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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 434x239, OmiseGO-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15165231 No.15165231 [Reply] [Original]

I need serious unfiltered advice/criticism on this coin. I went all-in this shit at $12 based on Teeka Tiwari's newsletter saying this will reach $700 each. Is there any hope for this to happen? Because i'm losing faith bros. Safe to say im in a dark place right now.

>> No.15165277

You got chinked by a dude with a skateboard

>> No.15165315

I’m all in with my life savings and all the spare income I had from 2018, 8100 OMG here.

Anon, I know it’s been hard and this seems impossible right now, but if they can deliver the network with a lot of initial volume, 3 digits per token is not out of the question. I’d rather wait and see than sell at a 90% satoshi loss anyway...

>> No.15165346

This scam is still around?

>> No.15165361


>> No.15165478

>I’m all in with my life savings and all the spare income I had from 2018, 8100 OMG here.

Jesus, imagine being this fucked. I can't feel sorry for you however, because you embody the SOI spirit with that kind of cult-like behavior.

Honestly, it was a fucking failed start-up in Thailand with no business fundamentals. How could you fall for that?

>> No.15165565
File: 9 KB, 225x224, pepeomise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahahahh found the fucking bagholder. Its just a prank bro. I wanted the OmiseBoys who were so silent to come out of their caves so I can laugh at them. Kys ur never getting ur money back

>> No.15165575

12k past general here, capiulated @ 27 sats few months ago.....couldnt take the sat bleeding anymore
i'd hodl til eom when Binance is no longer allowed to burgers
they should be listing on CB soon, if not then sell this shitcoin and nevber look back, its unironically over
i am on the sideline hoping to catch the CB pump n dump
other than that fuck those chinx

>> No.15165582
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But the only people I hate more than OmiseGoys are REQlets and VeChinks. Let them burn.

>> No.15165593

You went all in because some guy told you to?

Anon i...

>> No.15165597

I also have 1 btc and 1.5m RSR.

OMG isn’t dead in the water by any means. I just think they just vastly underestimated the timeline. Yea, this has been a financial nightmare, but if they can still pull it off, I still think there’s a non zero chance that this shitcoin can go 3-500x from current prices.

>> No.15165619


>> No.15165647


>> No.15165663

I used to have 50k omg, sold everything during the CP group pump after I lost about $200k. I lost almost all my profits from dec 2017. I will buy back several months after the mainnet because delusionals retards expecting an initial volume higher than 5m and fees higher than 0.05% will dump their bags.

>> No.15165672
File: 224 KB, 544x572, 1516300449001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OMG isn’t dead in the water by any means

It's entirely dead. They used the ICO money to fund their regular payment processing side of the business (also doing poorly).

They have done zero research into Plasma, and no longer participate in any meaningful way in Eth 2.0.

>> No.15165690
File: 34 KB, 408x450, 1515783875004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus, imagine being in 2019 and holding a 2017-tier "mainnet soon" scam.

>> No.15165759

dump it for fantom. now

>> No.15165852


> “B-b-but it’s been adopted by a McDonald’s in Taiwan”

>> No.15165931
File: 118 KB, 500x780, 1517963839262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, exactly.

Hey OMISE-FAGGOTS, where's the adoption from the Thai McDonalds franchise. All 20 restaurants. Are they using your tokens!?


>> No.15165954

This has been a confirmed scam for over a year

>> No.15165988

Seriously is this a scam or not? does it have a exchange or not lmao wew lad I unironically remember fudding at $7 you should have listened

>> No.15165995


I remember when they called me MIGGER, when I pointed out the parent company has no history, used fake credentials and has no profits from any of their alleged partners.

>> No.15166059
File: 192 KB, 1050x1366, Screenshot 2019-08-08 at 15.29.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best financial decision ive ever made

>> No.15166127


Hey man, at least your $4,000 bought them some nice designer office furniture and premium real estate.

>> No.15166138
File: 287 KB, 1200x800, DRT_ODJU8AAewwc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15166154

holy shit i completely forgot about this for over a year

>> No.15166175

hahahahaha holy shit i always found this hilarious. fucking bagholders saying migger migger migger every fucking time you're attempting to point out OMG is shit

>> No.15166182

it's a total worthless scam with promises that require substantial technical innovation by smart people to happen, innovation which omisego team is absolutely unable of providing.

>> No.15166293

This is true and as someone who is two degrees of separation from Joseph Poon I can confirm. They literally can't find a systems engineer qualified to build their dex for them. It's fucking vaporware

>> No.15166317

like link

>> No.15166330


Very similar.

They're even dumping millions of tokens on bagholders now, just like Jun did.

>> No.15166341

Poon himself is competent yes? Or was I mislead by his pr.
He's only an advisor to omg though

>> No.15166413

He's an advisor who does not accept any form of payment for shilling. I feel bad that these scammers used his clout to market their scam.

>> No.15166455
File: 23 KB, 640x256, 1542326908458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

others too

>> No.15166491


Jesus, the absolute state of this scam...

>> No.15166519

I sold when I saw that, sadly in June 2018.
Managed to exit with a 10% profit though

it's going to zero, I feel bad for people dcaing down

>> No.15166585

These figureheads need to be very careful of the shady projects they publically associate with. Vlad has his own mess to deal with regarding his shilling of RChain

>> No.15166641

I don't know about others, but Vitalik has visibly been burned and refuses to associate with any ico now. He dumped all his omg tokens and only blamed it on a "mistake" to allow Jun to save face.

Vlad in particular seems like an asshole with unwarranted sense of his importance, especially with his governance rants (that amounted to: I'm part of the elite that gets to decide things, not you, you dumb plebs) and attacking Nick Szabo in a pathetic attempt to signal boost

>> No.15166707

Kek fuck the OmiseGods

>> No.15166777

Vitalism wearing their shirt unironically got me to buy OMG. Wasted like 3 LTC that I bought in 2013 on OMG.

>> No.15166793

>I went all-in this shit at $12 based on Teeka Tiwari's newsletter saying this will reach $700 each.
You deserve to be poor

>> No.15167043

Source that’s great, I remember seeing him express regret in OMG

>> No.15167226
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>> No.15167249

/biz/ doesnt deserve

>> No.15167261

Your money is almost completely gone buddy. I wouldn't buy this shit with someone else's cash.

>> No.15167285

Nice ruse, sir

>> No.15167346
File: 69 KB, 900x1600, 2019-08-08 at 18.13.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at this beauty on my shelf.

It's funny because I sold around the time you bought and was able to buy a house. Sold my btc in 2017 and went all in OMG at around 2$ a month later at 12$ and was able to buy the house I took that picture in.

Even though I will never touch OMG ever again that coin has changed my life so I will always keep that frame to remember.

>> No.15167460


>> No.15167585
File: 59 KB, 448x500, 1564506284491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking dying