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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15266765 No.15266765 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.15266820

Just checked, it's actually real this time. Another 700k LMAO

>> No.15266846

>$1.67 million dumped in seconds
damage control in 3... 2...

>> No.15266877


>> No.15266885

>dopamine running low
>curtains closed
>vitamin d depleted
>feeling the depression coming on
>"w-we're going to be rich a-arent we??"
>breathe a sigh of relief
>other anons are reassuring you you're going to make it
>ten minutes pass
>the feeling has worn off
>time to make another thread
>"link price prediction thread"
>yeah that's nice... look at all those numbers
>put all the posted numbers and multiply them with your stack
>haha wow, thats a lot of money
>imagine what all you could do with that money
>maybe i'll finally have sex...
>sun peeks through the curtains
>you hear your parents waking up
>hehe, fucking wagies
>the depression comes back
>the dopamine rushes dont last as long as they used to
>time to make another thread
>"is 300 link enough to make it?"

>> No.15266907
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>> No.15266925
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So funny to watch sirgay dump on his own retarded hodlers

>> No.15266927


>> No.15266936

40 million left to dump on all you idiots

>> No.15266937

This shit would literally be at 15 to 20 USD if devs weren't dumping so hard. Hope they all fucking die

>> No.15266952
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>> No.15266975
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>> No.15266998

it's all so tiresome

>> No.15266999
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not again sergey

>> No.15267011
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They're going to dump through the summit.

>> No.15267031
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MOAB partnership confirmed

>> No.15267033

keep telling yourself that. Or actually read the fucking etherscan you idiots. Deflationary crypto is smarter than LINK

>> No.15267038

imagine wasting years of your life wage slaving to accumulate a 100k stack and then this guy, who got 32 million dollars in ETH, still printed 650M tokens for himself FOR FREE and is dumping by the million per month.

IMAGINE giving your hard earned money to someone who printed 1000 TIMES WHAT YOU HOLD, FOR FREE AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.15267044

based and dubspilled

>> No.15267054

lol the fact that they keep dumping only when the price increases is sketchy as fuck.

If they were actually selling to OTC buyers like swift they wouldn't be doing this.

This seems scammy as fuck. More scammy then MOAB

>> No.15267069

>another day of dumping on retarded linkers

Based & bagholdingpilled

>> No.15267070

>They're going to dump through the summit.
why do you think there's a link presentation in the first place?

>> No.15267080
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>> No.15267081
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did you predict your digits or are you to stupid to know what trips are?
I am so fucking confused right now

>> No.15267096

>sir gay
>big brain
>people paying for his bags that he printed out of thin air
>no brain

Dare I say, he's our slavjeet.

>> No.15267110

I accidentally said dubs instead of trips.

>> No.15267145

Stop fudding!

>> No.15267203
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>> No.15267229
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Is Sergey a genius? He has made so much money dumping link he never has to work again, and he has /biz/ to thank for it all, man I wish I was smart enough to come up with a scam like that.

>> No.15267296
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>> No.15267344

Buy the dip linkies. Lel.

>> No.15267348

g-guys trust me this is b-bullish

>> No.15267378

This. I would have much more faith were it at regular intervals but not a single sale has come in a dump and in fact dumps see delays in the sending of tokens.

This and the MOAB shit is genuinely worrying.

>> No.15267397
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>> No.15267413

That's it. Everyone start commenting on the transaction to let him know this exit scamming is so not cool.

>> No.15267488

>3 days before the summit
Do they not have an ounce of shame? Can we confront Sergey about this shit at web3?

>> No.15267502

thank you sergey. just bought another 1k linkies with that dip

>> No.15267520

When confronted previously thomas just said they're "derisking". Which was the answer i didn't want to hear.

>> No.15267535

they got no trust in it if the originator loses trust most coins are dead

>> No.15267540


>> No.15267559


>> No.15267584
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The concerns have been shared with the relevant parties. Consider that not every whim of the community will inform the actions of the team.

Please look at this picture of myself with my kitty to distract yourself from the Binance dumps.

>> No.15267601
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>still holding when theres 40m more link to dump

>> No.15267607

Nobody said shit about derisking you shameless degenerate

>> No.15267634

For fucks sake. I'm so fucking tired of us sitting at $2.40 because of shit like this. I hope the summit at least pumps us some more.

>> No.15267647

It was literally in trufflecon

>> No.15267650

Silver lining is I'd rather he dump his fat loads on us now and not when LINK's $10+

>> No.15267660

he seems to dump it everytime the price rises wtf

>> No.15267664


Go find it yourself, i was watching it at the time.

>> No.15267688


>> No.15267705
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x1415, 4E00F5D7-1898-4E7B-9D95-1BF39F1E4A8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time... to die

>> No.15267742

>imagine wasting years of your life wage slaving to accumulate a 100k stack and then this guy, who got 32 million dollars in ETH, still printed 650M tokens for himself FOR FREE and is dumping by the million per month.

>IMAGINE giving your hard earned money to someone who printed 1000 TIMES WHAT YOU HOLD, FOR FREE AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

So the US government basically

>> No.15267746 [DELETED] 

HAHAHA yeah no it did you newfag fuckhead

>> No.15267752

Not every time. We were sitting at 2.40-2.50 for awhile, then BTC dumped and brought us down with it, and now that we've pumped back up they've dumped. They do not dump every time we pump.

>> No.15267768

you fucking idiots when do you realize link is a scam. sergey and crew are going to moon with their lambo and you stay poor. get the fuck out and buy btc since it's raising again..

>> No.15267769
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HAHAHA yeah no they didnt you newfag fuckhead

>> No.15267771
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You guys don’t even realise how bad it really is...
Do you ACTUALLY think there’s enough real volume to absorb these dumps? The kind of buy orders that can eat through a 2 million dollar dump is the kind of smart money that knows these tokens are being dumped so why would they buy until the price has bottomed? Every die hard stinky is already all in so who’s relentlessly buying these dumps? It’s Sergey himself.
You see he transfers 700k to binance, price drops 1-2% and you think “heh that wasn’t so bad, we’ve got tons of buying pressure supporting the price above 2 dollars” but you dont realise is that 650k of that 700k was wash traded and like 50k or some other small amount was actually dumped. This keeps happening until all the little minnows have bought dumped coins and then it’s on to the next batch and the next batch. This coin will slowly bleed for months because sergey knows if he blows his load all at once the price will crater.

>> No.15267778


hahaha imagine if sergay sent the pajeets behind MOAB 700k because he thought they were a legit token with a real usecase hahaha

>> No.15267797

It's not in there brainlet.

>> No.15267802

This actually makes sense, are there movements out of binance back to one of his wallets or does he just hold there?

>> No.15267819

what was >>15267777 ?

>> No.15267856

serg and link dont have the copy right to smart contracts. This shit is gonna be worthless.

>> No.15267893

no copy rights. This is gonna be worthless. This guy will actually serve prison time with the feds.

>> No.15267919

no copy rights.

>> No.15267929

laziest fud. you think we haven't watched this?

>> No.15267952

Apparently not

>> No.15268013
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>> No.15268045
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You didn't deserve quads
>700k Market buy 15mins ago

>> No.15268127
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Your neckbearded ''savior'' doesn't give a fuck about you

>> No.15268141

Why are they being so sneaky too - 700k, then splits to another address, then again...

150k to Binance

>> No.15268210

They aren’t selling it, newfags. You haven’t been paying attention. If you knew the truth you would be all in.

>> No.15268222

First my dad raped me and now 0xdad does it again

>> No.15268223


>> No.15268476

you're terrible at this. pack it in.

>> No.15268494

It would nice if team would warn us before they dumped 700k.. it should be mandatory... like... like a slow wallet... similar to RSR

>> No.15268550

Find me the bit of that video where he doesn't say it.

>> No.15268604

They will send 700k per day until the pump has been nullified.

>> No.15268723
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>> No.15268844
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>> No.15268909
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my linkies stay super stinkie 1000k EOY

>> No.15268996
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>> No.15269104
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>trusting a coin to have the buyer's best interests when the founder hold 70% of the shit tokens

>> No.15269160
File: 13 KB, 272x204, 8E916225-1E70-4C55-ADA4-AC3193844D1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who’s relentlessly buying these dumps? It’s Sergey himself.
You see he transfers 700k to binance, price drops 1-2% and you think “heh that wasn’t so bad, we’ve got tons of buying pressure supporting the price above 2 dollars” but you dont realise is that 650k of that 700k was wash traded and like 50k or some other small amount was actually dumped.

I think this is basically what I found out when I scanned through all the bulky and regular Binance wallet outputs, sometimes to the same wallets (very sloppy Sergey). Obviously there wasn’t a massive fucking sell order for 700k, like some dumb linkies thought might happen. The obvious thing is that institutional sales are not happening. The funding excuse makes no sense either. Nobody knows what Chainlink are doing with money (they’re paying for promotions and lining their pockets with NEET dollars). Nothing about this fake company makes any sense. Not even from a technical standpoint regarding the Chainlink network.

People can’t believe something is a scam, due to the fact they may have made money from it. A scam doesn’t need to be a quick money grab, some of them can continue for decades like Bernie Madoff’s. Some of them can be very high profile and impressive sounding, like Theranos. Chainlink is a babby compared to these. An ERC printed token that took around a week to make, a handful of nobodies acting as employees. Just another 2017 leftover that hasn’t been finished yet. All this is aided by the fact that most LINK holders are underage or borderline retarded. Almost none of them even know what blockchain or Ethereum are.

>> No.15269289

lol alright you win

>> No.15269313

Another node operator will be announced tomorrow, lads

>> No.15269328
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a lot of nolinkers and fudders will hang from the rope after web3

a few more anons will become millionaires, euphoria will flow again
cap this

>> No.15269644

Uh huh. Ok, newfag.

>> No.15270298
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theyre giving us time to accumulate more baggage before the final moon mission. be thankful of sergey and his disciples.

>> No.15270349

Why wouldn't they dump lol. It's still overpriced as fuck and especially when it was $4.

>> No.15270388

imagine the outrage if they started dumping at $20 and it went down to $10. or did you just think they'd hold their 650million tokens forever?

>> No.15270471

you realize the team has enough tokens to dump 700k a week FOR 20 YEARS STRAIT right? Those 700k dumps are literarily not stopping for another 20 years.

>> No.15270495


>> No.15270522
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>> No.15270650
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Is this even legal at this point? Can't we engage in a class action lawsuit for exit scamming or something?
It surely can't be that easy. He literally just have to make a click to win 1.65M everytime and whenever it please him.
He can't get away with it, it's our fucking money he's cashing out ffs.

>> No.15270679

When they raised money and kept it in link wtf did you think would happen? That they would just magically convert them to dollars with infinite liquidity? The absolute fucking state

>> No.15271132
