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15267315 No.15267315 [Reply] [Original]

The volatility of crypto in USD makes it unattractive and not stable to be used as a currency.

Anons to provide insight?

Also because of volatility, how can crypto be a store of value if it fluctuates so greatly on a daily basis?

>> No.15267443
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>all other threads fapping to brappers or shilling shitcoins

Come on /biz, show me this place isn’t just infested with pajeets and kikes

>> No.15267468
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>world ruled by banking cabals
>spics niggers and jews ruining the planet

>> No.15268052
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>no one engaging in my thread.

>> No.15268198

Bitcoin will be less susceptible to that wild volatility as its market cap grows ($.18t) . Until it stabilizes, the volatility is going to be great for anyone who buys in.

>> No.15268304

It's volotile because market cap will plataue in the trillions. The high growth rate makes price discovery on the way to that market cap difficult and therefore volotile

>> No.15268343
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The growth rate justifies the volatility. The Sharpe ratio is higher than stocks or bonds. This is including the 80% crash

>> No.15268350
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Absolute disgrace

>> No.15268355
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A day will come where people laugh at the idea of volatility in btc price.

>> No.15268361
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It’s infested alright
The message needs to keep being repeated though

>> No.15268472

Currencies are horrible stores of value. What makes BTC great is it's scarcity and low inflation. Transparency and security are also unique to an asset like this. BTC is a swiss bank account that no one can take from you. BTC is bought every single day in places like Argentina, Zimbabwe, Hong Kong and Venezuela by smart people trying to protect savings from inflation. You think BTC is volatile? Against the dollar, yes. Not against the Bolivar or peso, BTC always goes up against a lot of currencies. BTC is a retirement fund for smart wagecucks. Fuck being a currency, BTC will be part of every countries reserves or part of their basket to back-up a currency if we ever leave fiat only behind.
BTC is a horrible currency for our society because we want to spend and invest our $ at exponential rates. Those same central banks are why BTC goes up VS $ in every 4 year span. BTC cuts the supply and the Fed prints the demand, tokenomics bro.

>> No.15268539
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Chekked for truth
>can you feel it?

>> No.15268613
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SOV doesn't mean it will always goes up and there is never downwards volatility, that's just a shitcoiner or nocoiner strawman attempt (mainly from reddit mETH heads who are salty that their flippening flopped so badly). It's a sov for people with low time preference, and the network effect for that use case is just getting started. It has excellent properties that will make it a good sov long term relative to anything else.

free ebook: https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=7D394651158ABC9470CBCCE538FAAA49


>> No.15268615
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>BTC is a horrible currency for our society because we want to spend and invest our $ at exponential rates.
The concept of a $ will become extinct soon enough.
Printing currency and producing value are not the same thing. It used to be that they were correlated but that was before clown world really took over
At this point it’s becoming disgraceful

>> No.15268709
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Volatility is due to the network effect still being pretty small and early days relative to its potential, eventually it can even out with a more gradual increase in purchasing power like gold has.

Some normies have a hard time believing it, but it is possible to have a stable economy that doesn't act like a giant cocaine addicted ponzi like we presently have under the keynesian economic order.

another excellent free ebook or audiobook: https://mises.org/library/what-has-government-done-our-money

>> No.15268803

>giant cocaine addicted ponzi
you just described the entire crypto market. literally no different from penny stock gambling

>> No.15268808

It's not a currency because you don't want to spend it and no one has to collect it to pay tax liabilities... it's only a store of value as long as you can keep convincing more and more idiots it is, it can become totally worthless at any moment.

Anon, he's a lunatic goldbug... digital tokens created via fiat aren't part of the "full reserve" ideology

>> No.15269407

I hope you're right
maybe about 80% similarities but Crypto is way more transparent. When I invest in some ico, smart contract or deflationary crypto, I look up the etherscan so I can see when it was created and how many wallets own what. When someone posted here Sergey was dumping I thought it was FUD until I checked the etherscans. Gold, stocks and derivatives aren't anything close to crypto in terms of transparency and accessibility.

>> No.15269466

I suggest you looking at reserves RSR on how it's mechanism works to help maintain RSV at $1. Their whole project is aimed at being a stable store of value

>> No.15269719

Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency ever in the history of mankind.

It has historical value, and its value will only increase overtime as more and more bitcoins are permanently lost

>> No.15269888

For those who think its historical value makes it worth buying, is it any better to get a whole one rather than a small fraction of one?

>> No.15270425

RSR? The crypto with 4 billion circulating supply and 100 billion max? You think this is going to moon? Let's hope the team use this stack wisely.
"55.75% of total tokens are held by the project, locked. They are stored in a smart contract referred to as the "slow wallet." Slow wallet tokens are locked, and can only be withdrawn with a one-month delay, visible on-chain, including a message from the team explaining the reason for the withdrawal. We designed this mechanism to give the project the ability to release tokens for fundraising and other purposes in the future if needed, while allowing the community time to learn about any further releases well before any new tokens enter circulation. The slow wallet is deployed here: https://etherscan.io/address/0x4903dc97816f99410e8dfff51149fa4c3cdad1b8#code"

I bet it is. Humans prefer whole numbers, we're strange

>> No.15270484

pls buy mobius sirs

>> No.15270540

its a little shocking its following the dow jones despair as of now, even silver, SILVER ffs is doing better for once. own both if u can, your retarded not to desu, but pm = xrp price during the last last bull run. up untill now. get ready anons! may it be months, stock up on basic needs, shitting paper, water, gas, food...

>> No.15270600

I'd argue the fact that you shouldn't look at volatility but rather at the underlying fundamentals at both fiat and crypto, in the long run, the one which becomes widely used will be that of sound nature.

In my opinion crypto has a good underlying structure (free from manipulation) but poor adoptability, so the gamble is whether society crumbles under totalitarianism or crypto being the potential savior to enforce a sovereign world

>> No.15270948
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The real store of value will be a stablecoin. Bitcoin will go up but will always fluctuate proportional to current demand.

>> No.15270976

Volatility is just a function of liquidity. If something is scarce it can be used as a store of value, period.

>> No.15270992

That's what algorithmic stablecoins are for, like dai.
The idea of crypto as a store of value is dead

>> No.15271200
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Ah yes, OP here and back to my thread. Glad people bumped it and engaged. Reading now frens

>> No.15271219
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Insightful, thanks fren

>> No.15271260

Most of the value of crypto is a bubble based on that false assumption.
But if something is not desirable to begin with, its scarcity counts for nothing.

>> No.15271261
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More info on tokenomics?
Also insightful. This thread is giving me hope again in /biz.

I detest the brappers and shill threads of vaporwave shitcoin.

Blockchain tech blows my mind, crypto only one application.

>> No.15271306

Couldn't the same be said or any other bubble at the time?

>> No.15271308
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>me reading the creature from Jekyll island

I feel you bro.

>> No.15271379
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More info on this. I can’t stay and
Bump my own thread.

Keep this thread going lads, I want more discussion for me to read tomorrow. If not I’ll create another thread tomorrow to continue it with my new frens

>> No.15271394
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Nice brapper

But, reject degeneracy

>> No.15271732

only true SoV is land and its resources, factories and big real state and they all belong to mega groups which you will never be part of

>> No.15271750

>pls buy my worthless bags, they're the first of their kind

>> No.15271801

You guys are dense. One saying cryptos as a SOV is dead and the other saying stablecoins are the real stores of value? Holy shit. Please put all your money DAI and pray for moon. Dumbfucks.
BTC justifies itself every 4 years. Zoom out and you'll understand why BTC isn't just a bubble.
Those things are being bought by the chinese govt and corps with all the yuan they print.

>> No.15271804

>Please put all your money DAI and pray for moon
the whole point of store of value is that neither dump nor moon is possible

>> No.15271811

No one cares what you sat when BTC keeps going up. Keep getting 10-30% returns. My BTC went 3x in the last 8 months and everyone acts like it's dead.

>> No.15271846

The goal for me is to gain value were I keep my wealth. You're different, I guess.
Why do you think Gold is a SOV, because they expect it to stay the same? Maybe BTC is bad as a short term SOV but over every 4 year span it does well enough. "A store of value is an asset that maintains its value without depreciating." From investopedia

>> No.15271854

This guy thinks the goal of investing is to stay the even. Just buy LINK

>> No.15271873

volatility will stop when we mine 90% of all coins and marketcap passes gold at 9 trillion dollars

>> No.15271889

just to situate yourself:
we are at 85% total mined
and 200bil market cap point

>> No.15271908

>The goal for me is to gain value were I keep my wealth
wait, where do you thin that value is coming from?

>> No.15271924

why would volatility stop when mining slows down?

>> No.15272195

How do you think this works? Value comes from the last trade between a buyer and seller of BTC. That's the current price of BTC in USD.
The new supply from miners putting selling pressure will be less and those new coins will be less important being a smaller % of the BTC in circulation. Volatility can be lowered from higher volume, increasing % of supply in circulation, many different things but I don't see it happening soon.

>> No.15272289

>the whole point of store of value is that neither dump nor moon is possible

>> No.15272392

Then just keep $ in a CD or ALLY account you dumbfuck. The 2% will keep you even with inflation, you'll be liquid and tax free in a savings account.
>store of value shouldn't go up or down
you guys are the greatest investors of our time. >You went all in on stablecoins in 2019, when no one else did. You knew what the market didn't and stablecoins became the next BTC.
These guys think BTC sucks as a store of value because it's value goes up too much? I'm taking crazy pills right? Biz loves Link and stablecoins now.

>> No.15272410

how are you not a pajeet yourself? you're asking questions that have been answered since 2013-2014, and the solutions have been live since 2016
(hint: it's stablecoins, dummy)
the real "problem" with crypto lies with most of you being high time preference zoomers hoping to dump on a greater fool. crypto unironically works, mindsets just take longer to change

>> No.15272539

An investment and a store of value are two different things anon but keep calling me a dumbfuck even tho you're the one who is retarded.

>> No.15272545

>Why do you think Gold is a SOV
why do you think it is? because boomer goldbugs told you? It's absolutely atrocious as a sov.
Sov is not an investment, an investment is an investment. These are two separate things.

>> No.15272614

Everything is a sov. If I make a living farming shrimp I can store excess shrimp to store my value. Problem is shrimp is hard to store so I trade it for something that doesn't rot or depreciate.

>> No.15272633

everything is a sov for itself.
What do you need bitcoin for?
Not for paying, as that transports bitcoin, you would have to consume it somehow.
Gold can be used to make jewelry or in industry I guess.

>> No.15272726

The price of gold is not derived from industrial application. The demand is mainly because it's considered as a better sov than shrimp but still most wealth is not kept in gold but on corruptible central ledgers. The only purpose of Bitcoin is to provide a public ledger where you can register transactions without a central authority. This turns out to be in high demand.

>> No.15272733
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majority of demand is for utility

>> No.15272792

lol get rekt

>> No.15272861

If price was based on industrial utility it would rise with economic growth instead of the other way around.

>> No.15273859

Being a slow bubble doesn't mean BTC isn't a bubble!
It's not as good for transactions as people thought, because it's too slow and likely to get slower. And it's only a good store of value as long as people think it's a good store of value. When (not if) people realise it isn't, it won't be.

Is everyone familiar with the story of The Emperor's New Clothes?

>> No.15274490

>It has historical value, and its value will only increase overtime as more and more bitcoins are permanently lost
Since I replied to this I've thought of something else:
Does a live Bitcoin hold any more historical value than a spent one?

>> No.15275173
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>BTC is a swiss bank account that no one can take from you.
BTC is a bad store of value because of its transparency. Nobody should know your wealth for your own safety.

>> No.15275188

You called lord bog?

>> No.15275573
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bog means god in slavic languages. But Rothshilds are devils.

>> No.15276392

>How do you think this works? Value comes from the last trade between a buyer and seller of BTC
that's just the price. I mean how it's going up despite you or the system not creating anything of tangible value, ie anything anybody outside the system wants.
financial bubbles are practically defined by the market price of something not reflecting the utility of the underlying asset.

>> No.15277343
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OP here, glad to see my thread wasn’t slid by meme threads.

Reading now.

>> No.15277374
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> 1 post
Fuck of kike, go masturbate to some porn

>> No.15277728
File: 152 KB, 764x551, 84C9A24B-BE03-4A15-A035-A04AFACFC72D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be depressed, suicidal xanax-addicted incel
>one day I go to my /aq/fag uncle's house for some shit
>he has pet shrimp, never seen anything like it before
>he offers to get me some
>throw them in a barely cycled tank with some shitty rock
>several shrimp die
>realize that I killed them with my apathy
>realize I need to take responsibility for once in my life
>do research, learn about water parameters and so on
>eventually I have a beautiful planted tank with no more deaths
>notice a female shrimp carrying eggs
>haven't felt this excited about anything in almost a decade
>the eggs disappear and I once again think I fucked up
>a few days later I see a tiny transparent baby shrimp
>I suddenly know how the shepherds felt as they gazed upon the newborn Jesus
>by this point I live and breathe shrimp
>all my spare time is spent on shrimp research and watching shrimp videos
>I spend most of the money I had saved from my last job on shrimp products
>quit the Xanax to support shrimp spending
>start putting effort into college in hope of getting a good job for my shrimp
>grades improve, no longer facing the prospect of dropping out
>relationship with parents improves since I am finally passionate about something and applying myself
>I see genuine happiness in their eyes when I talk excitedly about my shrimp
>for my birthday my mom makes me a shrimp cake
>it even has fondant legs and little chocolate eggs
>cry like a little bitch when I see it
>mom hugs me and tells me she's always been proud of me
>college dorm neighbours demand to see my shrimp
>shit they're gonna think I'm autistic
>they actually think my shrimp are really cool
>they start inviting me to their social events
>start interacting with girls, get told by girls for the first time in my life that I'm fun and smart
>I think my shrimp would be proud of me if they knew
We're gonna make it bros. Even if you can't do it for yourself, do it for the animals that depend on you.

>> No.15278028

Well that's a nice feel good story for once lol

>> No.15278057
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>gold to be used to make jewelry

>> No.15278597

Isn’t the point of a stable coin similar to digital currency registered on a blockchain?

>> No.15279202
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OP's gif
>pic related
>get your hands off my penis

>> No.15279402

this is adorable :))