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15222873 No.15222873 [Reply] [Original]

Let's summon all the High IQ's to this thread and make /biz great again.

What will blockchain look like in 2030? What will have failed? What will still be in existence? What portion of govs will utilize the blockchain? What things do you think will happen that might surprise us?

You're friend Z

>> No.15222889

That's a vulgar port.

>> No.15222929

Data security will be completely replaced by a mixture of private and public blockchains. Smart contracts will execute a myriad of financial and legal agreements. A large number of assets which risk fraudulent activity will be tokenized. LINK will have made a bunch of morons on this board rich beyond their wildest dreams, but will have even more necc as they sold early or even worse, stayed salty nolinkers.

>> No.15223211

Bitcoin Ethereum and Chainlink will be the new FANG, with maybe a few others that haven’t been created yet. Most all governments will use blockchain for records; hospitals too. Everyone’s social security number will be tied to a unique string ( this will be without consent if citizens) and all info about said individual will be logged on the blockchain with their own personal file . Bitcoin will be hoarded and millennials will use 2nd tier crypto’s (like Litecoin , Nano for example) to pay each other . The stock market as we know it today will be completely transformed and most people around the world can invest in any project like we they did with crypto in 2019. People in the future now can send crypto simply by “bumping” or tapping each other’s phones together. Can also send via chip implants , emails; or through artificial digital assistants.

>> No.15223253
File: 6 KB, 200x250, 563D2B5E-794E-4AAE-923E-33C30A7FB195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called for me?

>> No.15223446

yes please tell me your thoughts

>> No.15223644

damn this is fucking cool. thanks man

>> No.15223806

do you foresee people protecting their private keys differently from today? I feel like there would be a stalking shitstorm if this kind of knowledge were commonplace since there's only so many ways you can keep things secret

>> No.15224499

good question

>> No.15224772

I think the big tech corporations will decline and be replaced by numerous highly specialized enterprises that are interconnected and do things faster and cheaper, with much less middlemen needed. People will be more involved in the economy because investing will be easy and fast, maybe even automated, and waging will have a lower priority because less workers are needed. Blockchain will be bigger than the internet and machines and IoT will know everything about you without sharing the information to third parties.

>> No.15224833

Banks will start investing BTC making the price surge than banks like Goldman Sachs will use that as a leverage and crash it if they don’t get there way like with the stock market crash

>> No.15224834

Blockchain satellite relays will be sent in regular intervals out into the cosmos.

Ie every time a relay clears 10,000 miles another relay will be sent after it in matching trajectory (redundancies sent off as needed).

This will create satellite relay bands broad casting communications up and back the relay chain.

Various nations and enterprises will be assigned a hello-relative pathway.

As new channels are instantiated the matrix will grown and cross communicate using DAG-esque technology.

This project will continue to grow over the decades.

The end-state objective is to great multiple relay channels progressing further and further into the cosmos beaconing other life forms with greetings and instructions as to how to operate a communication node of their own.

Ideally, a foreign entity would then relay a message back, daisy-chained across the communication channel nodes back to earth.

>> No.15224860

I don't think blockchain is going to disrupt as many industries as some of you fags are talking about, but I expect a digital transformation of the worlds stock markets where share issuance and transfer will be take place on chain.

>> No.15224972

Interest rates at -6%, cash transactions capped at $1000 to prevent cash holding to offset the loss. Btc outlawed as a terrorist tool. Industries adopt Hashgraph, public DLTs illegal or highly regulated.

>> No.15225968


>> No.15226107

Anyone concerned that the world as we know it won’t survive long enough to see the true potential of blockchain technologies?

>> No.15226164

Get your mind out of the gutter, anon.

>> No.15226172

Threadly reminder that private blockchains are a meme.

>> No.15226185

BTC will be banned by most of the developed world by then and the S&P will be at 5k

>> No.15226189

How the fuck do I buy if I live in ny dude.... vpn and then use what exchange? Need one that won’t confirm identity obviously.

>> No.15226279

a small group of people will care about the economy in the future. like a niche craft or "trades" like being a plumber. think of it like fight club but for blockchain. most people will be fucked off in their living room jacking off to vr porn or fucking a sex doll. i picture the future only dark with an entire side of an apartment lit with blue light coming out the glass panes

>> No.15226305

or you can imagine it like your favorite pop culture event, at the beginning you have everyone talking about it, eventually something collapses and everyone starts to hate it, getting bored and quitting, eventually you are left with a small set of hardcore dedicated fans

>> No.15226348

Based and ayylmaopilled

>> No.15226432

Govt budgets will be mandated by law to utilize triple ledger accounting on publicly accessible blockchains. The same system will be used for voting, and all govt contract payments will be multisig with keys sent out to multiple trusted node operators who will approve and validate payments. These node operators will be voted in annually and will be the equivalent of our politicians today. Only they will be coding smart contracts instead of writing laws. The only exception will be military discretionary spending, which will utilize an evolution of zk snarks for strategic privacy. The data power grid will create or mine it's own currency simply by transmitting electricity. instead of satoshi's the units will be watts transferred. The AC power frequency itself will be the data transfer medium so that simply transmitting electricity will send the information to feed the data to each power user's smart contract which will verify and authorize payment per watt recieved. Satellites will enable universal low bandwidth communication worldwide which every human being on the planet will be able to access at any time with the equivalent of a penny sized raspi. Sites like google and fb will be free to access and use and the hardware to access them will be free as well since they monetize the data only. Those more wealthy, tech savvy, and privacy oriented will buy their own hardware from hundreds of builders and designers and pay for private network access.

>> No.15226547

Find people willing to give crypto for cash like localbtc or something. Go to Jersey, buy a fat stack of btc or eth and use that to trade on some dex. Transforming crypto into Fiat and withdrawing is another story but one step at a time.

>> No.15226568

>eth and link will have sex, splitting the smart contract universal computing system with each having a value of $200 each
>btc hits 1m, many people commit suicide
>robots give the best blow jobs
>your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>> No.15226604 [DELETED] 

And don't forget to thank me later, sir


>> No.15226665
File: 254 KB, 1495x1495, sniff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this shit you pajeet faggot? BTC is a shitcoin anyway.
ChainLink is a fucking larp and Eth 2.0 will never happen. Even if by some miracle it does you still have motherfucking gas fees which is why the price of eth cannot go up or it's network will not run anymore. There is no patent on oracles OR smart contracts and the best and brightest are not working on either of these dumpster fires.