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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 643 KB, 1022x731, 9416491654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15291987 No.15291987 [Reply] [Original]

There is literally nothing that a normal person can do.
The elite wants us dead.

>Europoor (Western part)
>No car (can't afford one)
>Salary: 1200/month
>Apartment cost : 700/month
>Food cost 200/month (Health is important)
>Internet cost: 50/month (Not watching TV, no need for phone)
>Electricity + gas cost: 150/month
>Monthly savings: 100/month
>Yearly hypothetical savings 1200 euro

This is the majority here btw (The salaries fluctuate from 1000 to 1800), how the fuck can you even save a decent amount of money with that amount?
Houses cost here from 300K to 2 mil
How can this shit be legal?
You can't even spend those 100 euros because of fear of the tax bill and maybe the water bill at the end of the year.

>> No.15292026
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Green ID btw
Lord kek is watching this thread.

>> No.15292027
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Get a second job and get 1 more roommate to split the rent cost. Be stron, fren.

>> No.15292029

the problem is that landlords are jews, rent can't cost more than 30% of the actual salary

>> No.15292041
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>its da j0000s

>> No.15292042
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The apartment has only one bedroom and a small living.

>> No.15292051

Do what you must to succeed. No pain, no gain. Share the bedroom.

>> No.15292065

It's illegal here btw to do this.
If it's not your property you can't share anything.

>> No.15292074

Your rent is a big chunk of you income so it is the logical place to attack your expenses. The other option is to find ways to earn significantly more money.

>> No.15292076

shit man. go try your luck in america. Maybe things turn out to be better for you there.

>> No.15292085

Are there no cheaper rents in a biking distance radius from your job?

>> No.15292100

I am pretty sure you can share your home with your significant other... Your landlord doesnt have to know you split the rent payment.

>> No.15292103

I got the best deal, I have no car, since I can't pay the insurance of 300 a month or something + mortgage on the car, so living outside the city is impossible to get to my job.
Finding another job will not help since the salary is almost the same.
Quitting a job is even worse here, no one would want to hire a job hopper.

>> No.15292116

I don't know, western europe as well and I feel like getting a job would make me poorer at this point since I wouldn't have any free time but I would still be poor by all metrics

>> No.15292120

Don't quit your current job, but work 2 jobs at the same time. Get another part-time job in addition to your current job.

>> No.15292136

op must be from spain, italy or france. Where you at, op?

>> No.15292137


>> No.15292138

why you can't register shitty LLC for 300 euros to provide services to other businesses?

>> No.15292160

My tax will rise, so In the end I will work for free.
Many people tried to do this that I know, they rip you off at the end of the year and take almost everything you saved.
Btw, how can you work another job If my working hours are like from 9:00 to 18:00, I get home at 20:00?

>> No.15292188

A country that got cucked twice.

>> No.15292199

From the elites' perspective they don't want the masses to have any surplus income. Ideally, from their perspective, you spend everything you make and end up with net zero every month. This financial enslavement of the masses produces social stability. Hence why the Catholic Church kept increasing the number of holidays on which labor was forbidden back in the pre-reformation period, to prevent the peasants from accumulating capital. It was never not rigged in the first place besides maybe a few bloody and glorious moments in history where the masses managed to kill off the upper classes like the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution. But hierarchichy is reestablished. Domination and oppression are built into human society, built into nature. You can accept it or struggle against it.

>> No.15292205


>> No.15292219
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Work weekends in addition to normal working days.
I fucking hate the taxman. Where I live the tax rate rises at disgusting speed when I earn more. Working more still benefits me, but not in the full amount.

You know your situation better than me so you have to figure out how to earn more or spend less. If you want to save more than 1200 a year that is.
Still, even if you end up saving only 1200 a year, find a way to invest it and get a return, in a few decades you will have saved up a decent chunk of capital.

100 a month saved and invested at 8% return gets you 141 000 in 30 years. 324 000 in 40 years. Double that if you save 200 a month. You just might find a way to retire one day.

>> No.15292223

Move. Go find somewhere else where they'll tax you less and you can make a higher net income. Don't have loyalty to a shitty country or a shitty city.

>> No.15292225


>> No.15292229


>> No.15292233

Reality is not fair. Still we must find a way to prosper. Whatever it takes.

>> No.15292238


This. If you play into a system that has been established long ago and you're nowhere near the top of it, unless you offer something radically different or unique you're not going to progress. It's as simple as that.

The only other alternative is to accumulate enough capital to invest radically, with hopes of 100%-500% returns in investments such as crypto or leveraging yourself up in the stock market.

Once you make 500K-1 Million USD, that's enough to retire on for life and you go retreat to live in a rural or regional town.

It's better to live as a big fish in a small pond than to live as small fish in big pond.

>> No.15292239

I wouldn't apologise for 200 a month for food. I spend £80 a week. I eat organic and a lot as i lift.

>> No.15292252

You can't move if you have no money.
And the situation is worse in other countries of the EU.

>> No.15292259

This is a good idea.

>> No.15292276

That's old as fuck buddy

>> No.15292284

Stfu jew.

>> No.15292287


No, the elites are happy for people to have surplus income, but they don't want people to build up savings. They'd rather everyone continuously spend money on credit.

All the central banks in the world have an inflation target of 2% for this reason. Deflation is death to the system that they've created.

>> No.15292294

Wie Alt bist du und was arbeitest du ?

>> No.15292352
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One extreme solution is to buy a van and start living there. Could save 500-600 more a month. Van living is a real thing.

>> No.15292357
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>> No.15292369
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Imagine that we reached an absolute point where people begin to live in their cars.

>> No.15292372

Also arbeitest du auf Abruf im Servicebereich ?
1200€ ist das nicht schon fast Mindestlohn ?

>> No.15292384

>The elite wants us dead.
No, idiot, the elite wants your labor.
Wake up - the working class is the peasant of the modern world, living in rented land surrounding the castle, providing for those in the nobility while being allowed to keep only a portion of the value created.
The nobility just got smart a put a nicer label and standard of living (creature comforts) on top of the peasant relationship so we'd be more complacent with it.

>> No.15292390
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I'm from the UK and I was working as a bartender on a 0 hour contract earning no joke a maximum of £500 a month because they just give you random fucking hours and you need to be on-call all day.

It was hell. But I finally landed a job in France as an animator and now I make 2k a month and pay €275 for rent. it's nothing substantial but I earn enough to buy the occassional luxury item and invest a bit in BTC and alts (praying for that lucky moon).

It's difficult out there, perhaps the most difficult decade since the great depression, but it's not impossible. Please keep trying, learn a trade, get a bloody phone because they cost jack shit and start socialising in the right crowds. It's all we've got and you will inevitably get SOMEWHERE.

Also move out of the capital city you're clearly living in or at the very least move in with someone else. What the fuck are you paying that much rent for, you idiot?

>> No.15292396

That much rent is simply normal in western germany.

>> No.15292402

Ein Mindestlohn ist es sicher, vielleicht in ein paar jahr wird es 1500/monat sein.

>> No.15292406

Government over regulation of housing/zoning and construction keeps house prices artificially high. People who want to live cheap have to find creative new ways to live.

>> No.15292407

better than wasting half of your wage

>> No.15292418

Wechsle in die Industrie, da bekommst du 2k Einstiegslohn.
Der Servicebereich rentiert sich überhaupt nicht, wenn du bereit bist Stunden zu kloppen geh auf den Bau.

>> No.15292433

Stop talking wurstelish, moron.

>> No.15292440

Ich werde es versuchen, aber der arbeitsmarkt ist nicht der beste jetzt.
Ich denke da is wieder zu mutter ziehen werde, aber danke fur den tip.

>> No.15292456

Poor people are going to be an issue in the coming climate crisis. The goal right now is to accumulate as much wealth as possible in preparation while simultaneously keeping the masses poor and overworked.

The biggest risk to the elite is the masses organizing before they've stolen more of the worlds riches.

>> No.15292457

Ja die Rezession hat grade erst angefangen, die nächsten Jahre werden echt hart.
Aber mit 25 solltest du dir echt überlegen ob eine zweite Ausbildung sinnvoll wäre, vorallem wenn du noch bei Mutter wohnen kannst.

>> No.15292464


The vast majority of people's labour isn't necessary to keep the system running.

What we have is most of our jobs are dedicated to services, which is just busywork for the sake of busywork or to serve people further up on the totem pole.

>> No.15292466
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Ok, we can stop talking seriously now

>> No.15292468
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Progressive taxation is one of the highest barriers to earning more and those taxes go to "free gibs", welfare bums. The ones keeping you down are actually not the elite, but welfare bums and those who vote for higher taxes.

>> No.15292473


>> No.15292477

Go back to /pol please.

>> No.15292479

It is, tho

>> No.15292487

Delusional. 99% of the rich made their money honestly, at least in the western world. Might be different in russia and china.

>> No.15292491

ischerlischer mazinger freuschelatzepfefer

>> No.15292511


>The biggest risk to the elite is the masses organizing before they've stolen more of the worlds riches.

I don't think further monetary gain is the point of many of the people running society. Past a certain point, I think you'd have a realization that the very issuance of fiat currency itself is a system of control.

The elites already have the vast majority of wealth in society. What they're pushing towards isn't more wealth, it's something ideological.

If George Soros was simply motivated by wealth he wouldn't be wasting money by funding all these ideological groups around the world.

>> No.15292518
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wurstelisch eizenhower merzegetzen lieben raus fiel schpiel!

> i'm drowning in debts but i voted for greens because i want plastic free dildos

>> No.15292533

looks to me your problem is twofold you make shit money and rent an expensive place. you need to change both of those things!

>> No.15292535

Nah, the nature of "labor" has simply changed - Having butts in seats at meetings creates value in that you give off the appearance of professionalism, etc. - The labor is still creating value even if they aren't doing anything laborious, they're still accomplishing more high level and abstract goals to further the agenda of the boss/the company, which controls the reward received for those actions, and allows only a portion to fall back down to the labor that made it happen.

An interesting observation

>> No.15292544


This individualistic Anglo way of thinking is severely flawed, not just in producing good outcomes for the individual but for society at large.

One only need look at the fiscal policies of those that spout such nonsense to understand.

>> No.15292551
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> i asked my german girlfriend to not use plastic condoms when she fucks with her african refugee, because i care about turtles in the ocean

>> No.15292566

Stop trying to get the thread deleted fucking Rothschilds.

>> No.15292576


If something tangible is not being produced, it's busywork. If America can sell it's own shit to itself and others and then call it tangible, it still doesn't make it so.

Again, I reiterate that many businesses are created and run with the owners knowing that they will never be profitable ever. For the owners, it is simply worth the loss to be able to influence the actions of people.

Print media for example.

>> No.15292585

Keep talking in fucking english since you lose the war.

>> No.15292603

würd ich keine mille und haus erben würde ich mich umbringen.brudis ka wie ihr das macht. ich bete für euch.

>> No.15292606
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Individual freedom is the great legacy which makes western world better than the rest. A legacy from ancient greece and ancient times. A legacy we are sadly forgetting...

In a free world collectivists can form their own communities and live their way of life and individualists can live their own way. Freedom for all?! Everyone can live the way they want.

>> No.15292617

Feelings are not tangible but are still valuable. Work that produces positive feelings is not busywork.

>> No.15292636

This literally was never the case kek.
Look at the peasants life in medieval Europe
Look at the factory workers during the industrial revolution in the 19th century.
The west stopped being a shithole when social welfare improved and communists forced the gov to change.
Read about the socialists in the 19th century.

>> No.15292643 [DELETED] 
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> I lose the fucking war but i keep talking in wurstelisch on a mongolian paranoid self help board to state my pride

>> No.15292644

You are right in that wealthy people don't own media to make profit, but to influence the thinking of other people. At least in some cases.

>> No.15292645


Do you know the Greek origins of the word 'idiot'?

I'm not insulting you, just asking.

>> No.15292653

sir this is a blue board

>> No.15292659

Indeed, and an english speaking board

>> No.15292673

Not only >>15292617 , but also by your own admission, it furthers someone's agenda to start the venture and run it at a loss to achieve some other motive. The labor was valuable enough to someone (valued in results rather than money in your case) that they hired all those busybodies - It was worth-it, meaning there was value in the busywork.

At the end of the day, my point is just that the 90% (the peasants in the old days, the working class now) is furthering the agenda of the 10%, at a loss, and cannot escape the rat-race easily.

>> No.15292686
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>99% of the rich made their money honestly

>> No.15292689
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>(((french revolution)))
>(((bolshevik revolution)))
>moments where it wasnt rigged

What the fuck anon are you actually this stupid? Get a refund on your education because you literally mentioned the 2 best examples of (((elites))) financing massive social upheaval to destabilize entire regions and bring massive chaos so they could build their new society from the ashes. Point and laugh at this imbecile thinking the Bolshevik bloodbath was an example of the people rising up and not orchestrated by the real shadow elite.

>> No.15292692

The amount of freedom has fluctuated, but was generally higher in europe than elsewhere always. There is a reason dark ages are called dark ages.

Factory work was a better alternative to workers than traditional farmer work, which is why they did it out of their own will. They were not forced to do it by violence.

Workers conditions have improved because workers learned to negotiate with employers. This can be 100% accomplished without government intervention. I for example just negotiated a pay raise for myself this year, no government intervention needed at all.

Gov intervention has caused more troubles than it has solved.

>> No.15292693

for example i make 1800 eur and my rent is only 430 eur but i only pay half of it cause i share rent with my gf. so my rent to earning ratio is 12%.

get roomies at least share rent!

>> No.15292698

>go back to visit my alma mater
>three of my former professors having a conversation in another room
>one of them opens the door
>the Jewish one continues telling the other two
>"and the beauty of it is that the rent from my first house pays the mortage on my second house!"
>"Both Chinese professors say "ahhhh" as if they've both been enlightened
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.15292700


Valuable as a means of control.

You go to college. You get in debt. You get a job. You build up wealth. You buy overpriced consumerist things. You go in debt. You buy a house with a mortgage for 40 years.

The hamster wheel is a means of control.

>> No.15292701

Idiot = a person who doesn't care about politics. If I remember correctly.

>> No.15292705

>100 a month saved and invested at 8% return gets you 141 000 in 30 years. 324 000 in 40 years. Double that if you save 200 a month. You just might find a way to retire one day.

> 300k
> retire

perhaps he will finally be able to buy a garage for the car he cant afford, kek

i am doing alright making comfy deep-learning-shekels, but yeah dont let boomers tell you they didnt fuck over our generation

hey wir schaffen das right, hans? at least you can prove you are not racist with all your taxes going to rapefugees.

>> No.15292710
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My friends are in a similar situation (Austria)
They're all wageslaving pretty much living paycheck to paycheck, it is so ridicolously impossible to accumulate wealth here, I don't know how most people can stand it.

To all burgers: Everytime youre about to moan about the job market in the USA, remember this thread. And remember that most stuff like electronics and food is also a little more expensive here.

I think many people underestimate how insanely huge the difference in standards of living from western europe to USA/Canada & Australia is.

>> No.15292726

You could suck a black man's penis for money, it will not be much money but when you get good at penis sucking then you can suck Jewish penis and get lots of money

>> No.15292741

Revolutions are more often than not top-down movements. Peasants rise up on their own only when they are starving to death.

>> No.15292744

And we pay more taxes for our smaller payments.
Here in germany you work like 70% of the year for the state.

>> No.15292749


My point is that the 10% does change over time. Even the families in the old aristocracy and monarchs (though in modern times these classes are merely ornaments) changed.

So yes, the work done by a journalist at a newspaper that is a loss making venture IS valued by the owner, but by society at large it isn't.

The value is gained by the owner in influencing society towards their own agenda, which in of itself has ramifications.

They literally pay to put memes in the mind of the people.

>> No.15292754

And yet Germans will keep voting mommy Merkel until she dies. You people are masochists.

>> No.15292764

Just rebel and steal their wealth like the commies did
>b-but that's so unfair how could you do something so evil
Might makes right. If given the chance, they'd execute all of us so they can form their elite-only utopia where there aren't billions of others leeching their resources and making life on Earth unsustainable for everyone. Think of it as a personal Monroe Doctrine or basically Minority Report - you know what they'll eventually do, be it through disease, nano tech, AI or a nuclear winter, so why not take precautions right now to avoid it and make sure that it is not just a handful of people holding that power?
On top of that, they didn't even build that wealth fairly, it's a combination of being scum, false advertising, dodging taxes and bribing officials, so here's a moral reason as well if you wanted one.

>> No.15292768
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I'm american and I was vacationing in germany, and I was talking to some germans about work. He excitedly mentioned that he was in the military and made 2k euro per month. I was confused by his excitement and asked him if that was a lot here, and he said it really was. I like vacationing in europe, but there is this feeling there. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but its like everyone is equally worthless. No one is special, everyone is all up in your shit on the train, no personal space. It was comparatively like being human cattle. I feel like the population is... stifled.

>> No.15292774

Its the boomers who vote for her.

>> No.15292777

Our political system is completly fucked.
We will se an new wave of extremists rising soon.

>> No.15292791

We are becoming Japan.

>> No.15292807
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Population control is done through feminism, idiot. No need for "disease, nano tech, AI or a nuclear winter". People are already under reproducing.

You are clearly delusional, out of touch with reality. Most rich people are not criminal and stealing & murder are a really bad idea.

>> No.15292819

Ok. Do this:

1. Save 3000 euros or so, borrow it from family
2. Get a plane ticket to NY
3. Find any job in NY (there's tons of them) and get an appartment in NJ (its far cheaper)
4. Grind your ass off for 3-4 years and save 20k
5. Find a roastie and pay her 20k for marriage
6. Get a real job now
7. Grind the living fuck of it for the next 10 years
8. Unlike in Germany, you will actually get promoted here multiple times if you have common sense
9. Congratulations you've made it to the 100k club, use your savings to invest into boomer stocks one recession hits
10. Give it a couple more years and then do what you want

Yes its an absolute cringefest but it works.

>> No.15292824
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Also how do you guys think that the future of the european economy will look like?
A lot of people, especially a lot of austrian economists are prediciting a huge upcoming crash. I think theyre wrong. I think the future will be looking like Japan. Or rather it already is. There was no growth in the EU economy within the last 10 years. There are going to be even more zombie companies. Inflation will slowly hit. Even less people will be able to afford children. Retiring will be a thing only rich people can pull off, like supporting a whole family with just one working parent.

I think we austrians actually have it even slightly worse. But yeah total tax for a normal working person is usually around 70% if you include every single tax.

I know exactly what you mean. Also dont forget the average living space in the USA is twice as big as in the EU. And still most people here pat themselves on the back that we might live in tiny shitholes, driving to our wagecages in tiny cars with tiny 1.6litre engines, but at least we have free healthcare, a welfare state etc.
If most people here knew how much richer people in the USA and Australia are they'd probably kill themselves

>> No.15292827

>No one is special
Can't speak for other countries but in the UK you're encouraged by your peers to be a mediocre piece of shit from a young age. And as an adult everyone is resentful.

>> No.15292828


The expanded middle class was absolutely a result of socialist agitation though. The idea that industry would pay anything above their lowest level that they had to for their mass of workers is a laughable one.

Since the labour market works like any market, in that an overabundance of a commodity makes it cheap due to market pull and push, it is in the interest of the worker to limit competition by foreigners and utilize the threat of state intervention to increase wages.

The wealth experienced by Europe in the post WW2 era was a deliberate effort by the state to elevate the the prosperity of the working and middle class to combat the threat of Communism.

The way in which this was done was a command-style economy orientated towards industrial production that was then sold for export. Positive balance of trade.

>> No.15292833

European obsession with equality is really a disease of the mind/soul.

>> No.15292845
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I've been familiarising myself with the philosophy of nietzsche and it's all starting to make sense. Masters and Slaves.

All of human history is a conflict between the weak and the strong. The goal of the strong is to enslave and extort the weak as effectively as possible. The goal of the weak is to overwhelm the strong in their numbers (quality vs quantity). Make no mistake, the world is entirely material.

Now the Masters have created a system were they have all the power with none of the responsibility. the slaves are under the impression they actually control their own destiny.

>> No.15292844

Equality is not the driving factor, its jealousy
The amount of hatred people have for hard working people here is insane. They get taxed to death are still "bad for society" and "dont pay their fair share"

>> No.15292847


Then what happens when you have universal suffrage, knowing that throughout history only a very small percentage of people were able to or even wanted to vote in a democracy?

>> No.15292848

Younger ones voted for THE GREENS, more plastic free dildos for everyone

>> No.15292849

The political extremist cycle will just repeat itself.
We will have an real war in this century.

>> No.15292852

>Most rich people are not criminal and stealing
>you are clearly delusional

projecting a bit, buddy? lick that boot harder bro maybe you too will become a billionaire sometime in the future

>> No.15292857

We can't have wars anymore, weapons are too dangerous.

>> No.15292865

Sometimes there are strong people born into the slave cast.
They are the people who have the ability to reshape our society.

>> No.15292868
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If we can get the tax rate to go down, I think the future looks good. Technology is still progressing. But if we continue to the high tax dystopia, there is little hope of better tomorrow. Then life will be truly about survival, not prosperity.

>> No.15292869

West Europe here, 800k citizen city and i have never seen a jew you dumb nigger

>> No.15292875

> he has never seen a jew
what do you expect to see, an ortodox jew?

>> No.15292880

Who is writing the laws, and important the bums - ofc its the bums. Fucking retard.

>> No.15292883

>We will have an real war in this century.
tfw when you just want a peaceful life with no violence, a home, and normal paying job.
But you're right, the world is going in ww3 mode already, history will repeat.

>> No.15292897


It's to be expected, you live in an area of the world that has been overexploited and devoid of resources- except for that of human capital.

I'm Australian and I got a job at a winery straight out of High School in a rural area that paid $1000 after tax + $130 into a retirement account per 40 hour work week.

And then you'd do a 72 hour work week for 5 months straight and make $2000 after tax + $230 into your retirement account.

Australian dollars I know, but still.

>> No.15292898

Of course we can and we probably will. You can't stick your head up some liberal echo-bubble. Most EU fags get panic attacks when they see a gun even if its a police officer carrying it.

Once actual shitstorm occurs and armies get deployed Euros will then wake up. Lets hope its not too late already.

>> No.15292900

Every sentence of this post contains at least one factual error.
>The amount of freedom has fluctuated, but was generally higher in europe than elsewhere always. There is a reason dark ages are called dark ages.

The term 'Dark Ages' is no longer used at academic level historical studies, but the period after the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire used to called that because of the sparsity of written sources compared to Roman times. It was nothing to do with the lack of freedom in toe times.

>Factory work was a better alternative to workers than traditional farmer work, which is why they did it out of their own will. They were not forced to do it by violence.

This one is particularly offensive. Our ancestors were coerced, evicted, and dragged kicking and screaming from our traditional agricultural small holdings, so our children could crawl inside the guts of their hellish machines. It was not voluntary.

anyway your post continues with similar banal stupidities. dont know why I even bother. cba.

>> No.15292907

We need to kill of billions of people at some point.
Or we go to space ... but we all know what will be more likley in the near future, or not ?

>> No.15292914

Was thinking this too. We are So clownish most people don’t know up from down.

>> No.15292917

You don't get it: weapons are too strong today, there's no way to have a real ww3, there would be a nuclear war, survivors would not be winners, but people sharing radioactive plastic free dildos.

This is why we keep on doing a lot of small delocalized conflicts.
No one can afford a real war anymore.

>> No.15292928
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Just buy Bitcoin and wait. €100 is almost one Bitcoin

>> No.15292930

i lift, i just look at just two things in my food, protein per 100g and calories per 100g

>> No.15292940

unless a self-sustaining colony on mars is formed, a huge sum is charged to move to there to filter the peasants, and Earth gets nuked because the HQ of the elite is now unaffected
as long as glassing Earth depends upon a few people, and those people eventually get the opportunity to dodge the consequences of doing so, we will keep living under the threat of nuclear annihilation.

>> No.15292957

nobody forced the tenant to rent in his house...

if you really hate the situation so much make sure to buy a house and rent it at below market rate when you made it

>> No.15292958
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I am against everyone voting. If everyone votes the idiots overwhelm the wise/smart ones. But if we concentrate voting too much we get a dictatorship/system in which the very small political class hoards everything for themselves, like north korea. It is good that many people vote so we can diversify political power. The sweet spot is somewhere between the extremes.

Right now we need to limit the amount of voting people somehow. Rising the voting age is one way. My favorite system is one in which only taxpayers get to vote. Net taxpayers to be exact. Pay more taxes than get gov benefits and you get to vote. In this system people cant transfer other peoples money to themselves through the government. Both crony capitalists and welfare bums suffer. Honest people win.

>> No.15292965


The weaponz r 2 strong meme is just an excuse by the hegemon to prevent rivals from challenging it militarily, yet they beat their chest every chance they get to prove how strong they are.

Britain ranted and raved about demilitarization prior to WW2 too, but that's easy to do when you're #1.

>> No.15292977

>demand gibsmedat
>get it
>due to insane cost of gibsmedat it becomes even harder to escape cycle of poverty


>> No.15292978

How do you see the tax rate ever going down?
The amount of people that are recieving some kind of transfer payments (like welfare, pension or working for the state) are more than 50%
Also as long as the ECB continues with its policy a proper recovery will be impossible, but do you see them ever raise the interest rates? Half of the governments would go broke.

There might be civil wars, but there wont be a huge war between nations anymore thanks to nuclear weapons.

You don't need natural resources to become rich and prosperous.
You aussies have no idea how insanely good your economy is.

Yeah, net tax payers or landowners only would be a huge improvement, but that wont ever happen

>> No.15292979

This can be done: wars among us on other planets, even nuclear ones.
Right now, in an heavily industrialized world, even fighting a conventional war is almost impossible, is like beating each other into a dynamite complex: pretty stupid.

Not to mention how fragile and fag has become our financial world.

>> No.15292982

Only male taxpayers should be allowed to vote in my opinion.

>> No.15292988

As if those 5 females that are net taxpayers would do so much damage with their votes

>> No.15292993


>My favorite system is one in which only taxpayers get to vote. Net taxpayers to be exact. Pay more taxes than get gov benefits and you get to vote.

Personally I'd do an IQ test and a DNA test. To utilize measures of wealth as the barrier for voting now would to cement the ill-gotten gains of usury as our permanent aristocracy.

>> No.15292995

5 females + X cucks ...

>> No.15293000



>> No.15293007


>> No.15293011

Nice to see how fucked is germany, even after they enslaved europe with eurocuck coin and rules.
You should be drowning in gold right now, since you've been into an illegal surplus for almost a decade.

>> No.15293014

what would the DNA test screen for?
please don't just say "white genes"

>> No.15293016


>You don't need natural resources to become rich and prosperous.

No, but the creation of wealth has it's genesis in controlling and exploiting natural resources to create something else.

Once that wealth has been created it can float around the globe looking for tax havens (kinda like how the Caymans are incredibly rich now despite being a poor-as-fuck backwater in the 1950s)

>> No.15293022

That's what I'm trying to imply, it may not happen today, but tomorrow after a colony does get established there which is huge enough to sustain itself for a couple of thousand people, how are you so sure that those people would not call it Eden and proceed to nuke the living shit out of Earth to ensure that their select bloodlines are to continue the future humanity, not the subhuman peasants left here who have the potential of launching a communist revolution and stealing their power?

As I said, might makes right. Even in this specific case, this option is actually the best option for their genes because no other scenario would maximize their survival as doing something like this would. You can't even blame them for doing it because this is how genes function - use overwhelming force to eliminate and devour competition. The problem is, you're not on their team and you can prevent it, so why not do what is optimal for your position and instead prevent it while you can right now?

>> No.15293031

Niggers usually eliminate themselves from the voting system on their own, because they end in jail.

>> No.15293036

how the fuck do you americans earn so much though, for the same jobs. Why do they pay so well, you are still taxed somewhat and your corparate taxes are ridiculously high compared to europe.

In europoor land (UK specifically) we are happy with a median income of like £20-30k and most people live like that. My dad earns around £50k and that is considered very good here

>> No.15293038


Genetic clusters.

This remove the ability to bribe your way into the system of another country if you're completely alien to it, either through your labour or your wealth.

>> No.15293039

based hayek poster , they dont get it.
they have been brain washed by such called neoliberalists

>> No.15293046

> No one really know how genes actually work
> Eugenetics and evolution are a meme

>> No.15293053

They don't have welfare and pay for everything.
If you get a scratch you choose if you surgery on your own or get broken.

>> No.15293070

They eat shit
They dress shit
They live in wooden houses, they pay for those fucking huts more than you pay for yours

>> No.15293071

as in including VAT on everything you buy too? When you think of it like that most countries probably pay close to 70% back to government

This is an eye opener for me right now

>> No.15293077


Americans are unironically the center of the Empire. The center of the Empire gets the highest wages for the most part.

The UK really does nothing that America doesn't do in a vastly larger capacity now. Plus your wages are dogshit and your living costs are high.

I made as much as your Dad last year and I worked as semi-skilled labour. EMIGRATE.

>> No.15293089

You don't need to know how genes work, and yes, we actually do know how they work. What I'm describing is merely empirical evidence - you're bigger, have more muscles and are built for aggression? Then that antelope is not the one who's going to eat you, you are eating her. This transfer to every single living form because competition for resources and survival is literally embedded in "being alive", even between ourselves. Think about it, dating and being rich, or rather reproduction and resource acquisition in modern society, literally boils down to competition against others and nothing more. This is everywhere and there's no way to dodge it, this is simply how life works. This will also be how the people who have the power to eliminate competing genes (us peasants) will act so their material possessions and gene spread are never threatened. In fact, humans have done things very similar to this, by castrating neighboring tribes so they don't reproduce, by stealing their women and killing the men, by restricting reproductive rights inside the tribe to just the leader of it - this is who we are and there's no running away from our nature.

>> No.15293090
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>tfw can save $2.5k a month in the U.S. after rent/bills
I feel bad for you europoors

>> No.15293092

Yeah this is true. Parents have a similar attitude too. All people want to do is go the the fucking pub and waste their spare income, its not even a meme. Its an accurate stereotype.

The relative optimism and enthusiasm in americans actually helps them in life.

>> No.15293094

Real mistery is canada.
They are totally useless, they vote for total morons, they didn't invade anyone, and people is richer than us citizens

>> No.15293095

maybe get something better than a minimum wage job for starters.

>> No.15293113

i seriously think im going to have to take the USA pill lads. where in america do you live? im in the north west UK earning 20k+commission as a salesman(a productive salesman)

>> No.15293125

For taxes to go down culture needs to change radically. This would be a very slow process if it ever happened.

"Also as long as the ECB continues with its policy a proper recovery will be impossible, but do you see them ever raise the interest rates? Half of the governments would go broke."

True. Governments and the ECB will try to keep real interest rates negative to manage the huge government debt we have. The problem is this fucks the pensions because of low real investment returns. It also destroys economic growth by keeping useless companies alive.

Seems like we are fucked. The only thing that can fix this is some kind of economic and cultural reset. 20% of my portfolio is in gold, just in case.

>> No.15293138

>The only thing that can fix this is some kind of economic and cultural reset.
The thing you describe is called war.

>> No.15293145

There are many more hidden taxes you pay. Companies bake their taxes to the price of their product. Companies pay you less salary because they have to pay high taxes, those taxes could be paid as salary. Most of fuel price is taxes. The price of fuel affects everything.

>> No.15293147

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a rum or 5 as much as the next alcoholic but what really fucks me off is the insipid and downright poisonous attitudes of every prick on this fucking island.

>> No.15293165


I'm not American. I'm Australian.

Someone working at McDonalds full time in Australia makes more than you.

>> No.15293182
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I think the average wage here is only $35k or so. The real difference is that it's not so impossible to get an above average wage. Before I went to college, I made shit, like $10 an hour jobs in factories and stuff. I was smarter than my fellow factory workers, so I went to college (non-meme degree) and got more money by being skilled and smart. Also, I used to own a business and even here employing people is a nightmare. The red fucking tape to hire and fire people is unreal, plus all the taxes related to it. I can only imagine in europe with all of your progressive bullshit, paid family leave, mandatory vacation, etc. And from the employees point of view, what if they want to work harder? What if they really want to go the extra mile for the company or to show that they are ready for a leadership position? Sorry, the government says you can't.

>> No.15293189

Looking at what tribes did, we can speak about everything, including cannibalism and every sort of crazy thing.
It's funny that you think as a natural law something we can call "elite oppression" and not cannibalism.
This is because of the gene meme, that's from evolution, that's another old meme created by elites to justify elite oppression.

If we look at today, capitalism is something that justifies technological advance (that is another evolution), but in the end there's no advance anymore, monetary system is fucked out, and it prevents to make the real advancements we need to survive.
With "real advancements" i can include:
> finding and terraforming other planets
> pollution
Nowadays it's impossible to work on a serious global space program, why? Because of the (((costs))).
But money should support tech advancement, and this is not a lame 10% faster cpu every year.

>> No.15293208
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That feel when want to work more but get taxed more.

>> No.15293218

>Voting for your favourite mafia theater

>> No.15293223

Culture has changed before without war. Economy has collapsed without war. War is not necessary. We can just transport welfare refugees out without mass killings.

>> No.15293226

I'm going to sleep so I cba arguing but I just wanted to say that I agree with you on this part
>but in the end there's no advance anymore
If you took the screens out of your house, your house is basically the house that people in the 60s lived in. The cars, strip them of their futuristic design, are a very minor improvement of those in the 60s. Planes, ships, sewage - everything is like this.
Watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM9f0W2KD5s

>> No.15293233

One area of future technology that is advancing today is age related research and life-extension. Check out aubrey de grey.

>> No.15293239


People are so desperate to keep the current paradigm that they'll postpone the peaceful resolutions until war is unavoidable.

All we had to do was stop trading with China after the end of the Cold War.

The elites created the behemoth that is China either through ignorance or maliciousness.

>> No.15293251

It was the greed of the elites,

>> No.15293262

That's so true, I was also thinking this.
When I walk through my city I realize, this is still the same city that people used to live in in the 18-19th century.
There is almost no improvement in tech, normally we should already be colonizing mars at this point.
The only thing that improved is safety for the tech from the 40's,50's,60's.

>> No.15293283

I'm not a commie and i don't give a fuck about elites, the fact is that our society is stagnant, and tech advancement is going wrong.

I would like that they admit that we never went on the moon and there's not a real space program, in that way we could simply do massive campaigns to reduce the global population at a sustainable number, instead of moving niggers around the world to sustain a fake productive economy, no need for german solutions obviously.

At this moment we're in a total clown world, even brilliant advancements like AI represent a danger for mankind, this because we're stuck at an old kind of society.

>> No.15293297

This is a total non-sense, but if you think about it, it's the kind of request that comes out from an elite dominated system.

>> No.15293298

> no need for german solutions obviously.
Ok, we will give the job to an austrian then.

>> No.15293301


There is nothing wrong with having areas of the world that are representatives of another era whose buildings have lasted the test of time.

What is wrong is having areas of the world that are quickly built to serve the immediate purposes of a contemporary age and then throw away like bathwater.

Look at Detroit.

>> No.15293306

Nothing wrong with it.

>> No.15293314

>There is almost no improvement in tech, normally we should already be colonizing mars at this point.
this was my exact thought as well but I was thinking "how come my bed doesn't measure my sleep time, when we obviously have the technology to do so, and I have to put some shitty meme clocks on my wrist to measure it?" so then I proceeded to go through this long thought experiment of whether we're stagnating or not, and finally I ended up on the most blackpilled map I've ever seen: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EG.USE.PCAP.KG.OE?view=map&year=2014 . It's easy to measure total energy consumption and randomly claim that "we're progressing" because there's more people, but the per capita one paints a whole another picture. Just slide the slider to the 80s/70s/60s and observe Europe and the USA. You'll never be the same again once the illusion of growth that we've "achieved" in the past 50 years shatters. It's all just low-hanging microchip technology with everything else being a complete stagnation. If you need further affirmation from a successful billionaire on this topic, watch the video here >>15293226

anyway, off to sleep

>> No.15293316

Man i love detroit, it's because of robocop obviously

>> No.15293334

Internet and data-storage/analysis is a pretty recent way the world has progressed.

>> No.15293347

Thanks for the info, holy shit this is insane.

>> No.15293348

Look at the bigger picture.
Nothing wrong in someone asking for a giant penis, but world doesn't have a space program to find other planets to live and put niggers there.
Why? Because of "costs", too much to pay scientists and materials.
We built pyramids in the past, today we could build a pyramid in half a day.
Money is just a fucking mean, it's like a truck, it's necessary, but if it stops his creators to achieve a necessary advance, then money is a problem.

>> No.15293355

dunno the fact that during my lifetime personal computers the size of a filing cabinet became portable enough to put it in your pocket is improvement enough for me.

>> No.15293365


It's the way in which money is spent. It's abundantly clear that those in control of the system are overwhelmingly interested in the short term rather the long term.

Dying is an inevitable part of your life and the generation in control are in complete denial about their own mortality.

>> No.15293366

>There is nothing wrong with having areas of the world that are representatives of another era whose buildings have lasted the test of time.

In Germany there are houses that are older than the German state, before 1871.
These things already collapse and are full with mold, but people try to sell you that shit for 500K.

>> No.15293377

Do you donate your money to space programs?

>> No.15293390

Everyone dies one day. I would still want to live past 1000.

>> No.15293398

>getting blackpilled on energy consumption data

And this was the thing that you spent hours thought-experimenting towards? Energy consumption plateaued for two reasons and two reasons only:

>because put decades of research into figuring out how to get the same energy services for less energy
>because we only knew how to get at 10-20% of the total oil on this planet.

We've already rolled out significant energy savings as a result of the first point, and we know how to get at the rest of the oil thanks to shale fracking radically overhauling itself a half dozen times in the past ten years.

>> No.15293414

exactly its so easy to accumulate wealth in the US, you have nothing to complain about. i work for mccormick which is a US company as a machine operator. I bet they pay your american branch equivalent £50k equivalent

>> No.15293417

While are we using those incredible improvements to take pics of penises in bathrooms and not to find another fucking planet before we die from our own farts?
This is not a rethoric question, this is because of the actual structure of the global system AND the money.
I remember everyone that we print money out of nothing to buy other fake money, we could just put up a fucking global space system, if it's true that 60 years ago we went on the moon using a walkie talkie and a metal hut.

>> No.15293428

For those of you talking about the lack of advancement in tech, your very much on the money. Coincidently i've just finished reading the following and it hasnt left me with much hope


>> No.15293433

those are fucking scam jobs on comission, i seen them when i came out of university. You end up earning fuck all in reality

>> No.15293466

same im not teetotal or anything, i just binge when the rare occasion crops up.

The mediocrity thing is a real deal here, no one promotes having ambition. Its all crab in a bucket mentality, lets get obese and live in the same town i was born in, and be a busybody, curtain twitcher till we retire and die

>> No.15293467

interesting reading, thank you

>> No.15293474

actually space telescopes also went through incredible development and innovation. we are getting to know our universe more at an exponentially increasing rate. even found potentially habitable planets within range for generation ships. hell with fusion drive they would be within 10y round trip.

>> No.15293476

That's the point, we already should have at this point free energy, that's what Tesla was talking about.
There is real science repression going on.

>We've already rolled out significant energy savings as a result of the first point, and we know how to get at the rest of the oil thanks to shale fracking radically overhauling itself a half dozen times in the past ten years.
We shouldn't even use fossil fuel anymore.
The reality is that green energy is also harmful, the production of these systems is consuming a lot.
Solar panels are fragile and with slightest amount of dirt they stop functioning as they should, the pollution that it causes is insane.
But hey look at our country using green energy, perfect for the bureaucrat and his statistics, that don't solve shit.

>> No.15293503
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Stop please, they don't know shit themselves, this is what they see, pic related.

>> No.15293510

>The elite wants us dead.
I don't think that's true.
I would imagine they still want people to wagecuck and especially doctors/computer scientists to continue producing technology they can take advantage of.
And of course, you can't be an elite if poor people didn't exist.

>> No.15293524


It's not the houses that you're buying anon, it's the drastically overvalued land.

Where I live you can buy a house for 60K USD.

>> No.15293541

Yes, but you where talking about
>representatives of another era whose buildings have lasted the test of time

>> No.15293543

I'm not denying that we had a lot of improvements.
What is not changing is the way this tech is used for.
We abandoned every space program after the war of cocks between usa and urss ended.
After that, tech is leaded by private sector, purposes are still the same in 50 years: new things for morons to buy.
Ok you got a new telescope, sell it to university to make new discoveries and pay R&D to make newer ones.
Is that enough? It doesn't seem so.

>> No.15293549


>We shouldn't even use fossil fuel anymore.

Why shouldn't we? You shouldn't be wondering why we aren't using solar panels, you should be wondering why every developed nation isn't running its grid more or less 100% on nuclear. Because if you're talking about advancement, humanity has long since been moving towards increasingly energy dense fuels.

>There is real science repression going on.

Of a sort. The thing that's stopped us so far is an extremely unique conflux of events leading us down specific technological paths. We did need to build more and better thinking machines to get to this point, however, so even this current mild stagnation is not without its place. The important thing to understand is this: the constellation of needs which drove humanity down its current technological path has broken down, and within the next twenty years you will see R&D producing things you could scarcely dream of.

>> No.15293589

Fact is: what do we need machines for anymore?
The self driving cars trend is a really stupid idea, for example.

>> No.15293608

>after the war of cocks between usa and urss ended
that shit never ended most people just realizing this.

>> No.15293627

how to accumulate wealth in Austria: live with your parents, there is basically no way around this, you save ~ 600 per month doing that, yet i can understand not everyone wants to do that.

>> No.15293635

I was meaning the space war of cocks, ended with nasa probably faking the moon landing.
> No one came back to the moon 60 years later

>> No.15293639

we have made tremendous leaps forward just because we don't have flying cars and robot waifus just yet no reason to mope around.

let's take a look at the russian nuclear torch missile... it's incredibly stupid to run one in atmo but if we ever want to get around in the solar system or beyond god forbid we gonna need nuclear drives. how do you plan on developing them without fucking around with them in an extremely irresponsible and unsafe manner?

>> No.15293649

oh that one... musk makes me kinda question if governments should run space programs at all.

>> No.15293674


Yeah, but do you think the McMansions of McAmerica are going to be around in 100 years?

>> No.15293676

Machines improve our daily lives. Sure, self-driving cars are stupid, but thats because they dont work very well at the moment. Cruise control was considered stupid as well, right up until it wasn't.

>> No.15293689

Flying cars and robot waifus are just an extension of private sector selling shit to morons.
I mean, we don't have a fucking spaceship, we're not on mars, we're more than 7,6 billions of retards and counting, this won't end well.

Russians have a strange attitude with nuclear things since 1986.

>> No.15293697

Nuclear drives?
Only in our solar system

People don't get that we need a new whole perspective on technology and life itself.
Just flying there is moronic and unproductive, a civilization that aims to save itself and decrease pollution just by moving somewhere already failed.
It will not be successful, there will be no space flight, we will go extinct and that's it.

>> No.15293707

Self driving cars are people incapable of driving a vehicle in 20+ years to allow insurances to save money.
Save money for what no one knows, since we print green paper out of nothing.

>> No.15293766

Those boomer pensions won't pay themselves anon.

>> No.15293774

To split niggers and pollution problems on two planets would be a big achievement, though.
We could keep on being a bunch of retards for centuries, in this way.

>> No.15293782

The problem with self driving cars lies in our infrastructure, we would need to tear down whole cities, our roads are a labyrinth of unpredictability.
Also everyone would be obligated to drive self driving cars, thus indirectly saying that driving is illegal (not that I care).

>> No.15293807

Yes, and what's the improvement, exactly?

>> No.15293831

I misread your post, sry.
I thought you were shilling in favor of them.

>> No.15293873
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The fall of the gold standard worldwide allowed governments to print their currencies to hell.

Globalization is a way to hide that inflation because now you buy cheaper products from countries with cheaper wages , but things you can't import like housing suffer massive inflation.

Also as anon points here

Governments do everything possible to overregulate everything so they create bullshit jobs and put their families and friend in gov positions.

>> No.15293887

the self driving revolution would start on highways and inter city roads where most people die due to drunk and reckless high speed driving.

>> No.15293898
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This guys get's it , if you look at us data before income tax was created(it was declared inconstitutional many times) , once it was created everything started to go to shit.

Progressive taxation does not benefit the poor while punishing the rich , it punish everyone and specially the poor ,specially since income tax levels are never upgraded for inflation.
Eventually everyone will be paying top levels and the politicians will have nothing to gain by upgrading those levels.

>> No.15293900

Live with your parents and save for a few years then get a house

How hard is that you incel

>> No.15293931

Progressive taxation is a myth and, where applied, is a very raw approximation.

Bonuses and benefits are regularly allowed to the richest, this helps bribery, so part of the money come back to politicians in form of financing.

>> No.15293955
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Yes, get rid of the Jews! Ignore me! I'm a fellow white!

>> No.15293978

There won't be war in America. More like The Troubles.

>> No.15293986
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We are reaching levels of woke that should not be possible , i am impressed biz it seems like also pol is moving more and more to recognize the serious economic problems left by the boomers.

>> No.15294016
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>The expanded middle class was absolutely a result of socialist agitat

Tyipical keynsian propaganda , absolute bullshit even since the industrial revolution wealth of the poorest people in a society has been increasing and yes at first things were bad , but instead of having mass starvation in hard times , you simply had economic hard times and by the start of the 20th century the average industrial worker could buy a house with 8 MONTHS OF HIS LABOR.

Don't believe me?Here is the data



The reason why wages grew after ww2 is because there was alot of unused industry and a shortage of labor so the cost of labor increased(wages).

The keynsian bullshit of muh the welfare state grew to combat communism is retarded , did germany also imported turks to work there because they wanted to combat communism?
No they imported them because the shortage of labor.

>> No.15294054

Buy index funds with your savings. It’s a relatively stable investment if a recession isn’t gonna occur any time soon.

>> No.15294066

Japan had china , and south korea nearby , plus the entire us to sell stuff.

What will the eu do when it suffers a japanization of it's economy?
If everyone is pulling the same shit it stops working.

>> No.15294079

>just wage slave and work even harder for 35 more years anon, you'll be alright

GEE why didn't I think of that

>> No.15294082


>> No.15294095

This. Communists are slaves to the very masters they believe themselves to be fighting

>> No.15294106
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In the 1930s there was actually some fear of Communists overthrowing the government because the USSR was doing pretty good (relatively) in the 30's.

>> No.15294114
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>> No.15294153

It is, bootlicker

>> No.15294172

Keep stagnating for the rest of your poor life.

>> No.15294186

plato wouldn't even spit in your direction faggot

>> No.15294215


>> No.15294247

The only space telescopes that advanced are used to spy on people and keep the system alive , a few years ago the nro gifted nasa two "old" , telescopes that where better than hubble.

Imagine the stuff we could be doing if we invested on real stuff instead of in welfare and nothing more.

>> No.15294276

This post sounds designed to demoralize.
Ignore it.

>> No.15294332

Wage slaving is stagnating

>> No.15294344

this but unironically

>> No.15294362

How do you grow your wealth without working?

>> No.15294445

Milfags often have free housing, healthcare and food. It's kinda mediocre and I'm sure I've been exposed to asbestos, TANSTAAFL, but that means almost all of my income is quasi-expendable. I imagine it's the same in other countries' militaries, meh pay but the basics are "free".

>> No.15294483

A full-scale nuclear exchange between the US and Russia would kill less people than the Spanish Flu. With current forces and the prevailing strategy on both sides tending towards counter-force as a result of having fewer, more accurate warheads, projections I've seen are distinctly less than apocalyptic.

>> No.15294524

based and nukepilled

>> No.15294562

I saw in my news feed last month that NASA got a budget increase for the first time in a decade. It's 21.5 billion, just under half a percent of this year's total budget. We spend roughly as much on Social Security in a week. If the US privatized Social Security we could spend ten times as much on space exploration and we'd probably still be in the black.

>> No.15294569

Money is a claim on an energy system. When you understand this, all else follows.

>> No.15294583
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This 100% fucking hell biz is on fire today , everyone is super woke today.

>> No.15294596

Right, you're telling me you get 30% of my salary in income tax? Then when I buy something, anything, anywhere there's an additional 10% tax? Then the company pays another 20% tax on their profit from the sale? When they already paid 10% on their wholesale purchase? That's 70% with welfare globo-homo leeching on every level.

>> No.15294602

Elites are low IQ. We could all be happy and prosper.

>> No.15294605
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Maybe because of this?

>> No.15294607
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it's probably more on things like cars which is why the entire industry is collapsing.
Or why governments keep increasing taxes like fuesl(that is used to move other goods thus an indirect tax even on food).

Shit's fucking insane , i am not sure how much longer this crap can continue this way.

>> No.15294610

The elites know that they're retarded that's why they make our life hell as possible out of fear that some smart educated proles overthrow them.

>> No.15294615
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>Money is a claim on an energy system
curious what you mean by this. elaborate?

>> No.15294617
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Maybe who knows.

>> No.15294639

That's basically it.
Except that when companies buy from their distributors they're VAT exempt.
So it's only you that pays.

>> No.15294649

There are only three drivers of economic expansion: Raw materials, information, and energy. What people crudely refer to as "the economy" is an auto-catalytic network that consumes all three of these inputs to create an unimaginable series of outputs which are then consumed by different parts of the economy to prevent entropic decay. Of course, the economy isn't the thing consuming these things, but rather the economic actors working in various places throughout the network.

Anything which changes the dynamic of energy to material inputs generates excess, which is represented as money. Ergo, money is a claim on an energy system.

>> No.15294691

Only raw materials matter then.
>money is a claim on an energy system
money = raw materials
Raw materials ---> leads to energy ---> leads to information

Raw materials are a catalyst of an energy system.
If I got it right of course.

>> No.15294724

Money is a claim on the energy system specifically because the economy runs on energy more than it runs on raw materials. However, only information changes the dynamic between energy and raw materials. You could argue that this puts information in a position of primacy over the others but in practice, being deficient in any of them hampers development, for what should be obvious reasons if you think about it.

>> No.15294738

> the economy runs on energy more than it runs on raw materials
But how can you create energy without raw materials?

>> No.15294754

Depends on how far you stretch the definition of raw materials, I suppose. Certainly, humans can input energy to a system on their own for a while.

>> No.15294784


Governments introduce regulation which helps prevent disastrous consequences due to an entity whose sole objective is profit.

>> No.15294812

>Certainly, humans can input energy to a system on their own for a while.
If we exclude manual labor and do not consider it as energy in this example then:
To generate energy you need raw materials, to get them you need either to collect them, barter them, or exchange for fiat(gold).
So the catalyst of an energy grid are raw materials running parallel with the catalyst of emerging civilization.

Even if it's just wood and coal.
To get even these examples you need manual labor as said above, thus concluding that manual labor is as an energy for a catalyst for an energy grid and civilization even before money comes into play.

>> No.15294887

Once you spend enough energy on mats or info, you get an excess of money. I guess that at some point it becomes like GPUs mining BTC. Meaning that nobody except huge monopolies over energy generation factories would gain any money at all. Considering the system is just there to enslave everyone within the needs of a chosen few billionaires. Resulting in a world for the profit of whichever posthuman AI controls it. Sounds fucking retarded, but it isn't because the AI wouldn't consider the artifical scarcity as part of its programmed competition. It has no competition. Welcome to the Venus Project

>> No.15295451
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>> No.15295493

It is them. They are milking gentiles dry through exorbitant rent, taxes and inflation

>> No.15295606
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Keep being poor, champ.

>> No.15295775

Oy vey

>> No.15295809

How the fuck does you job pay that bad? I'm in western europe too and the very first job I got after uni was 4400 eur a month. Can afford anything I want, within reason. Already bought a house as a 24 y.o.

>> No.15295818

doesn't have to be one or the other. the welfare class is used by the elites to keep the middle class at a stable level where they can't rise above their station
if you need a single word to qualify both groups in your head, call them parasites. people with a negative net worth on society, leeching resources from those who produce

>> No.15295830

why do people think these kinds of humblebrag posts make them sound anything but retarded? even if you're ignorant, it takes 10 seconds to run a google search for "average salary [country]". you're just broadcasting your incompetence and ergo adding to OP's thesis the game is rigged

>> No.15295855

>a communist on /biz/

you cant make this shit up, get fucked, jew.

>> No.15295883

I'm serious, I'm baffled that there are western european countries where the economy is that bad still.

>> No.15296135

Seeing how dumb the average person is I can't really blame the elites for wanting to get rid of them and live alone desu, I'd do the same

>> No.15296202

Guys you are so nihilistic. I'm in the U.S., son of two frugal immigrant parents who worked their asses off and saved most of their earnings. I'm working on a degree now in hopes of a successful career, because it is entirely possible to achieve.

My parents started with nothing in nigger land and now I'm set to inherit 3 mil from them and already own a house. America is the land of opportunity.

>> No.15296358

I just woke up and the thread is still up

>because put decades of research into figuring out how to get the same energy services for less energy
Not true. Wasteful energy usage is a sign of an abundance of cheap energy and if the ways to produce/utilize it were improved, we'd be much more wasteful than we are now. And the scenario you're specifically describing is known as https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jevons_paradox , which means that you do not get reduced energy usage by improving the delivery system - you get an increased one.

>and we know how to get at the rest of the oil thanks to shale fracking
Ah yes the typical fracking argument that the media fed into your brain to keep you subservient and never question whether the world is about to fall apart tomorrow, causing a mass panic and bumping oil to $500 range once people realize what's actually happening. Love it.

>> No.15296656

Been doing this for 10 years now.
I dont give a damn about being called an incel or mummys boy anymore.

I just dont want to pay rent. That's like burning 500€+ per month that could be saved/invested.

>> No.15296696

Nice Job. Be Stron, fren.

>> No.15296710
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>> No.15296721


>> No.15296731


Pay dem debts.

>> No.15296741


>Yes goy, you should work every day to the bone in order to get ahead!

>> No.15296769


If you're brown enough you can easily just go to Finland and apply for asylum. You'll live here for free for the rest of your life and don't even need to leave, if you don't get asylum, if you say you're from Iraq. They can't forcefully return anyone to Iraq from here because we're cucked as fuck.

>> No.15296778


>> No.15296807

That's why I don't work, I just get neetbux. European countries are so fucked. If you don't have a masters and get to make upper class tier money or come from a wealthy family with inherited real estate already set up for you, then you'll just be a middle class wage cuck forever. Waging for less than 2000 euros a month isn't a life worth living. You get cucked with all kinds of taxes and shit too, because someone has to pay for the shitskins to replace us. Clown world at its finest. So just embrace being a parasite and leeching off free benefits while trading crypto on the side.

>> No.15296813

cringe but unironically

>> No.15296820

you could simply let everyone vote but weigh the votes by iq amd tax bracket

>> No.15296822

I need to read more on this, where can I reach you anon

you sound smart

>> No.15296828

What is your plan for when the neetbux get cut?

>> No.15297031

>All the central banks in the world have an inflation target of 2% for this reason.
because they are unironically owned by (((Them)))/the rothschilds, if it wasn't the case you would think there would be at least a few countries trying different monetary policies to not cuck their citizens, but nope, it's the same inflationary scam everywhere to keep everyone poor and rentslaves for life

>> No.15297049

>Deflation is death to the system that they've created.
deflation causes money to be pulled from expansion innovation investments.
it kills the economy over time. when finally the decreased economy resulting in great scarcity of essential products hyperinflation hits. and things become even worse.

deflation is not the big bad boogeyman of economists for no reason. you can shove your gold up your ass or get half a loaf of bread for it when the population is starving.

>> No.15297053

Holy sheit. So happy that im from Norway. 1200 is my weekly wage.

>> No.15297074

that's comfy how is rent?

>> No.15297089

Just bought an 650k apartment. I pay 3-400 a month I guess.

>> No.15297144
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>this fucking thread
how do you guys not feel depressed af? I want my blue pills back, give them right now

>> No.15297167

Inflation exists to destroy gov debt. Gov debt exists because of overspending on welfare. Central Banks are trying to bail out welfare bums by printing money.

>> No.15297190

Which part Hurt your feels?

>> No.15297279

> then it doesn't happen and we all die
> "bu.. but... projections told me..."
Problem with nuke is always the fallout

Nasa should be erased, i'm speaking about a serious global full scale program.

>> No.15297326

>Buy second hand car on plan
>Car big enough to live in (look up DIY and where you can legally park during the days/nights)
>leave appartment once car set up to live inside
>monthly costs for car minimal
>Gym membership for workout + shower
>laundry stores for laundry
>find mobile data plan for unlimited data use (if I can get one in NZ im sure a eurofag can too)
>monthly savings +++
>massive profits

>> No.15297346

im a eurofaggot and make 6k USD a month and I barely work 2-3 hours a day. it took me years and years of suffering to get to this point though. but now I can go full boomer laugh at and look down on you poorfags who whine about muh bed economy. have you faggots tried a firm handshake and knocking on doors? I bet you lazy millennials havent. feels really good to join the boomer class desu

>> No.15297386

Try to earn in XMR? If this started catching on it would accelerate pretty fast.

>> No.15297390

living in your car isnt allowed in most parts of europe...

there is no escape here.

>> No.15297451

you mean returned, right? it's not different from any peasant hut except it doubles as a carriage

>> No.15297484

I got many of these concepts from this book (never published) https://archive.li/rT0yq..

>> No.15297521

thanks a lot if u have any twitter handles to reccomend go ahead, I am collecting to better adapt to the acceleration once we hit the spead of light

>> No.15297541

This system has to change, so money have to follow the system, not the opposite.

Toward centuries nations adapted to different routes, sometimes they made economic disasters to achieve greater targets, but nevermind.

Today we're so scared to change the financial ecosystem that we prefer to destroy natural environment, even when everyone knows that this will bring mankind to death.

>> No.15297551

Read your Cultstate.

It hasn't yet brought mankind to death. Reports of us accidentally microwaving Earth are greatly exaggerated.

>> No.15297619


oh wow, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about and most definitely never seen how things work higher up in the hierarchy.
I wish i was still 14 and a believer

>> No.15297648

I like to stay in 1980 too, but we have to change, there's not a lot of options left.

You're free to believe that american empire will last forever and nuclear war won't be a big problem, but this is just delusional.

>> No.15297656

hello JIDF-kun, did those palestinian kids throw stones at your wall again? please don't go after them with tanks this time, Abrams shells are expensive

>> No.15297675

There are a lot of options, from carbon skimming to biosphere regulation to full-on geoscaping. DYOR. People who say there are no options are FUDsters relying on your lack of knowledge to compel you to their own ends.

>> No.15297685

buy LINK

>> No.15297714

I mean options to solve:

I'm not telling you that you've to become a commie, but something has to be done.

>> No.15297727

Pollution is a result of inefficient production techniques. Overpopulation is a result of lagging food production & distribution technology. Neither of which require any more change other than improving technology.

>> No.15297774

So pollution and overpopulation are not a problem.

The world is doing just fine, financial world is not fucked, there's no crysis, ai won't steal jobs but create new ones, liberist model can go on since it's perfect and based on solid facts.


>> No.15297788

Great read so far, anyone care to create a new one since we hit bump limit?

>> No.15297802

There might be a crisis, but financial crises are just in our heads. Besides, I'm talking about change; overpopulation and pollution are problems to be solved, to be sure. I don't advocate the change you want to see because I'm not a commie fuckhead who desires a more direct enslavement of the populace disguised as problem-solving.

>> No.15297850

I didn't point at a solution or at some fucked hippy rainbow lgbt system.

Consider this as a change of paradigm, like mercantilism in 16th century.
We will change because we have to, and there are a lot of ways to have a change.

Feel free to imagine your change, without denying actual problems or trying to extend the actual paradigm with some new tech meme.

>> No.15297880
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This is how I feel about weekends.

All the wageslaves take their mandated two days off which they promptly spend on flushing away all of the savings they accumulated while working the rest of the week, so that they can begin the cycle again next week.

I see it more as two day's worth of get-ahead time that I can spend doing actually productive things. One evening's worth of rest is enough for me - the challenge is to not to succumb to societal norms and goof off on the weekends like other people do.

Is this the wrong way to look at it?

>> No.15297988

Tech "memes" are the only thing which exist, anon. We have been trying to extricate ourselves from a technology trap for 50,000 years.

>> No.15298076

During mercantilism tech research was applied to naval engineering, mapping and exploring the unexplored globe.
It didn't stop, it was focused on new problems, following a wider purpose.
Money too.

Now there's a lot of tech more, but we lack of greater purposes.

>> No.15298105

>overthrow old elite (nobles, church, colonialists) in “““people’s””” revolution
>new elite (communist party, military dictatorship, bankers) takes its place
Imagine being so deluded that you think that (((revolutions))) do anything but shift power from one group of elite interests to another group of elite interests. 99.9% of “revolutions” are just major powers funding local opportunists and warmongers to fuck over other major powers in a proxy war.

>> No.15298300
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>> No.15298372

Yes, no one cares about your germancuck problems anymore.

>> No.15298551

Implying he will get hired without a working visa or green card