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15228480 No.15228480 [Reply] [Original]

tl;dr how risky is it to get a fake driver's license, and where would you recommend me getting it?
Crypto related as I of course have to pay with crypto to not get tracked by the authorities.

Not sure where else to ask this:
I am planning to travel to SEA in October, and one of the highlights would be to drive around on a motorbike. Naturally, enforcement there is really lax but I don't wanna take any risks. However, I don't have any driver's license...
I know fully how to drive car and motorbike and I know all the traffic rules but I have to wait 4 months before I'm in the 1st spot of the queue to take the driving exam. The tutors says I am ready for the exam. But I can't wait for this.
So I am wondering how risky it would be to order a fake license, and if any of you have done this? What are your experiences with that?
Of course, I will not use this in my own country. I am usually really paranoid about doing illegal stuff so I am afraid getting caught by this and getting anally raped by the authorities.
I also worry about falling for honeypots where I give all my info where the authorities can easily find out about my intentions, and also do I worry that I give details to some strangers.

Wat do?

>> No.15228486

>I have to wait 4 months before I'm in the 1st spot of the queue to take the driving exam.

>> No.15228494


>> No.15228503

Some parts of SEA law enforcement is very strict. They will jail you for life or chop your limbs off if you steal. I wouldn't want to get arrested for a fake license in a foreign country..

>> No.15228515

how are they going to find out that your license is fake?


>> No.15228523


>> No.15228524

age are you? you sound stupid and gay. is this some kind of gap year shit? any vehicle rental in 'SEA' is going to need to be accompanied by your passport, you mong.
then your idea that law enforcement in SEA is 'lax' is laughable in itself. Thailand is virtually a police state, the cops have free reign to shake down gap year backpackers who turn up with hokey ID.

>> No.15228530

no, just from a shithole without 4 month wait lists for driving exams or the possibility to take it at another exam centre

>> No.15228533

>getting arrested in SEA as a white guy
Oh boy, you're gonna have the time of your life in prison, they might have small dicks, but you're still gonna die from anal bleeding

>> No.15228544

wonder what happens when insurance checks your licence after you crash anon. enjoy your travels.

>> No.15228566

Just how retarded are you really ?
>run your driving license through a database
>nothing comes up
Enjoy doing 20 years in prison and dying in the first two weeks lmao
Bet you don't even know the local language

>> No.15228579

Mexico for us and Ukraine for Europe

>> No.15228600

Do you dream of dying in jail in some foreign country?

>> No.15228608
File: 69 KB, 757x615, 23198B07-EAFC-4F0D-A9D1-E61430473017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you go to Philippines? If I’m not mistaken if you have no license they just fine you $60 and let you go
As you are foreigner, just say “ah I forgot my license, sorry” if ever you get stopped. That is, I suggest never riding bike in the city

>> No.15228612

rental companies won't ask for your driver's license but will retain your passport or at least a copy of it
you would need an international driving license anyway, not your national one, your insurance won't cover you without it and a special premium for driving abroad
you just pay a fine to the cops like $10-20 and then you can go again
wear proper shoes and pants, helmet
drive chill, enjoy

>> No.15228647
File: 59 KB, 424x693, 6D12534F-26C8-4ECF-9543-CCC89C7DE954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting jailed for driving without a license
>implies SEA shithole police has an international drivers license database on them