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File: 46 KB, 1050x1050, rlchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15162137 No.15162137 [Reply] [Original]

iExec is capable of doing everything LINK does and more. DYOR.

>> No.15162224

if this was true google wouldve partnered with iexec
sage this FUD

>> No.15162571

Google didn't partner with LINK. They built on top of their LINK's platform to help the team build a BigQuery adaptor.
Because of iExec's superior oracles a custom adaptor is not required.
You can do exactly the same BigQuery queries with link or iexec... But iexec's solution doesn't cause extra work for the teams that want to integrate with it.

>> No.15162572

Not even Google knows about iExec. Bullish.

>> No.15162587

blogpost is not partnership

>> No.15162643

The sole LINK cuck that dared step foot in this thread gets BTFO'd by RLChads. It's evident that you faggots don't even know what you're buying into. RLC is miles ahead of LINK and it's literally unfuddable.

>> No.15162676

Can any linkchads have a debate with these guys? I'm just curious why has no one bothered to reply

>> No.15162724

in every thread link cucks get btfo on technicals and resort to "muh google blogpost"

>> No.15162752
File: 48 KB, 340x272, arijuels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>link cucks get btfo on technicals
dat wishful thinking

>> No.15162783

they do. I've seen at least 700k times already

>> No.15162809
File: 101 KB, 1570x809, 1539234754224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's yet ANOTHER irrelevant shitcoin bagholder desperately grovelling to LINK for attention episode

RLCfags have long been demolished, go spam some more LINK """FUD""" threads instead

>> No.15162816

chart is correct. chainlink sgx solution does not work. they cannot prove calculation onchain using cryptography like iexec can

>> No.15162817

>he doesn't know who Ari Juels is

>> No.15162829

Except they literally do, in every RLC thread? What are you smoking lmao? Are you a newfag?

>> No.15162830

>he doesn't know who Ari Juels is

>> No.15162853
File: 85 KB, 1032x338, town crier white paper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chainlink sgx solution does not work
Don't worry about it.

>> No.15162866
File: 38 KB, 339x391, 1563596362443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These iExec bagholders who didn't sell at $4 is an interesting parallel into what LINK threads are going to look like in 7 months when their shitcoin too dumps to 30 cents.

>> No.15162867

Better make a technical argument instead of some meme arrows, otherwise his point stills stands

>> No.15162899

>my "please debate me on 4channel" card beats your "Ari Juels and Fan Zhang" card

>> No.15162950

You brainlets have been saying this for 2 years, and compare the charts. 20x VS. -65%. Kek.

I'd step away from both and get into RFR right now.

>> No.15162951

untrusted data feed lmao

>> No.15163307

No they can't. I hold LINK and RLC. RLC is technically superior at this moment. Smart linkies know this is true. Dumb linkies arent smart enough to argue so they just post pictures of Ari and hope nobody notices their inability to argue on technical merits.
Like this guy. So why is SGX supported on iexec today? And why does link not have SGX support even though chainlink paid Ari so much for TownCrier?
Chainlink will catch up one day. But for now RLCis ahead and linkies have no arguments to make in response.

>> No.15163807

>link = 20x
>RLC = -80%

There's your proof which coin is superior.

>> No.15163963

>why does link not have SGX support
See >>15162853

>> No.15164007

they cannot prove that no one tempered with calculations onchain

>> No.15164045

come on you stupid retarded shill fag. Just stop posting moonboio. LINK is technically superior to RLC. In addition RLC killed its own product with scammy marketing practices inspired by failures like Justin Sun. They can't be taken serious as a company, that is why RLC is ultimately a failure. Also they are not reliable considering deadlines and clearly have no plan for their product beside following the herd like a bunch of stupid frenchmen and implementing taste of the month shit on the fly.

Shortly speaking rlc is a failed start up

>> No.15164096

Of course they can.

>> No.15164209

no they cant. ask the question in their tg

>> No.15164341

Iexec feeds the data and the key for that data into SGX through separate modules, and then pairs them downstream from the enclave.
Which anyone can do, obviously.

>> No.15164957


>> No.15164960

link cant tho

>> No.15164983

>not reliable considering deadlines
>team is 1 year ahead on schedule


shit tier fud kys

>> No.15165000

Agreed, just cringe at linkcucks at this point, their tech illiteracy is boomer tier.

>> No.15165044

the major major exchange promised by the team coming. oh wait.. its only a dex .. oh wait the team missed their own deadline once again .. oh wait, they are just "waiting for liquidity" .. oh wait.. they are now delisted from binance and bittrex and now a 0 volume deadcoin

>> No.15165120

Anyone can.
This can easily be done by users themselves.

>> No.15165288
File: 232 KB, 1080x1920, 1561644691192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link cant

>> No.15166024

See >>15164341

Anyone can.

>> No.15166367

I know. Did you miss this bit?
>And why does link not have SGX support even though chainlink paid Ari so much for TownCrier?
LINK does not have SGX support today. Iexec does. Therefore iexec is more advanced. It's not difficult.
That proves LINK costs more. Nobody is arguing with that. We are talking about tech.

>> No.15166570


>> No.15166688

I am sure it can. I can make pizza's doesn't mean I can compete with domino's or new york pizza even though they taste better. Just because your coin can do a thing another coin can do doesn't mean anyone gives a fuck.

>> No.15166728

No one here actually knows anything technical about link and even if they did they would soon realize that iExec is way farther ahead.

>> No.15166934

True. I'm about ready to give up trying to educate these fools. If they haven't seen it by now, they won't see it.

>> No.15166987

>LINK does not have SGX support today.
See >>15162853

>> No.15167039

We will 1000x and they will cry

>> No.15167053

Can you read? I was replying to the last time you posted that.
Until Chainlink announces they support SGX, they do not support SGX. It does not matter that Ari Juels knows how to make it work. Is it working today? No.
Chainlink will catch up I'm sure. But today they are behind and posting the same shit over and over again is not going to change that.

>> No.15167194

biz pajeets will not hear this

>> No.15167202

you compete with it when pizza chain is not baking any pizzas, no one is buying pizzas and pizzeria is valued at 1bn while devs dump 700k stocks every few days.

>> No.15167366

You can run anything you want through SGX, it's been around for a while and has been in pretty much every Intel chip for many years now.

You're an idiot.

>> No.15167813




>> No.15167843

Nice looking chart you got there, extremely bullish.

>> No.15167848

Cope for lack of technical understanding. RLC will 100x this year.

>> No.15167966

> Technical understanding
> goes on to say it will 100x in 4 months while in reality it did a -60% in the last 4 months
Anon I... have some bad news for you

>> No.15168015

>hurr durr past performance hurr durr
Kys retard don't buy any RLC

>> No.15168060

>You can run anything you want through SGX, it's been around for a while and has been in pretty much every Intel chip for many years now.
Are you really that stupid? Obviously you can run anything through SGX. We are talking about connecting SGX to the blockchain for trusted computation using iExec or Chainlink. Try to keep up.
Here is the docs page showing how to use iExec to execute an app in an SGX enclave: https://docs.iex.ec/buildsgxapp.html#example-creating-a-python-3-sgx-dapp
Now you post Chainlink's equivalent page showing how to use Chainlink to execute an app in an SGX enclave.
You can't, because they only have experimental SGX support and it is not officially supported by Chainlink.
Chainlink will eventually add full support for SGX... but until then iExec is ahead.
If you can't grasp this fact, you have invested in something you don't fully understand.
If you hold LINK and RLC you can't lose.

>> No.15168113

Now you're getting it. Nobody wants to buy your failed shitcoin so please stop shitting up the board with these pointless threads.

Also post hand with tinestamp
>this kills the iexec shill

>> No.15168382

post your hands first gook