious everyone living there has more than enough money in their pockets.

>> No.15320798

Working Dune stilsuits that recycles the water out of your poo and pee. Bonus- less poo in the streets because you never have to take the suit off. Pooping in your pants is cool!

>> No.15320844

>world runs out of water by 2050

how does it feel being apart of the last generation on earth

>> No.15320871

Guess they all are going to move to the UK now. My country is fucked even though we have plenty of water.

>> No.15320876

>apart of
I love being apart from it, I would hate being a part of it.

>> No.15320884


>> No.15320894

im already practicing drinking my own piss

>> No.15320901

Sterilize in exchange for water/food services. Not even a joke. Your life ok the line? What do you want? Kids or suffering. That literally IS the only question left from a society that doesn't fuck with birth control or development.

>> No.15320921


>Pump your groundwater like no tomorrow for your pajeet agriculture

Holy shit this really activates my almonds.

>> No.15320931

Flint Michigan doesn't have clean water. Lmao, you burgers need to clran up your own shit first

>> No.15320960
File: 388 KB, 727x991, limitsScenario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well.

>> No.15320970

fix the agriculture, unironically copy the Israelis

>> No.15320975
File: 997 KB, 3176x3208, Bill_gates_rules_school_didnt_teach_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15321023

they drained their underground H20 and the damage is irreversible... why should non-pajeets care about this?

>> No.15321195
File: 569 KB, 2000x1900, 1452637020797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why should non-pajeets care about this?
Why should non-pajeets care about money at all? Why did a non-German care about Germany?

>> No.15321200


>> No.15321202

we buy water

>> No.15321416

How the fuck do you run out of water.
Please enlighten me, oh retarded one.

>> No.15321474

I cant believe they didn't run out decades ago with their disgusting populations

>> No.15321570

Well, they did kinda lose the Himalayas to China.
That and it is 40-50 degree celsius in India, Jesus
Is India God's frying pan or some shit?

>> No.15321593

Long chinese water companies.

>> No.15321628

I dunno, they've likely reached corruption saturation in their utility provision
Maybe they could dry that out and get a drink or two from it

>> No.15321630

My parents, specifically my dad, have the opposite problem; they aren't boring. They both smoke weed and go to more parties than I do. They go on ridiculous vacations and cruises, buy brand new sports cars, every dumb thing a middle class person can afford to do they do. They didn't teach me anything about life so even if they know something I don't they'd never bother telling me.

I hate listening to people with good parents preach because they don't know what real life is, they had a full tutorial level while most of us got thrown into the bosses chamber on level 1