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15171070 No.15171070[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How would you approach the interview question :

What is your greatest weakness?

>> No.15171162

The fact that it's illegal to gas the jews

>> No.15171169

boi pucci

>> No.15171183

biggest weakness is 16 year old brappers (legal here)

>> No.15171186


A twink is like fine wine.

>> No.15171192

I work too hard

>> No.15171198


>I'm too honest
>'that's not a weakness, anon!'
>I don't give a gnat's chuff for your opinion, you dog-fisting fail box'

>> No.15171205

My general answer is "I over commit sometimes" and talk about how I can get really hung up on something and dump a lot of time into it. Because I do desu. But then spin it in saying I make sure things are done right and the best options are explored. Don't answer some dumb shit like "I work too hard" or whatever.

>> No.15171217


>> No.15171219

Say this to the interviewer:

"the same weakness you have since you obviously need a job too."

>> No.15171224

there is no one true answer, some recruiters want to hear lie like "'I'm workaholic " to show you can play the game, others want some real flaw and for you to show how are you working on addressing it... there are many other views on that, like for some just having any answer ready apparently proves you are capable of introspection and self-reflection...

>> No.15171235

>What is your greatest weakness?
That I don't have enough gas

>> No.15171240

how do you live with yourself? such an ass licker

>> No.15171259

yea this is pure cringe

>> No.15171280

I'm a perfectionist.

>> No.15171310

Had an interview the other day and didn’t really answer this besides implying it’s a generic hr interview question. Did fine in the rest though.

>> No.15171346

Honest answer: one of your faults and the steps your taken to improve it.

I’m lazy and I like to sleep in until 9:30. Work starts at 8:00

Solution? I started going to bed early to be an early riser and get to work on time so I could be a better emoloyee

>> No.15171356

it's the opposite, actually...

>> No.15171358

did you know there are 2 types of those?
adaptive - the one who actually gets stuff done perfectly (or close to)
maladaptive - the other 90% of perfectionists, who fail miserably at whatever task they are attempting

>> No.15171367

great insight

have got mixed feedback about this answer, many people say this is a cop out and the interviewer will just label you as a bullshitter, but others have told me its a solid answer.

>> No.15171525

T. Neets

>> No.15171634
File: 84 KB, 530x558, 1516152718453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it depends on the job. You're gonna want a better answer AND example if you're aiming for more than just manager at a Starbucks or something. Everybody thinks they work too hard, or they're a perfectionist. It's such a common answer. HR retards might not care, but a manager wants to know you recognize your faults if they are gonna give you any real responsibility. So it's important to find something that you can be sincere about and provide real reasons to, imho.

>> No.15171650

op.. the correct answer is: I'm a perfectionist.

you're welcome.

>> No.15171664

>I'm a perfectionist.
this guy gets it

>> No.15171693

just tell the truth. Since you browse this website, you're probably not very social, so you could say something like "I need a longer time to recharge after social interactions"

>> No.15171880

try to zoom out a little now, don't focus to much on that single question alone, it's just a part of a bigger whole - you are telling a story about yourself here, whole interview is what matters

what "you" do you want to show them? you can try to crack a joke here ("kryptonite!" but do a proper answer after!), you can sell them them a story how in high-school you decided to consciously improve yourself and that you ask this question to yourself every couple months - you already won with gluttony etc.. and currently work on whatever... even if someone was just told this morning to interview a new candidate and they just ask questions from a safe list HR prepared without a bit of training just to be done with it - you still can make an impression, this is your chance, don't waste it giving a one-word answer! there are few considerations that it shouldn't automatically disqualify you ("I'm a pedophile, lol jk") and be somewhat relevant to the job, but even something like "I'm bad at interacting with customers" can (with some difficulty) be twisted around into you heroically fighting against your weakens and using this job opportunity to get better, yeah it sounds sleazy as fuck, but attitude is what sells in job interview.

similar with other idiotic questions like "what animal would you like to be?" don't just bluntly say first animal that comes to your mind, decide what you want to sell and then present the process of "finding" the answer in couple of sentences

>> No.15171888

biggest weakness:
Getting agressive when someone asks stupid questions!

Not answering stupid questions!

>> No.15171936
File: 1.41 MB, 1911x1210, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My soft side. Sometimes I really think about that all people can get along somehow fine. Until I realize that its all about struggle and to overcome it. To aim only for Final Victory.

>> No.15171975

pick either option depending on the size and specialty of the position.

A - My skill set is perhaps too broad... i love learning and tend to explore a bit of everything. I'm worried i may be lacking more specialized knowledge in X. Knowing this, i'm starting to learn and deep dive into X, to further my understanding of it.

B - My skill set is very specific... i love learning and exploring every aspect of X. I'm worried i may be lacking more general supporting knowledge for my pipeline. Knowing this, i'm starting to familiarize myself with A, B, C to bolster my applicable skills.

>> No.15171987

I over commit sometimes is exactly the same as I work too hard. If you don't think an interviewer sees right through one of the most basic and overused answers such as that, you're retarded or the interviewer is retarded.

>> No.15172030

This does a few things:
Shows introspection.
Self motivation and willingness to identify weaknesses and improve yourself.
Humble brag your skillset.
Doesn't open you up to shit like "i work too hard" or "i often get caught staring at peoples tits"

>> No.15172034
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Worked for me. You don't wanna go in and tell them "I spend 10 hours talking about how much I hate kikes" or something. It's different enough to raise an eyebrow but still enough to not get the flag.

>> No.15172051

A fine wine is like a twink.

>> No.15172109
File: 9 KB, 182x276, 9B8E2771-B76A-47F2-ACF5-363AFFE0CAE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15172147

> My weakness is that I need to know the specific intent behind obtuse, impersonal questions before I answer them with personal information.

>> No.15172159

they do not get better with age man

>> No.15172231

extremely based thank you, it happens to be a specialized area of finance
holy fuck what on earth do you reply to " what animal would you like to be?"
yeah I dont think I will use the perfectionist one

>> No.15172586

I think the overspecialized or under specialized is the best you could possibly answer. It shows you understand how you fit into an industry. Honestly I might start going with that angle myself, I think it's a solid one

>> No.15172608

having to answer gay questions like that, so you gonna hire me or not faggot?

>> No.15172612

I hire at a Fortune 500 bank. If you get an interview you are legit 75% don’t fuck up. Research the department online extensively, have a reason why this firm over other firms. Mention EQ, have a preset answer on how to overcome diversity both culturally and technically (is you are smarter but convince others to agree) that’s all

>> No.15172663

A variation of not speaking a foreign language.

>> No.15172744

be honest, take a real flaw that you had in your previous job (giving examples) and how you are aware of it and working on it.

Example (because it's true for me): i can be too direct and it has hurt people so now i'm careful of what i say. then i give examples when i was too direct and how i would say it now.

>> No.15173173

many good answers itt, but personally i would go with >>15171310 even though >>15171975 is godtier too

>> No.15173203

Fucking faggots.

>> No.15173223
File: 12 KB, 196x225, 1432965229156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My greatest weakness, is you.
I love you sir.

>> No.15173244

"I'm not gay but i want to fuck with a fat russian scammer after i bought a big stash of a shitcoin he created.
I was pushed to buy it on a mongolian autistic self-help board"

>> No.15173249 [DELETED] 

Strongly considering doing something like this. Good way to build up courage in saying what I want rather than being pathetically fearful due to possibilty of getting fired. Had an interview at government job where the city manager, idk if thats one of the highest positions there, was complaining about Trump. Funny how its generally considered bad to badmouth former employers yet there she is technically badmouthing her employer. Didnt even get the job. Should've spoken my mind and said "to stop blaming the president for your personal issues" instead.

>> No.15173250


>> No.15173292

I like brappers too much

>> No.15173338

I always answer public speaking.

>> No.15173930

This, but emphasise how useful you think it would be to learn some language and then state how you're learning Spanish or whatever in your spare time.

They basically want you to say something that isn't a major weakness and then state how you're addressing your shortcomings in that item by working on it

>> No.15174329

Exactly how I integrate the response as well. it's worked out well every time I have done this.