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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15265435 No.15265435 [Reply] [Original]

One of the guys behind MOAB is in the Chainlink Telegram right now trying to defend it and saying that calling it a scam is "100% speculation"

Can someone who knows more about it go in there and expose him for being a faggot? I don't know enough about MOAB to prove it's a scam.

>> No.15265491


Why do you hate pure unadulterated deflationary currency? You like stay poor?

>> No.15265512

I just hate scams bro

>> No.15265514

sorry pajeets i just dont buy it that it was a real tweet.

not selling

>> No.15265524

the cope is real

>> No.15265530


Lol. It is literally speculation and baseless assumptions.

Moab has a blockchain dev team in Toronto I have talked with the devs.

You're just a brainlet that calls things scams on no basis or reasoning. Wait till they release the team page, roadmap, and whitepaper soon

Morons like you are looking for any excuse to call it a scam, but it isn't and you're just fudding for the sake of fudding. Do the needful and an hero

>> No.15265547

If they are upfront about what the shitcoin does then it isn't really a scam. It's just a matter of whether you think it has a use case. I dont think it does, doesn't make it a scam.

>> No.15265559
File: 8 KB, 228x221, 1539557808630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tweet was so bad, linkies deny its very existence. You think this is some discord fud operation, when it's been on all around the community and the telegram admins even talk about it themselves?

>> No.15265572

Don't you mean brampton you paneer fuck

>> No.15265584

>M.O.A.B’s second decentralized application is the M.O.A.B marketplace DApp for converting M.O.A.B tokens into a selection of gift cards

This is literally an Indian scam coin that they're going to try to use to facilitate the sale of gift cards that they obtain through other scams (tech support scams, IRS scams, etc.).

Just watch, when they release their amazing marketplace dapp it will be Google Play and iTunes gift cards. Screencap this lmao

>> No.15265606

Whether or not MOAB is a scam has nothing to do with Chainlink. If MOAB wants to use and pay for Chainlink oracles to deliver data to their smartcontracts then I'm more than happy to see our nodes fulfill those requests.

>> No.15265637

The tweet was photoshopped you cant find it anywhere not even on reddit. It's just fud guys relax

>> No.15265670

Wow i didn't expect that , i thought this was a legit news, thats why go with telecoin they have their own social media pages and are always upto date

>> No.15265673


Room temperature IQ faggots resort to calling it a pajeet scam yet again, without any proof or reasoning

Seriously you're both retarded faggots and should unironically neck yourselves

>> No.15265674

It was deleted retard. Check the telegram.

>> No.15265697

>Sells 100k while typing

>> No.15265707

>"Dude you don't know for SURE that we're a scam! Just wait it out and see if we're a scam first!"

>> No.15265768


>the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence

You're as dense as the sun

>> No.15265774

Why would someone get so defensive over shitcoin #5744? Anyone with a brain would look at every shitcoin (especially ones with stupid names) with cynical skepticism

>> No.15265974
File: 137 KB, 800x800, 1C32D09A-8FC6-43B5-BC78-3C1789D745D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think this is fud.....yoooooo i'm crying right now son

>> No.15266001

Stay mad, scamboy.

>> No.15266008

I mean it would have been better to just say it's not a scam than to say "it's just speculation that it's a scam! It might not be!"

>> No.15266044


>>the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence

It means the same thing, dipshit

>> No.15266049

I just want to reiterate that the entire "real use case" for MOAB is so that you can use it to buy stolen gift cards from their market place

If only there were some other way to buy gift cards

>> No.15266059

Okay, so why the fuck are you saying they're "forming a theory or conjecture without firm evidence"
Without flat out denying that it's a scam? Have you even done that once? Why can't you just say it's not a scam? Fucking indians I swear

>> No.15266069


>Stole gift cards

it should be illegal to be this retarded. Just a bunch of pajeets spewing out bs FUD with no basis.

>> No.15266081


If you read the Telegram it's said like 50 times it's not a scam, retarded nigger

>> No.15266083

You refuse to say it's not a scam
All you're saying is there's "not enough evidence to call it a scam"
Honestly, the shady pajeet way you're acting in this thread is all the evidence we need.

>> No.15266091


>> No.15266096

Yeah dude, I'm Indian. I was hired to spread lies about your very legitimate project on /biz/

>> No.15266116

it's times like these I wish 4chan wasn't anon so fags like this


can be exposed for the lying fucking faggots they are once whatever scam they're shilling or defending comes to fruition

>> No.15266128

Did anyone screenshot the responses to the tweet? I saw the thread earlier but by the time I clicked it said it was gone/removed. I really wanted to see the fallout responses to the tweet.

>> No.15266130

Riddle me this Indian subhuman, why the FUCK would anyone EVER pay for your shitcoin just to buy a gift card?

You will not reply to this.

>> No.15266147
File: 123 KB, 316x256, dodoododoododoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet, we meet aye gain!

>> No.15266165

They were mostly positive, mostly because no one knows what MOAB is so they just saw "thing is using chainlink" and reacted positively. There were a few pointing out that it's a scam and that they shouldn't have tweeted about it.

>> No.15266183

MOAB is just a shitty version of NUKE which in itself was a scam by a tranny mentally ill stimulant abuser named poorguy who larped as a japanese girl named rachel nakamoto who thought it was a good idea to pretend to be japanese and name their coin NUKE after one of the biggest japanese tragedies they ever faced. this guy was around during the P3D summer last year and stole 100s of ETH from people.

if that wasn't a large enough warning flag, all these scam coins are now dead. Ethplode, Nuke, Bomb, Void, Fire, Moab, Shit, Dynamite, i can go on.

all of them are ran by dapp script kiddies who can't code but can copy and paste open source solidity code and know how to install wordpress and buy domains.

the only people who fall for this shit are legit retard dunning kruger types who don't know how to code and think ETH is the global super computer

yet they get scammed by literal pajeets and chinks who can barely speak english.

how do i know this? i'm a dapp script kiddie who cloned one of these projects for fun.

none of this shit matters until the new team just game comes out anyway and the cycle will start all over again

>> No.15266202

>and know how to install wordpress


kek. at least hide your backend ffs.

>> No.15266265

haha based

fuck these niggers man

i'm so sick of it all