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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15204369 No.15204369 [Reply] [Original]

So you're an anti-globalist nationalist who is yet participating in the first experiments in extra-national global currency, with the intention of undermining the fiat currency of the nation you claim to be a nationalist for. Tell me more.

>> No.15204385

Loving your country =/= loving your government

>> No.15204390

All I care about is making money

>> No.15204396

kek. literally not even a single thing you said is correct

>> No.15204421

also the dollar could use some undermining desu, it seems like the fed keeps trying but all it can do is get stronger against the other types of toilet paper. the USA does still export stuff, I see bitcoin as a release valve for the current monetary regime, which is lead by the dollar. bitcoin is not a replacement for the dollar it cannot scale in that way. it is a release valve and a new asset class that can grow as appropriate, and it will help the dollar over the long run by providing it relief when it gets too strong.

>> No.15204437
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Nationalism =/= loving government and banks
We are already cycled with euro which is managed by an indipendent organization which is also immune from any judicial system, tell me why crypto should be worse than that
ECB can print money out of thin air and buy real assets with it
OP is an absolute brainlet

>> No.15204443
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anyone on biz who claims to be a nationalist needs to pack the fuck up and move back to pol

i am here to make money. i dont give a single fuck about any nation on this planet, especially the one i live in
i have no loyalty to the soil my parents fucked on. and honestly its fucking sad that people get so emotionally attached to a geographic location they just so happened to be birthed in

>> No.15204458

It's because bitcoin was a grassroots movement, i.e., CRYPTOcurrency. If it started with Libra from day one then I'd be wearing my tinfoil hat. Essentially we beat them to the whole cashless society thing and there's too much infighting for them to co-opt it.

>> No.15204465

You need a bullet through your head pal.

>> No.15204476

Central banks have as much to do with peoples and nations as leeches have to do with swimmers.

>> No.15204484
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Admittedly it’s just a little complicated
Turns out we’ve got friends on the inside and we’re learning to trust one another.
Trust can only be earned though and can not be given away.
The delineation is that your word is more valuable than a contract
Hence why we all are infatuated with the term “trustless”
It’s at the root of what comprises the value of the network
It will enable humans as a whole to live better and more dignified lives

>> No.15204485


dare I say money is your God?

a bot or even an animal can make money

some organs trafficked, how's slavery treating ya

>> No.15204486

>So you're an anti-globalist nationalist

wrong from the get go

>> No.15204490
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sounds like youll be the one getting a bullet through the head
pic related is your pathetic ass trying to show the government just how much you love the dirt mommy got creampied on

>> No.15204491

only single digit IQ are nationalists lmfao. to think ANY ONE or ANY ENTITY actually owns a geographically part of a rock orbitting a start in outer space has more then clearly demonstrated their ability to be a full spectrum retard.

>> No.15204522

we hate globalism and we hate jews
crypto and nationalism

>> No.15204523
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>i have no loyalty to the soil my parents fucked on
You’re not cooler than the place from which you sourced your parts
To say otherwise is being facetious

>> No.15204538
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Property rights are earned through bloodshed
Your disregard for the concept of borders and geographic entities speaks to a child-like disposition since you haven’t had to kill in wars like our ancestors did.
Don’t spit in their faces
Be grateful they did it so you and your children don’t have to

>> No.15204568

this, nationalism in the west is hating your government and banks for actively trying to kill you and your loved ones, or turn you all into slaves.

>> No.15204592

On here larping being tough and smart, go back to studying the bullshit they want you to think submissive nigger. I have black she boons that beg me for 20$ blowjobs everynight omw home from work yelling about how they have starving kids and sheeiitt.

>> No.15204607
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Global nationalist.

>> No.15204805
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>dude countries are just lines haha
>dude everything is just atoms and chemicals bro haha

>> No.15204840

why did we have to kill people in wars? ask yourself

>> No.15204846

single digit IQ spoken through like a champ

>> No.15204865

dude IQ is just a number lmao it doesn't matter haha

>> No.15204877

haha i only believe in what im told and cant use any part of my mental capacity to indulge in new thoughts haha

>> No.15204881

>looking for logic in ideologies
fuck ideology or logic

>> No.15204883
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The only currency is spiritual currency!

>> No.15204889

>so you’re a nationalist who breaths air, a global resource.
Money and government are not the same thing you low IQ nigger.

>> No.15204897

this. better stated:

all I care about is accumulating assets.

>> No.15204902

also this. the government's currency consistently undermines its own people by never retaining its value.

>> No.15204938
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>I dont actually do anything usefull in life so straight forward concepts like ownership dont make sense to me


>> No.15204944

t. projecting

>> No.15205021

t. mr. worldwide

>> No.15205027
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>> No.15205073
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>when hoes get horny, niggas die

>> No.15205759

>zero sum game
>stealing global wealth to pump your own nation

>> No.15205877

fuck off kike
/biz/ is /pol/

>> No.15206212

Same sentiment without the self indulgence- all isolationist immigration policies achieves is a suboptimal workforce efficiency. You prevent more productive, qualified workers working for more competitive wages because you have whiny brats in your country who feel entitled to a job because they were there first. Fuck nationalists. They’re just a bunch of losers bent out of shape that the world is changing and they don’t have the skill or energy to adapt.

>> No.15206243

I fucking hate normalfags

>> No.15206285
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