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File: 75 KB, 800x806, FTgivemoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15222209 No.15222209 [Reply] [Original]

When shit gets so bad that you actually have to contemplate printing and giving money away to prop up the market, you know that the top is in and catastrophe is right around the corner. Pic very related!

>> No.15222365

give me my shekels so i can buy boomer rocks

>> No.15222377

what's the difference to last time? they gave money to banks, why not give it to the people, this will definitly cause the desired inflation

>> No.15222414

No thanks
Burn the shit down literally
Put everyone who ever worked for and with them inside the burning buildings, don't forget their families and close friend, and of course their pets

>> No.15223093

when you give money to banks it goes straight into the stock market if you give it to the people say like with ubi it goes to stupid consumer goods probably most goes straight to china. and you economy will still be fucked.

>> No.15223103

Will it be enough for me to become a NEET?

>> No.15223108

Youre white, you get no shekels. All the shekels are for Daquan, Pedro, Rajbinder, Raul and Chatzkel.

>> No.15223110

i'm debating taking out the maximum amount of personal loans and credit card debt that i can manage and dumping all of it into BTC, XMR, and gold/silver, and then defaulting on the loans.
>we won't need credit scores where we're going

>> No.15223123

When George W Bush gave out checks to people, my friend worked at EB Games. He said a lot of black people came in that week wanting to spend their "bush checks" on the current xbox.

>> No.15223133

dumb nigger

>> No.15223140


Giving us money (NOT IN LOAN FORM) so we can get off our assess would be a good plan. Then you can take us off of it when the economy stabilizes. Once you make a certain income, the UBI just comes off and goes to people who need it. That makes it fair for workers and non-workers.

>> No.15223154
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>That makes it fair for workers and non-workers.
so you want workers to support a permanent underclass of UBI niggers? hard pass.

>> No.15223188
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>Gibs money so we can get off our asses
Fuck off parasite

>> No.15223271

I hope so.

>> No.15223326

>giving people money bad! only banks and corporations should get free money!
the absolute cucks in this thread

>> No.15223328
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I know how to fix the problem. I just need a couple thousand wooden doors and some pesticides

>> No.15223362

It's better then going through a kike bank or credit people. Think about this will be able to get lower interest rate loans makes no difference

>> No.15223378

Ubi would go to in white people stop thinking in such retard libertarian cold takes

>> No.15223387

They give money to corporations and banks, why not us?

>> No.15223398
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majority of taxpayers are white men. white men will be paying for ubi just like they pay for niggergibs now

>> No.15223423

Nope, burn it down
Cut pensions and social security to 0 and make the cost of health care age dependent full price +50% if you are over 50

>> No.15223443

niggers already get gibs might as well let whites get UBI shithead it doesnt matter white people will get it. Stop thinking in these cuckservative hur dur deh gonna take muh money

>> No.15223444
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>and make the cost of health care age dependent
you also need to increase the costs for fat fucks

>> No.15223451

[An anon has nominated this post for post of the day]

>> No.15223459

>Stop thinking in these cuckservative hur dur deh gonna take muh money
my thinking is more along the lines of "eliminate welfare"

>> No.15223472

yeah thats never going to happen ever

>> No.15223493

ever hear that famous saying the people that want welfare the least are those who make mildly more than it?

>> No.15223504

yes, and it makes sense in a way. they're in the position where "if i cut my hours by 10% i qualify for medicaid/food stamps/etc., and i will effectively make 25% more per year."

>> No.15223539

>cost of health care depends on age and body fat percentage
I like that, golden trips

>> No.15223566

Does this mean they want to destroy / redistribute generational wealth, since old money isn't doing anything?

>> No.15223597

Don't you realize, there is no "money" just debt, just a fuck ton of debt they try to shift from Boomers to Millenials and Millenials are simply not taking it, not even when getting paid to take it

>> No.15223610
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This. Money printing just distorts the markets and creates inefficiencies. Printing money doesnt print the goods and services we need.

>> No.15223625

No. Prices rise faster than your income can keep up.

>> No.15223645

that bitch lagarde is going to fuck the EU hard.

>> No.15223646

Based and redpilled.

>> No.15223661
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Based and redpilled.

>> No.15223673

Banks and corporations dont get free money. They get loans, the money has to be paid back. Retard.

>> No.15223695

>stop thinking, white men


>> No.15223709
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>> No.15223718

>being this illiterate

>> No.15223730

Well I mean, there are many rich families who got their capital in 80's-00's era when things were good, for last 15-20 years they mostly held their paper money in some sort of accounts, either broker or bank so they could live off dividends.

I do personally know a lot of families who are still living off ultra-expensive real estate in EU which they inherited from their grand-grand-grand parents, they just don't care if they have 25 or 35 mill on account because dividends and passive income allow them live like kings by doing nothing

If all these negative rates come in, it means these posh kids have to do something with their money. While stocks are crashing, currency devalues, real estate collapsing, there is not much to do, they are forced to spend their generational capital to bail out falling economy, however, plan is to end them up broke.

Am I missing something? Serious question, these economic systems are to big to take everything in account if you're not in business for 40 years already

>> No.15223747

Yeah you are just a brainwashed white man stop thinking like the jews todl you.

>> No.15223757

>there are many rich families
Nope, you really don't seem to understand it. Everyone is technically broke for the next 15 generations do to Boomers and their retarded utopian in the 20's disproven fever dreams. If the central states fail, if the Keynesian model fails, if post bretton wood fails literally everything that has been perceived as wealth, capital, rich is gone. Puff, back to the natural state, where only you genes, weapons and the ability to kill your next to take his shit matters. You think gold is safe, kek, 100% paper value, you think oil is worth something without subsidized production, nope, worthless, you think non perishable food is worth something if there is no public debt financed central security, nope, only your genes weapons and ability to kill counts

>> No.15223797

back in the 80s you could live off 1mil in bonds at 8%. theyve killed that retirement plan as well for this generation

>> No.15223801
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>da juuuu

>> No.15223926

I understand the endgame of current broken system, question was more about of short term actions to be made

For sure for a proper restart anglosaxon world should be wiped out alongside with 95% planet population, but to me seems a little too naive to believe one person could make any impact during empire's fall.

You know, some people just want piece of land, house, kids, grow their stuff and adequate society to live in.

Question didn't intended to be "hau du ai profit from diz"

Today things look similar as Yuri Bezmenov told in his lecture about how secret agencies like CIA / KGB make subversions to destroy their opponents. 15-20 years of demoralization, enough to raise one generation which will see nothing but horror, then people will be desperate enough to kill their own parents who gave them such a miserable life.

All this economic and immigrant bullshit + incel cuckold toxic friends narrative from media all around, seems like everything goes according to plan. Not to mention crypto. No chance to avoid blood on a streets or live happy in coming years

Sry for bad english

>> No.15223942

>implying money is not a form of debt

>> No.15223958

>Short term
short term was the last 10 years. If Millenials keep refusing to take over the trillions of debt, no matter in what asset or commodity they have been hidden, be it industry, states, property, boomer rocks, logistics.... in 5 years, when the biggest chunk of Boomers want their 30 years of free gibs shit crashes, and there is nothing literally nothing that can prevent it. The last attempts was to import third worlders and scam them into taking the shit, but even those monkey brains refuse. The end is near, it might not be a big bust from today to tomorrow, but that shit will drag out over the next 200 years, and the earlier you realize that it can't be saved and go full Hobbes, the better for your genetic survival

>> No.15224038

about every 40 years without fail, a new monetary system or modifications or upgrades to the old one are made and then forced down the publics throats. its just happening again, as it always happens. but this time, the general public is more aware of the scam tier fuckery these kikes are engaging in and thus ruining our lives. its just a matter of time before the masses become ungovernable and dethrone these criminals from power.

>> No.15224043

Well then crypto is the only solution for now. When elites want to create new form of money they usually put many metaphors in their new currency. With US dollar it was the Pyramid and all-seeing eye, "in god we trust", all this shit. BTC actually has many metaphors of eastern nations like Ing-Yan coded in it, truly representing Ing nature which absorbs everything and cannot be absorbed by itself. The logo is also metaphor to Sun, known as King during all human history in all cultures.

Seems like time traveler 2025 was not a joke, just a part of upcoming "Aquarius era" how the call it in some circles

Not much changed from Ancient Greeks, or name any other civilization. History repeats itself

>> No.15224053

Curious have you not paid attention to how blatantly obvious and prevalent Saturn symbolism is in the crypto world?

>> No.15224102
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kinda why i have faith in it desu
they seem to bless it
but they also recognize gold as the one true munnie, so im good also on that

>> No.15224119

That time traveler was just a larper. But yes there is the attempt to create a new hegemonic story, an institutional myth, crypto is part of that plan, but even that they fucked up. For propaganda to work, because a story is nothing else, you need to reach and convince at least 45% of the population. With the widespread atomization of the population into divided consumer branches, the down fall off centralized propaganda outlets and the lose in trust in the propaganda networks they can be happy if they reach 15% to 20%, that is not enough. By far not enough to create a new hegemonic institutional myth. There would still be the option theoretically to coerce the population into believing the story with violence, but well that will not work out neither do to the demographic shift and the lack of human resources to put enough pressure on the population and control it.

The Boomers, and I include GenX with them fucked up big time, they lost, and they will pay the price, no one else, because they are not in the condition to coerce even a small number of insurgence that are willing to kill.

>> No.15224259

Saturn is present in many cultures and fields all across human history, not surprised at all. I think astro still has some undiscovered tricks. I do study and practice it, there are indeed very surprising (((coincidences))), but ppl nowadays have their attention stick to other stuff and "science" lobby is too busy to launder money or to study only specific subjects. Could be biased, life is short and human capabilities are very tiny after all, it's only assumption of one humble person.

Thing is, nobody actually knows where we are heading to, even hi-lvl officials. They just take very risky bets and hope things will play out okay, if not, they have plan B but it's often limited to few steps which will allow them to win some time to think what to do next.

There is well known phenomena called "imposter syndrome" which means everyone is pretending like they know something, but deep inside everyone has fear of being exposed. It's also well known that Steve Jobs had no idea what to do if things went bad, he just bluffed and pretended everything is okay, hoping things will play out how he expected, and if not - fail.
You could find similar revelations by other people in their memoirs, would it be politician, George Soros or someone from military. They all just go all-in and hope for the best.

There are too many parties fighting right now, I don't believe there is global jew who is running this shitshow. Seems like overall consensus from all parties is "we're fucked". For sure boomers and GenX will not be taken in account since dark times are coming and there's no resources to take care of everyone and smile, pretending everything is okay

I don't know how to continue this discussion. Have to see how things play out. Anyway best strategy is to buy land to able live by your own, metropolians gonna burn hard

>> No.15224366

>There is well known phenomena called "imposter syndrome" which means everyone is pretending like they know something, but deep inside everyone has fear of being exposed.
>They all just go all-in and hope for the best.
Correct. Junker ther former head of the EU said it well
>We decide something, put it in the room and if there is no wide spread uprising because most don't even understand what is happening, we continue, step by step till there is no going back
Only issue is, as said above that just works if everyone is more or less united, a minority not playing along the lines, and that includes every scale, from local to global, can fuck it up, and we are currently in a situation where there are many minorities and no hegemonic one, again, on all scales

>best strategy is to buy land to able live by your own, metropolians gonna burn hard
correct, just add to this being able to protect the land you are living from. The next two centuries will probably be dominated again by tribal structures - literally like Spengler predicted, or analyzed the historical grand cycle

>> No.15224426
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Make sure you get some Chainlink!

>> No.15224492

So much shit has and is continuing to go down this past month I'm actually glad believe it or not. I think our current situation cannot change without drastic measures. Thing is I wouldn't even care if my life got somewhat worse after changes take place but only as long as the elite have to face consequences as well.

Sure not all of them are bad but I believe the majority have been corrupted with wealth and power, and I would be happy to see them have to live a life without luxuries.

>> No.15224520

>we are currently in a situation where there are many minorities and no hegemonic one, again, on all scales
Good observation. Couldn't even imagine in which direction herd will come next.

Seems like comeback of China Empire is most likely scenario. Trump was calling MAGA motto and it ended up as joke, while Chinese has nation-wide consensus sort of "let's bring our former glory we lost after Opium Wars with British Empire". Just take in consideration recent opioid / fentalyl epidemic and general decline in anglosaxon world...

To be fair I have zero idea what's going on in Asia since no white person speaks their language, but they speak ours. Who knows, could be some historical parallels. As they capital is running out and they are buying everything all across the globe could be sort of "colonization", or preparation for it

I've born just after two years after Soviet Union fall, now this shit happens. Crazy place, good memories, 10/10 thank god for giving me life lol

>> No.15224863

>Saturn is present in many cultures and fields all across human history, not surprised at all.
If you understand the cult of saturn then you at least should know this is not good.

>> No.15224913

>you at least should know this is not good.
What exactly? Negative rates or what? Help to catch up with your line of thought

>> No.15224992
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swamp dont burn

>> No.15225134

Okay I will dig deeper into this. Previously knew Saturn by astrology, now reading about cult. Thanks for hint, one more horror story to deal with daily

>> No.15225253
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Pic related really has a lot of information about it. Study and dissect it then do your own research and see how the pieces fall into place.Just know that under and for the sign of Saturn the most horrific atrocities have and are being committed. Good night anons

>> No.15225275

But that's exactly what is going to happen. You're not even refuting anything, you're just saying the truth prepended with "hurr durr". Lmao retard commies.

>> No.15225339

big stonk oof inc

>> No.15225404
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Alright here lets make it easy.
niggers arent ever going to stop getting gibs
the government wont stop giving gibs
white people should get gibs too
right now all gibs are given to niggers
government should give gibs to white people UBI
Sure nigger smight get some UBI but the vast majority will be white people. Also if you havent noticed already the country is fucked it is time white people get something out of the system.
>Lmao retard commies.
im natsoc you dumb capitalist scumbag

>> No.15225444
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>freee gibs

>> No.15225462
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In a free society you don't have to be materialistic if you don't want to be. Live how you want and let others live how they want.

>> No.15225482

>let others live how they want.
When how they live damages the society you live in you shouldn't let it. You should learn more about Buddhist instead of the western liberal leftist idea of Buddhists.

>> No.15225488

>if profit does not compel you to be materialistic

>> No.15225503
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>> No.15225536

You don't have to chase profit if you dont want to. I agree that murderers and thieves shouldnt be let in our society.

>> No.15225696

Wow, better let the banks keep printing money for their own personal gain. Wouldn't want the common people getting their hands on it...

>> No.15225717
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You clearly know and understand how the financial system works.

>> No.15225741

Look, not necessarily. Australia had great success using this policy to avoid the GFC. At the time we had a massive sovereign wealth fund built up during the boom, and when the GFC hit our centre-left government spent the whole thing just giving cash to regular households.

Of course that was not printed money, it was the government's savings account, but substantially the same from an inflationary perspective. Also the rise of China around that time was undoubtedly a significant factor in us avoiding a recession.

But the point it, just giving cash to regular people can be a sane strategy to boost economic growth, it's not batshit crazy.

>> No.15225772

I support this. The faster fiat dies the better.

>> No.15225792

>prices increasing when money is devalued is growth

>> No.15225812

As I said, it did not cause inflation in the case of Australia, it contributed to genuine growth

>> No.15225866

>increasing the money supply doesn't cause inflation
GDP Growth is just the increase of prices in an economy. If GDP isn't adjusted for inflation it mostly is inflation. When politicians want to pretend the economy is doing better than it is they just count inflation as growth.

>> No.15225928 [DELETED] 

And don't forget to thank me, sir.


>> No.15226129

>Tossing out Gen X with the boomers who did the real damage


>> No.15226534


>> No.15226581

slow clap, kek

>> No.15226594


Ok so I just stop working on the books since the black market is now more profitable. Thanks UBI.

>> No.15226616

You have to placate the poor otherwise they end up causing bloody revolutions and eating rich people like you for breakfast dinner and lunch. Or maybe you didn’t learn that from history?

>> No.15226739

>yes goys
>-0.25% rate for your mortgage goys
>the house you will pay is not 500% overvalued goys

>> No.15226765
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>> No.15226807
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Immediately market buy Bitcorns and file for bankruptcy

>> No.15226825

Delusional child.

>> No.15226828

We can do that in a much lower scale than what we do today.

>> No.15226863

Hahaha fucking based.
OP every has become dependent on them to keep propping it up, it's not like they're doing it just for themselves, Joe the stupid as fuck concrete pourer and his wife Savannah have a stake in the fiat ponzi at this point. Only loveless nazi psychopaths like us want it to fail now.

>> No.15226873

Except it's in the interest of the banks then to hold on to that free money to get more as long as the crisis lasts, and also mitigates the risk of bad investment.
Ie too big to fail and liquidity traps.

>> No.15226890


>> No.15226925

Is this the dumbest post of all time?

>> No.15226931

>Giving us money so we can get off our asses
WTF? Giving people money encourages them to get ON their asses.

>> No.15226944


and percentage ashkenazi jewish cause we have all kinds of fucked up disorders, my brother is only 22 and has chrons disease and has to go to the hospital twice a month now to survive

>> No.15226950
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>> No.15226955

>They get loans, the money has to be paid back
geez what year is this guy from