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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15149692 No.15149692 [Reply] [Original]

Good shills only. One word answers will be instantly and mercilessly bullied with unkind pictures and insults.

>> No.15149705

I don't know why people is not talking about Matic here, it will go parabolic in the next few days

>> No.15149719

Yeah right

>> No.15149757


>> No.15149772
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EDGE/DADI. Judge this project by its revenue, its products, its github and its new website and you will see that you are looking at a truly undervalued gem. And I'm not talking about the crypto "undervalued", but really, even with cold-hard VC ARR based-calculations this should be at least 20-30M.

Website is https://edge.network and ticker is still dadi (will be updated by exchanges to EDGE in the next few days).

If you don't trust me that this coin is doing good (much better than its MC would suggest), have a read for the last two months updates:

Also checkout their website to see the pricings (up to 10x cheaper than AWS), and the websites its already hosting on the network (e.g. https://ecohustler.com). You can see that they all load very quickly and have a very smooth experience, all hosted on a network of 300 raspberry PIs at the moment. At the end of august, self-onboarding will enable anyone to join the network with their devices.

Basically buy this if you are fed up with pump and dump coins with 0 adoption and want to be rich in a year without playing hot-potato ponzi gambling everyday.

>> No.15149790
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Skycoin (SKY) is heavily undervalued by every metric. the scope of their platform is gigantic, here's a flavor:
>development ongoing since 2013 - consistently in top ten github commits across all projects
>fast/free transactions (Skycoin) - web-of-trust consensus
>decentralized internet (Skywire) - incentivized mesh net, already 10000 nodes globally (more than TOR)
>blockchain programming language (CX) - dapps, games, gambling, etc.
>blockchain platform (Fiber) - infinitely scales using side-chains
>parallel currency (Coin Hours/SCH) - internal currency of the ecosystem, paid hourly to SKY holders
>binance listed
>$1.20 / 16m circulating / $20m mcap
you'll see this 5x or 10x in the space of a couple of weeks when it starts moving

>> No.15149798
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>> No.15149815


All data will be cut off from corporate buzzards unless you want thwm to have access to it.

Datawallet allows users to automatically source from websites such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon, and securely store their data in a locally encrypted vault to ensure maximum privacy and control. At no point during the sourcing process does Datawallet touch the data. Additionally, once stored, neither Datawallet nor any other organization can access the data without the users’ active initiation and consent.

They raised 40mil and have an mcap of below 1.5m atm. Cashed out everything and are sitting on a huge war chest with products and developments coming out the ass for the next 2 months. The upside is insane

>> No.15149870
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>> No.15149878


>> No.15149906
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No lazy shills sirs! No rupee for you.

>> No.15149926

Not a bad shill desu lad. But Dadi was the epitome of scams back in the day (last year kek) I don't trust it at all

Get out

40mil to 1,5 is brutal kek I like the idea but why will it moon, what are the developments?

Seems sketch. everything does I suppose.

Lazy shill but I have a bag of MITX so i'll allow it

>> No.15149943

How much to make It?

>> No.15149966

they damaged their reputation with the whitepaper thing for sure, but its not fair to call them a scam because of that. They are actually pretty loyal to their community with weekly updates, monthly business reports and AMAs as well as the CEO listening to telegram member concerns/suggestions. And they seem to really want to bring value in the token, the right way. You can see that the inflowing revenue is starting to work, the price has recovered from 2.3M to 6M (right now 5M), and this is only on the very small network. Imagine what will happen when thousands of devices join and the full 6.2M revenue, that is in the pipeline, can flow into the network. Also its a product that works and is used in production, and you can actually see that it works smoothly, which should give you much more trust than all these other projects here which promise the pie in the SKY (pun-intended) but are actually incompetent, or real scams.

>> No.15149988
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>you'll see this 5x or 10x in the space of a couple of weeks
Its getting so tiresome

>> No.15149996

SENT is one of the few chains being built to address specific problems (centralized connectivity services being universally used as government spy platforms) rather than a solution looking for a problem. Very consistent team, good marketing, high performing beta, mainnet not yet released. Plus the pajeets on here went nuts over it last week which is way more effective than FUD at keeping a price low.

>> No.15149999

DXT's sdk has just been released, their chrome extension has been out for a while. They recently did a small run at Tier one media (yahoo, businesswire, venturebeat, etc) and their numbers are growing pretty quickly. All of the team just moved to germany as so they could make the next big push with driving mainstream adoption

>> No.15150010
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2k to make it. or pick up 10k now if you want to make sure you get the SKY teleporter, 10 SKY lambos, and a loving and caring SKY wife, to go with your SKY mansion.

>> No.15150022

Find the scam


I dont have $2000.
Being a poorfag sucks

>> No.15150031

I'd say SKY from people's reaction to it but I dunno

>> No.15150032


Sold, not because of the boring text, but because of the cute girl

>> No.15150047

Nobody talks about it. Received seed funding from Coinbase. Working product, better than Steem.

>> No.15150056
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just get what you can afford, fren. no shame in being a Skyjeet for now. you'll find a way to join the Skyfleet in the end

>> No.15150066
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No love for Aergo? Enterprise solutions, partnerships with Hyundai AutoEver, Blocko's clients (see pic) moving to the Aergo platform. Partnerships in Korea, China, Europe and now the Mena region. Recently got listed on the binance dex and the cex is expected sometime next month

>> No.15150094

RSR for 100x LION for 1000x potential

>> No.15150125

What is the token even? Can't find any information about it. How will anyone buy it if nobody knows about it?

>> No.15150376

Gonna get into Lion for the lols. seen it shills here and the mcap is miniscule

>> No.15150649

Skycoin and chainlink are old and over with

Time for low mcaps with products and big support

>> No.15150673

buy mobius sirs

>> No.15150724

The only hidden gem I'm interested in is a non-crypto way to actually make money from home

I don't care if it's an 8 hour a day job, I don't care if the money isn't good, I just want to stay at home all day and make enough to pay rent

>> No.15150939

You get it by participating. It's not tradeable yet. You can easily get a lot by upvoting stuff.

>> No.15150973

So its completely centralized as of now? How do you know its the team running raspberry PIs and not just hosting on AWS?

>> No.15150976
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>Language is expression.
>Expression is software.
>Software is function.
>Function is algorithm.
>Algorithm is protocol.
>Protocol is discussion.
>Discussion is network.
>Network is knowledge.
> Knowledge is database.
>Database is blockchain.

>Blockchain is language.


>> No.15150989
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No, kek, the community is running the raspberry PIs (called founding nodes). They were given out for free in a lottery. I run one and get a nice passive income every month for very close to 0 electricity expenses. Pic related, passive income streaming in

>> No.15151024

Honestly the trust is the majority of these alts will go to zero. They will be replaced by new tech and new coins. Which one has the backing to be the next Apple? Tezos. This is a foundation sitting on likely 1 billion in assets. They have 500-600 mil in btc alone, not including the tezos coins and eth. This money has been tied up due to the lawsuits, but they are ending which is why XTZ is being listed on etoro, coinbase pro, huobi, etc. When they can spend this money, this will take off. They have the funds to adapt and evolve and have staying power. This is one of the only holds you need. Do not miss this chance.

>> No.15151097

I own AGRS but I'm about 90% sure it's a vaporware scam. The reason I'm holding it is the 10% chance that it's legit.

>> No.15151224
File: 164 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot 2019-08-07 at 7.27.10 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Civic is looking like XRP did on its first Cycle could pan out the same.

They are also releasing their Bitgo wallet, in fall of this year, and whoever pre-downloads the wallet receives CVC on their initial balance.

>Free Money


Wallet here^^^

>> No.15151240

Synth is the sole person in charge of distribution and he's already fucked it up plenty of times. Every fiber ICO promoted by Sky ended up being a scam, they sold kitties for BTC for a game that doesnt exist, they sent skyminer rebates at the height of the kidnapping fiasco while downplaying the entire scenario. Blatant fucking scam

>> No.15151249

passive income streaming is as big of a meme as mining altcoins at this point. idk why anybody would invest in these projects that give you dogshit returns, suck a crazy amount of power and destroy hardware

projects with good fundamentals doing marketing always pop, buy the hype, sell the news

>> No.15151292

xrp Bull run starts the 15th

>> No.15151298
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Over 1.2 billion smartphones were sold to end users worldwide in 2016 alone. The smartphone industry is expected to continue to grow, as the number of smartphone users worldwide is forecast to exceed 2.5 billion by 2018. The global smartphone market is still dominated by two major vendors, Apple and Samsung.


>> No.15151403

Its not mining altcoins you dumdum, its hosting websites and running distributed computing. The passive income is from customers purchasing the web-services, hence there is no inflation, every earned coin is bought from the market and rises the price.

>> No.15151598

more phones honestly means more data, more everything

Any company with a lot of users is generating a lot of data, all which is valuable, its worth something.

We've got to be there for web3.0

>> No.15151677

Most here chase shiny team profiles coins with faked volume. I trade on a few DEX alot. I see the order books get eaten up any time someone buys BOMB, FUZE, SHOCK or whatever is on DDEX. The last few months I put $50 in all the ones DDEX has and many others. Most have gone lower but a few on DDEX turned 50 into 500 in a month. The scarcity and deflation involved makes these tokens perfect moon missions.

>> No.15152103
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that's all I can give you fags

>> No.15152150

Holo (HOT)

>> No.15152158
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Sorry lad you're getting bullied:


>> No.15152412


Backed by Mark Cuban, app with millions of users, high token demand from advertisers.

It's not yet tradable anywhere afaik. Think it'll start trading after summer, but possible to scoop some OTC as there are impatient fools looking to get rid.

>> No.15152680

Exactly, next to the passive income there is also a huge expectancy of price increase as more customers are onboarded and nodes are bought. Not sure why not more people are in this, but its probably like with the rest of the good projects, 99% only buy after it has mooned and then cry when it crashes.

>> No.15153058

Hidden gem? In the top 100?


>> No.15153108


Next to pop has to be a low mcap, with products actually released and working, big instuitional support (not just flipping vc's), at the adoption stage, on topic/brand with whats in the news

If you know, you know

>> No.15153139

BCIO, guaranteed x100 if you can hold for year or two. Under 500k market cap.

>> No.15153164
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REN. it just finished crashing

>> No.15153203

DXT is a legit candidate for an Egretia tier pump. Looked into the tech a bit when it was first being shilled to see if it’s vapourware and it’s not bad. Needs a lot more released but gives a good indication of their direction. Plus that mysterious fortune 50 company Yannick has been talking about for months.

The cryptopajeets brain has been fried. He can only express himself in tickers.

Holding a strong stack of SENT. I’m going big on anything privacy and data related. Same shit happened in 2017. A lot of these projects are well overdue for a pump.

Another 200IQ /reserve banker/ I see. Comfy hold.

>> No.15153315

BPRO bitcloud pro is a liquidity platform connected to 8 top CEX. Cheap token.

SWTH from Switcheo is a great buy low if that DEX gets the volume.

FYP from Flyp.me underrated for ETH divs, payout every quarter.

NRG payout is nice but that should lose value soon.

Most alts are faked volume pumped so you should hold BTC, ETH, XMR, BNB until you've researched the whole token and its market rivals

>> No.15153405

What's your guys opinion on Nano, I think it's a great coin, but it never gets mentioned on /biz/

>> No.15153446


>> No.15154297
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You have to get back.

>> No.15154891

Sntvt, moon soon, whales accumulating

>> No.15154938
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>recurring airdrops
>1% of the supply circulating
>Cisco partnership
>extremely low cap

>> No.15154980
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>recurring splashup
>1% of supply sirs culating
>curry partnership
>extreme hub caps

>> No.15155053

Pretty funny, not gonna lie

>> No.15155380

Buy SKY and you'll be poorer still. Ignore cultists abd bagholders