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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 589x340, fake_news_crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15264433 No.15264433 [Reply] [Original]

>fake news crashes the economy
>people blame Trump
Not cool fake news

>> No.15264460

>It's real
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15264463

>economy good
thanks obama!
>economy bad

>> No.15264466


>> No.15264471

Too bad literally nothing changes until the admin follows through on their promise of gold destroying the FED.
Still, accumulate PMs and transfer gains to BTC after altseason.

>> No.15264483

>tfw I can crash murrica's economy by simply posting fake news on the internet

Feels great

>> No.15264482

>Trump blames everyone else for his mistakes
So what you're saying is: nothing has changed?
Thanks for the update OP

>> No.15264495

More like trump took credit for the economy proudly and willingly, you gaslighting retard.

>> No.15264497

"i am an orange clown and the kikes have complete control over me, otherwise they'll release my Epestein tapes fucking children"

>> No.15264521

someone with fucking sense

They're all puppets, no exceptions

>> No.15264530

Stalwarts, you're doing great work in this thread. Keep up the good work and don't forget to update the keynotes.

>> No.15264551

Why the fuck is this clueless retard still in office

What the fuck is wrong with people, he doesnt know what hes doing. At all.

>> No.15264555
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>> No.15264572
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>obama turns the economy around
>trump takes credit for it and the economy start a downturn 2 years into office like everyone with a brain expected, because Trump has the knowledge of a 3rd grader
oh wow shocking

>> No.15264590

please release the tapes.. I want the tapes.

>> No.15264594

that's what happen when you put a retarded conman in charge

>> No.15264599
File: 229 KB, 960x725, obama2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 bucks to whoever can guess what these 2 charts are going to look like in a few years.

>> No.15264633

The US economy is stronger then any other major economy out there yet the media is shilling doom and gloom.

>> No.15264655

media are corporate assets
corporate assets have been dumping large holdings to pump PMs for quite some time now
obviously, corporate entities are deploying their media assets to pump PMs.
learn to take advantage of trends.

>> No.15264792
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>posting fake news
I fixed your graphs, dumb librul.

>> No.15264821

No one is looking at jobs vs how amazon similarly structured businesses are diversifying.

>> No.15264954


>> No.15264965

>Fed raises rates soon as Tdog gets elected
>Crashes economy, forced to later lower rates

>> No.15265006

Ah yes, the Obama economic plan that required Trump to win to pull off.

>> No.15265034

>Obama raising national debt more than all previous presidents combined (20 Trillion)
>Obama never getting a single quarter above 2% GDP
>Obama having .25% FED interest rates for 7 of his 8 years in office
>Billions in bank """bailouts"""
>Millions more on foodstamps and unemployed, tried to destroy American steel/coal industry

You're either a shill or plain old dumbass. Obama took a wrecking ball to the US's economy and debt, Trump whether you like him or not single handedly saved it. In spite of a (((FED))) which is raising interest rates and fucking the common man in the ass

>> No.15265109

As long as we're being stupid, I should point out the reversal happened when Republicans took the house.

>> No.15265197
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>>Obama never getting a single quarter above 2% GDP
>Obama took a wrecking ball to the US's economy and debt, Trump whether you like him or not single handedly saved it
Imagine being so brainwashed you actually think this.

>> No.15266161

>2 years into presidency

come on this shit was plausible 1 1/2 year ago

>> No.15266225
File: 73 KB, 700x660, 7AB5CE67-EA63-4E0C-BF6B-9E847F4B42FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obongos legacy
Fuck off nigger

>> No.15266271
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Obamas legacy is unironically the surveillance state, the drone war, and widespread violence in the streets

>> No.15266294

It's really the FED that is dictating the direction of most if not all the markets. The USD is still the world reserve currency, but some countries are tired of it. Trump is literally trying to bring workers back to America, but it's still much cheaper to produce overseas. The problem with that is slave labor and those other countries not having a strong currency themselves. The US dollar has a lot of faith backing it up. If the US were to dissolve, it would hurt so many countries who haven't got a backup plan in place to counter the devaluing of their currency. Socialising the economy greatly affects the value whether good or bad.

Stocks went up during Obama's terms because where else were people going to pile their money into without going under.

It was under Obama when smart phones and peer to peer services like Uber and Grubhub came out. Everything boomed under Obama, but that was because of advances in e-commerce. Had nothing to do with Obama, but the innovating products produced by big companies like Amazon.

>> No.15266311
File: 29 KB, 592x268, TRUMP_AUG082019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Trump is at war with the fed trying get them to cut rates. If he had his way it would be zero

>> No.15266324

Obama and Trump are literally the same. Trump just had the misfortune of being elected president when the inflated assets from stimulus money and printing
popped. Not even leftists defend Obama anymore. They see him as a neoliberal that didn't help with massive student debt and low stagnant wages

>> No.15266355

Obama would have done the same thing, you're delusional if you think he wouldn't have. Politicians are trying to save their careers and if they can post pone their recession and pin it on the next guy they would.

>> No.15266378

I'm not defending Obama, but in term of interest rate policy his legacy lives on

>> No.15266379

>trumptards trying to pretend like 2007 recession didn't need a shit load of liquidity pumped into banks by the fed to prevent a worse recession.
>Trumptards think the growth fueled by a massive tax cut is gonna last (its not)
You guys are fucking delusional

>> No.15266388

He writes like a spastic.

>> No.15266417

>Democucks unironically defending bailing out bad investments, broken corporations, and banks now

How the times have changed

>> No.15266431

His policy is the same as Trump's. Perpetuate deficit spending, growth of government, borrowing, and significantly low interest rates to artificially inflate asset prices. Obama was just lucky enough to be out of office before it blew up in his face. It's a game of hot potato.

>> No.15266470

>I'm not a bad leader waging a pointless trade war, it's the people without geopolitical power who are crashing the economy and ruining the country
FUCKING KEK I love this guy.

>> No.15266490

The boomers took a payday loan from the fed that their grandkids will be forced to deal with. Trump best bet is to pump and dump the US economy by buying shitloads of goods and military assets while cutting taxes and allowing americans to save. When the recession hits he will default on the debt and say "You'll get half or nothing" while pinning us to a gold standard.

>> No.15266524


>Obama saved the economy
> Not the fed dropping rates to zero and buying bonds at a premium

Face it obums, the fed gave you everything on a platter ( probably because they didn't trust negroid leadership) and he still fucked it up by going full socialist retarded

>> No.15266561
File: 170 KB, 538x480, 1555210925905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conveniently shifting obama's line back a year to make it look like Fed raised it as soon as trump got into office
Last I checked Fed was saying the market was strong enough to start raising rates at the end of 2015, implementing them on Jan of 2016. Last I checked trump wasn't in office until 2017. Last I checked the "low iq, know nothing" Fed chair Powell, who apparently is ruining everything according to trump, was nominated by trump.
As we head in to this recession, just remember "trade wars are good and easy to win".

>> No.15266886


Obama simply had the measurement changed. Anyone who was either working at least 1 hour a week or stopped looking for work was suddenly no longer unemployed.

>> No.15267108

>the numbers were wrong now
>they're right now
I feel like this whole thread is just a extension of this shitheads administration talking heads

>> No.15267486

This is what the right thinks the left thinks

>> No.15267572

I love how people like you talk like you know what Trump will do

>> No.15267641

>Trump campaigns on the fed rates being too low
>fires yellen, puts a rates hawk in power, turbocharges the economy with tax cuts
>fed raises rates
>waaaaaah the fed is sabotaging my presidency

>> No.15267657

The economy is probably gonna tank if Trump gets re-elected but it's not because he is doing anything wrong. It's because China has been standing their ground and will probably continue to do so for the next term. If Chine gives in o trade they will never be able to overturn the deal and they'll be stuck for decades with whatever is agreed upon, whereas if they stall for another 4 years, whenever the next establishment puppet gets into office, China will have it their way again.
It's just a game o chicken and the economy will collapse because of it.

>> No.15267666

for people with short memories

>> No.15267694
File: 117 KB, 751x448, economy_aug2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15267764

wtf im going to kill the ceo of fake news now

>> No.15267821

Yeah Obama was in office after the recession. Of course his numbers look good. However he was in charge of the slowest recovery the country ever had, had lower average GDP than Bush, lost trillions in bad trade deals as well as doubled the national debt. Meanwhile median household income went down under Obama meaning the average person was getting poorer.

>> No.15267854

>lost trillions in bad trade deals
which ones?

>> No.15267902

Almost every country we traded with we were buying at a premium and sending out more money then we were taking in.

>> No.15267926

Wow! And Trump changed all that?

>> No.15267956

USMCA was a great start in fixing Obama's disastrous trade policies.

>> No.15267982

Oh yeah, I forgot Obama signed NAFTA.
What other trade deals did he sign?

>> No.15268032

NAFTA was in action throughout all 8 years of his presidency. He did sign TPP kek. Which was a disaster.

>> No.15268043

>2017 market crash
Drumphs Fault
>2018 market rise

Fucking retards

>> No.15268059

Trump thinks stock is the economy. He thinks interest rates are what pumps stocks, largely right about this, though it can be done a few ways

>> No.15268067

Damn, how much did we lose with the TPP?

>> No.15268137

About 200 billion annually kek what are you getting at?

>> No.15269491

Which would be disastrous.

>> No.15269521
File: 30 KB, 748x348, Screenshot_2019-08-15 (1) Donald J Trump on Twitter Representatives Omar and Tlaib are the face of the Democrat Party, and [...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's his actual issue?

>> No.15269528

I legit feel bad for Trumphaters. It must be hell to get cucked every day by his majesty

Reminder that the market was going to crash until his tax cuts saved a bunch of companies

>> No.15269569

Trump thinks stock holding boomers will peel off some of their earnings and donate to his reelection campaign if he keeps the stock market pumped until then. Remember, Trump's only successful business move was going bankrupt every time his companies failed but creating an image of himself as a savvy business man so he could sell his name to actual savvy businessmen.

Now, as a zog puppet, his goal is to pump the stock market enough to get boomer votes, immediately crash the economy with a bunch of Jew wars once elected, declare bankruptcy and sell USA to China, retire.

>> No.15269883

>It's a game of hot potato.
More like a game of interracial cornhole, where we end up with a BBC in the A thanks to king nigger's FED interest rate push. Dumbfuck Doland is literally just playing the same cards. The end result is going to be default and poverty, followed by civil war, chinks taking over the country, and maybe some robots, cybernetic experiments and diseases n shit.

>> No.15269902
File: 3.79 MB, 480x265, at least.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama was NOBODYS fucking puppet

>> No.15269958

>even bigger retards think money printing solved the issue

>> No.15269993

>the surveillance state, the drone war,
This, fuck him

>> No.15269999

Hey buddy, if you're not ready to die for Israel then you're not American. God bless.

>> No.15270046
File: 478 KB, 500x224, headshake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you for not posting URL to your fucking screenshot, people like you need to choke.
you're the very reason fake news spread like wildfire and NOBODY EXPECTS FUCKING SOURCE URLS EVER, FUCK YOU

>> No.15270052


>surveillance state

Try going one puppet back

>> No.15270103

Didn't know, thanks for sharing.

>> No.15270128

>acting like a sarcastic nigger constantly

>> No.15270129


>> No.15270190

Drones and surveilance had quite a strong period around 2014-2015. This was Obama's fault

>> No.15270739

Do you really think that the trade war caused this potential recession? Kinda convenient...

Let's be real - we're waaay overdue.

>> No.15270748

Fuckin quads too lol. Good

>> No.15270861


>> No.15270872

what a delusional miga faggot

>> No.15270892
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I come to escape the never ending nu/pol/ blackpill and fucking obamaleaf chases me onto /biz/ FUCK YOU! YOU WONT TRAP ME HERE FOR 50 HOURS PLAYING YOUR GAY DOG FUCKING GAME!

>> No.15270966
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>> No.15271440

>Paranoid schizophrenia manifests itself in an array of symptoms. Common symptoms for paranoid schizophrenia include auditory hallucinations (hearing voices or sound effects) and paranoid delusions (believing everyone is out to cause the sufferer harm).

>> No.15271550

>"Some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come back."
>"He says he's going to bring all these jobs back. How exactly is he going to do that? There's no answer to that."
>t. Obama
Obama fully knew that shit was hitting the fan and thought Trump wouldn't be able to fix it, but he was wrong.

>> No.15271792

He was referring to coal and hes completely correct you mongoloid, coal is on the way out. And good riddance, its horrible for the economy and its """workers""" are parasites

>> No.15271859

You are out to cause me suffering and wasting my time in this never ending chinese cyber torture matrix

>> No.15271877

>As soon as Obama leaves office, the Economy soars
>Obama did this somehow

>> No.15271887

Hey, at least eva isn’t here

>> No.15272383

Coal was at 70 bucks a ton and NO ONE WANTED TO BUY IT. POTUS has zero control over the price of coal, the coal plants in the USA were all from the 50s, 60s and 70s. It would cost more to keep using coal than literally anything else, but keep up with your friends of coal propaganda, Jesus coal heads are fucking retarded, surprised you don’t blame black lung or the heroine epidemic on Obama to