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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 253 KB, 343x338, mopmopmop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15198513 No.15198513 [Reply] [Original]

Stupid wagie added mustard to my burger when I told him not to.

Guess he will have to learn a lesson by mopping my urine!

Get the mop and mop wagie, mop mop mop!

>> No.15198522

Ha stupid wagie, now where's my piss bottle

>> No.15198535

have sex

>> No.15198537

checkt, kekt and OP rekt

>> No.15198544
File: 84 KB, 913x1024, 1549849257560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you, I'm a custodian and had to clean shit from a urinal not gonna lie all I do is laugh now plus it takes 10 secs to clean while you have the dignity of pajeet

>> No.15199011

Lmao you know this is a sex crime right? And you even posted evidence on 4chan. Enjoy jail

>> No.15199093

is 300 LINK enough to make it?

>> No.15199479
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>I'm a custodian

>> No.15199521

>sitting on toilet in office bathroom taking a shit
>stall next to me the floor is wet with piss
>janitor walks in
>says out loud “why do people do this?” as he starts to mop the piss
>lean over and shit on floor

Mop wagie, mop

>> No.15199535

I saw a police station custodian job paying 55k a year
I applied :C

>> No.15199563

>cleaning cop piss and shit

>> No.15199571

you have very low self esteem if you need to feel empowered by having someone clean up your piss.

That is literaly what dogs do.

>> No.15199583
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>you have very low self esteem if you need to feel empowered by having someone clean up your piss. That is literaly what dogs do.

>> No.15199603

Isn't police custodian just a janitor at Dunkin donuts

>> No.15199619

>office bathroom
you do realize you're the wagie right?

>> No.15199633


>> No.15199635

>Stupid wagie added mustard to my burger when I told him not to.

Holy fuck this happens to be often enough I should have been doing this. Who the fuck wants mustard on a fucking hamburger?

>> No.15199655

he should have spit in your burger for not liking mustard dumb underage

>> No.15199675

Based and piss pilled

>> No.15199676
File: 23 KB, 281x326, Gttfw+too+intellectual+to+be+alpha+_b6e09fa6879887fee4904b54c4a492c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to hear. Re-affirming the economic hierarchy of society is important for its stability.

>> No.15199686

Wagies usually don’t realize they are wagies. So caught up with making themselves feel better by belittling others. Something tells me OP is a wagie who got a little ragie and tried to get some sort of superiority by posting this. It’s sad actually

>> No.15199927

That's mean

>> No.15200110

i hope wagie cuts your cock off with a spatula you mentally ill fuck

>> No.15200121

i was talking to a cop the other day about donuts, he said the reason why cops like them is because when they work night shifts donut shops and bakeries are the only things open at 4am. They have good associations from meeting with their fellow officers late at night when everything is closed.

When he told me this i was like...sounds comfy

>> No.15200135

part wagie part not, severley disabled and collect disabled bucks but have a small side job that works around disability, make a little but not enough to turn off neetbux.

>> No.15200148

>bathroom is a complete mess
>throw bleach over everything and walk out

get dabbed on silly salary cuck

>> No.15200432
File: 26 KB, 247x269, 146707454499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>receive wrong burger
>go into toilet take empty cup with me
>clogg toilet with toiletpaper
>release turd into full bowl
>catch it with empty cup
>use toiletpaperroll to grab dookie
>write in big letters "SEX" on the wall
>draw doodooswastikas to left and right wall
>put shit on the inside door handle
>drop turd into cup and piss into it
>use toiletpaperroll to break it up and make pissshit cocktail
>walk back into restaurant dining area
>spray some into corners where nobody sits and on seats and tables
>then kneel down pretending to tie my shoe but actually spill dookieshake on the floor
>leave the area remove my fake moustache and put on my jacket stop drag my left foot

>> No.15200465

Disabled physically?

>> No.15200564
File: 1.49 MB, 2000x2000, 747334BE-C415-4DEF-950A-22F151B7C12D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey wagie can you clean up my excrement
>oh hey and while you’re at it why don’t you pay for all my stuff too
>thanks appreciate it

>> No.15200570

Mentally most likely.

>> No.15200595

I should have your god damn dick taken

>> No.15200608


>> No.15200696

>Get super drunk on a Friday night
>Barely make it to the train home
>Fall asleep on train ride home and miss my stop
>Train worker shakes me awake and tells me I have to exit
>Get out, go to bathroom
>Rip all the toilet paper out of the holder, crack the plastic holder in half, dump the garbage can on the floor, piss all over the toilet paper, floor, and sink
>Leave the sink running as I leave bathroom and begin 45 minute walk home
Clean it up wagie

>> No.15200735

anyone who does this deserves to have the shit kicked out of them

>> No.15200750

This is a home depot bathroom. Not sure which one but they renovated most stores to look the same.

>> No.15200755

>we need to beat the shit out of anyone who is mentally disabled
really anon. they cant help it. just do your job and CLEAN IT UP WAGIE!!

>> No.15201242
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>> No.15201268

kek'd but you should still kill yourself

>> No.15201383
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>> No.15201610
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>About to get kicked out of apartment
>Need to find job in two weeks
>Literally every single entry job drug tests or requires 3 years of experience doing something specific

I'm a political science major NEET who just needs some kind of entry level wagie job to maintain homeostasis. What the fuck do I do? What's a good job?

>> No.15201779
File: 40 KB, 300x373, comfy_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>political science major NEET
Fucking retard. Learn to code like I did when I was a NEETager.

>> No.15201800

Yeah I fucking wish I did. I went to school when it wasn't 100% obvious that comp sci would be required for goddamn fucking everything.

>> No.15201807

How much student debt are you in? I am in none because I did not go to college. I make $50k a year from my online business

>> No.15201841

Kek, thanks for the laugh.

>> No.15201894

I don't have a degree and got a software engineering job just fine. It's probably because I have a couple certifications though which act as a substitute

>> No.15201901

I got a job at a dispensary. It’s basically retail but at least it’s something I like talking about. Find something you’re interested in and start there.

And have an exit plan.

>> No.15201919

you need to fucking hydrate more faggot

>> No.15201929

Let's say I'll be paying over $500 a month for a while.
Which certifications? What should I teach myself to get out of this nightmare?
Unfortunately I may be forced to get something local while I figure this out, but I have no idea what to do.

>> No.15201938


>> No.15201971
File: 37 KB, 566x335, certs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I have. The first one really isn't that important though, the AWS one is probably the main reason I got hired

>> No.15202020

At the end of roller-coaster rides, there's typically a booth where you can purchase a photo of yourself for like $5 that shows your reaction while you were on the ride
One guy didn't want to pay the $5 so he's recording the monitors, and the wagie is trying to block the dude's camera by Heiling Hitler. The wagie was fired for "antisemitism" later that day

>> No.15202663
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>> No.15202673
File: 85 KB, 540x568, 274572325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wagie is trying to block the dude's camera by Heiling Hitler. The wagie was fired for "antisemitism" later that day
also 202020 checked